

Commit in lcsim-cal-calib/src/org/lcsim/cal/calib on MAIN -> 1.4
analyze histograms in endOfData

lcsim-cal-calib/src/org/lcsim/cal/calib 1.3 -> 1.4
diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
---	15 Jul 2008 01:58:25 -0000	1.3
+++	15 Jul 2008 02:59:50 -0000	1.4
@@ -3,11 +3,24 @@
  * Created on July 14, 2008, 6:18 PM
- * $Id:,v 1.3 2008/07/15 01:58:25 ngraf Exp $
+ * $Id:,v 1.4 2008/07/15 02:59:50 ngraf Exp $
+import hep.aida.IAnalysisFactory;
+import hep.aida.ICloud1D;
+import hep.aida.IDataPoint;
+import hep.aida.IDataPointSet;
+import hep.aida.IDataPointSetFactory;
+import hep.aida.IFitFactory;
+import hep.aida.IFitResult;
+import hep.aida.IFitter;
+import hep.aida.IFunction;
+import hep.aida.IFunctionFactory;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram1D;
+import hep.aida.IPlotter;
+import hep.aida.IPlotterStyle;
 import hep.aida.ITree;
 import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
 import java.util.List;
@@ -30,8 +43,10 @@
 import static java.lang.Math.PI;
 import static java.lang.Math.abs;
 import static java.lang.Math.sqrt;
+import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.StringTokenizer;
 import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
@@ -122,6 +137,10 @@
         _tree.mkdirs(mcIntegerEnergy+(meV ? "_MeV": "_GeV")); ? "_MeV": "_GeV"));
+        // TODO: make this cluster type selection more robust
+        String type = "gamma";
+        if(!particleType.equals("gamma")) type = "neutralHadron";
         // this analysis is intended for single particle calorimeter response.
         // let's make sure that the primary particle did not interact in the
         // tracker...
@@ -129,7 +148,6 @@
         // this is just crap. Why not use SpacePoint?
         double radius = sqrt(endpoint.x()*endpoint.x()+endpoint.y()*endpoint.y());
         double z = endpoint.z();
-//        System.out.println("Input MCParticle endpoint: r="+radius+" z= "+z);
         boolean doit = true;
         if(radius<emCalInnerRadius && abs(z) < emCalInnerZ) doit = false;
@@ -139,24 +157,235 @@
             List<CalorimeterHit> hitsToCluster = _collectionmanager.getList(processedHitsName);
             // cluster the hits
             List<Cluster> clusters = _fcc.createClusters(hitsToCluster);
-            String type = "gamma";
+            // simple sanity check to make sure things don't go awry
             for(Cluster c : clusters)
                 aida.cloud1D("uncorrected cluster energy for all clusters").fill(c.getEnergy());
                 double e = correctClusterEnergy(c, type);
                 aida.cloud1D("corrected cluster energy for all clusters").fill(e);
-                SpacePoint p = new CartesianPoint(c.getPosition());
-                double clusterTheta = p.theta();
-                aida.cloud2D("uncorrected cluster energy for all clusters vs theta").fill(clusterTheta, c.getEnergy());
-                aida.cloud2D("corrected cluster energy for all clusters vs theta").fill(clusterTheta, e);
-                aida.cloud2D("raw-corrected cluster energy for all clusters vs theta").fill(clusterTheta, c.getEnergy()-e);
+            // for simplicity proceed only with the highest energy cluster...
+            if(clusters.size()>0)
+            {
+                Cluster c = clusters.get(0);
+                aida.cloud1D("uncorrected cluster energy for highest energy cluster").fill(c.getEnergy());
+                double e = correctClusterEnergy(c, type);
+                aida.cloud1D("corrected cluster energy for highest energy cluster").fill(e);
+//                SpacePoint p = new CartesianPoint(c.getPosition());
+//                double clusterTheta = p.theta();
+//                aida.cloud2D("uncorrected cluster energy for all clusters vs theta").fill(clusterTheta, c.getEnergy());
+//                aida.cloud2D("corrected cluster energy for all clusters vs theta").fill(clusterTheta, e);
+//                aida.cloud2D("raw-corrected cluster energy for all clusters vs theta").fill(clusterTheta, c.getEnergy()-e);
+            }
         }// end of check on decays outside tracker volume
         //reset our histogram tree
+    protected void endOfData()
+    {
+        boolean showPlots = true;
+        String fileType = "png";
+        String[] pars = {"amplitude", "mean","sigma"};
+        //      int[] intEnergy = {1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100,  500 };
+//        String fileFullPath   = "C:/orglcsimAnalyses/SamplingFractionAnalysis_gamma_Theta90_acme0605.aida";
+//        if(args.length>0) fileFullPath = args[0];
+//        if(args.length>1)
+//        {
+//            fileType = args[1];
+//            showPlots = false;
+//        }
+        IAnalysisFactory af = IAnalysisFactory.create();
+//        ITree tree = af.createTreeFactory().create(fileFullPath,"xml", true, false);
+        System.out.println("calling ls on tree");
+        // TODO find out if I can capture output of ls command to get a list
+        // of available directories...
+        String[] onames = _tree.listObjectNames("./gamma");
+        sortDirectoriesByEnergy(onames);
+        int numberOfPoints = onames.length;
+        double[] energies = new double[onames.length];
+        for(int j=0; j<onames.length; ++j)
+        {
+//            System.out.println(onames[j]);
+            String subDir = onames[j].substring(8); // length of "./gamma/" is 8, so remove leading directory
+            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(subDir,"_");
+            String e = st.nextToken();
+            String unit = st.nextToken();
+//            System.out.println(e+" "+unit);
+            energies[j] = Double.parseDouble(e);
+            if(unit.contains("MeV")) energies[j]/=1000.;
+//            System.out.println("energy: "+energies[j]);
+        }
+        IFunctionFactory  functionFactory = af.createFunctionFactory(_tree);
+        IFitFactory       fitFactory = af.createFitFactory();
+        IFitter jminuit = fitFactory.createFitter("Chi2","jminuit");
+        IFunction gauss = functionFactory.createFunctionByName("gauss","G");
+        IFunction line = functionFactory.createFunctionByName("line","P1");
+        IDataPointSetFactory dpsf = af.createDataPointSetFactory(_tree);
+        IPlotter plotter = af.createPlotterFactory().create("sampling fraction plot");
+        plotter.createRegions(3, 4, 0);
+        IPlotterStyle style2 = plotter.region(7).style();
+        style2.legendBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
+        style2.statisticsBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
+        IPlotterStyle style;
+        double[] fitMeans = new double[numberOfPoints];
+        double[] fitSigmas = new double[numberOfPoints];
+        IDataPointSet energyMeans = dpsf.create("energy means vs E",2);
+        IDataPointSet energySigmas = dpsf.create("sigma \\/ E vs E",2);
+        IDataPointSet resolutionFit = dpsf.create("sigma \\/  E vs 1 \\/ \u221a E",2);
+        IDataPointSet energyResiduals = dpsf.create("energy residuals (%) vs E",2);
+        double eMax = 0;
+        for(int i=0; i< numberOfPoints; ++i)
+        {
+            if(energies[i] > .1) // do not analyze 100MeV and below...
+            {
+                System.out.println("Energy "+energies[i]);
+                ICloud1D e = (ICloud1D) _tree.find(onames[i]+"corrected cluster energy");
+                e.convertToHistogram();
+                IHistogram1D eHist = e.histogram();
+                gauss.setParameter("amplitude",eHist.maxBinHeight());
+                gauss.setParameter("mean",eHist.mean());
+                gauss.setParameter("sigma",eHist.rms());
+                style = plotter.region(i).style();
+                style.legendBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
+                style.statisticsBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
+                double loElimit = energies[i] - .6*sqrt(energies[i]); // expect ~20% resolution, and go out 3 sigma
+                double hiElimit = energies[i] + .6*sqrt(energies[i]);;
+                plotter.region(i).setXLimits(loElimit, hiElimit);
+                plotter.region(i).plot(eHist);
+                IFitResult jminuitResult =,gauss);
+                double[] fitErrors = jminuitResult.errors();
+                IFunction fit = jminuitResult.fittedFunction();
+                for(int j=0; j<pars.length; ++j)
+                {
+                    System.out.println("   "+pars[j]+": "+ fit.parameter(pars[j])+" +/- "+fitErrors[j]);
+                }
+                fitMeans[i] = fit.parameter("mean");
+                fitSigmas[i] = fit.parameter("sigma");
+                plotter.region(i).plot(fit);
+//            plotter.region(7).plot(eHist);
+                // the means
+                IDataPoint point = energyMeans.addPoint();
+                point.coordinate(0).setValue(energies[i]);
+                point.coordinate(1).setValue(fitMeans[i]);
+                point.coordinate(1).setErrorPlus(fitErrors[1]);
+                point.coordinate(1).setErrorMinus(fitErrors[1]);
+                // sigma
+                IDataPoint point1 = energySigmas.addPoint();
+                point1.coordinate(0).setValue(energies[i]);
+                point1.coordinate(1).setValue(fitSigmas[i]/energies[i]);
+                point1.coordinate(1).setErrorPlus(fitErrors[2]/energies[i]);
+                point1.coordinate(1).setErrorMinus(fitErrors[2]/energies[i]);
+                // sigma/E vs 1/sqrt(E)
+                IDataPoint point3 = resolutionFit.addPoint();
+                point3.coordinate(0).setValue(1./sqrt(energies[i]));
+                point3.coordinate(1).setValue(fitSigmas[i]/energies[i]);
+                point3.coordinate(1).setErrorPlus(fitErrors[2]/energies[i]);
+                point3.coordinate(1).setErrorMinus(fitErrors[2]/energies[i]);
+                // residuals
+                IDataPoint point2 = energyResiduals.addPoint();
+                point2.coordinate(0).setValue(energies[i]);
+                point2.coordinate(1).setValue(100.*(fitMeans[i]-energies[i])/energies[i]);
+                // axis bookeeping...
+                if(energies[i] > eMax) eMax = energies[i];
+            } // end of 100 MeV cut
+        }
+        IPlotter results = af.createPlotterFactory().create("linearity");
+        style = results.region(0).style();
+        style.xAxisStyle().setLabel("MC Energy [GeV]");
+        style.yAxisStyle().setLabel("Cluster Energy [GeV]");
+        style.titleStyle().setVisible(false);
+        style.statisticsBoxStyle().setVisibileStatistics("011");
+        style.legendBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
+        IFitResult fitLine =, line);
+        System.out.println(" fit status: "+fitLine.fitStatus());
+        double eMaxBin = eMax+10.;
+        results.region(0).setXLimits(0., eMaxBin);
+        results.region(0).setYLimits(0., eMaxBin);
+        results.region(0).plot(energyMeans);
+        results.region(0).plot(fitLine.fittedFunction());
+        IPlotter resolution = af.createPlotterFactory().create("resolution");
+        style = resolution.region(0).style();
+        style.xAxisStyle().setLabel("Energy [GeV]");
+        style.yAxisStyle().setLabel("sigma/E");
+        style.titleStyle().setVisible(false);
+        style.statisticsBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
+        style.legendBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
+        resolution.region(0).setXLimits(0., eMaxBin);
+        resolution.region(0).setYLimits(0., .2);
+        resolution.region(0).plot(energySigmas);
+        IPlotter resolution2 = af.createPlotterFactory().create("sigma/E vs 1/E");
+        style = resolution2.region(0).style();
+        style.xAxisStyle().setLabel("1/ \u221a Energy [1/GeV]");
+        style.yAxisStyle().setLabel("sigma/E");
+//        style.statisticsBoxStyle().setVisibileStatistics("011");
+        style.legendBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
+        IFitResult resFitLine =, line);
+        System.out.println(" fit status: "+resFitLine.fitStatus());
+//        resolution2.region(0).setXLimits(0., 1.05);
+//        resolution2.region(0).setYLimits(0., .2);
+        resolution2.region(0).plot(resolutionFit);
+        resolution2.region(0).plot(resFitLine.fittedFunction());
+        IPlotter residuals = af.createPlotterFactory().create("residuals (%)");
+        style = residuals.region(0).style();
+        style.xAxisStyle().setLabel("Energy [GeV]");
+        style.yAxisStyle().setLabel("Residuals [%]");
+        style.statisticsBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
+        style.titleStyle().setVisible(false);
+        residuals.region(0).setXLimits(0., eMaxBin);
+        residuals.region(0).plot(energyResiduals);
+        if(showPlots)
+        {
+  ;
+  ;
+  ;
+  ;
+  ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // hardcopy
+//            plotter.writeToFile(fileFullPath+"_energyPlots."+fileType,fileType);
+//            results.writeToFile(fileFullPath+"_linearity."+fileType,fileType);
+//            resolution.writeToFile(fileFullPath+"_resolution."+fileType,fileType);
+//            resolution2.writeToFile(fileFullPath+"_resolutionLinear."+fileType,fileType);
+//            residuals.writeToFile(fileFullPath+"_residuals."+fileType,fileType);
+        }
+    }
     private double correctClusterEnergy(Cluster c, String type)
         double e = 0.;
@@ -228,5 +457,37 @@
         return e;
+    private static void sortDirectoriesByEnergy(String[] s)
+    {
+        Map<Double, String> map = new HashMap<Double, String>();
+        double[] energies = new double[s.length];
+        for(int j=0; j<s.length; ++j)
+        {
+//            System.out.println(onames[j]);
+            String subDir = s[j].substring(8); // length of "./gamma/" is 8, so remove leading directory
+            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(subDir,"_");
+            String e = st.nextToken();
+            String unit = st.nextToken();
+//            System.out.println(e+" "+unit);
+            energies[j] = Double.parseDouble(e);
+            if(unit.contains("MeV")) energies[j]/=1000.;
+            map.put(energies[j], s[j]);
+//            System.out.println("energy: "+energies[j]);
+        }
+        Arrays.sort(energies);
+        for(int j=0; j<s.length; ++j)
+        {
+            s[j] = map.get(energies[j]);
+        }
+        for(int j=0; j<s.length; ++j)
+        {
+            System.out.println(s[j]);
+        }
+    }
CVSspam 0.2.8