

Commit in lcio/src/cpp on MAIN
include/UTIL/PIDHandler.h+146added 1.1
src/UTIL/ 1.1
2 added files
new helper class for convinient access to ParticleID information in 
RecontructedParticles and Cluster

PIDHandler.h added at 1.1
diff -N PIDHandler.h
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ PIDHandler.h	30 May 2008 13:27:08 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#ifndef PIDHandler_h
+#define PIDHandler_h 1
+#include "UTIL/CollectionParameterMap.h"
+#include "EVENT/LCCollection.h"
+#include "Exceptions.h"
+#include "IMPL/ParticleIDImpl.h"
+#include "IMPL/ReconstructedParticleImpl.h"
+#include <lcio.h>
+#include <string>
+using namespace lcio ;
+namespace UTIL{
+  /** Convenient class for setting and retrieving particle id information attached to
+   *  ReconstructedParticles. 
+   *  Use one instance of  PIDHandler for one LCCollection only.
+   *  When used for setting particle id information the scope of the PIDHandler 
+   *  must match that of the collection, as the collection parameters are updated automatically
+   *  when the PIDHandler object goes out of scope.
+   *  Reads (and updates) the collection parameters PIDAlgorithmTypeName, PIDAlgorithmTypeID 
+   *  and the corresponding ParameterNames_PIDAlgorithmTypeName for every algorithm used. 
+   * 
+   *  @see ReconstructedParticle
+   *  @see ParticleID
+   *  @author F.Gaede, DESY
+   *  @version $Id: PIDHandler.h,v 1.1 2008/05/30 13:27:08 gaede Exp $
+   */
+  class PIDHandler {
+    typedef CollectionParameterMap CPM ;
+    typedef std::map< int, StringVec > PNM ;
+    typedef  std::map< CPM::map_type::mapped_type , CPM::map_type::key_type > CPMINV ;
+  public:  
+    /** Create PIDHandler for reading from the given collection - read the collection parameters
+     *  PIDAlgorithmTypeName, PIDAlgorithmTypeID and the corresponding 
+     *  ParameterNames_PIDAlgorithmTypeName if they exist.
+     */
+    PIDHandler( const LCCollection* col ) ;
+    /** Create PIDHandler for setting PID information in the given collection 
+     *  - read and update the collection parameters
+     *  PIDAlgorithmTypeName, PIDAlgorithmTypeID and the corresponding 
+     *  ParameterNames_PIDAlgorithmTypeName if they exist.
+     */
+    PIDHandler( LCCollection* col ) ;
+    /** Update the collection parameter when going out of scope.
+     */
+    ~PIDHandler() ;
+    /** Add a new algorithm and return the corresponding algorithm id.
+     */
+    int addAlgorithm( const std::string& algoName, const StringVec& parameterNames ) ;
+    /** Return the typeID of algorithm algoName  - throws UnknownAlgorithm.
+     */
+    int getAlgorithmID( const std::string& algoName ) ;
+    /** Return the name of the algorithm with id  - throws UnknownAlgorithm.
+     */
+    const std::string& getAlgorithmName(  int algoID ) ;
+    /** The index of parameter pName for the algorithm with algorithmID - throws UnknownAlgoritm.
+     */
+    int getParameterIndex( int algorithmID, const std::string& pName ) ;
+    /** The ParticleID object for the given algorithm and particle (or cluster) - throws UnknownAlgorithm.
+     */
+    const ParticleID& getParticleID( LCObject* particle , int algorithmID ) ;
+    /** Set the particleID algorithm that is used for this particle's  kinematic variables 
+     * - throws UnknownAlgorithm.
+     */
+    void setParticleIDUsed( ReconstructedParticleImpl* particle , int algorithmID  ) ;
+    /** The names of parameters for the algorithm with algorithmID - throws UnknownAlgoritm.
+     */
+    const StringVec&  getParameterNames( int algorithmID  ) ;
+    /** Return the IDs of all known Algorithms.
+     */
+    const IntVec& getAlgorithmIDs() ;
+    /** Set the particleID information for this particle (or cluster) - throws UnknownAlgorithm.
+     */
+    void setParticleID( LCObject* p ,
+			int userType, 
+			int PDG,
+			float likelihood,
+			int algorithmID, 
+			const FloatVec& params
+			) ;
+  protected:
+    int nextID() { return ++_maxID ; }
+    void init( const LCCollection* col ) ;
+    PIDHandler();
+    LCCollection* _col ;
+    CPM _cpm ;
+    int _type ; 
+    int _maxID ;
+    PNM _pNames ; 
+    CPMINV _cpmInv ;
+    IntVec _ids ;
+  } ; 
+  /** Exception for unknown algorithms.
+   */
+  class UnknownAlgorithm : public Exception {
+  protected:
+    UnknownAlgorithm() {  /*no_op*/ ; } 
+  public: 
+    virtual ~UnknownAlgorithm() throw() { /*no_op*/; } 
+    UnknownAlgorithm( std::string text ){
+      message = "lcio::UnknownAlgorithm: " + text ;
+    }
+  }; 
+} // namespace

lcio/src/cpp/src/UTIL added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	30 May 2008 13:27:08 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+#include "UTIL/PIDHandler.h"
+#include "Exceptions.h"
+#include "IMPL/ReconstructedParticleImpl.h"
+#include "IMPL/ClusterImpl.h"
+#include <sstream>
+using namespace IMPL;
+namespace UTIL{
+  enum ObjectType {
+    Cluster = 1 ,
+    ReconstructedParticle  
+  } ;
+  PIDHandler::PIDHandler( LCCollection* col ) : 
+    _col( col) , 
+    _cpm( "PIDAlgorithmTypeName",  "PIDAlgorithmTypeID" ,  col ),
+    _type(-1) , 
+    _maxID(-1) {
+    init( col ) ;
+  }
+  PIDHandler::PIDHandler(  const LCCollection* col ) : 
+    _col( 0 ) , // not needed 
+    _cpm( "PIDAlgorithmTypeName",  "PIDAlgorithmTypeID" ,  col ),
+    _type(-1) , 
+    _maxID(-1) {
+    init( col ) ;
+  }
+ void  PIDHandler::init(  const LCCollection* col ) {
+    // ---- get the information on existing ParticleID objects ----------
+    for( CPM::map_type::iterator it = ; it != ; ++it) {
+      int id = it->second ;
+      const std::string& aName =  it->first ;
+      if( id > _maxID )
+	_maxID = id ;
+      // ensure id is unique for collection
+      PNM::iterator nit = _pNames.find( id ) ;
+      if( nit != _pNames.end() ){
+	std::stringstream sstr ;
+	sstr << " PIDHandler::PIDHandler() - duplicate algorithm type IDs: "
+	     <<  aName << " [" << id << "] " ;
+	throw Exception( sstr.str() ) ;
+      }
+      // get parameter names
+      StringVec pNames ;
+      col->getParameters().getStringVals( std::string( "ParameterNames_" + aName   ) , pNames ) ;
+      _pNames[ id ] = pNames ;  // save a copy of parameter names for algorithm with id
+      _ids.push_back( id ) ;
+      //   save inverse map for lookup algoName from algoID
+      _cpmInv.insert( std::make_pair( id  , aName )  ) ;
+    } 
+    //------------------------------------------------
+    // determine LCCollection type 
+    std::string colType = col->getTypeName()  ;
+    //  arghhh ...
+      _type = ReconstructedParticle ;
+    } else if( colType == LCIO::CLUSTER ){
+      _type = Cluster ;
+    } else {
+      throw Exception( "PIDHandler::PIDHandler() " 
+		       " collection type is neither Cluster nor ReconstructedParticle ") ;
+    }
+  }
+  PIDHandler::~PIDHandler() {
+    if (_col != 0 ) {
+      // save the collection parameters
+      for( PNM::iterator pnm = _pNames.begin() ; pnm != _pNames.end() ; ++pnm) {
+	int id = pnm->first ;
+	_col->parameters().setValues( std::string( "ParameterNames_" + _cpmInv[id]  ) , 
+				      pnm->second ) ;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  int PIDHandler::addAlgorithm( const std::string& algoName, const StringVec& pNames ) {
+    CPM::map_type& map = ;
+    CPM::map_type::iterator it = map.find( algoName ) ; 
+    if( it != map.end() ){
+      std::stringstream sstr ;
+      sstr << " PIDHandler::addAlgorithm() - duplicate algorithm name: "
+	   <<  algoName ; 
+      throw Exception( sstr.str() ) ;
+    }
+    int id  =  nextID() ;
+    map.insert( std::make_pair( algoName , id ) ) ;
+    // inverse map:
+    _cpmInv.insert( std::make_pair( id  , algoName )  ) ;
+    // save parameter names
+    _pNames[ id ] = pNames ;      
+    _ids.push_back( id ) ;
+    return id ;
+  }
+  int PIDHandler::getAlgorithmID( const std::string& algoName ) {
+    CPM::map_type::iterator it = algoName ) ; 
+    if( it == ){
+      throw UnknownAlgorithm(  algoName ) ;
+    }
+    return it->second ;
+  }
+  const std::string& PIDHandler::getAlgorithmName(  int algoID ) {
+    CPMINV::iterator it = _cpmInv.find( algoID ) ; 
+    if( it == _cpmInv.end() ){
+      throw UnknownAlgorithm(  std::string(""+algoID) ) ;
+    }
+    return it->second ;
+  }
+  int PIDHandler::getParameterIndex( int algorithmID, const std::string& name ) {
+    PNM::iterator nit = _pNames.find( algorithmID ) ;
+    if( nit == _pNames.end() ){
+      throw UnknownAlgorithm( std::string(""+algorithmID) ) ;
+    }
+    // brute force search:
+    const StringVec& names =  nit->second ;
+    unsigned n = names.size() ;
+    for(unsigned i=0 ; i<n ; ++i){
+      if( names[i] == name ) 
+	return i ;
+    }
+    return -1 ; // or better throw sth. ?
+  }
+  const StringVec&  PIDHandler::getParameterNames( int id  ) {
+    PNM::iterator nit = _pNames.find( id ) ;
+    if( nit == _pNames.end() ){
+      throw UnknownAlgorithm( std::string(""+id ) ) ;
+    }
+    return nit->second ;
+  }
+  const IntVec& PIDHandler::getAlgorithmIDs() {
+    return _ids ;
+  }
+  void PIDHandler::setParticleIDUsed(  ReconstructedParticleImpl* p , int id  ) {
+    PNM::iterator nit = _pNames.find( id ) ;
+    if( nit == _pNames.end() ){
+      throw UnknownAlgorithm( std::string(""+id ) ) ;
+    }
+    ParticleID* pid = 0 ;
+//     const ParticleIDVec* idv = 0 ;	 
+//     if( _type == ReconstructedParticle  ){
+//       idv = &( static_cast< ReconstructedParticleImpl* >(p)->getParticleIDs()  ) ; 
+//     }
+//     else if( _type == Cluster  ){
+//       idv = &( static_cast< ClusterImpl* >(p)->getParticleIDs()  ) ; 
+//     }
+//     const ParticleIDVec& pidV = *idv ;	 
+    const ParticleIDVec& pidV = p->getParticleIDs() ;
+    unsigned nPid = pidV.size() ;
+    for(unsigned i=0; i<nPid; ++i ) {
+      if( pidV[i]->getAlgorithmType() == id ) {
+	pid = pidV[i]  ;
+	break ;
+      }
+    }
+    if( pid == 0 ) {
+      throw UnknownAlgorithm( std::string("pid object not found in particle for algorithmId: "+id ) ) ;
+    }
+    p->setParticleIDUsed( pid ) ;
+  }
+  const ParticleID& PIDHandler::getParticleID( LCObject* p , int id ) {
+    PNM::iterator nit = _pNames.find( id ) ;
+    if( nit == _pNames.end() ){
+      throw UnknownAlgorithm( std::string(""+id ) ) ;
+    }
+    const ParticleIDVec* idv = 0 ;	 
+    if( _type == ReconstructedParticle  ){
+      idv = &( static_cast< ReconstructedParticleImpl* >(p)->getParticleIDs()  ) ; 
+    }
+    else if( _type == Cluster  ){
+      idv = &( static_cast< ClusterImpl* >(p)->getParticleIDs()  ) ; 
+    }
+    const ParticleIDVec& pidV = *idv ;	 
+    unsigned nPid = pidV.size() ;
+    for(unsigned i=0; i<nPid; ++i ) {
+      if( pidV[i]->getAlgorithmType() == id ) 
+	return *pidV[i] ;
+    }
+    // not returned, i.e. we need to create a new pid objects
+    ParticleIDImpl* pid = new ParticleIDImpl ;
+    if( _type == ReconstructedParticle  ){
+      static_cast< ReconstructedParticleImpl* >(p)->addParticleID( pid ) ; 
+    }
+    else if( _type == Cluster  ){
+      static_cast< ClusterImpl* >(p)->addParticleID( pid )  ; 
+    }
+    return *pid ;
+  }
+  void PIDHandler::setParticleID( LCObject* p ,
+				  int userType, 
+				  int PDG,
+				  float likelihood,
+				  int id, 
+				  const FloatVec& params ) {
+    PNM::iterator nit = _pNames.find( id ) ;
+    if( nit == _pNames.end() ){
+      throw UnknownAlgorithm( std::string(""+id ) ) ;
+    }
+    // ---- check paramaters size -----
+    unsigned nParam =  params.size()  ;
+    if( nParam != _pNames[ id ].size() ) {
+      std::stringstream sstr ;
+      sstr << " PIDHandler::setParticleID() - wrong parmeter size specified: "
+	   <<  nParam << " - expected " << _pNames[ id ].size()  ; 
+      throw Exception( sstr.str() ) ;
+    }
+    ParticleIDImpl* pid = 0 ;
+    const ParticleIDVec* idv = 0 ;	 
+    if( _type == ReconstructedParticle  ){
+      idv = &( static_cast< ReconstructedParticleImpl* >(p)->getParticleIDs()  ) ; 
+    }
+    else if( _type == Cluster  ){
+      idv = &( static_cast< ClusterImpl* >(p)->getParticleIDs()  ) ; 
+    }
+    const ParticleIDVec& pidV = *idv ;	 
+    unsigned nPid = pidV.size() ;
+    for(unsigned i=0; i<nPid; ++i ) {
+      if( pidV[i]->getAlgorithmType() == id ) {
+	pid = static_cast<ParticleIDImpl*>( pidV[i] ) ;
+	break ;
+      }
+    }
+    // if nothing found we create a new object
+    bool isNewPID = false ;
+    if( pid == 0 ) {
+      pid = new ParticleIDImpl ;
+      isNewPID = true ;
+    }
+    // ---- now set the PID data ------------
+    pid->setLikelihood( likelihood ) ;
+    pid->setType( userType ) ;
+    pid->setPDG( PDG ) ;
+    pid->setAlgorithmType( id ) ;
+    FloatVec& ps = pid->parameters() ;
+    ps.resize( nParam ) ;
+    for(unsigned k=0; k< nParam  ; k++){
+      ps[ k ] = params[ k ] ;
+    }
+    // ----------------------------------------
+    if( isNewPID ) { // need to add it to the particle/cluster
+      if( _type == ReconstructedParticle  ){
+	static_cast< ReconstructedParticleImpl* >(p)->addParticleID( pid ) ; 
+      }
+      else if( _type == Cluster  ){
+	static_cast< ClusterImpl* >(p)->addParticleID( pid )  ; 
+      }
+    }
+  }
CVSspam 0.2.8