

Hi Everyone,

Our next LQS group meeting will be Wednesday, July 23, at 2 PM Eastern. Those 
of us at MIT can meet in the LNS conference room.

Dial-in info: 510-665-5437, passcode 7336.

This week we have two BaBar papers to review.  Both are attached as pdf; 
urls are also give below.  The first is an ICHEP conference paper:

- BAD 2044, version 7
- "Search for B+ meson decay to a_1+ K*0"
- This is a conference paper aimed at ICHEP 2008
- Supporting Documents:               BAD 1916
- Previous related publication:       None
- Changes since preliminary results:  None
- Collaboration-wide talk:            TBA

The second is a PRL article:

- BAD 2001, version 8
- "Measurement of semileptonic B-decays into narrow orbitally excited charm states"
- This is a journal article aimed at Physical Review Letters
- Supporting Documents:               BAD 1081
- Previous related publication:       BAD 1565
- Changes since preliminary results:  None
- Collaboration-wide talk:            28 May 2008

Our review of BAD 2060 v9 from last week was posted in Hypernews at

Hope you can make it.
