

May 28, 2008
   Attendance: Richard, Peter, Tofigh, Chuck, Randy, Wei
     - No Jobs are running currently; no submissions
     - CCRC data transfer test successful, especially SLAC
     - dq2 working fine in the new version
     - Still planned for the week starting June 2.
     - 14.2.0 release to be used for FDR-2 is almost there. 
     - SLAC subscribes to all AOD and all DPD data

  Tier-2 Hardware:
     - 5 Thumpers ATLAS Grid operation. 1 unit is having 
       problem, maybe due to harmonics problem in power.
  Local ATLAS computing resources:
     - Wei proposed a new RHEL4 machine dedicated to user-
       friendly interface to xrood for local users. Peter will 
       look into purchasing a new server. In the meantime 
       Wei will convert atl-prod01 to zatl-prod01. 
     - Purchasing of new Thumper (1/2 ATLAS; 1/2 BABAR) for 
       local SLAC ATLAS members. 16 TB disk space will be
       configured for NFS and XROOTD.

June 11, 2008
  Attendance: Chuck, Randy, Wei, Steffen, Peter, Charlie

     - Very long GRID jobs are in the queue with limited
       N_jobs per user in xxl queue. They appear to be 
       generating heavy ion collisions. Wei will look into
       increasing the quota. A priori, there is no way to
       find out what type of MC or analysis jobs are submitted.
     - Some issues with new jobs trying to access the Oracle
       database at BNL.  

     - After some delays, raw data streams were successfully
       sent to Tier-1 sites. 
     - Prompt reconstruction to ESD and AOD successful.
     - Bulk processing however was halted, as a bug was found
       in the inner detector hit merging. Yes, somebody put in
       a new code, between the fast stream and bulk processing...
     - Reprocessed ESD/AOD will be sent out later this week.

     - None