

Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/seedtracker/analysis on MAIN 1.1
Draws Efficiency Histograms, new class for the analysis package

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/seedtracker/analysis added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	12 Aug 2008 23:42:24 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package org.lcsim.contrib.seedtracker.analysis;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram1D;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+ *
+ * @author Pelham Keahey
+ */
+public class EfficiencyHistograms {
+    private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+    private AnalysisUtils util = new AnalysisUtils();
+    //map retrived from a util method that gives you a map of mcparticles with an integer, the integer is either 
+    //0: no track found but should have been
+    //1: track found and meets cuts
+    private Map<MCParticle,Integer> effimap;
+    //used to cut down on time spent on recalcuting variables when the event hasn't even changed (variables affected by event)
+    private EventHeader currentEvent=null;
+    //histograms
+    IHistogram1D thetaeff,pteff,dcaeff,z0eff,phi0eff,tanLeff,omegaeff,eff;
+    public EfficiencyHistograms(){
+    //set dir and create histogram shells
+    //histograms to be displayed
+    aida.tree().mkdir("Efficiency");
+    thetaeff = aida.histogramFactory().createHistogram1D("Efficiency/Theta","", 90, 0., 180., "type=efficiency");
+    pteff    = aida.histogramFactory().createHistogram1D("Efficiency/Pt","",  100,  0.,  50., "type=efficiency");
+    aida.tree().mkdir("Efficiency/HelixParam");
+    dcaeff   = aida.histogramFactory().createHistogram1D("Efficiency/HelixParam/DCA","", 120, -4.,   4., "type=efficiency");
+    z0eff    = aida.histogramFactory().createHistogram1D("Efficiency/HelixParam/z0","", 120, -4., 4., "type=efficiency");
+    phi0eff  = aida.histogramFactory().createHistogram1D("Efficiency/HelixParam/phi0","", 120, 0., 360., "type=efficiency");
+    tanLeff  = aida.histogramFactory().createHistogram1D("Efficiency/HelixParam/tanL","", 120, -10., 10., "type=efficiency");
+    omegaeff = aida.histogramFactory().createHistogram1D("Efficiency/HelixParam/Omega","", 120, -.02, .02, "type=efficiency");
+    eff = aida.histogramFactory().createHistogram1D("Efficiency/efficiency",200,0,3);
+    }
+    public void drawEfficiencyHistograms(MCParticle mcp,EventHeader event){
+            //calculator used to get helix parameters given an MCParticle and a BField
+            HelixParamCalculator calc = new HelixParamCalculator(mcp, 5);
+            //method to prevent recalculating variables based on the event, when the event is still the same
+            if(currentEvent==null || !currentEvent.equals(event)) {
+            effimap = util.FindEfficiency(event);
+            currentEvent = event; 
+            }
+            //helix parameters from the calculator above (used for cuts later)
+            double theta = calc.getTheta();
+            double degreetheta = 180*theta/Math.PI;
+            double pt = calc.getMCTransverseMomentum();
+            double dca = calc.getDCA();
+            double z0 = calc.getZ0();
+            //check to see if the efficiency map has the mcparicle and get the associated integer (1 or 0)
+            if(effimap.containsKey(mcp)){
+                int wgt = effimap.get(mcp);
+                //cuts for tanL: pt,dca and z0
+                if(pt>1.1 && Math.abs(dca) < 9 && Math.abs(z0) < 9){
+                       thetaeff.fill(degreetheta, wgt);
+                       tanLeff.fill(calc.getSlopeSZPlane(), wgt);
+                       aida.histogram1D("Efficiency/MCType/tanL/"+mcp.getType().getName(),120, -10., 10., "type=efficiency").fill(calc.getSlopeSZPlane(), wgt);
+                }
+               //Pt Cuts: Cos(theta) DCA z0
+                if (Math.cos(theta) < 0.985 && Math.abs(dca) < 9 && Math.abs(z0) < 9) {
+                    pteff.fill(pt,wgt);
+                    aida.histogram1D("Efficiency/MCType/Pt/"+mcp.getType().getName(),  100,  0.,  50., "type=efficiency").fill(pt, wgt);
+                }
+                //Omega Cut: Pt
+                if(pt>1.1){
+                    omegaeff.fill(calc.getMCOmega(), wgt);
+                    aida.histogram1D("Efficiency/MCType/Omega/"+mcp.getType().getName(), 120, -.02, .02, "type=efficiency").fill(calc.getMCOmega(), wgt);
+                }
+                //Z0 Cuts: Pt DCA Cos(theta)
+                if(pt>1.1 && Math.abs(dca) < 9 && Math.cos(theta) < 0.985){
+                    z0eff.fill(calc.getZ0(), wgt);
+                    aida.histogram1D("Efficiency/MCType/z0/"+mcp.getType().getName(), 120, -4., 4., "type=efficiency").fill(calc.getZ0(), wgt);
+                }
+                //DCA Cuts: Pt Cos(theta) z0 
+                if(pt>1.1 &&  Math.cos(theta) < 0.985 && Math.abs(z0) < 9){
+                    dcaeff.fill(calc.getDCA(), wgt);
+                    aida.histogram1D("Efficiency/MCType/DCA/"+mcp.getType().getName(), 120, -4.,   4., "type=efficiency").fill(calc.getDCA(), wgt);
+                }
+                //Phi0 Cuts: Pt Cos(theta) z0 DCA
+                if(pt>1.1 &&  Math.cos(theta) < 0.985 && Math.abs(z0) < 9 && Math.abs(dca) < 9){
+                       phi0eff.fill(180*calc.getPhi0()/Math.PI, wgt);
+                       aida.histogram1D("Efficiency/MCType/phi0/"+mcp.getType().getName(), 120, 0., 360., "type=efficiency").fill(calc.getDCA(), wgt);
+                }        
+           }    
+       }
CVSspam 0.2.8