

 ATLAS SCCS Planning, April 30, 2008

      9:00 AM, SCCS Conf Rm A,

         to call in +1 510 665 5437, press 1, 3935#


  1. Tier-2 Operations (Panda & pAthena)

  2. FDR-2 Readiness

  3. Tier-2 Infrastructure and Hardware

  4. AOB

I can not participate while travelling today.
Wei would keep the meeting minutes.  
FDR-2 update: There has been many problems trying
to build the ATLAS software release for the FDR-2.
It was finally built yesterday, 2 weeks late. 
Subsequently FDR-2 is now scheduled for June 2-8.
The amount of data produced will also be curtailed,
but the exact amount is not yet decided.