Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/uiowa on MAIN -> 1.8
fix null point bug

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/uiowa 1.7 -> 1.8
diff -u -r1.7 -r1.8
---	11 Jul 2008 19:12:19 -0000	1.7
+++	12 Jul 2008 01:22:11 -0000	1.8
@@ -34,30 +34,30 @@
 import hep.aida.ICloud2D;
 import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
-	public class MIPReassignmentAlgorithm implements ReassignClustersAlgorithm {
+    public class MIPReassignmentAlgorithm implements ReassignClustersAlgorithm {
     protected double m_limit;
     protected LocalHelixExtrapolator m_findCluster;
-	protected boolean nomip = false;
-	protected boolean debug = true;
-	protected double m_distance = 0;
+    protected boolean nomip = false;
+    protected boolean debug = false;
+    protected double m_distance = 0;
     protected double m_angle = 0; 
-	protected double m_degree = 0;
-	protected double m_costheta = 0;
-	protected double m_trans = 0;
-	protected ICloud2D m_histo_radian_distance;
-	protected ICloud2D m_histo_degree_distance;
-	protected ICloud2D m_histo_costheta_distance;
-	protected ICloud2D m_histo_trans_longi;
-	protected Map<Track, BasicCluster> m_newMapMIP;	
+    protected double m_degree = 0;
+    protected double m_costheta = 0;
+    protected double m_trans = 0;
+    protected ICloud2D m_histo_radian_distance;
+    protected ICloud2D m_histo_degree_distance;
+    protected ICloud2D m_histo_costheta_distance;
+    protected ICloud2D m_histo_trans_longi;
+    protected Map<Track, BasicCluster> m_newMapMIP;	
     public MIPReassignmentAlgorithm(double limit, LocalHelixExtrapolator findCluster, Map<Track, BasicCluster> MapTrkToMIP, ICloud2D histo1, ICloud2D histo2, ICloud2D histo3, ICloud2D histo4) {
-		m_limit = limit;
-		m_findCluster = findCluster;
-		m_newMapMIP = MapTrkToMIP;
-		m_histo_radian_distance = histo1;
-		m_histo_degree_distance = histo2;
+	    m_limit = limit;
+	    m_findCluster = findCluster;
+	    m_newMapMIP = MapTrkToMIP;
+	    m_histo_radian_distance = histo1;
+	    m_histo_degree_distance = histo2;
 		m_histo_costheta_distance = histo3;
 		m_histo_trans_longi = histo4;
@@ -69,71 +69,71 @@
-	public Double computeFigureOfMerit(Track tr, Cluster clus) {
+    public Double computeFigureOfMerit(Track tr, Cluster clus) {
-		Hep3Vector tangent = new BasicHep3Vector(); //extrapolated direction
-		Hep3Vector tangentUnit = new BasicHep3Vector(); 
-		Hep3Vector clusterPosition = new BasicHep3Vector(); //cluster position
-		Hep3Vector displacement = new BasicHep3Vector(); //displacement between cluster and last point
-		Hep3Vector displacementUnit = new BasicHep3Vector();
-		Hep3Vector interceptPoint = m_findCluster.performExtrapolation(tr);		
-		BasicCluster newmip = m_newMapMIP.get(tr);
-		List<Hep3Vector> lastTwoPositions = new ArrayList<Hep3Vector>();
-		if(newmip == null || newmip.getCalorimeterHits().size() < 5){ //These is no mip close to track.
-    		if (interceptPoint != null) {
-	        	tangent = m_findCluster.getTangent(); //tangent obtained using extrapolated track.
-			    tangentUnit = VecOp.unit(tangent);
-				clusterPosition = new BasicHep3Vector(clus.getPosition());
-				displacement = VecOp.sub(clusterPosition, interceptPoint);
-				displacementUnit = VecOp.unit(displacement);
-			}
-		}else{ //There is a mip attached to track.
-			for(int i=0; i<2 ; i++){
-				CalorimeterHit hit = newmip.getCalorimeterHits().get(newmip.getCalorimeterHits().size()-1-i);
-				IDDecoder id = hit.getIDDecoder();
-				id.setID(hit.getCellID());
-				double x = id.getPosition()[0];
-				double y = id.getPosition()[1];
-				double z = id.getPosition()[2];
-				Hep3Vector v = new BasicHep3Vector(x,y,z);
-				lastTwoPositions.add(v);
-			}
-			Hep3Vector last0pos =  lastTwoPositions.get(0);
-			Hep3Vector last1pos =  lastTwoPositions.get(1);
+	Hep3Vector tangent = new BasicHep3Vector(); //extrapolated direction
+	Hep3Vector tangentUnit = new BasicHep3Vector(); 
+	Hep3Vector clusterPosition = new BasicHep3Vector(); //cluster position
+	Hep3Vector displacement = new BasicHep3Vector(); //displacement between cluster and last point
+	Hep3Vector displacementUnit = new BasicHep3Vector();
+	Hep3Vector interceptPoint = m_findCluster.performExtrapolation(tr);		
+	BasicCluster newmip = m_newMapMIP.get(tr);
+	List<Hep3Vector> lastTwoPositions = new ArrayList<Hep3Vector>();
+	if(newmip.getCalorimeterHits().size() < 5){ //These is no mip close to track.
+	    if (interceptPoint != null) {
+		tangent = m_findCluster.getTangent(); //tangent obtained using extrapolated track.
+		tangentUnit = VecOp.unit(tangent);
+		clusterPosition = new BasicHep3Vector(clus.getPosition());
+		displacement = VecOp.sub(clusterPosition, interceptPoint);
+		displacementUnit = VecOp.unit(displacement);
+	    }
+	}else{ //There is a mip attached to track.
+	    for(int i=0; i<2 ; i++){
+		CalorimeterHit hit = newmip.getCalorimeterHits().get(newmip.getCalorimeterHits().size()-1-i);
+		IDDecoder id = hit.getIDDecoder();
+		id.setID(hit.getCellID());
+		double x = id.getPosition()[0];
+		double y = id.getPosition()[1];
+		double z = id.getPosition()[2];
+		Hep3Vector v = new BasicHep3Vector(x,y,z);
+		lastTwoPositions.add(v);
+	    }
+	    Hep3Vector last0pos =  lastTwoPositions.get(0);
+	    Hep3Vector last1pos =  lastTwoPositions.get(1);
- 	      	tangent = VecOp.sub(last0pos, last1pos); //tangent obtained using last two points.
+	    tangent = VecOp.sub(last0pos, last1pos); //tangent obtained using last two points.
     	    tangentUnit = VecOp.unit(tangent);
-        	clusterPosition = new BasicHep3Vector(clus.getPosition());
-        	displacement = VecOp.sub(clusterPosition, last1pos);
-        	displacementUnit = VecOp.unit(displacement);
-			if(debug) {
-				System.out.print("Debug: From last two points (" + last0pos.magnitude() + ", " +last1pos.magnitude()+ " )");
-				System.out.print(" Displacement from (r="+Math.sqrt(last1pos.x()*last1pos.x()+last1pos.y()*last1pos.y())+", z="+last1pos.z()+")");
-				System.out.print(" to (r="+Math.sqrt(clusterPosition.x()*clusterPosition.x()+clusterPosition.y()*clusterPosition.y())+", z="+clusterPosition.z()+")");                                                                                                            
-			}
+	    clusterPosition = new BasicHep3Vector(clus.getPosition());
+	    displacement = VecOp.sub(clusterPosition, last1pos);
+	    displacementUnit = VecOp.unit(displacement);
+	    if(debug) {
+		System.out.print("Debug: From last two points (" + last0pos.magnitude() + ", " +last1pos.magnitude()+ " )");
+		System.out.print(" Displacement from (r="+Math.sqrt(last1pos.x()*last1pos.x()+last1pos.y()*last1pos.y())+", z="+last1pos.z()+")");
+		System.out.print(" to (r="+Math.sqrt(clusterPosition.x()*clusterPosition.x()+clusterPosition.y()*clusterPosition.y())+", z="+clusterPosition.z()+")");                                                                                                            
+	    }
-		m_distance=displacement.magnitude()*, displacementUnit); //longitudinal distance 
-		m_angle=Math.acos(, displacementUnit));
-		m_degree=m_angle*180/3.14;
-		m_trans = displacement.magnitude()*Math.sin(m_angle);
-		m_costheta =, displacementUnit);
-		if (m_histo_radian_distance != null) { m_histo_radian_distance.fill(m_angle,m_distance); }
-		if (m_histo_degree_distance != null) { m_histo_degree_distance.fill(m_degree,m_distance); }
-		if (m_histo_costheta_distance != null) { m_histo_costheta_distance.fill(m_costheta,m_distance); }
-		if (m_histo_trans_longi != null) { m_histo_trans_longi.fill(m_trans, m_distance); }
-		if(debug){
-			System.out.print(" Angle= " + m_angle);
-			System.out.println(" Distance= " + m_distance);
-		}
+	m_distance=displacement.magnitude()*, displacementUnit); //longitudinal distance 
+	m_angle=Math.acos(, displacementUnit));
+	m_degree=m_angle*180/3.14;
+	m_trans = displacement.magnitude()*Math.sin(m_angle);
+	m_costheta =, displacementUnit);
+	if (m_histo_radian_distance != null) { m_histo_radian_distance.fill(m_angle,m_distance); }
+	if (m_histo_degree_distance != null) { m_histo_degree_distance.fill(m_degree,m_distance); }
+	if (m_histo_costheta_distance != null) { m_histo_costheta_distance.fill(m_costheta,m_distance); }
+	if (m_histo_trans_longi != null) { m_histo_trans_longi.fill(m_trans, m_distance); }
+	if(debug){
+	    System.out.print(" Angle= " + m_angle);
+	    System.out.println(" Distance= " + m_distance);
+	}
-		if (m_angle < m_limit) return new Double(m_angle); // return the angle if it is below cone angle.
+	if (m_angle < m_limit) return new Double(m_angle); // return the angle if it is below cone angle.
         return null;
-	}
+    }
CVSspam 0.2.8