

Commit in GeomConverter/src/org/lcsim/detector/solids on MAIN -> 1.7
CD - add new public methods + doc

GeomConverter/src/org/lcsim/detector/solids 1.6 -> 1.7
diff -u -r1.6 -r1.7
---	24 Jun 2008 19:08:15 -0000	1.6
+++	1 Jul 2008 21:51:34 -0000	1.7
@@ -94,100 +94,129 @@
             return z;
+        @Override
+        public String toString(){
+            return "ZPlane w/ rmin = "+rmin+", rmax = "+rmax+", z = "+z;
+        }
-	public double getCubicVolume() 
-	{   
-                if (zplanes.size()<2) throw new RuntimeException("Too few ZPlanes in PolyCone"); 
-                double vol = 0; 
-                double z1 = zplanes.get(0).z;
-                double a1 = zplanes.get(0).rmin;
-                double b1 = zplanes.get(0).rmax;
-                for (int i = 1; i<zplanes.size(); i++) {
-                    double z2 = zplanes.get(i).z;
-                    double a2 = zplanes.get(i).rmin;
-                    double b2 = zplanes.get(i).rmax;
-                    double dv = Math.PI/(3.0)*(z2-z1)*(b2*b2 + b1*b2 + b1*b1 - a2*a2 - a2*a1 - a1*a1);
-                    vol+=Math.abs(dv);
-                    z1=z2;  
-                    a1=a2;
-                    b1=b2;
-                }
-		return vol;
-	}
-	public Inside inside(Hep3Vector position) 
-	{
-		if (zplanes.size()<2) throw new RuntimeException("Too few ZPlanes in PolyCone"); 
-                double r = Math.sqrt(position.x()*position.x() + position.y()*position.y());
-                double z = position.z();
-                for (int i = 1; i<zplanes.size(); i++) {
-                    ZPlane p1 = zplanes.get(i-1);
-                    ZPlane p2 = zplanes.get(i);
-                    //see if it's at the left or right edge
-                    if ((i==1 && z == p1.z && r<=p1.rmax && r>=p1.rmin) ||
-                        (i==zplanes.size()-1 && z == p2.z && r<=p2.rmax && r>=p2.rmin)) 
-                        return Inside.SURFACE;
-                    //this means we're in the right section...
-                    if ((z <= p2.z && z >= p1.z)) {
-                        double b = f(position.z(),OUTER,p1,p2);
-                        double a = f(position.z(),INNER,p1,p2);
-                        if (r==b || r==a) return Inside.SURFACE;
-                        if (r<b && r>a) return Inside.INSIDE;
-                    }
-                }
-                return Inside.OUTSIDE; 
-	}           
-       public double getInnerRadiusAtZ(double z) {
-           return getRadiusAtZ(z,INNER);
-       }
-       public double getOuterRadiusAtZ(double z) {
-           return getRadiusAtZ(z,OUTER);
-       }
-       private double getRadiusAtZ(double z, boolean whichR){
-            if (z<zMin || z>zMax) return 0; 
-            for (int i = 1; i <zplanes.size(); i++){
-                if (z<=zplanes.get(i).z){
-                    return f(z,whichR,zplanes.get(i-1),zplanes.get(i));
-                }
+    public double getCubicVolume() 
+    {   
+        if (zplanes.size()<2) throw new RuntimeException("Too few ZPlanes in PolyCone"); 
+        double vol = 0.0; 
+        for (int i = 1; i<zplanes.size(); i++) {
+            vol+=getSegmentVolume(zplanes.get(i-1), zplanes.get(i)); 
+        }
+        return vol;
+    }
+    public Inside inside(Hep3Vector position) 
+    {
+        if (zplanes.size()<2) throw new RuntimeException("Too few ZPlanes in PolyCone"); 
+        double r = Math.sqrt(position.x()*position.x() + position.y()*position.y());
+        double z = position.z();
+        for (int i = 1; i<zplanes.size(); i++) {
+            ZPlane p1 = zplanes.get(i-1);
+            ZPlane p2 = zplanes.get(i);
+            //see if it's at the left or right edge
+            if ((i==1 && z == p1.z && r<=p1.rmax && r>=p1.rmin) ||
+                (i==zplanes.size()-1 && z == p2.z && r<=p2.rmax && r>=p2.rmin)) 
+                return Inside.SURFACE;
+            //this means we're in the right section...
+            if ((z <= p2.z && z >= p1.z)) {
+                double b = f(position.z(),OUTER,p1,p2);
+                double a = f(position.z(),INNER,p1,p2);
+                if (r==b || r==a) return Inside.SURFACE;
+                if (r<b && r>a) return Inside.INSIDE;
-            return 0; 
-        private static boolean INNER = true; 
-        private static boolean OUTER = false; 
-        //Calculates the radius at any z of either the outer or inner part of the segment
-        private double f(double z, boolean whichR, ZPlane p1, ZPlane p2){
-            double z1 = p1.z;
-            double z2 = p2.z;
-            double x1 = whichR ? p1.rmin : p1.rmax;
-            double x2 = whichR ? p2.rmin : p2.rmax;
-            double m = (x2-x1)/(z2-z1);
-            return x1 + m*(z-z1);
+        return Inside.OUTSIDE; 
+    }           
+    /**
+    * Returns the inner radius of the polycone at the given z. If
+    * no portion of the polycone exists for the given z, 0. is returned. 
+    * @param z a z-coordinate in mm
+    * @return the inner radius in mm at z
+    */
+    public double getInnerRadiusAtZ(double z) {
+       return getRadiusAtZ(z,INNER);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns the outer radius of the polycone at the given z. If
+    * no portion of the polycone exists for the given z, 0. is returned. 
+    * @param z a z-coordinate in mm
+    * @return the outer radius in mm at z
+    */
+    public double getOuterRadiusAtZ(double z) {
+       return getRadiusAtZ(z,OUTER);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns the volume of the segment at the given value of z. 
+    * 
+    * <ul>
+    *   <li>If there is no segment at that z, 0 is returned.
+    *   <li>If z lies at the junction of the two segments, the earlier segment
+    *       in the ZPlanes list will be used (should be the one at smaller z)
+    * </ul>
+    * @param z a z-coordinate in mm 
+    * @return the volume of the segment at z in mm^3
+    */
+    public double getVolumeOfSegmentAtZ(double z){
+       if (z<zMin || z>zMax) return 0; 
+       for (int i = 1; i < zplanes.size(); i++) {
+            if (z<zplanes.get(i).z){
+                ZPlane p1 = zplanes.get(i-1); 
+                ZPlane p2 = zplanes.get(i); 
+                return getSegmentVolume(p1,p2); 
+            }
+       }
+       return 0; 
+    }
+   /**
+    * Returns the volume of a polycone segment defined by the zplanes p1 and p2
+    * @param p1 A bounding ZPlane
+    * @param p2 The other bounding ZPlane
+    * @return the volume of the segment
+    */
+   public static double getSegmentVolume(ZPlane p1, ZPlane p2) {    
+        return Math.PI/(3.0)*(p2.z-p1.z)*(p2.rmax*p2.rmax + p1.rmax*p2.rmax + p1.rmax*p1.rmax 
+                        - p2.rmin*p2.rmin - p2.rmin*p1.rmin - p1.rmin*p1.rmin);           
+   }
+   private static final boolean INNER = true; 
+   private static final boolean OUTER = false; 
+   //Calculates the radius at any z of either the outer or inner part of the segment
+   private double f(double z, boolean whichR, ZPlane p1, ZPlane p2){
+        double z1 = p1.z;
+        double z2 = p2.z;
+        double x1 = whichR ? p1.rmin : p1.rmax;
+        double x2 = whichR ? p2.rmin : p2.rmax;
+        double m = (x2-x1)/(z2-z1);
+        return x1 + m*(z-z1);
+   }
+   private double getRadiusAtZ(double z, boolean whichR){
+        if (z<zMin || z>zMax) return 0; 
+        for (int i = 1; i <zplanes.size(); i++){
+            if (z<=zplanes.get(i).z){
+                return f(z,whichR,zplanes.get(i-1),zplanes.get(i));
+            }
+        return 0.; 
+   }         
\ No newline at end of file
CVSspam 0.2.8