Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/NickSinev/PixSim on MAIN -> 1.3 -> 1.2
2 modified files
Few minor changes and a lot of comments and javadoc comments added.

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/NickSinev/PixSim 1.2 -> 1.3
diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
---	15 Jul 2008 01:18:29 -0000	1.2
+++	26 Jul 2008 01:30:07 -0000	1.3
@@ -665,20 +665,7 @@
     SymmetricMatrix rcm = global.rotated(cm); 
-    double[] packed = new double[7];
-    packed[0]=rcm.e(0,0);
-    packed[1]=rcm.e(1,1);
-    packed[2]=rcm.e(2,2);
-    packed[3]=rcm.e(1,0);
-    packed[4]=rcm.e(2,0);
-    packed[5]=rcm.e(2,1); 
-/*    packed[0]= xx;
-    packed[1]= yy;
-    packed[2]=er[2];
-    packed[3]=er[3];
-    packed[4]=er[4];
-    packed[5]=er[5];
-    packed[6]=er[6]; */
+    double[] packed = rcm.asPackedArray(true);
     double t=0.;
     double e=0.;
     List<RawTrackerHit> hits = pcl.getHits();

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/NickSinev/PixSim 1.1 -> 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
---	1 Jul 2008 21:40:04 -0000	1.1
+++	26 Jul 2008 01:30:07 -0000	1.2
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 import hep.physics.vec.VecOp;
- * Field map read from TCAD simulation output
+ * Facility to read electric field map from TCAD simulation output
  * @author Nick Sinev
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
     static final double tcad_fldunit = 0.1;
     public enum WeightFunction {POWER4,POWER6,POWER8,EXPONENT,SOFTEXP,HARDEXP};
     private WeightFunction wfunc = WeightFunction.EXPONENT;
-    String name;
+    String name = "Undefined";
     ITransform3D sens_tcadcst = new Transform3D();
     boolean use_tcad_map = false;
     boolean do_interp = true; 
@@ -42,6 +42,12 @@
     double xran = 0.;
     double yran = 0.;
     double zran = 0.;
+    double xmin = -4.*micron;
+    double ymin = -4.*micron;
+    double zmin = 0.;
+    double xmax = 4.*micron;
+    double ymax = 4.*micron;
+    double zmax = 20.*micron;
     int gpnx = 0;
     int gpny = 0;
     int gpnz = 0; 
@@ -59,42 +65,88 @@
     boolean tcad_map_read = false;
     double[] tf = new double[3];
     List<String> regions = new ArrayList<String>();
+    int dbg_lvl=0; 
+*    Default constractor. Creates TCADFieldMap object with field name "Undefined"
+    public TCADFieldMap()
+    {
+    }
+*    Constractor,which creates TCADFieldMap object with given field name 
+*    @param nam <code>String</code> name of this field
     public TCADFieldMap(String nam)
+*   setting debug level. if it 0 - no info prints
+*   @param lvl <code>int</code> - desired debug level 
+    public void setDebugLevel(int lvl) { dbg_lvl=lvl; }
+*    Weight function chooser.
+*    Weight function defines how 3D interpolation will weight
+*    contributions from grid points depending on the distance from 
+*    the requested point. It is enumerated in the public enumeration WeightFunction
+*    defined in this class: POWER4,POWER6,POWER8,EXPONENT,SOFTEXP,HARDEXP
+*    From my point of view best results gives EXPONENT
+*    @param wf <code>enumeration</code> of 6 predefined weight functions and should be
+*              given like this: setWeightFunction(TCADFieldMap.WeightFunction.POWER4)
+*              If you want to use exponent, you don't need to call this setter, as
+*              EXPONENT is default option        
     public void setWeightFunction(WeightFunction wf)
-   /**
-    * Set whether to use direct TCAD map (opposit to usage of transformed map).
-    * @param yes if true, TCAD map read from TCAD output, with irregular mesh points will be used
-    *             for calculating field value. This can take thousands times longer than usage of field map on
-    *             regular rectangular grid 
-    */
+*    Set whether to use direct TCAD map (opposit to usage of transformed map).
+*    @param yes <code>boolean</code> if true, TCAD map read from TCAD output, 
+*             with irregular mesh points will be used for calculating field value. 
+*             This can take thousands times longer than usage of field map on
+*             regular rectangular grid. But this setting makes sense, when we need
+*             only few hundreds or thousands of field readings (for example, just
+*             to have look at the field), because building of transformed map
+*             takes pretty long time.  
     public void setUseTCADMap( boolean yes)
+*   Set wether to do interpolation for field value. 
+*      @param yes - <code>boolean</code> flag. If this flag set to false, the returned field value 
+*       will be taken directly from nearest grid point. In that case field as function 
+*       of coordinates will not be a smooth function.
     public void setDoInterpolation( boolean yes)
-    public void setMapDimensions(double mdx,double mdy, double mdz)
-    {
-     fdimx = mdx;
-     fdimy = mdy;
-     fdimz = mdz;
-    }
+*   Setting grid steps for ortogonal grid. This steps will be used to
+*   convert from TCAD map with irregular point positions to map on the
+*   regular grid, which can be saved and used in future. Saving map on regular
+*   grid makes interpolation of the field in between grid points much,much faster
+*   (may be thousands time faster), when interpolation between direct reedings
+*   from TCAD file. These steps are recorded in the header of field map file saved,
+*   so when one read such file back, there is no need to set them - they will
+*   be restored from file. By default they are set to 0.2 microns in either direction.
+*   @param gsx - grid step in x
+*   @param gsy - grid step in y
+*   @param gsz - grid step in z
     public void setGrid(double gsx, double gsy, double gsz)
      grdstx = gsx;
@@ -102,175 +154,244 @@
      grdstz = gsz;
-    public boolean readMap(String mfnam, String dfnam, ITransform3D cstrans) throws IOException
-    {
-     sens_tcadcst = cstrans;
-     return readMap(mfnam,dfnam);  
-    }    
-    public boolean readMap(String mfnam, String dfnam, String onam, ITransform3D cstrans) throws IOException
+*   Setting the limits for saving field in regular grid file.
+*   Field from TCAD file may be defined on larger region.
+*   But for pixel simulation we need only field inside one pixel,
+*   and it is assumed that it is the same if we translate coordinates
+*   by pixel size. So, to save memory and file size, this dimensions
+*   should be set according to pixel size. 
+*   @param mdx <code>double</code> - limits in x direction are set: minx=-mdx/2 maxx=+mdx/2
+*   @param mdy <code>double</code> - limits in y direction are set: miny=-mdy/2 maxy=+mdy/2
+*   @param mdz <code>double</code> - limits in z direction are set: minz=0.0 maxz=+mdz
+    public void setMapDimensions(double mdx,double mdy, double mdz)
-     sens_tcadcst = cstrans;
-     return readMap(mfnam,dfnam,onam);  
+     fdimx = mdx;
+     fdimy = mdy;
+     fdimz = mdz;
+*    Read back limits of area where field was defined
+*    (useful after reading map with unknown limits)
+*    Returns spatial limits of mapped area in the form
+*    of 6-dimensional double array:
+*    xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax
+*    @return <code>double[]</code> array of map limits
+    public double[] getMapLimits()
+    {
+     double[] limits = new double[6];
+     limits[0]=xmin;
+     limits[1]=xmax;
+     limits[2]=ymin;
+     limits[3]=ymax;
+     limits[4]=zmin;
+     limits[5]=zmax;
+     return limits;
+    } 
+*    Function readMap is overloaded - depending on number and types of its
+*    arguments it performs different actions. In the case of single String argument
+*    this function reads field map in the form of the map on the regular rectangular grid.
+*    Such file is generated and saved as result of readMap function with different number
+*    of arguments - see below.
+*    @param mfnam <code>String</code> - name of field map file. If this is not a complete path, 
+*           it will be searched in user cashe directory  
+*    @return <code>boolean</code> - true if file was found and read, false if file was not found
+*             or has wrong format
     public boolean readMap(String mfnam) throws IOException
-     String cacheDir = System.getProperty("user.home");
-     File cachedir = new File(cacheDir);
-     if(cachedir == null)
+     use_tcad_map=false;          // When reading map in regular rectangular form, we do not have TCAD row map available 
+     File cache = new File(mfnam);
+     if(!cache.exists())
-      System.out.println("TCADFieldMap is unable to find user home directory!"); 
+      String cacheDir = System.getProperty("user.home");
+      File cachedir = new File(cacheDir);
+      if(cachedir == null)
+      {
+       System.out.println("TCADFieldMap is unable to find user home directory!"); 
+      }
+      else
+      {
+       File home = new File(cachedir,".cache");
+       cache = new File(home,mfnam);
+      }
-     else
+     if(cache.exists())
-      File home = new File(cachedir,".cache");
-      File cache = new File(home,mfnam);
-      if(cache.exists())
+      String rstr=null;
+      BufferedReader r=null;
+      if(dbg_lvl > 0) System.out.println("Found field map file "+cache.getAbsolutePath());
+      FileInputStream fins = null;
+      try
-       String rstr=null;
-       BufferedReader r=null;
-       System.out.println("Found field map file "+cache.getAbsolutePath());
-       FileInputStream fins = null;
-       try
-       {
-        fins = new FileInputStream(cache);
-       }
-       catch(FileNotFoundException e)
+       fins = new FileInputStream(cache);
+      }
+      catch(FileNotFoundException e)
+      {
+      }
+      finally
+      {
+      }
+      if(fins != null)
+      {    
+       r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fins));
+       if((rstr = freader.readNextNonCommentLine(r)) != null)
+        String[] tokens = rstr.split("\\s+");
+        int ntp = tokens.length;
+        if(ntp < 3)
+        {  
+         System.out.println("Error in table header. Number of grid indexes less than 3");
+         map_read=false;
+         return map_read;
+        }
+        int[] tpar = new int[ntp];
+        int np=0;
+        for(int i=0; i<ntp; i++)
+        {
+         try
+         {
+          int ival = Integer.parseInt(tokens[i]);
+          tpar[np]=ival;
+          np++;
+         }
+         catch(NumberFormatException e)
+         {
+          System.out.println("Error in table header - integer values are not integer");
+          map_read=false;
+          return map_read; 
+         }
+         finally
+         {
+         }
+        }
+        gpnx=tpar[0];
+        gpny=tpar[1];
+        gpnz=tpar[2];
+        int tnsmp=gpnx*gpny*gpnz;
+        if(dbg_lvl > 0) System.out.println(
+         "Table made from "+tnsmp+" samples = "+gpnx+" x "+gpny+" x "+gpnz+" space pnts");  
-       finally
+       gfldx = new double[gpnx][gpny][gpnz];
+       gfldy = new double[gpnx][gpny][gpnz];
+       gfldz = new double[gpnx][gpny][gpnz];
+       if((rstr = freader.readNextNonCommentLine(r)) != null)
-       }
-       if(fins != null)
-       {    
-        r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fins));
-        if((rstr = freader.readNextNonCommentLine(r)) != null)
+        String[] tokens = rstr.split("\\s+");
+        int ntp = tokens.length;
+        if(ntp < 6)
+        { 
+         System.out.println("Error in table header. Number of recorded limits < 6");
+         map_read = false;
+         return map_read;
+        } 
+        double[] tpar = new double[ntp];
+        int np=0;
+        for(int i=0; i<ntp; i++)
-         String[] tokens = rstr.split("\\s+");
-         int ntp = tokens.length;
-         if(ntp < 3) System.out.println("Error in table header");
-         int[] tpar = new int[ntp];
-         int np=0;
-         for(int i=0; i<ntp; i++)
+         try
+         {
+          double dval = Double.parseDouble(tokens[i]);
+          tpar[np]=dval;
+          np++;
+         }
+         catch(NumberFormatException e)
+         {
+          System.out.println("Error in table header - wrong format for limits");
+          map_read=false;
+          return map_read;
+         }
+         finally
-          try
-          {
-           int ival = Integer.parseInt(tokens[i]);
-           tpar[np]=ival;
-           np++;
-          }
-          catch(NumberFormatException e)
-          {
-          }
-          finally
-          {
-          }
-         gpnx=tpar[0];
-         gpny=tpar[1];
-         gpnz=tpar[2];
-         int tnsmp=gpnx*gpny*gpnz;
-         System.out.println(
-          "Table made from "+tnsmp+" samples = "+gpnx+" x "+gpny+" x "+gpnz+" space pnts");  
-        gfldx = new double[gpnx][gpny][gpnz];
-        gfldy = new double[gpnx][gpny][gpnz];
-        gfldz = new double[gpnx][gpny][gpnz];
-        if((rstr = freader.readNextNonCommentLine(r)) != null)
+        gx0=tpar[0];
+        gy0=tpar[1];
+        gz0=tpar[2];
+        grdstx=tpar[3];
+        grdsty=tpar[4];
+        grdstz=tpar[5];
+        if(dbg_lvl > 0) System.out.println("x0 "+gx0+" y0 "+gy0+" z0 "+gz0+" stx "+grdstx+" sty "+grdsty+" stz "+grdstz);
+        xmin = gx0;
+        ymin = gy0;
+        zmin = gz0;
+        xmax = xmin + grdstx*(gpnx-1);
+        ymax = ymin + grdsty*(gpny-1);
+        zmax = zmin + grdstz*(gpnz-1);
+       } 
+       boolean done = false;
+       int ix=0;
+       int iy=0;
+       int iz=0;
+       int np=0;
+       while(((rstr = freader.readNextNonCommentLine(r)) != null)&& (!done))
+       {
+        String[] tokens = rstr.split("\\s+");
+        int ntp = tokens.length;
+        if(ntp < 3) System.out.println("Error in table format: expected 3 values in line, read: "+ntp);
+        np=0;
+        for(int i=0; i<ntp; i++)
-         String[] tokens = rstr.split("\\s+");
-         int ntp = tokens.length;
-         if(ntp < 6) System.out.println("Error in table header");
-         double[] tpar = new double[ntp];
-         int np=0;
-         for(int i=0; i<ntp; i++)
+         try
-          try
+          double val = Double.parseDouble(tokens[i]);
+          if(np==0) gfldx[ix][iy][iz]=val;
+          if(np==1) gfldy[ix][iy][iz]=val;
+          if(np==2) gfldz[ix][iy][iz]=val;
+          if(np>2)
-           double dval = Double.parseDouble(tokens[i]);
-           tpar[np]=dval;
-           np++;
+           System.out.println("Error in file records format: more than 3 values in one line");
+           map_read = false;
+           return map_read;
-          catch(NumberFormatException e)
+          np++;
+          if(np>2) iz++; 
+          if(iz == gpnz)
-          }
-          finally
-          {
-          }
-         }
-         gx0=tpar[0];
-         gy0=tpar[1];
-         gz0=tpar[2];
-         grdstx=tpar[3];
-         grdsty=tpar[4];
-         grdstz=tpar[5];
-         System.out.println("x0 "+x0+" y0 "+y0+" z0 "+z0+" stx "+grdstx+" sty "+grdsty+" stz "+grdstz);
-        } 
-        boolean done = false;
-        int ix=0;
-        int iy=0;
-        int iz=0;
-        int np=0;
-        while(((rstr = freader.readNextNonCommentLine(r)) != null)&& (!done))
-        {
-         String[] tokens = rstr.split("\\s+");
-         int ntp = tokens.length;
-         if(ntp < 3) System.out.println("Error in table format: expected 3 values in line, read: "+ntp);
-         np=0;
-         for(int i=0; i<ntp; i++)
-         {
-          try
-          {
-           double val = Double.parseDouble(tokens[i]);
-           if(np==0) gfldx[ix][iy][iz]=val;
-           if(np==1) gfldy[ix][iy][iz]=val;
-           if(np==2) gfldz[ix][iy][iz]=val;
-           if(np>2) System.out.println("Error in file records format: more than 3 values in one line");
-           np++;
-           if(np>2) iz++; 
-           if(iz == gpnz)
+           iz=0;
+           iy++;
+           if(iy == gpny)
-            iz=0;
-            iy++;
-            if(iy == gpny)
-            {
-             iy=0;
-             ix++;
-             if(ix == gpnx) { done=true; map_read=true; }
-            }
-           }  
+            iy=0;
+            ix++;
+            if(ix == gpnx) { done=true; map_read=true; }
+           }
-          catch(NumberFormatException e)
-          {
-          }
-          finally
-          {
-          }
-         }  // end of for loop
-        } // end of while loop
-       } // end of if(fins!=null) clouse
-      }  // end of if(cashe.exist()) clouse
-     }  // end of else to cahedir == null clouse
-     System.out.println("First fx values: "+gfldx[0][0][0]+" "+gfldx[0][0][1]+" "+gfldx[0][0][2]);
+         }  
+         catch(NumberFormatException e)
+         {
+          System.out.println("Error in file records format: values are not double ");
+          map_read=false;
+          return map_read;
+         }
+         finally
+         {
+         }
+        }  // end of for loop
+       } // end of while loop
+      } // end of if(fins!=null) clouse
+     }  // end of if(cashe.exist()) clouse
+     if(dbg_lvl > 1) System.out.println("First fx values: "+gfldx[0][0][0]+" "+gfldx[0][0][1]+" "+gfldx[0][0][2]);
      return map_read;
     }  // end of function readMap()
-    public boolean readMap(String mfnam, String dfnam, String ofnam) throws IOException
-    {
-     boolean success = false;
-     success = readMap(mfnam,dfnam);
-     boolean utmsaved = use_tcad_map;
-     use_tcad_map=true;
-     boolean disaved = do_interp;
-     do_interp=true; 
-     buildGrid(); 
-     writeMap(ofnam,mfnam,dfnam);
-     use_tcad_map=utmsaved;
-     do_interp = disaved;
-     return success;
-    }
+*    Function readMap with two String arguments performs reading of electric map from
+*    TCAD output file. To do this it also needs another file< which contains
+*    information about TCAD mesh used to create electric field data file.
+*    @param mfnam <code>String</code> - name of mesh file (in TCAD such file usually
+*           have names like *_msh.grd). If this is not a complete path, it will be searched in user cashe directory.  
+*    @param dfnam <code>String</code> - name of device simulation output file (in TCAD such file usually
+*           have names like *_des.dat). If this is not a complete path, it will be searched in user cashe directory.  
+*    @return <code>boolean</code> - true if files were found and read, false if files were not found
+*             or had wrong format
     public boolean readMap(String mfnam, String dfnam) throws IOException
@@ -282,7 +403,7 @@
      String[] regnames = null; 
      int[] ncinel = {1,2,3,4,-1,4,5,5,6,7,-1};
      int[] rmsks={1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192, 16384, 32768};  
-     int nvtxfldv = 0;
+//     int nvtxfldv = 0;
      boolean success = false;
      ITransform3D tcad_senscst = sens_tcadcst.inverse();
      if(name==null) name = new String(dfnam);
@@ -335,7 +456,7 @@
       BufferedReader meshr=null;
       BufferedReader datar=null;
-      System.out.println("Found mesh file "+mesh.getAbsolutePath());
+      if(dbg_lvl > 0) System.out.println("Found mesh file "+mesh.getAbsolutePath());
       FileInputStream finsm = null;
@@ -351,7 +472,7 @@
        meshr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(finsm));
-      System.out.println("Found field data file "+dfile.getAbsolutePath());
+      if(dbg_lvl > 0) System.out.println("Found field data file "+dfile.getAbsolutePath());
       FileInputStream finsd = null;
@@ -367,6 +488,11 @@
        datar = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(finsd));
+      if((meshr == null) || (datar == null))
+      {
+       System.out.println("Unable to read TCAD field map!");
+       return false;
+      }
       String rdstr = meshr.readLine();
       String fld = null;
       boolean ininfo = false;
@@ -400,14 +526,14 @@
-        System.out.println(rdstr);
+        if(dbg_lvl > 0) System.out.println(rdstr);
         if(rdstr.indexOf("nb_vertices") != -1)
          fldst = rdstr.indexOf("=");
          fld = rdstr.substring(fldst,rdstr.length());
          nvtx = Integer.parseInt(fld.trim());
-         System.out.println("Number of vertices: "+nvtx);
+         if(dbg_lvl > 0) System.out.println("Number of vertices: "+nvtx);
          rdstr = meshr.readLine();
         if(rdstr.indexOf("nb_edges") != -1)
@@ -416,7 +542,7 @@
          fld = rdstr.substring(fldst,rdstr.length());
          nedges = Integer.parseInt(fld.trim());
-         System.out.println("Number of edges: "+nedges);
+         if(dbg_lvl > 0) System.out.println("Number of edges: "+nedges);
          rdstr = meshr.readLine();
         if(rdstr.indexOf("nb_faces") != -1)
@@ -425,7 +551,7 @@
          fld = rdstr.substring(fldst,rdstr.length());
          nfaces = Integer.parseInt(fld.trim());
-         System.out.println("Number of faces: "+nfaces);
+         if(dbg_lvl > 0) System.out.println("Number of faces: "+nfaces);
          rdstr = meshr.readLine();
         if(rdstr.indexOf("nb_elements") != -1)
@@ -434,7 +560,7 @@
          fld = rdstr.substring(fldst,rdstr.length());
          nelems = Integer.parseInt(fld.trim());
-         System.out.println("Number of elements: "+nelems);
+         if(dbg_lvl > 0) System.out.println("Number of elements: "+nelems);
          rdstr = meshr.readLine();
         if(rdstr.indexOf("nb_regions") != -1)
@@ -443,7 +569,7 @@
          fld = rdstr.substring(fldst,rdstr.length());
          nregs = Integer.parseInt(fld.trim());
-         System.out.println("Number of regions: "+nregs);
+         if(dbg_lvl > 0) System.out.println("Number of regions: "+nregs);
          rdstr = meshr.readLine();
         if((rdstr.indexOf("regions") !=-1) && (rdstr.indexOf("[") !=-1))
@@ -506,7 +632,7 @@
          if(rdstr.indexOf("Elements") != -1)  
           inelms=true; inelmlvl = level; nvrd=0;
-//          System.out.println("Entered Elements block at level "+level); 
+          if(dbg_lvl > 1) System.out.println("Entered Elements block at level "+level); 
           if(!inreg) { rdstr = meshr.readLine(); dcded = true;} 
          if(rdstr.indexOf("Region") !=-1)
@@ -526,7 +652,7 @@
             String rname = rdstr.substring(stni,enni);
             for(int i=0; i<nregs; i++)
             if(regnames[i].equals(rname)) regind = i;
-            System.out.println("Found region record for region "+regind+" name: "+rname+" , level "+level);
+            if(dbg_lvl > 0) System.out.println("Found region record for region "+regind+" name: "+rname+" , level "+level);
           } // end while
@@ -606,7 +732,7 @@
-//          if(nvrd >= nelinreg) System.out.println("Processed "+nvrd+" elements in region "+regind);
+            if((nvrd >= nelinreg) && (dbg_lvl > 1)) System.out.println("Processed "+nvrd+" elements in region "+regind);
             dcded = false;          
            } // end if(nvrd < nelinreg)
           }// end if(inelms)
@@ -616,7 +742,11 @@
           if(nvrd < nvtx)
            int nnbs = getDoublesFromString(rdstr,dvals);
-           if(nnbs != 3) System.out.println("Error reading vertecies - number of values in the string: "+nnbs);
+           if(nnbs != 3)
+           { 
+            System.out.println("Error reading vertecies - number of values in the string: "+nnbs);
+            return false;
+           }
            if(nnbs == 3)
             mxc=micron * dvals[0];
@@ -636,7 +766,11 @@
          if((inedgs) && (nvrd < nedges))
           int nnbs = getIntegersFromString(rdstr,ivals);
-          if(nnbs != 2) System.out.println("Error reading vertecies - number of values in the string: "+nnbs);
+          if(nnbs != 2)
+          {  
+           System.out.println("Error reading edges - number of values in the string: "+nnbs);
+           return false;
+          }
           if(nnbs == 2)
@@ -684,8 +818,11 @@
-           else System.out.println("Uncnown element type: "+etyp);
-           if(nvrd == nelems) System.out.println("Recorded "+nvrd+" elements");
+           else
+           { 
+            System.out.println("Unknown element type: "+etyp);
+           }
+           if((nvrd == nelems) && (dbg_lvl > 0)) System.out.println("Decoded "+nvrd+" elements");
           dcded = false;
          } // end if((inelms && !inreg) && (nvrd<nelems))
@@ -698,7 +835,7 @@
         } // end if(indata)
-//       if(rdstr.indexOf("{") !=-1) System.out.println("string "+rdstr+" is not decoded. Level is: "+level);         
+         if((rdstr.indexOf("{") !=-1) && (dbg_lvl > 0)) System.out.println("string "+rdstr+" is not decoded. Level is: "+level);         
          if(rdstr.indexOf("}") !=-1)   level--; 
          rdstr = meshr.readLine();
          if(rdstr == null) break;
@@ -713,7 +850,7 @@
        for(int j=0; j<nregs; j++) if((vmsk[i] & rmsks[j]) != 0) nvtcspre[j]++;
       for(int i=0; i<nregs; i++)
-      System.out.println("Number of verteces in region "+i+" is "+nvtcspre[i]);
+      if(dbg_lvl > 0) System.out.println("Number of verteces in region "+i+" is "+nvtcspre[i]);
       RegVList[] rvlst = new RegVList[nregs];
       for(int i=0; i<nregs; i++)
@@ -740,7 +877,7 @@
       boolean strtset=false;
       double[] dbuf = new double[40];
       rdstr = datar.readLine();
-      System.out.println("Start reading field data: "+rdstr);
+      if(dbg_lvl > 0) System.out.println("Start reading field data: "+rdstr);
       int rvtin = -1;
       while(rdstr != null)
@@ -760,7 +897,7 @@
-            if(nvrd == 0) System.out.println("First field point: "+mxc+" "+myc+" "+mzc);
+            if((nvrd == 0) && (dbg_lvl > 1)) System.out.println("First field point: "+mxc+" "+myc+" "+mzc);
             if(nvrd >= rvlst[regind].vtx.length) System.out.println("RegVList for region "+regind+" has only "+rvlst[regind].vtx.length+" records");
@@ -784,7 +921,7 @@
         int vind=-1;
         if(!strt && strtset)
-         System.out.println(rdstr);
+         if(dbg_lvl > 0) System.out.println(rdstr);
          int bind = -1;
          int cbind = -1;
          if((vind = rdstr.indexOf("validity")) !=-1)
@@ -798,9 +935,9 @@
             cbind = bind;
             while(rdstr.charAt(cbind) != '\"') cbind++;
             String snbv = rdstr.substring(bind,cbind);
-            System.out.println("Searhing index for region named: "+snbv);
+            if(dbg_lvl > 1) System.out.println("Searhing index for region named: "+snbv);
             for(int i=0; i < regnames.length; i++) { if(snbv.equals(regnames[i])) regind = i; }
-            System.out.println("index is: "+regind);
+            if(dbg_lvl > 1) System.out.println("index is: "+regind);
             nvrd = 0;
             din = 0;
@@ -816,7 +953,7 @@
             while(rdstr.charAt(bind) == ' ') bind++;
             String snbv = rdstr.substring(bind,cbind);
             nvval = Integer.parseInt(snbv);
-            System.out.println("Number of values in e-field dataset is "+nvval);
+            if(dbg_lvl > 0) System.out.println("Number of values in e-field dataset is "+nvval);
             nvpreg = nvval/3; 
@@ -829,10 +966,9 @@
          int bind = -1;
          if((vind = rdstr.indexOf("Dataset")) !=-1)
-//        System.out.println("Found dataset: "+rdstr);
+          if(dbg_lvl > 0) System.out.println("Found dataset: "+rdstr);
           if((bind = rdstr.indexOf("ElectricField-Vector",vind)) !=-1)
-           System.out.println("Found dataset ElectricField-Vector");
            strt = false;
@@ -841,15 +977,15 @@
        } // end if((cind = rdstr.indexOf("#")) == -1) (non-comment line)
        rdstr = datar.readLine();
       } // end of while(rdstr != null)
-      System.out.println("Data read completed file had "+nncl+" non-comment lines, and "+nvtxfldv+" vertex field data points");
+      if(dbg_lvl > 0) System.out.println("Data read completed. File had "+nncl+" non-comment lines, and "+nvtx+" vertex field data points");
      } // end of if(meshfound && datafound)
      success = true;
      x0 = mshx[0];
      y0 = mshy[0];
      z0 = mshz[0];
-     double xmax = x0;
-     double ymax = y0;
-     double zmax = z0;
+     xmax = x0;
+     ymax = y0;
+     zmax = z0;
      for(int i=0; i<nvtx; i++)
       if(mshx[i]<x0) x0=mshx[i];
@@ -859,10 +995,100 @@
       if(mshy[i]>ymax) ymax=mshy[i];
       if(mshz[i]>zmax) zmax=mshz[i];
-     System.out.println("x0,y0,z0 "+x0+" "+y0+" "+z0+" xmax,ymax,zmax "+xmax+" "+ymax+" "+zmax);
+     if(dbg_lvl > 0) System.out.println("x0,y0,z0 "+x0+" "+y0+" "+z0+" xmax,ymax,zmax "+xmax+" "+ymax+" "+zmax);
+     xmin = x0;
+     ymin = y0;
+     zmin = z0;
+     if(!use_tcad_map)
+     {
+      use_tcad_map=true;
+      buildGrid();
+      use_tcad_map=false; 
+     } 
      return success;      
+*    Function readMap with two String arguments and one Itransform3D argument
+*    performs reading of electric map from TCAD output file. To do this it also 
+*    needs another file, which contains information about TCAD mesh used to create 
+*    electric field data file. Third argument sets coordinate transformation to convert
+*    data recorded in TCAD coordinates into sensor coordinates.
+*    @param mfnam <code>String</code> - name of mesh file (in TCAD such file usually
+*           have names like *_msh.grd). If this is not a complete path, it will be searched in user cashe directory.  
+*    @param dfnam <code>String</code> - name of device simulation output file (in TCAD such file usually
+*           have names like *_des.dat). If this is not a complete path, it will be searched in user cashe directory.
+*    @param cstrans <code>ITransform3D</code> is the coordinate transformation object to transform
+*           from sensor to TCAD coordinates (in reading TCAD data inverse transformation is used)
+*    @return <code>boolean</code> - true if files were found and read, false if files were not found
+*             or had wrong format
+    public boolean readMap(String mfnam, String dfnam, ITransform3D cstrans) throws IOException
+    {
+     sens_tcadcst = cstrans;
+     map_read = readMap(mfnam,dfnam);
+     return map_read;  
+    }    
+*    Function readMap with 3 String arguments and one Itransform3D argument
+*    performs reading of electric map from TCAD output file and saves it into
+*    file with regular grid.  To do this it also needs another file, which contains information 
+*    about TCAD mesh used to create electric field data file. Third argument sets the name for 
+*    the output file, which will contain map on regular grid. The fourth argument defines coordinate 
+*    transformation to convert data recorded in TCAD coordinates into sensor coordinates.
+*    @param mfnam <code>String</code> - name of mesh file (in TCAD such file usually
+*           have names like *_msh.grd). If this is not a complete path, it will be searched in user cashe directory.  
+*    @param dfnam <code>String</code> - name of device simulation output file (in TCAD such file usually
+*           have names like *_des.dat). If this is not a complete path, it will be searched in user cashe directory.
+*    @param onam <code>String</code> - name of the output file to which regular field map will be
+*           recorded. If this is not a complete path, it will be saved in user cashe directory.
+*    @param cstrans <code>ITransform3D</code> is the coordinate transformation object to transform
+*           from sensor to TCAD coordinates (in reading TCAD data inverse transformation is used)
+*    @return <code>boolean</code> - true if files were found and read, false if files were not found
+*             or had wrong format
+    public boolean readMap(String mfnam, String dfnam, String onam, ITransform3D cstrans) throws IOException
+    {
+     sens_tcadcst = cstrans;
+     map_read = readMap(mfnam,dfnam,onam);
+     return map_read;  
+    }
+*    Function readMap with 3 String arguments performs reading of electric map from TCAD output 
+*    file and saves it into file with regular grid.  To do this it also needs another file, which 
+*    contains information about TCAD mesh used to create electric field data file. Third argument sets the name for 
+*    the output file, which will contain map on regular grid. Coordinate transformation is assumed to be set
+*    before this call.
+*    @param mfnam <code>String</code> - name of mesh file (in TCAD such file usually
+*           have names like *_msh.grd). If this is not a complete path, it will be searched in user cashe directory.  
+*    @param dfnam <code>String</code> - name of device simulation output file (in TCAD such file usually
+*           have names like *_des.dat). If this is not a complete path, it will be searched in user cashe directory.
+*    @param onam <code>String</code> - name of the output file to which regular field map will be
+*           recorded. If this is not a complete path, it will be saved in user cashe directory.
+*    @return <code>boolean</code> - true if files were found and read, false if files were not found
+*             or had wrong format
+    public boolean readMap(String mfnam, String dfnam, String ofnam) throws IOException
+    {
+     boolean success = false;
+     success = readMap(mfnam,dfnam);
+     boolean utmsaved = use_tcad_map;
+     boolean disaved = do_interp;
+     if(use_tcad_map)
+     {
+      do_interp=true; 
+      buildGrid();
+     } 
+     writeMap(ofnam,mfnam,dfnam);
+     use_tcad_map=utmsaved;
+     do_interp = disaved;
+     return success;
+    }
     private int getDoublesFromString(String str, double[] buf)
      int blen = buf.length;
@@ -924,14 +1150,26 @@
     public String getName() { return name; }    
-   public void buildGrid()
+   private void buildGrid()
      gx0 = -fdimx/2.;
      gy0 = -fdimy/2.;
      gz0 = 0.;
+     if(gx0 < xmin) gx0 = xmin;
+     if(gy0 < ymin) gy0 = ymin;
+     if(gz0 < zmin) gz0 = zmin;
+     if(zmin < 0.) gz0 = zmin;
      gpnx = ((int) Math.floor(fdimx/grdstx)) +1;
      gpny = ((int) Math.floor(fdimy/grdsty)) +1;
      gpnz = ((int) Math.floor(fdimz/grdstz)) +1;
+     /*
+     * we will ajust cell dimensions a little, to have the
+     * whole number of cells covering pixel volme
+     * (otherwise we may end up with left-right assimetry of the saved field) 
+     */
+     grdstx = fdimx/(gpnx-1);
+     grdsty = fdimy/(gpny-1);
+     grdstz = fdimz/(gpnz-1);  
      gfldx = new double[gpnx][gpny][gpnz];
      gfldy = new double[gpnx][gpny][gpnz];
      gfldz = new double[gpnx][gpny][gpnz];
@@ -940,10 +1178,10 @@
      double z=0.;
      double[] p = new double[3];
      double[] f = new double[3];
-     System.out.println("Building ortogonal grid "+gpnx+" x "+gpny+" x "+gpnz+" = "+(gpnx*gpny*gpnz)); 
+     if(dbg_lvl > 0) System.out.println("Building ortogonal grid "+gpnx+" x "+gpny+" x "+gpnz+" = "+(gpnx*gpny*gpnz)); 
      for(int i=0; i<gpnx; i++)
-      System.out.println("Building "+i+"th x-layer");
+      if(dbg_lvl > 0) System.out.println("Building "+i+"th x-layer");
       for(int j=0; j<gpny; j++)
@@ -961,7 +1199,7 @@
-   public void writeMap(String ofnam, String mfnam, String dfnam)
+   private void writeMap(String ofnam, String mfnam, String dfnam)
      String cacheDir = System.getProperty("user.home");
      File cachedir = new File(cacheDir);
@@ -1007,21 +1245,25 @@
-   /** Get the field magnitude and direction at a particular point.
-    * @param position The position at which the field is requested
-    * @param b The field (the object is passed by reference and set to the correct field)
-    */
+*   Get the field magnitude and direction at a particular point.
+*   @param position <code>double[]</code> The position at which the field is requested
+*   @param b <code>double[]</code> Array to put result (field) in  
    public void getField(double[] position, double[] b)
-   public void getInterpolation(double[] position, double[] b)
+   private void getInterpolation(double[] position, double[] b)
+    b[0]=0.;
+    b[1]=0.;
+    b[2]=0.;
     double x = position[0]+tcad_dtol;
     double y = position[1]+tcad_dtol;
     double z = position[2]+tcad_dtol;
+    if((x<xmin-grdstx/2.) || (x>xmax+grdstx/2.) || (y<ymin-grdsty/2.) || (y>ymax+grdsty/2.) || (z<zmin-grdstz/2.) || (z>zmax+grdstz/2.)) return;
      if(!map_read) return;
CVSspam 0.2.8