

Dear Colleagues,
 The UK Prime Minister's office has responded to a petition
to reverse the Science and Technology Facilities Council's 
(STFC) decision to cut vital UK contributions to Particle 
Physics and Astronomy. 

Specific to the ILC, the response reads:
Some existing programme areas, including the International Linear 
Collider (ILC), will not be funded by STFC. The US Congress seems 
to share this sceptical view of the prospects for the ILC, and has 
cut US investment in it by 75% this year. The STFC's decision 
ensures that the UK's substantial investment in the Large Hadron 
Collider at CERN is exploited before embarking on a further 
facility of such scale. These decisions have been taken on the 
basis of peer-review evidence.

The full response can be found at:
The petition can be found online at:

PhysicsWorld has a news article which can be read online at:

Norman Graf