Commit in GeomConverter/test/org/lcsim/detector/solids on MAIN -> 1.3
Trap test using Geant rotations.

GeomConverter/test/org/lcsim/detector/solids 1.2 -> 1.3
diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
---	9 Aug 2007 22:44:50 -0000	1.2
+++	26 Mar 2008 22:02:27 -0000	1.3
@@ -6,10 +6,15 @@
 import org.lcsim.detector.DetectorElement;
 import org.lcsim.detector.IPhysicalVolume;
 import org.lcsim.detector.IPhysicalVolumeNavigator;
+import org.lcsim.detector.IRotation3D;
+import org.lcsim.detector.ITransform3D;
+import org.lcsim.detector.ITranslation3D;
 import org.lcsim.detector.LogicalVolume;
 import org.lcsim.detector.PhysicalVolume;
 import org.lcsim.detector.PhysicalVolumeNavigatorStore;
+import org.lcsim.detector.RotationGeant;
 import org.lcsim.detector.Transform3D;
+import org.lcsim.detector.Translation3D;
 import org.lcsim.detector.converter.heprep.DetectorElementToHepRepConverter;
 import org.lcsim.detector.material.IMaterial;
 import org.lcsim.detector.material.MaterialElement;
@@ -19,78 +24,136 @@
  * Test that writes out the HepRep for a {@link org.lcsim.detector.solids.Trap} solid.
  * @author Jeremy McCormick <[log in to unmask]>
- * @version $Id:,v 1.2 2007/08/09 22:44:50 jeremy Exp $
+ * @version $Id:,v 1.3 2008/03/26 22:02:27 tknelson Exp $
-public class TrapTest 
-extends TestCase
-	private static IMaterial dummymat = new MaterialElement("dummymat",1,1,1.0);
-	IPhysicalVolumeNavigator nav;
-	IPhysicalVolume world;
-	public void testTrd() throws Exception
-	{
-		createGeometry();
-		DetectorElementToHepRepConverter.writeHepRep(new TestOutputFile("TrapTest.heprep").getAbsolutePath());
-	}
-	public IPhysicalVolume createGeometry()
-	{
-		world = createWorld();
-    	nav = PhysicalVolumeNavigatorStore.getInstance().createDefault(world);
-		createSolids(world);
-		return world;
-	}
-	public final void createSolids(IPhysicalVolume mom)
-	{
-		double dx1 = 30;
-		double dx2 = 40;
-		double dy1 = 40;
-		double dx3 = 10;
-		double dx4 = 14;
-		double dy2 = 16;
-		double dz = 60;
-		double theta = Math.toRadians(20);
-		double phi = Math.toRadians(5);
-		double alph1 = Math.toRadians(10);
-		double alph2 = alph1;
-		Trap trap = new Trap("trap",dz,theta,phi,dy1,dx1,dx2,alph1,dy2,dx3,dx4,alph2);
-		LogicalVolume lvTest = new LogicalVolume("lvtrap",trap,dummymat);
-		new PhysicalVolume(
-				new Transform3D(),
-				"pvtrap",
-				lvTest,
-				mom.getLogicalVolume(),
-				0);			
-		new DetectorElement("detrap",null,"/pvtrap");
-	}
-	public final IPhysicalVolume createWorld()
-	{		
-		Box boxWorld = new Box(
-				"world_box",
-				10.0*m,
-				10.0*m,
-				10.0*m);
-		LogicalVolume lvWorld = 
-			new LogicalVolume(
-					"world",
-					boxWorld,
-					dummymat);
-		IPhysicalVolume pvTop = 
-			new PhysicalVolume(
-					null,
-					"world",
-					lvWorld,
-					null,
-					0);
-		return pvTop;
-	}   	
+public class TrapTest
+        extends TestCase
+    private static IMaterial dummymat = new MaterialElement("dummymat",1,1,1.0);
+    IPhysicalVolumeNavigator nav;
+    IPhysicalVolume world;
+    public void testTrd() throws Exception
+    {
+        createGeometry();
+        DetectorElementToHepRepConverter.writeHepRep(new TestOutputFile("TrapTest.heprep").getAbsolutePath());
+    }
+    public IPhysicalVolume createGeometry()
+    {
+        world = createWorld();
+        nav = PhysicalVolumeNavigatorStore.getInstance().createDefault(world);
+        createSolids(world);
+        return world;
+    }
+    public final void createSolids(IPhysicalVolume mom)
+    {
+//		double dx1 = 30;
+//		double dx2 = 40;
+//		double dy1 = 40;
+//		double dx3 = 10;
+//		double dx4 = 14;
+//		double dy2 = 16;
+//		double dz = 60;
+//		double theta = Math.toRadians(20);
+//		double phi = Math.toRadians(5);
+//		double alph1 = Math.toRadians(10);
+//		double alph2 = alph1;
+        double dx1 = 100;
+        double dx2 = 100;
+        double dy1 = 10;
+        double dx3 = 50;
+        double dx4 = 50;
+        double dy2 = 10;
+        double dz = 200;
+        double theta = Math.toRadians(-15);
+        double phi = Math.toRadians(0);
+        double alph1 = Math.toRadians(0);
+        double alph2 = alph1;
+        // Unrotated
+        IRotation3D rotation = new RotationGeant(0,0,0);
+        ITranslation3D translation = new Translation3D(0,0,0);
+        ITransform3D transform = new Transform3D(translation,rotation);
+        Trap trap = new Trap("trap",dz,theta,phi,dy1,dx1,dx2,alph1,dy2,dx3,dx4,alph2);
+        LogicalVolume lvTest = new LogicalVolume("lvtrap",trap,dummymat);
+        new PhysicalVolume(
+                transform,
+                "pvtrap",
+                lvTest,
+                mom.getLogicalVolume(),
+                0);
+        new DetectorElement("detrap",null,"/pvtrap");
+        // X rotation
+        rotation = new RotationGeant(Math.PI/2,0,0);
+        translation = new Translation3D(200,0,0);
+        transform = new Transform3D(translation,rotation);
+        new PhysicalVolume(
+                transform,
+                "pvtrap_x",
+                lvTest,
+                mom.getLogicalVolume(),
+                0);
+        new DetectorElement("detrap_x",null,"/pvtrap_x");
+        // X and Y rotations
+        rotation = new RotationGeant(Math.PI/2,Math.PI/2,0);
+        translation = new Translation3D(400,0,0);
+        transform = new Transform3D(translation,rotation);
+        new PhysicalVolume(
+                transform,
+                "pvtrap_xy",
+                lvTest,
+                mom.getLogicalVolume(),
+                0);
+        new DetectorElement("detrap_xy",null,"/pvtrap_xy");
+        // X, Y, Z rotations
+        rotation = new RotationGeant(Math.PI/2,Math.PI/2,Math.PI/2);
+        translation = new Translation3D(600,0,0);
+        transform = new Transform3D(translation,rotation);
+        new PhysicalVolume(
+                transform,
+                "pvtrap_xyz",
+                lvTest,
+                mom.getLogicalVolume(),
+                0);
+        new DetectorElement("detrap_xyz",null,"/pvtrap_xyz");
+    }
+    public final IPhysicalVolume createWorld()
+    {
+        Box boxWorld = new Box(
+                "world_box",
+                10.0*m,
+                10.0*m,
+                10.0*m);
+        LogicalVolume lvWorld =
+                new LogicalVolume(
+                "world",
+                boxWorld,
+                dummymat);
+        IPhysicalVolume pvTop =
+                new PhysicalVolume(
+                null,
+                "world",
+                lvWorld,
+                null,
+                0);
+        return pvTop;
+    }
CVSspam 0.2.8