

Hi Derek,

  well, I am sorry to bother you so much, but I am not able to get out  
from this maze.

  The problem I find is that when I make install, it puts the things  
in a way which looks incompatible with the normal start/stop scripts,  
which hence do not work. This may be one reason for the bloody mess of  
alternative install/start/stop scripts that I see around.

So, if I keep the default prefix /usr/local, I expect to have the  
config files in /usr/local/etc, and the libs in /usr/local/lib, but  
what I see now is that "make install" puts that stuff into /usr/local/ 
etc/xrootd and similar for lib.

  This is not compatible with the standard StartXRD scripts, which  
everybody use (except Alice afaik). What do you think about this? Are  
you aware of any workaround for that? Btw in the meantime, I will  
install my machines like I always did, i.e. with the plain  
configure.classic, but that is not what the Alice guys are used to,  
even if it's much simpler by now imho.

Fabrizio Furano
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