

Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/mipfinder on MAIN -> 1.4
JM: fix imports; indent

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/mipfinder 1.3 -> 1.4
diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
---	23 May 2008 00:28:55 -0000	1.3
+++	3 Jul 2008 00:14:34 -0000	1.4
@@ -1,20 +1,27 @@
 package org.lcsim.recon.cluster.mipfinder;
-import hep.physics.vec.*;
-import java.util.*;
+import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector;
+import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
+import hep.physics.vec.VecOp;
+import java.util.Calendar;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import org.lcsim.event.CalorimeterHit;
+import org.lcsim.event.Cluster;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.IDDecoder;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.util.BasicCluster;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.util.Clusterer;
 import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
-import org.lcsim.contrib.uiowa.NonTrivialPFA;
-import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
-import org.lcsim.util.loop.LCIODriver;
-import org.lcsim.util.*;
-import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.util.*;
-import org.lcsim.util.hitmap.*;
-import org.lcsim.event.*;
-import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.structural.likelihood.LikelihoodEvaluatorWrapper;
-import org.lcsim.digisim.*;
-import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.mipfinder.*;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.hitmap.HitMap;
  * Another class for finding MIP-like clusters.
@@ -22,1516 +29,1516 @@
  * and curving MIPs better.
  * @author Mat Charles <[log in to unmask]>
- * @version $Id:,v 1.3 2008/05/23 00:28:55 mcharles Exp $
+ * @version $Id:,v 1.4 2008/07/03 00:14:34 jeremy Exp $
 public class NonProjectiveMipFinder extends Driver implements Clusterer
-    protected boolean m_debug = false;
-    protected double m_separation3D;
-    public NonProjectiveMipFinder(double separation3D) {
-	m_separation3D = separation3D;
-    }
-    public List<Cluster> createClusters(List<CalorimeterHit> hits) {
-	HitMap map = new HitMap();
-	for (CalorimeterHit hit : hits) {
-	    map.put(hit.getCellID(), hit);
-	}
-	return subProcess2(map, map, m_separation3D);
-    }	
-    public List<Cluster> createClusters(Map<Long,CalorimeterHit> map) {
-	return subProcess2(map, map, m_separation3D);
-    }
-    /** Internal routine to do the actual work of clustering. */
-   protected List<Cluster> subProcess2(Map<Long,CalorimeterHit> inputAcceptedHits, Map<Long,CalorimeterHit> inputHits, double allowedSeparation3D) 
-    {
-	if (m_debug) {
-	    int count = 0;
-	    for (CalorimeterHit hit : inputAcceptedHits.values()) {
-		if (inputHits.values().contains(hit)) { count++; }
-	    }
-	    System.out.println("DEBUG: Of the "+inputAcceptedHits.size()+" inputAcceptedHits, "+count+" are in inputHits.");
-	    count = 0;
-	    for (CalorimeterHit hit : inputHits.values()) {
-		if (inputAcceptedHits.values().contains(hit)) { count++; }
-	    }
-	    System.out.println("DEBUG: Of the "+inputAcceptedHits.size()+" inputHits, "+count+" are in inputAcceptedHits.");
+	protected boolean m_debug = false;
+	protected double m_separation3D;
+	public NonProjectiveMipFinder(double separation3D) {
+		m_separation3D = separation3D;
-	Map<Integer, List<CalorimeterHit>> isolatedHitsHcal = new HashMap<Integer, List<CalorimeterHit>>();
-	Map<Integer, List<CalorimeterHit>> semiIsolatedHitsHcal = new HashMap<Integer, List<CalorimeterHit>>();
-	Map<CalorimeterHit,CalorimeterHit> doubleHitMapHcal = new HashMap<CalorimeterHit,CalorimeterHit>();
-	findIsolatedAndSemiIsolatedHits(inputAcceptedHits, inputHits, isolatedHitsHcal, semiIsolatedHitsHcal, doubleHitMapHcal);
-	List<Stub> twoLayerStubs = findTwoLayerStubs(isolatedHitsHcal, semiIsolatedHitsHcal, doubleHitMapHcal, allowedSeparation3D);
-	if (m_debug) { System.out.println("DEBUG: Found "+twoLayerStubs.size()+" two-layer stubs."); }
-	long timeAfterFindTwoLayerStubs = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();
-	for (Stub stub : twoLayerStubs) {
-	    for (int layer=stub.getInnerLayer(); layer<=stub.getOuterLayer(); layer++) {
-		Collection<CalorimeterHit> hitsInLayer = stub.getHitsInLayer(layer);
-		if (hitsInLayer != null) {
-		    if (hitsInLayer.size()>1) {
-			if (hitsInLayer.size() > 2) { throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error"); }
-			Iterator<CalorimeterHit> iter = hitsInLayer.iterator();
-			CalorimeterHit hit1 =;
-			CalorimeterHit hit2 =;
-			if (getLayer(hit1) != layer) { throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error"); }
-			if (getLayer(hit2) != layer) { throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error"); }
-			List<CalorimeterHit> isolatedHitsInLayer = isolatedHitsHcal.get(layer);
-			List<CalorimeterHit> semiIsolatedHitsInLayer = semiIsolatedHitsHcal.get(layer);
-			if (isolatedHitsInLayer != null && isolatedHitsInLayer.contains(hit1)) { throw new AssertionError("2 hits in layer "+layer+", but hit is marked as isolated. Stub contains "+stub.getLayersCount()+" layers."); }
-			if (isolatedHitsInLayer != null && isolatedHitsInLayer.contains(hit2)) { throw new AssertionError("2 hits in layer "+layer+", but hit is marked as isolated. Stub contains "+stub.getLayersCount()+" layers."); }
-			if (semiIsolatedHitsInLayer==null || !(semiIsolatedHitsInLayer.contains(hit1))) { throw new AssertionError("2 hits in layer "+layer+", but hit not is marked as semi-isolated. Stub contains "+stub.getLayersCount()+" layers."); }
-			if (semiIsolatedHitsInLayer==null || !(semiIsolatedHitsInLayer.contains(hit2))) { throw new AssertionError("2 hits in layer"+layer+", but hit not is marked as semi-isolated. Stub contains "+stub.getLayersCount()+" layers."); 
-			}
-			CalorimeterHit doubleHitOfHit1 = doubleHitMapHcal.get(hit1);
-			CalorimeterHit doubleHitOfHit2 = doubleHitMapHcal.get(hit2);
-			if (doubleHitOfHit1 != hit2) { throw new AssertionError("2 hits in layer, but DoubleHit(hit1) != hit2"); }
-			if (doubleHitOfHit2 != hit1) { throw new AssertionError("2 hits in layer, but DoubleHit(hit2) != hit1"); }
-		    }
+	public List<Cluster> createClusters(List<CalorimeterHit> hits) {
+		HitMap map = new HitMap();
+		for (CalorimeterHit hit : hits) {
+			map.put(hit.getCellID(), hit);
-	    }
+		return subProcess2(map, map, m_separation3D);
+	}	
+	public List<Cluster> createClusters(Map<Long,CalorimeterHit> map) {
+		return subProcess2(map, map, m_separation3D);
-	double minimumDotProduct = 0.95;
-	List<Stub> multiLayerStubs = new Vector<Stub>();
-	Set<Stub> usedTwoLayerStubs = new HashSet<Stub>();
-	for (Stub twoLayerStub : twoLayerStubs) {
-	    if (usedTwoLayerStubs.contains(twoLayerStub)) {
-		// Already included this one
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    Stub currentStub = twoLayerStub;
-	    usedTwoLayerStubs.add(twoLayerStub);
-	    while(true) {
-		List<Stub> stubCandidatesExpandingOutward = expandStubSimple(currentStub, +1, isolatedHitsHcal, semiIsolatedHitsHcal, doubleHitMapHcal, allowedSeparation3D, minimumDotProduct);
-		if (stubCandidatesExpandingOutward.size() == 1) {
-		    currentStub = stubCandidatesExpandingOutward.get(0);
-		    continue;
-		}
-		List<Stub> stubCandidatesExpandingInward = expandStubSimple(currentStub, -1, isolatedHitsHcal, semiIsolatedHitsHcal, doubleHitMapHcal, allowedSeparation3D, minimumDotProduct);
-		if (stubCandidatesExpandingInward.size() == 1) {
-		    currentStub = stubCandidatesExpandingInward.get(0);
-		    continue;
-		}
-		// Wasn't able to find an unambiguous expansion for +- 1 layer.
-		// Consider skipping a layer, provided that
-		//   * we had hits in the last 3 layers
-		//   * we find hits in 2+ layers after the gap
-		int outerLayer = currentStub.getOuterLayer();
-		boolean hitInOuterLayer = (currentStub.getHitsInLayer(outerLayer) != null && currentStub.getHitsInLayer(outerLayer).size()>0);
-		boolean hitInOuterLayerMinusOne = (currentStub.getHitsInLayer(outerLayer-1) != null && currentStub.getHitsInLayer(outerLayer-1).size()>0);
-		boolean hitInOuterLayerMinusTwo = (currentStub.getHitsInLayer(outerLayer-2) != null && currentStub.getHitsInLayer(outerLayer-2).size()>0);
-		if (!hitInOuterLayer) { throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error"); }
-		if (hitInOuterLayer && hitInOuterLayerMinusOne && hitInOuterLayerMinusTwo) {
-		    // Hits in last 3 layers... consider skipping one
-		    // Watch out -- is the 3D separation still sensible? -- FIXME
-		    List<Stub> stubCandidatesExpandingOutwardTwoLayers = expandStubSimple(currentStub, +2, isolatedHitsHcal, semiIsolatedHitsHcal, doubleHitMapHcal, allowedSeparation3D, minimumDotProduct);
-		    Stub candidateForNewStub = null;
-		    if (stubCandidatesExpandingOutwardTwoLayers.size() == 1) {
-			candidateForNewStub = stubCandidatesExpandingOutwardTwoLayers.get(0);
-		    }
-		    if (candidateForNewStub != null) {
-			// Require another layer in the same direction
-			List<Stub> stubCandidatesExpandingOutwardAnotherLayer = expandStubSimple(candidateForNewStub, +1, isolatedHitsHcal, semiIsolatedHitsHcal, doubleHitMapHcal, allowedSeparation3D, minimumDotProduct);
-			if (stubCandidatesExpandingOutwardAnotherLayer.size() == 1) {
-			    // Yes, this is valid
-			    currentStub = stubCandidatesExpandingOutwardAnotherLayer.get(0);
-			    continue;
-			}
-		    }
-		}
-		int innerLayer = currentStub.getInnerLayer();
-		boolean hitInInnerLayer = (currentStub.getHitsInLayer(innerLayer) != null && currentStub.getHitsInLayer(innerLayer).size()>0);
-		boolean hitInInnerLayerPlusOne = (currentStub.getHitsInLayer(innerLayer+1) != null && currentStub.getHitsInLayer(innerLayer+1).size()>0);
-		boolean hitInInnerLayerPlusTwo = (currentStub.getHitsInLayer(innerLayer+2) != null && currentStub.getHitsInLayer(innerLayer+2).size()>0);
-		if (!hitInInnerLayer) { throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error"); }
-		if (hitInInnerLayer && hitInInnerLayerPlusOne && hitInInnerLayerPlusTwo) {
-		    // Hits in last 3 layers... consider skipping one
-		    // Watch out -- is the 3D separation still sensible? -- FIXME
-		    List<Stub> stubCandidatesExpandingInwardTwoLayers = expandStubSimple(currentStub, -2, isolatedHitsHcal, semiIsolatedHitsHcal, doubleHitMapHcal, allowedSeparation3D, minimumDotProduct);
-		    Stub candidateForNewStub = null;
-		    if (stubCandidatesExpandingInwardTwoLayers.size() == 1) {
-			candidateForNewStub = stubCandidatesExpandingInwardTwoLayers.get(0);
-		    }
-		    if (candidateForNewStub != null) {
-			// Require another layer in the same direction
-			List<Stub> stubCandidatesExpandingInwardAnotherLayer = expandStubSimple(candidateForNewStub, -1, isolatedHitsHcal, semiIsolatedHitsHcal, doubleHitMapHcal, allowedSeparation3D, minimumDotProduct);
-			if (stubCandidatesExpandingInwardAnotherLayer.size() == 1) {
-			    // Yes, this is valid
-			    currentStub = stubCandidatesExpandingInwardAnotherLayer.get(0);
-			    continue;
-			}
-		    }
-		}
-		// Wasn't able to find an unambiguous expansion
-		break;
-	    }
-	    if (currentStub.getLayersCount()>2) {
-		// Extended it to a useful size -- keep this one.
-		multiLayerStubs.add(currentStub);
-		// Now go back and check off any 2-layer stubs inside it:
-		Collection<CalorimeterHit> allHitsInCurrentStub = currentStub.getAllHits();
-		for (Stub testTwoLayerStub : twoLayerStubs) {
-		    if (usedTwoLayerStubs.contains(testTwoLayerStub)) { 
-			// Already flagged
-			continue; 
-		    }
-		    if (testTwoLayerStub.getInnerLayer() >= currentStub.getInnerLayer() && testTwoLayerStub.getOuterLayer() <= currentStub.getOuterLayer()) {
-			Collection<CalorimeterHit> allHitsInTwoLayerStub = testTwoLayerStub.getAllHits();
-			boolean exactMatch = true;
-			for (CalorimeterHit hit : allHitsInTwoLayerStub) {
-			    if (!allHitsInCurrentStub.contains(hit)) {
-				// Not an exact match
-				exactMatch = false;
+	/** Internal routine to do the actual work of clustering. */
+	protected List<Cluster> subProcess2(Map<Long,CalorimeterHit> inputAcceptedHits, Map<Long,CalorimeterHit> inputHits, double allowedSeparation3D) 
+	{
+		if (m_debug) {
+			int count = 0;
+			for (CalorimeterHit hit : inputAcceptedHits.values()) {
+				if (inputHits.values().contains(hit)) { count++; }
+			}
+			System.out.println("DEBUG: Of the "+inputAcceptedHits.size()+" inputAcceptedHits, "+count+" are in inputHits.");
+			count = 0;
+			for (CalorimeterHit hit : inputHits.values()) {
+				if (inputAcceptedHits.values().contains(hit)) { count++; }
+			}
+			System.out.println("DEBUG: Of the "+inputAcceptedHits.size()+" inputHits, "+count+" are in inputAcceptedHits.");
+		}
+		Map<Integer, List<CalorimeterHit>> isolatedHitsHcal = new HashMap<Integer, List<CalorimeterHit>>();
+		Map<Integer, List<CalorimeterHit>> semiIsolatedHitsHcal = new HashMap<Integer, List<CalorimeterHit>>();
+		Map<CalorimeterHit,CalorimeterHit> doubleHitMapHcal = new HashMap<CalorimeterHit,CalorimeterHit>();
+		findIsolatedAndSemiIsolatedHits(inputAcceptedHits, inputHits, isolatedHitsHcal, semiIsolatedHitsHcal, doubleHitMapHcal);
+		List<Stub> twoLayerStubs = findTwoLayerStubs(isolatedHitsHcal, semiIsolatedHitsHcal, doubleHitMapHcal, allowedSeparation3D);
+		if (m_debug) { System.out.println("DEBUG: Found "+twoLayerStubs.size()+" two-layer stubs."); }
+		long timeAfterFindTwoLayerStubs = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();
+		for (Stub stub : twoLayerStubs) {
+			for (int layer=stub.getInnerLayer(); layer<=stub.getOuterLayer(); layer++) {
+				Collection<CalorimeterHit> hitsInLayer = stub.getHitsInLayer(layer);
+				if (hitsInLayer != null) {
+					if (hitsInLayer.size()>1) {
+						if (hitsInLayer.size() > 2) { throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error"); }
+						Iterator<CalorimeterHit> iter = hitsInLayer.iterator();
+						CalorimeterHit hit1 =;
+						CalorimeterHit hit2 =;
+						if (getLayer(hit1) != layer) { throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error"); }
+						if (getLayer(hit2) != layer) { throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error"); }
+						List<CalorimeterHit> isolatedHitsInLayer = isolatedHitsHcal.get(layer);
+						List<CalorimeterHit> semiIsolatedHitsInLayer = semiIsolatedHitsHcal.get(layer);
+						if (isolatedHitsInLayer != null && isolatedHitsInLayer.contains(hit1)) { throw new AssertionError("2 hits in layer "+layer+", but hit is marked as isolated. Stub contains "+stub.getLayersCount()+" layers."); }
+						if (isolatedHitsInLayer != null && isolatedHitsInLayer.contains(hit2)) { throw new AssertionError("2 hits in layer "+layer+", but hit is marked as isolated. Stub contains "+stub.getLayersCount()+" layers."); }
+						if (semiIsolatedHitsInLayer==null || !(semiIsolatedHitsInLayer.contains(hit1))) { throw new AssertionError("2 hits in layer "+layer+", but hit not is marked as semi-isolated. Stub contains "+stub.getLayersCount()+" layers."); }
+						if (semiIsolatedHitsInLayer==null || !(semiIsolatedHitsInLayer.contains(hit2))) { throw new AssertionError("2 hits in layer"+layer+", but hit not is marked as semi-isolated. Stub contains "+stub.getLayersCount()+" layers."); 
+						}
+						CalorimeterHit doubleHitOfHit1 = doubleHitMapHcal.get(hit1);
+						CalorimeterHit doubleHitOfHit2 = doubleHitMapHcal.get(hit2);
+						if (doubleHitOfHit1 != hit2) { throw new AssertionError("2 hits in layer, but DoubleHit(hit1) != hit2"); }
+						if (doubleHitOfHit2 != hit1) { throw new AssertionError("2 hits in layer, but DoubleHit(hit2) != hit1"); }
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		double minimumDotProduct = 0.95;
+		List<Stub> multiLayerStubs = new Vector<Stub>();
+		Set<Stub> usedTwoLayerStubs = new HashSet<Stub>();
+		for (Stub twoLayerStub : twoLayerStubs) {
+			if (usedTwoLayerStubs.contains(twoLayerStub)) {
+				// Already included this one
+				continue;
+			}
+			Stub currentStub = twoLayerStub;
+			usedTwoLayerStubs.add(twoLayerStub);
+			while(true) {
+				List<Stub> stubCandidatesExpandingOutward = expandStubSimple(currentStub, +1, isolatedHitsHcal, semiIsolatedHitsHcal, doubleHitMapHcal, allowedSeparation3D, minimumDotProduct);
+				if (stubCandidatesExpandingOutward.size() == 1) {
+					currentStub = stubCandidatesExpandingOutward.get(0);
+					continue;
+				}
+				List<Stub> stubCandidatesExpandingInward = expandStubSimple(currentStub, -1, isolatedHitsHcal, semiIsolatedHitsHcal, doubleHitMapHcal, allowedSeparation3D, minimumDotProduct);
+				if (stubCandidatesExpandingInward.size() == 1) {
+					currentStub = stubCandidatesExpandingInward.get(0);
+					continue;
+				}
+				// Wasn't able to find an unambiguous expansion for +- 1 layer.
+				// Consider skipping a layer, provided that
+				//   * we had hits in the last 3 layers
+				//   * we find hits in 2+ layers after the gap
+				int outerLayer = currentStub.getOuterLayer();
+				boolean hitInOuterLayer = (currentStub.getHitsInLayer(outerLayer) != null && currentStub.getHitsInLayer(outerLayer).size()>0);
+				boolean hitInOuterLayerMinusOne = (currentStub.getHitsInLayer(outerLayer-1) != null && currentStub.getHitsInLayer(outerLayer-1).size()>0);
+				boolean hitInOuterLayerMinusTwo = (currentStub.getHitsInLayer(outerLayer-2) != null && currentStub.getHitsInLayer(outerLayer-2).size()>0);
+				if (!hitInOuterLayer) { throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error"); }
+				if (hitInOuterLayer && hitInOuterLayerMinusOne && hitInOuterLayerMinusTwo) {
+					// Hits in last 3 layers... consider skipping one
+					// Watch out -- is the 3D separation still sensible? -- FIXME
+					List<Stub> stubCandidatesExpandingOutwardTwoLayers = expandStubSimple(currentStub, +2, isolatedHitsHcal, semiIsolatedHitsHcal, doubleHitMapHcal, allowedSeparation3D, minimumDotProduct);
+					Stub candidateForNewStub = null;
+					if (stubCandidatesExpandingOutwardTwoLayers.size() == 1) {
+						candidateForNewStub = stubCandidatesExpandingOutwardTwoLayers.get(0);
+					}
+					if (candidateForNewStub != null) {
+						// Require another layer in the same direction
+						List<Stub> stubCandidatesExpandingOutwardAnotherLayer = expandStubSimple(candidateForNewStub, +1, isolatedHitsHcal, semiIsolatedHitsHcal, doubleHitMapHcal, allowedSeparation3D, minimumDotProduct);
+						if (stubCandidatesExpandingOutwardAnotherLayer.size() == 1) {
+							// Yes, this is valid
+							currentStub = stubCandidatesExpandingOutwardAnotherLayer.get(0);
+							continue;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				int innerLayer = currentStub.getInnerLayer();
+				boolean hitInInnerLayer = (currentStub.getHitsInLayer(innerLayer) != null && currentStub.getHitsInLayer(innerLayer).size()>0);
+				boolean hitInInnerLayerPlusOne = (currentStub.getHitsInLayer(innerLayer+1) != null && currentStub.getHitsInLayer(innerLayer+1).size()>0);
+				boolean hitInInnerLayerPlusTwo = (currentStub.getHitsInLayer(innerLayer+2) != null && currentStub.getHitsInLayer(innerLayer+2).size()>0);
+				if (!hitInInnerLayer) { throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error"); }
+				if (hitInInnerLayer && hitInInnerLayerPlusOne && hitInInnerLayerPlusTwo) {
+					// Hits in last 3 layers... consider skipping one
+					// Watch out -- is the 3D separation still sensible? -- FIXME
+					List<Stub> stubCandidatesExpandingInwardTwoLayers = expandStubSimple(currentStub, -2, isolatedHitsHcal, semiIsolatedHitsHcal, doubleHitMapHcal, allowedSeparation3D, minimumDotProduct);
+					Stub candidateForNewStub = null;
+					if (stubCandidatesExpandingInwardTwoLayers.size() == 1) {
+						candidateForNewStub = stubCandidatesExpandingInwardTwoLayers.get(0);
+					}
+					if (candidateForNewStub != null) {
+						// Require another layer in the same direction
+						List<Stub> stubCandidatesExpandingInwardAnotherLayer = expandStubSimple(candidateForNewStub, -1, isolatedHitsHcal, semiIsolatedHitsHcal, doubleHitMapHcal, allowedSeparation3D, minimumDotProduct);
+						if (stubCandidatesExpandingInwardAnotherLayer.size() == 1) {
+							// Yes, this is valid
+							currentStub = stubCandidatesExpandingInwardAnotherLayer.get(0);
+							continue;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Wasn't able to find an unambiguous expansion
-			    }
-			if (exactMatch) {
-			    // Flag it
-			    usedTwoLayerStubs.add(testTwoLayerStub);
+			if (currentStub.getLayersCount()>2) {
+				// Extended it to a useful size -- keep this one.
+				multiLayerStubs.add(currentStub);
+				// Now go back and check off any 2-layer stubs inside it:
+				Collection<CalorimeterHit> allHitsInCurrentStub = currentStub.getAllHits();
+				for (Stub testTwoLayerStub : twoLayerStubs) {
+					if (usedTwoLayerStubs.contains(testTwoLayerStub)) { 
+						// Already flagged
+						continue; 
+					}
+					if (testTwoLayerStub.getInnerLayer() >= currentStub.getInnerLayer() && testTwoLayerStub.getOuterLayer() <= currentStub.getOuterLayer()) {
+						Collection<CalorimeterHit> allHitsInTwoLayerStub = testTwoLayerStub.getAllHits();
+						boolean exactMatch = true;
+						for (CalorimeterHit hit : allHitsInTwoLayerStub) {
+							if (!allHitsInCurrentStub.contains(hit)) {
+								// Not an exact match
+								exactMatch = false;
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+						if (exactMatch) {
+							// Flag it
+							usedTwoLayerStubs.add(testTwoLayerStub);
+						}
+					}
+				}
-		    }
-	    }
-	}
-	if (m_debug) { System.out.println("There are now "+multiLayerStubs.size()+" multi-layer stubs found. "+usedTwoLayerStubs.size()+"/"+twoLayerStubs.size()+" two-layer stubs flagged as used."); }
+		if (m_debug) { System.out.println("There are now "+multiLayerStubs.size()+" multi-layer stubs found. "+usedTwoLayerStubs.size()+"/"+twoLayerStubs.size()+" two-layer stubs flagged as used."); }
-	for (Stub stub : multiLayerStubs) {
-	    for (int layer=stub.getInnerLayer(); layer<=stub.getOuterLayer(); layer++) {
-		Collection<CalorimeterHit> hitsInLayer = stub.getHitsInLayer(layer);
-		if (hitsInLayer != null) {
-		    if (hitsInLayer.size()>1) {
-			if (hitsInLayer.size() > 2) { throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error"); }
-			Iterator<CalorimeterHit> iter = hitsInLayer.iterator();
-			CalorimeterHit hit1 =;
-			CalorimeterHit hit2 =;
-			List<CalorimeterHit> isolatedHitsInLayer = isolatedHitsHcal.get(layer);
-			List<CalorimeterHit> semiIsolatedHitsInLayer = semiIsolatedHitsHcal.get(layer);
-			if (isolatedHitsInLayer!=null && isolatedHitsInLayer.contains(hit1)) { throw new AssertionError("2 hits in layer, but hit is marked as isolated."); }
-			if (isolatedHitsInLayer!=null && isolatedHitsInLayer.contains(hit2)) { throw new AssertionError("2 hits in layer, but hit is marked as isolated."); }
-			if (semiIsolatedHitsInLayer==null || !(semiIsolatedHitsInLayer.contains(hit1))) { throw new AssertionError("2 hits in layer, but hit not is marked as semi-isolated."); }
-			if (semiIsolatedHitsInLayer==null || !(semiIsolatedHitsInLayer.contains(hit2))) { throw new AssertionError("2 hits in layer, but hit not is marked as semi-isolated."); }
-			CalorimeterHit doubleHitOfHit1 = doubleHitMapHcal.get(hit1);
-			CalorimeterHit doubleHitOfHit2 = doubleHitMapHcal.get(hit2);
-			if (doubleHitOfHit1 != hit2) { throw new AssertionError("2 hits in layer, but DoubleHit(hit1) != hit2"); }
-			if (doubleHitOfHit2 != hit1) { throw new AssertionError("2 hits in layer, but DoubleHit(hit2) != hit1"); }
-		    }
+		for (Stub stub : multiLayerStubs) {
+			for (int layer=stub.getInnerLayer(); layer<=stub.getOuterLayer(); layer++) {
+				Collection<CalorimeterHit> hitsInLayer = stub.getHitsInLayer(layer);
+				if (hitsInLayer != null) {
+					if (hitsInLayer.size()>1) {
+						if (hitsInLayer.size() > 2) { throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error"); }
+						Iterator<CalorimeterHit> iter = hitsInLayer.iterator();
+						CalorimeterHit hit1 =;
+						CalorimeterHit hit2 =;
+						List<CalorimeterHit> isolatedHitsInLayer = isolatedHitsHcal.get(layer);
+						List<CalorimeterHit> semiIsolatedHitsInLayer = semiIsolatedHitsHcal.get(layer);
+						if (isolatedHitsInLayer!=null && isolatedHitsInLayer.contains(hit1)) { throw new AssertionError("2 hits in layer, but hit is marked as isolated."); }
+						if (isolatedHitsInLayer!=null && isolatedHitsInLayer.contains(hit2)) { throw new AssertionError("2 hits in layer, but hit is marked as isolated."); }
+						if (semiIsolatedHitsInLayer==null || !(semiIsolatedHitsInLayer.contains(hit1))) { throw new AssertionError("2 hits in layer, but hit not is marked as semi-isolated."); }
+						if (semiIsolatedHitsInLayer==null || !(semiIsolatedHitsInLayer.contains(hit2))) { throw new AssertionError("2 hits in layer, but hit not is marked as semi-isolated."); }
+						CalorimeterHit doubleHitOfHit1 = doubleHitMapHcal.get(hit1);
+						CalorimeterHit doubleHitOfHit2 = doubleHitMapHcal.get(hit2);
+						if (doubleHitOfHit1 != hit2) { throw new AssertionError("2 hits in layer, but DoubleHit(hit1) != hit2"); }
+						if (doubleHitOfHit2 != hit1) { throw new AssertionError("2 hits in layer, but DoubleHit(hit2) != hit1"); }
+					}
+				}
+			}
-	    }
-	}
-	// Look for identical stubs
-	Set<Integer> identicalStubsToPurge = new HashSet<Integer>();
-	for (int i=0; i<multiLayerStubs.size(); i++) {
-	    Stub stub1 = multiLayerStubs.get(i);
-	    for (int j=i+1; j<multiLayerStubs.size(); j++) {
-		Stub stub2 = multiLayerStubs.get(j);
-		if (stub1.equals(stub2)) {
-		    identicalStubsToPurge.add(j);
-		    if (m_debug) { System.out.println("Flagged ["+j+"] for removal, since it exactly matches ["+i+"]"); }
+		// Look for identical stubs
+		Set<Integer> identicalStubsToPurge = new HashSet<Integer>();
+		for (int i=0; i<multiLayerStubs.size(); i++) {
+			Stub stub1 = multiLayerStubs.get(i);
+			for (int j=i+1; j<multiLayerStubs.size(); j++) {
+				Stub stub2 = multiLayerStubs.get(j);
+				if (stub1.equals(stub2)) {
+					identicalStubsToPurge.add(j);
+					if (m_debug) { System.out.println("Flagged ["+j+"] for removal, since it exactly matches ["+i+"]"); }
+				}
+			}
-	    }
-	}
-	List<Stub> nonIdenticalMultiLayerStubs = new Vector<Stub>();
-	for (int i=0; i<multiLayerStubs.size(); i++) {
-	    if (! identicalStubsToPurge.contains(i) ) {
-		Stub stub = multiLayerStubs.get(i);
-		nonIdenticalMultiLayerStubs.add(stub);
-	    } else {
-		if (m_debug) { System.out.println("Removed ["+i+"]"); }
-	    }
-	}
-	if (m_debug) { System.out.println("After removing identical stubs, there are "+nonIdenticalMultiLayerStubs.size()+" multi-layer stubs left."); }
-	// Look for near-identical stubs
-	List<Stub> uniqueMultiLayerStubs = new Vector<Stub>();
-	{
-	    Map<Stub,Set<Stub>> mapInputToOutputStubs = new HashMap<Stub,Set<Stub>>();
-	    for (Stub stub : nonIdenticalMultiLayerStubs) { 
-		Set<Stub> tmpList = new HashSet<Stub>();
-		tmpList.add(stub);
-		mapInputToOutputStubs.put(stub,tmpList); 
-	    }
-	    for (int i=0; i<nonIdenticalMultiLayerStubs.size(); i++) {
-		Stub stub1 = nonIdenticalMultiLayerStubs.get(i);
-		for (int j=i+1; j<nonIdenticalMultiLayerStubs.size(); j++) {
-		    Stub stub2 = nonIdenticalMultiLayerStubs.get(j);
-		    if (stub1.equalsAllowingForSkippedLayersAndDoubleHits(stub2)) {
-			// Need to merge them.
-			Set<Stub> stub1Target = mapInputToOutputStubs.get(stub1);
-			Set<Stub> stub2Target = mapInputToOutputStubs.get(stub2);
-			Set<Stub> mergedTarget = new HashSet<Stub>();
-			mergedTarget.addAll(stub1Target);
-			mergedTarget.addAll(stub2Target);
-			for (Stub targetStub : mergedTarget) {
-			    mapInputToOutputStubs.put(targetStub, mergedTarget);
-			}
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	    for (Stub stub : mapInputToOutputStubs.keySet()) {
-		Set<Stub> targets = mapInputToOutputStubs.get(stub);
-		if (!targets.contains(stub)) { throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error"); }
-	    }
-	    for (Set<Stub> targets : mapInputToOutputStubs.values()) {
-		for (Stub target : targets) {
-		    Set<Stub> targetOfTarget = mapInputToOutputStubs.get(target);
-		    if (targetOfTarget != targets) { throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error"); }
-		}
-	    }
-	    Set<Stub> alreadyCountedStubs = new HashSet<Stub>();
-	    for (Stub stub : mapInputToOutputStubs.keySet()) {
-		if (alreadyCountedStubs.contains(stub)) {
-		    continue;
-		} else {
-		    Set<Stub> targets = mapInputToOutputStubs.get(stub);
-		    if (targets.size() < 1) {
-			throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error"); 
-		    } else if (targets.size() == 1) {
-			uniqueMultiLayerStubs.addAll(targets);
-		    } else {
-			Stub mergedStub = mergeStubs(targets);
-			uniqueMultiLayerStubs.add(mergedStub);
-		    }
-		    alreadyCountedStubs.addAll(targets);
+		List<Stub> nonIdenticalMultiLayerStubs = new Vector<Stub>();
+		for (int i=0; i<multiLayerStubs.size(); i++) {
+			if (! identicalStubsToPurge.contains(i) ) {
+				Stub stub = multiLayerStubs.get(i);
+				nonIdenticalMultiLayerStubs.add(stub);
+			} else {
+				if (m_debug) { System.out.println("Removed ["+i+"]"); }
+			}
-	    }
-	}
-	if (m_debug) { System.out.println("After removing near-identical stubs, there are "+uniqueMultiLayerStubs.size()+" multi-layer stubs left."); }
+		if (m_debug) { System.out.println("After removing identical stubs, there are "+nonIdenticalMultiLayerStubs.size()+" multi-layer stubs left."); }
-	// Check for subsets
-	// If Stub1 is an exact subset of Stub2, we'll simply discard Stub1.
-	// Note that this is trickier if it's not an exact subset (e.g. single
-	// vs double hit), but we don't cover that case here.
-	List<Stub> uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsets = new Vector<Stub>();
-	{
-	    Set<Integer> stubsToDiscard = new HashSet<Integer>();
-	    for (int i=0; i<uniqueMultiLayerStubs.size(); i++) {
-		Stub stub1 = uniqueMultiLayerStubs.get(i);
-		for (int j=i+1; j<uniqueMultiLayerStubs.size(); j++) {
-		    Stub stub2 = uniqueMultiLayerStubs.get(j);
-		    boolean stub1IsSubsetOfStub2 = stub1.isSubsetOfOrEquals(stub2);
-		    boolean stub2IsSubsetOfStub1 = stub2.isSubsetOfOrEquals(stub1);
-		    if (stub2IsSubsetOfStub1) {
-			if (m_debug) { System.out.println("DEBUG: Stub2 [j="+j+"] covering layers "+stub2.getInnerLayer()+"-"+stub2.getOuterLayer()+" is a subset of Stub1[i="+i+"] covering layers "+stub1.getInnerLayer()+"-"+stub1.getOuterLayer()); }
-			stubsToDiscard.add(j);
-		    }
-		    if (stub1IsSubsetOfStub2 && !stub2IsSubsetOfStub1) {
-			if (m_debug) { System.out.println("DEBUG: Stub1 [i="+i+"] covering layers "+stub1.getInnerLayer()+"-"+stub1.getOuterLayer()+" is a subset of Stub2[j="+j+"] covering layers "+stub2.getInnerLayer()+"-"+stub2.getOuterLayer()); }
-			stubsToDiscard.add(i);
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	    for (int i=0; i<uniqueMultiLayerStubs.size(); i++) {
-		if (!stubsToDiscard.contains(i)) {
-		    Stub stub = uniqueMultiLayerStubs.get(i);
-		    uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsets.add(stub);
+		// Look for near-identical stubs
+		List<Stub> uniqueMultiLayerStubs = new Vector<Stub>();
+		{
+			Map<Stub,Set<Stub>> mapInputToOutputStubs = new HashMap<Stub,Set<Stub>>();
+			for (Stub stub : nonIdenticalMultiLayerStubs) { 
+				Set<Stub> tmpList = new HashSet<Stub>();
+				tmpList.add(stub);
+				mapInputToOutputStubs.put(stub,tmpList); 
+			}
+			for (int i=0; i<nonIdenticalMultiLayerStubs.size(); i++) {
+				Stub stub1 = nonIdenticalMultiLayerStubs.get(i);
+				for (int j=i+1; j<nonIdenticalMultiLayerStubs.size(); j++) {
+					Stub stub2 = nonIdenticalMultiLayerStubs.get(j);
+					if (stub1.equalsAllowingForSkippedLayersAndDoubleHits(stub2)) {
+						// Need to merge them.
+						Set<Stub> stub1Target = mapInputToOutputStubs.get(stub1);
+						Set<Stub> stub2Target = mapInputToOutputStubs.get(stub2);
+						Set<Stub> mergedTarget = new HashSet<Stub>();
+						mergedTarget.addAll(stub1Target);
+						mergedTarget.addAll(stub2Target);
+						for (Stub targetStub : mergedTarget) {
+							mapInputToOutputStubs.put(targetStub, mergedTarget);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			for (Stub stub : mapInputToOutputStubs.keySet()) {
+				Set<Stub> targets = mapInputToOutputStubs.get(stub);
+				if (!targets.contains(stub)) { throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error"); }
+			}
+			for (Set<Stub> targets : mapInputToOutputStubs.values()) {
+				for (Stub target : targets) {
+					Set<Stub> targetOfTarget = mapInputToOutputStubs.get(target);
+					if (targetOfTarget != targets) { throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error"); }
+				}
+			}
+			Set<Stub> alreadyCountedStubs = new HashSet<Stub>();
+			for (Stub stub : mapInputToOutputStubs.keySet()) {
+				if (alreadyCountedStubs.contains(stub)) {
+					continue;
+				} else {
+					Set<Stub> targets = mapInputToOutputStubs.get(stub);
+					if (targets.size() < 1) {
+						throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error"); 
+					} else if (targets.size() == 1) {
+						uniqueMultiLayerStubs.addAll(targets);
+					} else {
+						Stub mergedStub = mergeStubs(targets);
+						uniqueMultiLayerStubs.add(mergedStub);
+					}
+					alreadyCountedStubs.addAll(targets);
+				}
+			}
-	    }
-	}
-	if (m_debug) { System.out.println("After removing subset stubs, there are "+uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsets.size()+" multi-layer stubs left."); }
+		if (m_debug) { System.out.println("After removing near-identical stubs, there are "+uniqueMultiLayerStubs.size()+" multi-layer stubs left."); }
-	// Now check for near-subsets (allowing for double hits)
-	List<Stub> uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsetsAllowingForDoubleHits = new Vector<Stub>();
-	{
-	    Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> mergeTargets = new HashMap<Integer, Set<Integer>>();
-	    for (int i=0; i<uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsets.size(); i++) {
-		Stub stub1 = uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsets.get(i);
-		for (int j=i+1; j<uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsets.size(); j++) {
-		    Stub stub2 = uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsets.get(j);
-		    boolean stub1IsSubsetOfStub2 = stub1.isSubsetOfOrEqualsAllowingForDoubleHits(stub2);
-		    boolean stub2IsSubsetOfStub1 = stub2.isSubsetOfOrEqualsAllowingForDoubleHits(stub1);
-		    if (stub2IsSubsetOfStub1 || stub1IsSubsetOfStub2) {
-			Set<Integer> targetsOfStub1 = mergeTargets.get(stub1);
-			Set<Integer> targetsOfStub2 = mergeTargets.get(stub2);
-			Set<Integer> combinedTargets = new HashSet<Integer>();
-			if (targetsOfStub1 != null) {
-			    combinedTargets.addAll(targetsOfStub1);
-			}
-			if (targetsOfStub2 != null) {
-			    combinedTargets.addAll(targetsOfStub2);
-			}
-			combinedTargets.add(i);
-			combinedTargets.add(j);
-			for (Integer k : combinedTargets) {
-			    mergeTargets.put(k, combinedTargets);
-			}
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	    // First handle the easy cases:
-	    Set<Integer> mergeTargetsKeySet = mergeTargets.keySet();
-	    for (int i=0; i<uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsets.size(); i++) {
-		Stub stub = uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsets.get(i);
-		if ( ! mergeTargetsKeySet.contains(i) ) {
-		    // This one wasn't attached to anything else -- just add it
-		    uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsetsAllowingForDoubleHits.add(stub);
-		}
-	    }
-	    // Now go back and do the ones that need merging, being
-	    // careful not to double-count:
-	    Set<Integer> usedStubs = new HashSet<Integer>();
-	    for (Integer i : mergeTargetsKeySet) {
-		if (usedStubs.contains(i)) { 
-		    continue;
-		}
-		Set<Integer> targets = mergeTargets.get(i);
-		Set<Stub> targetStubs = new HashSet<Stub>();
-		for (Integer j : targets) {
-		    targetStubs.add(uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsets.get(j));
-		}
-		Stub mergedStub = mergeStubs(targetStubs);
-		uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsetsAllowingForDoubleHits.add(mergedStub);
-		usedStubs.addAll(targets);
-	    }
-	}
-	if (m_debug) { System.out.println("After removing subset stubs (allowing for double-hits), there are "+uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsetsAllowingForDoubleHits.size()+" multi-layer stubs left."); }
-	// Look for overlaps...
-	for (int i=0; i<uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsetsAllowingForDoubleHits.size(); i++) {
-	    Stub stub1 = uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsetsAllowingForDoubleHits.get(i);
-	    if (stub1.getLayersCount() > 3) {
-		Collection<CalorimeterHit> allHitsInStub1 = stub1.getAllHits();
-		for (int j=0; j<uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsetsAllowingForDoubleHits.size(); j++) {
-		    if (i == j) { continue; }
-		    Stub stub2 = uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsetsAllowingForDoubleHits.get(j);
-		    Collection<CalorimeterHit> allHitsInStub2 = stub2.getAllHits();
-		    boolean overlap = false;
-		    for (CalorimeterHit hit : allHitsInStub2) {
-			if (allHitsInStub1.contains(hit)) {
-			    overlap = true;
-			    break;
-			}
-		    }
-		    if (overlap) {
-			String printme = new String("Overlap between stub["+i+"] with "+stub1.getLayersCount()+" layers ("+stub1.getInnerLayer()+"-"+stub1.getOuterLayer()+") and stub["+j+"] with "+stub2.getLayersCount()+" layers ("+stub2.getInnerLayer()+"-"+stub2.getOuterLayer()+")\n");
-			int innerLayer = stub1.getInnerLayer();
-			int outerLayer = stub1.getOuterLayer();
-			if (stub2.getInnerLayer() < innerLayer) { innerLayer = stub2.getInnerLayer(); }
-			if (stub2.getOuterLayer() > outerLayer) { outerLayer = stub2.getOuterLayer(); }
-			boolean foundHitInStub1ButNotStub2 = false;
-			boolean foundHitInStub2ButNotStub1 = false;
-			boolean foundLayerWhereStubsHaveNonOverlappingHits = false;
-			for (int layer=innerLayer; layer<=outerLayer; layer++) {
-			    Collection<CalorimeterHit> stub1HitsInLayer = stub1.getHitsInLayer(layer);
-			    Collection<CalorimeterHit> stub2HitsInLayer = stub2.getHitsInLayer(layer);
-			    // Check some stuff
-			    boolean flagLayerGoodMatch = false;
-			    boolean flagLayerBadMatch = false;
-			    if (stub1HitsInLayer != null && stub1HitsInLayer.size() > 0 && stub2HitsInLayer == null) {
-				foundHitInStub1ButNotStub2 = true;
-			    } else if (stub2HitsInLayer != null && stub2HitsInLayer.size() > 0 && stub1HitsInLayer == null) {
-				foundHitInStub2ButNotStub1 = true;
-			    } else if (stub1HitsInLayer == null && stub2HitsInLayer == null) {
-				// This can happen if both skipped that layer
-				printme += "[debug: both no hits/layer skip for layer "+layer+"]\n";
-				//throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error");
-			    } else if (stub2HitsInLayer != null && stub2HitsInLayer.size() > 0 && stub1HitsInLayer != null && stub1HitsInLayer.size() > 0) {
-				// Both have hits in this layer
-				boolean foundOverlapInThisLayer = false;
-				for (CalorimeterHit hit : stub1HitsInLayer) {
-				    if (stub2HitsInLayer.contains(hit)) {
-					foundOverlapInThisLayer = true;
-				    }
+		// Check for subsets
+		// If Stub1 is an exact subset of Stub2, we'll simply discard Stub1.
+		// Note that this is trickier if it's not an exact subset (e.g. single
+		// vs double hit), but we don't cover that case here.
+		List<Stub> uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsets = new Vector<Stub>();
+		{
+			Set<Integer> stubsToDiscard = new HashSet<Integer>();
+			for (int i=0; i<uniqueMultiLayerStubs.size(); i++) {
+				Stub stub1 = uniqueMultiLayerStubs.get(i);
+				for (int j=i+1; j<uniqueMultiLayerStubs.size(); j++) {
+					Stub stub2 = uniqueMultiLayerStubs.get(j);
+					boolean stub1IsSubsetOfStub2 = stub1.isSubsetOfOrEquals(stub2);
+					boolean stub2IsSubsetOfStub1 = stub2.isSubsetOfOrEquals(stub1);
+					if (stub2IsSubsetOfStub1) {
+						if (m_debug) { System.out.println("DEBUG: Stub2 [j="+j+"] covering layers "+stub2.getInnerLayer()+"-"+stub2.getOuterLayer()+" is a subset of Stub1[i="+i+"] covering layers "+stub1.getInnerLayer()+"-"+stub1.getOuterLayer()); }
+						stubsToDiscard.add(j);
+					}
+					if (stub1IsSubsetOfStub2 && !stub2IsSubsetOfStub1) {
+						if (m_debug) { System.out.println("DEBUG: Stub1 [i="+i+"] covering layers "+stub1.getInnerLayer()+"-"+stub1.getOuterLayer()+" is a subset of Stub2[j="+j+"] covering layers "+stub2.getInnerLayer()+"-"+stub2.getOuterLayer()); }
+						stubsToDiscard.add(i);
+					}
-				if (foundOverlapInThisLayer) {
-				    flagLayerGoodMatch = true;
-				} else {
-				    foundLayerWhereStubsHaveNonOverlappingHits = true;
-				    foundHitInStub1ButNotStub2 = true;
-				    foundHitInStub2ButNotStub1 = true;
-				    flagLayerBadMatch = true;
+			}
+			for (int i=0; i<uniqueMultiLayerStubs.size(); i++) {
+				if (!stubsToDiscard.contains(i)) {
+					Stub stub = uniqueMultiLayerStubs.get(i);
+					uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsets.add(stub);
-			    } else {
-				throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error");
-			    } 
-			    printme += "   * L"+layer+"  ";
-			    printme += "Stub1=[";
-			    if (stub1HitsInLayer == null) {
-				printme += "empty";
-			    } else {
-				for (CalorimeterHit hit : stub1HitsInLayer) {
-				    printme += hit.getCellID() + "/";
-				}
-			    }
-			    printme += "], Stub2=[";
-			    if (stub2HitsInLayer == null) {
-				printme += "empty";
-			    } else {
-				for (CalorimeterHit hit : stub2HitsInLayer) {
-				    printme += hit.getCellID() + "/";
-				}
-			    }
-			    if (flagLayerGoodMatch) {
-				printme += "   -- good match";
-			    }
-			    if (flagLayerBadMatch) {
-				printme += "   -- doesn't match";
-			    }
-			    printme += "]\n";
-			}
-			boolean interestingFlag = false;
-			if (foundHitInStub1ButNotStub2 && !foundHitInStub2ButNotStub1) {
-			    interestingFlag  = true;
-			    printme += "   --> Looks like Stub2 is a subset of Stub1.\n";
-			} else if (!foundHitInStub1ButNotStub2 && foundHitInStub2ButNotStub1) {
-			    interestingFlag  = true;
-			    printme += "   --> Looks like Stub1 is a subset of Stub2.\n";
-			} else if (!foundLayerWhereStubsHaveNonOverlappingHits) {
-			    interestingFlag = true;
-			    printme += "   --> Looks like they could be compatible.";
-			    printme += " Flags: equals=";
-			    printme += (stub1.equals(stub2));
-			    printme += ", near-equals=";
-			    printme += (stub1.equalsAllowingForSkippedLayersAndDoubleHits(stub2));
-			    printme += "Reverse flags: equals=";
-			    printme += (stub2.equals(stub1));
-			    printme += ", near-equals=";
-			    printme += (stub2.equalsAllowingForSkippedLayersAndDoubleHits(stub1));
-			    printme += "\n";
-			}
-			interestingFlag = true; // Force heavy debug
-			if (interestingFlag) {
-			    if (m_debug) { System.out.println(printme); }
-		    }
-	    }
-	}
-	// Now, which were the largest stubs in the event?
-	Map<Integer, Set<Stub>> mapLayerCountToStubs = new HashMap<Integer, Set<Stub>>();
-	for (Stub stub : uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsetsAllowingForDoubleHits) {
-	    int layerCount = stub.getLayersCount();
-	    Set<Stub> stubsWithThisLayerCount = mapLayerCountToStubs.get(layerCount);
-	    if (stubsWithThisLayerCount == null) {
-		stubsWithThisLayerCount = new HashSet<Stub>();
-		mapLayerCountToStubs.put(layerCount, stubsWithThisLayerCount);
-	    }
-	    stubsWithThisLayerCount.add(stub);
-	}
-	List<Integer> layerCountList = new Vector<Integer>();
-	layerCountList.addAll(mapLayerCountToStubs.keySet());
-	Collections.sort(layerCountList, Collections.reverseOrder());
-	List<Stub> sortedStubs = new Vector<Stub>();
-	for (Integer i : layerCountList) {
-	    Set<Stub> stubs = mapLayerCountToStubs.get(i);
-	    sortedStubs.addAll(stubs);
-	}
+		if (m_debug) { System.out.println("After removing subset stubs, there are "+uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsets.size()+" multi-layer stubs left."); }
-	// Loop over stubs & create final output list
-	List<Stub> finalOutputStubs = new Vector<Stub>();
-	Set<Integer> vetoedStubs = new HashSet<Integer>();
-	for (int i=0; i<sortedStubs.size(); i++) {
-	    if (vetoedStubs.contains(i)) { continue; }
-	    Stub stub1 = sortedStubs.get(i);
-	    if (stub1.getLayersCount() < 4) {
-		// Too small -- skip. [Could probably just break here]
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    Collection<CalorimeterHit> allHitsInStub1 = stub1.getAllHits();
-	    if (m_debug) { System.out.println(i+": Stub with "+stub1.getLayersCount()+" layers ("+stub1.getInnerLayer()+"-"+stub1.getOuterLayer()+")"); }
-	    Set<Integer> overlappingCompatibleStubs = new HashSet<Integer>();
-	    for (int j=i+1; j<sortedStubs.size(); j++) {
-		if (vetoedStubs.contains(j)) { continue; }
-		Stub stub2 = sortedStubs.get(j);
-		if (stub1.overlaps(stub2)) {
-		    String printme = new String("Overlap between stub["+i+"] with "+stub1.getLayersCount()+" layers ("+stub1.getInnerLayer()+"-"+stub1.getOuterLayer()+") and stub["+j+"] with "+stub2.getLayersCount()+" layers ("+stub2.getInnerLayer()+"-"+stub2.getOuterLayer()+")");
-		    if (stub1.getInnerLayer() > stub2.getInnerLayer() || stub1.getOuterLayer() < stub2.getOuterLayer()) {
-			if (stub1.compatible(stub2, doubleHitMapHcal)) {
-			    printme += "  -- compatible!";
-			    overlappingCompatibleStubs.add(j);
-			}
-		    } else {
-			printme += "  -- enclosed";
-		    }
-		    if (m_debug) { System.out.println(printme); }
-		    vetoedStubs.add(j);
-		}
-	    }
-	    // Now, we consider merging some of the overlapping,
-	    // compatible stubs in. We basically look at two cases:
-	    //   (1) Large overlapping, compatible stubs. Here the
-	    //       requirement is at least 4 non-overlapping layers.
-	    //       These take priority (starting with the ones with the
-	    //       most non-overlapping layers).
-	    //   (2) Small overlapping, compatible stubs. Here the
-	    //       requirement is at least 2 overlapping layers. We
-	    //       also require no ambiguity -- i.e. if there are
-	    //       multiple ones that could be attached but which are
-	    //       not mutually compatible, we don't use any of them.
-	    Map<Integer,Integer> mapIndexToNumNonOverlappingLayers = new HashMap<Integer,Integer>();
-	    List<Integer> largeStubs = new Vector<Integer>();
-	    List<Integer> smallStubs = new Vector<Integer>();
-	    for (Integer j : overlappingCompatibleStubs) {
-		Stub otherStub = sortedStubs.get(j);
-		int countNonOverlappingLayers = 0;
-		int countOverlappingLayers = 0;
-		for (int layer = otherStub.getInnerLayer(); layer <= otherStub.getOuterLayer(); layer++) {
-		    if (otherStub.getHitsInLayer(layer) != null && otherStub.getHitsInLayer(layer).size() > 0) {
-			if (stub1.getHitsInLayer(layer) == null || stub1.getHitsInLayer(layer).size()==0) {
-			    countNonOverlappingLayers++;
-			} else {
-			    countOverlappingLayers++;
+		// Now check for near-subsets (allowing for double hits)
+		List<Stub> uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsetsAllowingForDoubleHits = new Vector<Stub>();
+		{
+			Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> mergeTargets = new HashMap<Integer, Set<Integer>>();
+			for (int i=0; i<uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsets.size(); i++) {
+				Stub stub1 = uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsets.get(i);
+				for (int j=i+1; j<uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsets.size(); j++) {
+					Stub stub2 = uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsets.get(j);
+					boolean stub1IsSubsetOfStub2 = stub1.isSubsetOfOrEqualsAllowingForDoubleHits(stub2);
+					boolean stub2IsSubsetOfStub1 = stub2.isSubsetOfOrEqualsAllowingForDoubleHits(stub1);
+					if (stub2IsSubsetOfStub1 || stub1IsSubsetOfStub2) {
+						Set<Integer> targetsOfStub1 = mergeTargets.get(stub1);
+						Set<Integer> targetsOfStub2 = mergeTargets.get(stub2);
+						Set<Integer> combinedTargets = new HashSet<Integer>();
+						if (targetsOfStub1 != null) {
+							combinedTargets.addAll(targetsOfStub1);
+						}
+						if (targetsOfStub2 != null) {
+							combinedTargets.addAll(targetsOfStub2);
+						}
+						combinedTargets.add(i);
+						combinedTargets.add(j);
+						for (Integer k : combinedTargets) {
+							mergeTargets.put(k, combinedTargets);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// First handle the easy cases:
+			Set<Integer> mergeTargetsKeySet = mergeTargets.keySet();
+			for (int i=0; i<uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsets.size(); i++) {
+				Stub stub = uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsets.get(i);
+				if ( ! mergeTargetsKeySet.contains(i) ) {
+					// This one wasn't attached to anything else -- just add it
+					uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsetsAllowingForDoubleHits.add(stub);
+				}
+			}
+			// Now go back and do the ones that need merging, being
+			// careful not to double-count:
+			Set<Integer> usedStubs = new HashSet<Integer>();
+			for (Integer i : mergeTargetsKeySet) {
+				if (usedStubs.contains(i)) { 
+					continue;
+				}
+				Set<Integer> targets = mergeTargets.get(i);
+				Set<Stub> targetStubs = new HashSet<Stub>();
+				for (Integer j : targets) {
+					targetStubs.add(uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsets.get(j));
+				}
+				Stub mergedStub = mergeStubs(targetStubs);
+				uniqueMultiLayerStubsNoSubsetsAllowingForDoubleHits.add(mergedStub);
+				usedStubs.addAll(targets);
-		    }
-		mapIndexToNumNonOverlappingLayers.put(j, countNonOverlappingLayers);
-		if (countNonOverlappingLayers >= 4) {
-		    largeStubs.add(j);
-		} else if (countNonOverlappingLayers >= 1 && countOverlappingLayers >= 2) {
-		    smallStubs.add(j);
-		}
-	    }
-	    // Sort list of large stubs by size (lazy coding)
-	    for (int iSort = 0; iSort < largeStubs.size(); iSort++) {
-		Integer iSortIndex = largeStubs.get(iSort);
-		for (int jSort = iSort+1; jSort < largeStubs.size(); jSort++) {
-		    Integer jSortIndex = largeStubs.get(jSort);
-		    if (mapIndexToNumNonOverlappingLayers.get(jSortIndex) > mapIndexToNumNonOverlappingLayers.get(iSortIndex)) {
-			largeStubs.set(iSort, jSortIndex);
-			largeStubs.set(jSort, iSortIndex);
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	    // Find & accept, starting with large stubs:
-	    Set<Integer> acceptedMerges = new HashSet<Integer>();
-	    for (Integer overlappingLargeStubIndex : largeStubs) {
-		// Has this one already been excluded?
-		boolean excluded = false;
-		Stub overlappingStub = sortedStubs.get(overlappingLargeStubIndex);
-		for (Integer acceptedMergeIndex : acceptedMerges) {
-		    Stub acceptedMergeStub = sortedStubs.get(acceptedMergeIndex);
-		    for (int layer=overlappingStub.getInnerLayer(); layer <= overlappingStub.getOuterLayer(); layer++) {
-			if (acceptedMergeStub.layerEquals(overlappingStub, layer)) {
-			    // That's OK -- both are the same in that layer
-			} else if (stub1.layerEqualsAllowingForDoubleHits(overlappingStub, layer)) {
-			    // That's OK -- it's part of the main stub
-			} else {
-			    // Not OK
-			    excluded = true;
-			    break;
-			}
-		    }
-		    if (excluded) { break; }
-		}
-		if (!excluded) {
-		    // OK to use this one
-		    acceptedMerges.add(overlappingLargeStubIndex);
-		}
-	    }
-	    // Now move to the small stubs, being even more picky:
-	    for (Integer overlappingSmallStubIndex : smallStubs) {
-		boolean excluded = false;
[truncated at 1000 lines; 1999 more skipped]
CVSspam 0.2.8