Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/SteveMagill on MAIN -> 1.2

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/SteveMagill 1.1 -> 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
---	18 May 2007 19:58:44 -0000	1.1
+++	20 Aug 2008 20:24:20 -0000	1.2
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
 import org.lcsim.geometry.*;
 import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
 import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector;
+import org.lcsim.spacegeom.*;
+import org.lcsim.event.Track;
 import hep.aida.*;
 public class NHCandClusterDriver extends Driver
@@ -23,14 +25,15 @@
     private String _outclusname;
     private int _mincells;
     private double _Emin;
-    private double _ClCldist;
+    private double _TrCldist;
+    private boolean nhdb = false;
-    public NHCandClusterDriver(int mincells, double Emin, double ClCldist)
+    public NHCandClusterDriver(int mincells, double Emin, double TrCldist)
         //  add arguments if needed
         _mincells = mincells;
         _Emin = Emin;
-        _ClCldist = ClCldist;
+        _TrCldist = TrCldist;
     protected void process(EventHeader event)
@@ -38,8 +41,10 @@
         super.process(event);  // executes all added drivers
         List<BasicCluster> nhclus = new ArrayList<BasicCluster>();
-        List<PerfectTrack> trks = event.get(PerfectTrack.class, "PerfectTracks");
-        List<BasicCluster> trshcls = event.get(BasicCluster.class, "TrackCALClusters");
+        Map<Track, SpacePoint> tresmmap = (Map<Track, SpacePoint>) event.get("TrackXEShMaxMap");
+        Map<Track, SpacePoint> trh0map = (Map<Track, SpacePoint>) event.get("TrackXH0Map");
+        Map<Track, BasicCluster> trkclmap = (Map<Track, BasicCluster>) event.get("TrackClusMap");        
         //  to keep as neutral, minimum number of hits, distance from nearest track cluster, etc.
@@ -48,50 +53,131 @@
                 if (cl.getCalorimeterHits().size()>_mincells && cl.getEnergy()>_Emin) 
+                    //  if cluster has hit in ECAL layer 0 and no hits in hcal, not NH
+                    int nzhits = 0;
+                    int nhchits = 0;
+                    String emb = "EMBarrel";
+                    String emec = "EMEndcap";
+                    String hadb = "HADBarrel";
+                    String hadec = "HADEndcap";
+                    List<CalorimeterHit> clhits = cl.getCalorimeterHits();
+                    for(CalorimeterHit clhit : clhits)
+                    {
+                        int calflag = 0;
+                        IDDecoder _decoder = clhit.getIDDecoder();
+                        String dname = _decoder.getSubdetector().getName();
+//                        System.out.println(" name of subdetector for this hit " + dname);
+                        if (dname.equals(emb)) calflag = 1;
+                        if (dname.equals(emec)) calflag = 1;
+                        if (dname.equals(hadb)) calflag = 2;
+                        if (dname.equals(hadec)) calflag = 2;
+//                        System.out.println(" calflag is " + calflag);
+                        _decoder.setID(clhit.getCellID()); 
+                        int layer =_decoder.getLayer();
+                        if (layer==0 && calflag==1) nzhits++;
+                        if (calflag==2) nhchits++;
+                    }
+//                    System.out.println(" num zero layer hits " + nzhits + " HAD hits " + nhchits);
+                    if (nzhits==1 && nhchits==0) continue;  // not a nh - probably a mip stub
                     //  get cluster hit positions
-                    aida.cloud1D("NHCand Clus E").fill(cl.getEnergy());
+                    if (nhdb) aida.cloud1D("NHCand Clus E").fill(cl.getEnergy());
                     double[] clpos = cl.getPosition();
                     double cph = Math.atan2(clpos[1],clpos[0]);
                     if (cph<0) cph+=2*Math.PI;
                     double cshr = Math.sqrt(clpos[0]*clpos[0]+clpos[1]*clpos[1]);
                     double cth = Math.atan(cshr/clpos[2]);
                     if (cth<0) cth+=Math.PI;
+                    double clrawE = cl.getRawEnergy();
+                    //  now check distance of cluster from track positions
                     int nclmtch = 0;
-                    for (BasicCluster trshcl : trshcls)
+                    double dist1 = 999.;
+                    double dist2 = 999.;
+                    for (Track itr : tresmmap.keySet())
-                        //  get this cluster position
-                        double[] tpos = trshcl.getPosition();
-                        double tph = Math.atan2(tpos[1],tpos[0]);
-                        if (tph<0) tph+=2*Math.PI;
-                        double tshr = Math.sqrt(tpos[0]*tpos[0]+tpos[1]*tpos[1]);
-                        double tth = Math.atan(tshr/tpos[2]);
-                        if (tth<0) tth+=Math.PI;
-                        double dccth = Math.abs(tth-cth);
-                        double dccph = Math.abs(tph-cph);
-                        if (dccph>Math.PI) dccph = 2*Math.PI-dccph;
-                        double dcc = Math.sqrt(dccth*dccth+dccph*dccph);
-                        aida.cloud1D("ClusClus distance in NHCand").fill(dcc);
-                        if (dcc<_ClCldist) nclmtch++;
-                        if (nclmtch>0) continue;
+                        //  use maps at ESM and H0
+                        SpacePoint trSPesm = tresmmap.get(itr);
+                        double tresmth = Math.atan(trSPesm.rxy()/trSPesm.z());
+                        if (tresmth<0) tresmth+=Math.PI;
+                        double tresmph = Math.atan2(trSPesm.y(),trSPesm.x());
+                        if (tresmph<0) tresmph+=2*Math.PI;
+                        double d1ccth = Math.abs(tresmth-cth);
+                        double d1ccph = Math.abs(tresmph-cph);
+                        if (d1ccph>Math.PI) d1ccph = 2*Math.PI-d1ccph;
+                        dist1 = Math.sqrt(d1ccth*d1ccth+d1ccph*d1ccph);
+                        SpacePoint trSPh0 = trh0map.get(itr);
+                        double trh0th = Math.atan(trSPh0.rxy()/trSPh0.z());
+                        if (trh0th<0) trh0th+=Math.PI;
+                        double trh0ph = Math.atan2(trSPh0.y(),trSPh0.x());
+                        if (trh0ph<0) trh0ph+=2*Math.PI;
+                        double d2ccth = Math.abs(trh0th-cth);
+                        double d2ccph = Math.abs(trh0ph-cph);
+                        if (d2ccph>Math.PI) d2ccph = 2*Math.PI-d2ccph;
+                        dist2 = Math.sqrt(d2ccth*d2ccth+d2ccph*d2ccph);
+                        if (dist1<dist2) dist2 = dist1;
+                        if (dist2<_TrCldist)
+                        {
+                            //  get E/p for this track to see if cluster should be merged or not
+                            BasicCluster clus = trkclmap.get(itr);
+                            double clE = clus.getEnergy();
+                            double[] trP = itr.getMomentum();
+                            double pmag = Math.sqrt(trP[0]*trP[0]+trP[1]*trP[1]+trP[2]*trP[2]);
+                            double eop = clE/pmag;
+                            double eopplus = (clE+cl.getEnergy())/pmag;
+                            if (eopplus<2.0)
+                            {
+                                nclmtch++;
+                                //  add this cluster to track cluster
+                                clus.addCluster(cl);
+                            }
+                        }
-                    if (nclmtch == 0) nhclus.add(cl);
-                }
-            }
-            if (nhclus.size()>0) event.put(_outclusname,nhclus);
+                    if (nclmtch>0) continue;
+                    //  check average energy-weighted cluster hit distances
+                    List<CalorimeterHit> chits = cl.getCalorimeterHits();
+                    double Efdist = 0;
+                    for (CalorimeterHit chit : chits)
+                    {
+                        double[] htpos = chit.getPosition();
+                        double htph = Math.atan2(htpos[1],htpos[0]);
+                        if (htph<0) htph+=2*Math.PI;
+                        double htr = Math.sqrt(htpos[0]*htpos[0]+htpos[1]*htpos[1]);
+                        double htth = Math.atan(htr/htpos[2]);
+                        if (htth<0) htth+=Math.PI;
+                        //  get distance of hit from cluster center
+                        double disth = Math.abs(htth-cth);
+                        double disph = Math.abs(htph-cph);
+                        if (disph>Math.PI) disph = 2*Math.PI-disph;
+                        aida.cloud2D("deltheta vs delphi dist").fill(disph,disth);
+                        Efdist += chit.getRawEnergy()*Math.sqrt(disth*disth+disph*disph);
+                    }
+                    double AEdis = Efdist/clrawE;
+                    aida.cloud1D("EwgtSum Hit Dist from NH cluster center").fill(AEdis);
+//                    if (AEdis<0.01) continue;
+                    nhclus.add(cl);
+                }  //  test on cluster size and energy                
+            }  //  end of cluster loop
+//            if (nhclus.size()>0) event.put(_outclusname,nhclus);
+            event.put(_outclusname,nhclus);
             double nhclE = 0;
             for (BasicCluster nhcl : nhclus)
-                nhclE += nhcl.getEnergy()*1.3;
+                nhclE += nhcl.getEnergy();
-            aida.cloud1D("PFA Neutral Hadron ESum").fill(nhclE);
+            if (nhdb) aida.cloud1D("PFA Neutral Hadron ESum").fill(nhclE);
         catch(java.lang.IllegalArgumentException ex)
             System.out.println("requested object not found in event " + _clusname);      
-    }  // end of event loop
+    }  // end of event loop    
     public void setInputClusterName(String name)
         _clusname = name;
CVSspam 0.2.8