

Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/uiowa on MAIN 1.1
Reassign algorithm using MIP

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/uiowa added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	2 Jul 2008 00:07:42 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+package org.lcsim.contrib.uiowa;
+import java.util.*; 
+import org.lcsim.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.event.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.event.*;
+import hep.physics.vec.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.hitmap.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.mipfinder.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.clumpfinder.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.pfa.identifier.*;
+import org.lcsim.event.base.*;
+import hep.physics.particle.Particle;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.structural.likelihood.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.structural.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.mipfinder.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.clumpfinder.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.swim.Line;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.Detector;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector.CylindricalCalorimeter;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.decision.*;
+public class MIPReassignmentAlgorithm implements ReassignClustersAlgorithm {
+    protected double m_limit;
+    protected LocalHelixExtrapolator m_findCluster;
+    protected Map<Track, Set<Cluster>> m_newMapTrackToShowerComponents;
+    protected List<Cluster> m_mips;
+	protected Set<CalorimeterHit> m_allhits;
+	static int exam = 0;
+	private boolean debug = false;
+    public MIPReassignmentAlgorithm(double limit, LocalHelixExtrapolator findCluster, Map<Track, Set<Cluster>> newMapTrackToShowerComponents, List<Cluster> mips, Set<CalorimeterHit> allHits) {
+	m_limit = limit;
+	m_findCluster = findCluster;
+    m_newMapTrackToShowerComponents = newMapTrackToShowerComponents;
+    m_mips = mips;
+	m_allhits = allHits; 
+    }
+	public Double computeFigureOfMerit(Track tr, Cluster clus) {
+		List<Hep3Vector> lastTwoPositions = computePointsOfShower(tr);
+        Hep3Vector last0pos =  lastTwoPositions.get(0);
+        Hep3Vector last1pos =  lastTwoPositions.get(1);
+		Hep3Vector tangent = VecOp.sub(last0pos, last1pos);
+        Hep3Vector tangentUnit = VecOp.unit(tangent);
+        Hep3Vector clusterPosition = new BasicHep3Vector(clus.getPosition());
+        Hep3Vector displacement = VecOp.sub(clusterPosition, last1pos);
+        Hep3Vector displacementUnit = VecOp.unit(displacement);
+		double angle=Math.acos(, displacementUnit));
+        if (angle < m_limit) return new Double(angle);
+		return null;
+        }
+    protected List<Hep3Vector> computePointsOfShower(Track tr) {
+        Set<Cluster> clusoftrk = m_newMapTrackToShowerComponents.get(tr);
+		Set<Cluster> mipsoftrk = new HashSet<Cluster>();
+        for(Cluster cl : clusoftrk)
+       		 if(m_mips.contains(cl))
+				 mipsoftrk.add(cl);
+		if(debug) System.out.println("Given track");
+		Hep3Vector interceptPoint = m_findCluster.performExtrapolation(tr);
+		Hep3Vector first = new BasicHep3Vector();	
+		Hep3Vector trackThreeMomentum = new BasicHep3Vector(tr.getMomentum());
+        double trackMomentum = trackThreeMomentum.magnitude();
+		if(debug){
+		System.out.println("Debug: Size of Cluster of track= " + clusoftrk.size());
+		System.out.println("Debug: Size of Cluster of Mip of track= " + mipsoftrk.size());
+		System.out.println("Debug: trk momentum= " + trackMomentum);
+		if(interceptPoint != null) System.out.println("Debug: extra trk: pos= " + interceptPoint.magnitude() + " ("+ interceptPoint.x() + " " + interceptPoint.y() + " " + interceptPoint.z() + ")" );
+		}
+		SortedMap<Double, Cluster> mipsSortedByDistance = new TreeMap();
+        for(Cluster cl : mipsoftrk){
+			CalorimeterHit firstHit =  cl.getCalorimeterHits().get(0);
+	        IDDecoder id = firstHit.getIDDecoder();
+    	    id.setID(firstHit.getCellID());
+        	double x = id.getPosition()[0];
+        	double y = id.getPosition()[1];
+        	double z = id.getPosition()[2];
+        	first = new BasicHep3Vector(x, y, z);
+			Hep3Vector displacement = new BasicHep3Vector();
+				if (interceptPoint != null) {
+					displacement = VecOp.sub(first, interceptPoint);
+					double distance = displacement.magnitude();
+		    		mipsSortedByDistance.put(distance, cl);
+        		}
+		 }
+		SortedMap<Integer, CalorimeterHit> sortedMipBylayer = new TreeMap();
+        int t=0;
+		Iterator iter = mipsSortedByDistance.entrySet().iterator();
+        while(iter.hasNext() && t == 0){
+		t++;
+		Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
+        Double key = (Double)entry.getKey();
+        Cluster cl = (Cluster)entry.getValue();
+                for( int i = 0 ; i < cl.getCalorimeterHits().size() ; i++){
+					 CalorimeterHit hit=cl.getCalorimeterHits().get(i);
+					 IDDecoder idMIP = hit.getIDDecoder();
+                     idMIP.setID(hit.getCellID());
+                     int layerMIP = idMIP.getLayer();
+                     sortedMipBylayer.put(layerMIP, hit);
+				}
+		}
+			Hep3Vector last0pos = new BasicHep3Vector();
+        	Hep3Vector last1pos = new BasicHep3Vector();
+			Hep3Vector last2pos = new BasicHep3Vector();
+        	Hep3Vector last3pos = new BasicHep3Vector();
+			Hep3Vector last4pos = new BasicHep3Vector();
+		Set<Long> allHitIDs = new HashSet<Long>();	
+		for (CalorimeterHit hit : m_allhits)  allHitIDs.add(hit.getCellID());
+		if(debug) System.out.println("Debug: Starting mip");
+		int lastlayer = 0;
+		long[] lastlayer5x5x2 = new long[26];
+		String lastDet = new String();
+		int sizeofmip = sortedMipBylayer.size();
+		Iterator itermip = sortedMipBylayer.entrySet().iterator();
+		for(int i=0 ; i < sizeofmip ;i++){ 
+		Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
+        Integer key = (Integer)entry.getKey();
+        CalorimeterHit hit = (CalorimeterHit)entry.getValue();
+				Hep3Vector last= lastPosition(hit,i,allHitIDs);			
+				if(i == (sizeofmip-1)) {
+					IDDecoder lastid = hit.getIDDecoder();
+                	lastid.setID(hit.getCellID());
+                	lastlayer = lastid.getLayer();
+					last0pos = last;
+				    lastDet = hit.getSubdetector().getName();
+					lastlayer5x5x2 = lastid.getNeighbourIDs(1, 2, 2);
+					}	
+            	if(i == (sizeofmip-2)) last1pos = last;
+				if(i == (sizeofmip-3)) last2pos = last;
+				if(i == (sizeofmip-4)) last3pos = last;
+       }
+	   int s=sizeofmip;
+       if(debug) System.out.println("Debug: The end of the mip" );
+			Hep3Vector lastv_mip = VecOp.sub(last0pos, last1pos);
+		    Hep3Vector lastv_mip_unit = VecOp.unit(lastv_mip);
+			int cl = 0 ;
+			for( int i = lastlayer+1 ; i < lastlayer+100 ; i++){
+			SortedMap<Double, CalorimeterHit> sortedHitbyAngle= new TreeMap();
+        		for (CalorimeterHit hit : m_allhits)  {
+				IDDecoder id = hit.getIDDecoder();
+	            id.setID(hit.getCellID());
+    	        double x = id.getPosition()[0];
+        	    double y = id.getPosition()[1];
+            	double z = id.getPosition()[2];
+				Set<Long> nearIDs = new HashSet<Long>();
+                    for (long lastnearID : lastlayer5x5x2 ) nearIDs.add(lastnearID);
+				boolean cond = ((id.getLayer() != 0) &&  (lastDet == hit.getSubdetector().getName()) && nearIDs.contains(hit.getCellID())) || ((id.getLayer() == 0) &&  (lastDet != hit.getSubdetector().getName()));
+					if(i <= 30) cl = i;
+					if(i > 30) cl = i-31;		
+					if(cl==id.getLayer() && cond){
+					Hep3Vector hitpos = new BasicHep3Vector();
+            		hitpos = new BasicHep3Vector(x,y,z);
+					Hep3Vector test = VecOp.sub(hitpos, last0pos);
+					double d = test.magnitude();
+					Hep3Vector test_unit = VecOp.unit(test);
+					double a = Math.acos(, test_unit));
+					if ( a < 0.79) { // 45 degree = 0.79 radian
+						sortedHitbyAngle.put(a, hit);
+		            	IDDecoder idt = hit.getIDDecoder();
+		                idt.setID(hit.getCellID());
+					}
+					}
+				}
+				Hep3Vector last = new BasicHep3Vector();
+				Iterator it = sortedHitbyAngle.entrySet().iterator();
+				int te = 0; 
+		        while(it.hasNext() && te == 0){
+				te++;
+        		Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
+        		Double k = (Double)e.getKey();
+        		CalorimeterHit hit = (CalorimeterHit)e.getValue();
+				last=lastPosition(hit,s,allHitIDs);
+				s++;
+				if(!(last3pos == null)) last4pos = last3pos;
+				if(!(last2pos == null)) last3pos = last2pos;
+				if(!(last1pos == null)) last2pos = last1pos;
+				if(!(last0pos == null)) last1pos = last0pos;
+				if(!(last == null))  last0pos = last;
+				IDDecoder id = hit.getIDDecoder();
+                id.setID(hit.getCellID());
+				lastDet = hit.getSubdetector().getName();
+                lastlayer5x5x2 = id.getNeighbourIDs(1, 2, 2);
+				}
+				if (exam > 2) {
+				if(debug) System.out.println("Debug: showering is already started " + exam + " layers ago" );
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		if(debug){
+		 System.out.println("Debug: last4pos= " + last4pos.magnitude() + " (" +last4pos.x() + " " + last4pos.y() + " " + last4pos.z()+ ")" ); 
+		 System.out.println("Debug: last3pos= " + last3pos.magnitude() + " (" +last3pos.x() + " " + last3pos.y() + " " + last3pos.z()+ ")");
+         System.out.println("Debug: last2pos= " + last2pos.magnitude() + " (" + last2pos.x() + " " + last2pos.y() + " " + last2pos.z()+ ") ");
+		 System.out.println("Debug: last1pos= " + last1pos.magnitude() +  " (" + last1pos.x() + " " + last1pos.y() + " " + last1pos.z()+ ")");
+         System.out.println("Debug: last0pos= " + last0pos.magnitude() + " (" + last0pos.x() + " " + last0pos.y() + " " + last0pos.z()+ ")");
+		}
+	      List<Hep3Vector> lastTwoPositions = new ArrayList<Hep3Vector>(); 
+		 if(last4pos != null ){
+					lastTwoPositions.add(last3pos);
+                    lastTwoPositions.add(last4pos);
+		 }	
+		 else if(last3pos != null){
+                    lastTwoPositions.add(last2pos);
+                    lastTwoPositions.add(last3pos);
+         }
+	     else if(last2pos != null){
+                    lastTwoPositions.add(last1pos);
+                    lastTwoPositions.add(last2pos);
+         }
+         else {
+                    lastTwoPositions.add(last0pos);
+                    lastTwoPositions.add(last1pos);
+         }
+	  	  return lastTwoPositions;
+        }
+			protected Hep3Vector lastPosition(CalorimeterHit hit, int s, Set<Long> allHitIDs){
+			    int count3x3=0;
+                int count5x5=0;
+				int count7x7=0;
+				int count9x9=0;
+                IDDecoder id = hit.getIDDecoder();
+                id.setID(hit.getCellID());
+				int lay = id.getLayer();
+                double x = id.getPosition()[0];
+                double y = id.getPosition()[1];
+                double z = id.getPosition()[2];
+                Hep3Vector v = new BasicHep3Vector(x,y,z);
+                int p = (int) (v.magnitude());
+                long[] neighbours3x3 = id.getNeighbourIDs(0, 1, 1);
+                long[] neighbours5x5 = id.getNeighbourIDs(0, 2, 2);
+				long[] neighbours7x7 = id.getNeighbourIDs(0, 3, 3);
+                long[] neighbours9x9 = id.getNeighbourIDs(0, 4, 4);
+				for (long neighbourID3x3 : neighbours3x3)
+                    if (allHitIDs.contains(neighbourID3x3)) count3x3++;
+                for (long neighbourID5x5 : neighbours5x5)
+                    if (allHitIDs.contains(neighbourID5x5)) count5x5++;
+				for (long neighbourID7x7 : neighbours7x7)
+                    if (allHitIDs.contains(neighbourID7x7)) count7x7++;
+				for (long neighbourID9x9 : neighbours9x9)
+                    if (allHitIDs.contains(neighbourID9x9)) count9x9++;
+				if ( count9x9 >=2 ) exam++ ;
+				else exam = 0;
+				if(debug){
+                System.out.println("Debug: "+s+" hit: pos=" + p + " , " + count3x3 + " hits in 3x3, " + count5x5 + " hits in 5x5 " + count7x7 + " hits in 7x7 " + count9x9 + " hits in 9x9 " + lay + " layer of " + hit.getSubdetector().getName());
+                }
+				return v;
+				}
CVSspam 0.2.8