

Why is this being broadcast to a whole list of indivuduals?
Albe Larsen


From: [log in to unmask] [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Andrew Beckwith
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 1:09 PM
To: Jim Brau; lcd-l; [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: LoopFest VII - May 14-16, 2008

Thank You Andrew Beckwith for your payment	
PAID $30.00	
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ID: 64682	
You can use this ID for future communication.	

Jim Brau <[log in to unmask]> wrote: 

	Dear Colleague,
	It is our pleasure to announce that LoopFest VII will take place at
	the University at Buffalo (UB), Amherst, New York, May 14-16,
	2008. The format will be three days of plenary talks.
	LoopFest VII is sponsored by the American Linear Collider Physics
	Working Group on higher-order calculations at a future International
	Linear e+e- Collider (ILC), the UB Department of Physics and College
	of Arts and Sciences, DoE and NSF. The LoopFest series of workshops
	aims to provide a forum to coordinate activities focussed on the
	theoretical challenges from the LHC and from the ultra-high
	experimental precision of a future ILC.
	LoopFest VII topics include:
	* The potential of the LHC and ILC for precision measurements and
	their role in searching for and disentangling physics beyond the SM.
	* Progress in multi-loop and multi-leg calculations of SM and SUSY
	cross sections and new approaches.
	* Automation of multi-loop and multi-leg calculations in the SM and
	* Interfacing fixed-order calculations with multi-purpose event
	In order to participate in LoopFest VII, please register at the
	LoopFest VII webpage at
	The registration fee of $30 ($40 after April 15, 2008) can be payed
	on-line with any major credit card except for Eurocard. The LoopFest
	VII webpage also provides information about transportation to Buffalo
	and accommodation nearby the UB North Campus.
	We have reserved a block of rooms at the Ramada Amherst Hotel for a
	prefered rate of $68/night for LoopFest VII participants. In order
	to make a reservation at the Ramada, please call (716) 636-7500 or send
	e-mail to [log in to unmask] In any case, please indicate
	that you are a LoopFest VII participant. The prefered rate is
	available until April 15, 2008.
	If you would like to give a presentation at LoopFest VII, please
	contact one of the organizers listed below.
	Your expertise is extremely important to meet the theoretical
	challenges posed by experiments at the LHC and ILC. We hope you will
	be able to attend and are looking forward to your reply.
	We look forward to seeing you at LoopFest VII !
	Best wishes,
	on behalf of the LoopFest VII Organizers:
	Ulrich Baur (SUNY at Buffalo), [log in to unmask]
	Sally Dawson (BNL), [log in to unmask]
	Richard Gonsalves (SUNY at Buffalo), [log in to unmask]
	Doreen Wackeroth (SUNY at Buffalo), [log in to unmask]
	Marcus Weber (SUNY at Buffalo), [log in to unmask]
	Doreen Wackeroth
	Associate Professor
	Department of Physics
	239 Fronczak Hall
	University at Buffalo - The State University of New York
	Buffalo, NY 14260-1500, USA
	e-mail: [log in to unmask]
	phone: (716) 645-2017 ext.175