

Hi Everyone,

Our next LQS group meeting will be Wednesday, June 18, at the new
time: 2 PM Eastern.  Those at MIT can meet in the LNS conference
room.  Dial-in info: 510-665-5437, passcode 7336.

This week we'll discuss a paper suggested by Peter, "From BCS to the LHC",
from the CERN Courier on Jan 21, 2008.  It's an interesting review by
Weinberg of the developments that led to our current ideas about 
spontaneous symmetry breaking and how superconductivity theory played a
big role.  BTW, can someone enlighten me as to whether or not the core
idea of spontaneous symmetry breaking contains anything more than the
statement, "it just happened that way"?  Just curious...

By the way, we should expect to have several BaBar papers to review in the
next month leading up to ICHEP.

Hope you can make it.
