

Hi Everyone,

Our next LQS group meeting will be Wednesday, June 25, at 2 PM Eastern. 
Those at MIT can meet in the LNS conference room.

Dial-in info: 510-665-5437, passcode 7336.

Our first BaBar paper review for ICHEP 2008 has arrived, and we will
review it at the meeting:

   BAD 2015 v3 from the RadPen AWG
   "Measurement of Time-Dependent CP Asymmetry in B0 --> Ks pi0 gamma Decays"
   - This is a journal article aimed at Physical Review Letters
   - Analysis of TDCPV in B0 -> Ks Pi0 gamma on run 1-6 data.
   - Supporting Documents:  BAD 1740
   - Previous related publication:  BAD 1829
   - Changes since preliminary result:  Includes all Runs 1-6 data and the
        1.1 < m(kspi0) < 1.8 GeV mass range.

Hope you can make it.
