

Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/uiowa/MuonFinder on MAIN 1.1
mip finder at cal and mudet

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/uiowa/MuonFinder added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	28 Sep 2008 06:31:15 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+package org.lcsim.contrib.uiowa.MuonFinder;
+import java.util.*; 
+import org.lcsim.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.event.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.event.*;
+import hep.physics.vec.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.hitmap.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.mipfinder.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.clumpfinder.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.pfa.identifier.*;
+import org.lcsim.event.base.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.structural.likelihood.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.structural.*;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector.CylindricalCalorimeter;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.decision.*;
+ * MIP finder.
+ * make map for track and mip in CAL
+ * find sub mips in Muon Detector with quality cut.
+ * later need to make it as one cluster if it is assocated with the same track. 
+ */
+public class MipTrackMap extends Driver {
+    protected Set<CalorimeterHit> m_allhits;
+    protected HelixExtrapolator m_extrap;
+    protected int exam = 0; //to test neighbour
+    protected boolean debug = false;
+    protected TrackClusterMatcher m_trackClusterMatcher;
+    protected HitMap hitsInTree = null;
+    protected double m_newMipFinderRadius = 100.0;
+    protected int m_minHitsToBeTreatedAsCluster = 5;
+    protected boolean m_removePoorQualityMips = true;
+    protected boolean m_doOldMipsOutsideTrees = false;
+    protected int m_dU =2;
+    protected int m_dV =2;
+    protected int m_dL =1;
+    public MipTrackMap(HelixExtrapolator extrap) {
+		m_extrap = extrap;
+                initTrackMatch();
+    }
+    public Map<Track, BasicCluster> createCalMIPMap(Set<CalorimeterHit> allhits, List<Track> tracklist) {
+        m_allhits = allhits;
+        List<Track> trackList = tracklist;
+        List<Cluster> allMatchableClusters = createClusters(m_allhits);
+	Map<Track, BasicCluster> MapTrkToMIP = new HashMap<Track, BasicCluster>();
+	for(Track tr : trackList){
+            exam = 0;
+            Hep3Vector track = (new BasicHep3Vector(tr.getMomentum()));
+            double mo = track.magnitude();
+            Cluster matchedCluster = m_trackClusterMatcher.matchTrackToCluster(tr, allMatchableClusters);
+            BasicCluster mipclus = new BasicCluster();  //for new mip cluster   
+	    HelixExtrapolationResult result = m_extrap.performExtrapolation(tr);
+	    Hep3Vector interceptPoint = null; // for debugging
+	    if (result != null) {
+		interceptPoint = result.getInterceptPoint();
+	    }
+	    Cluster seed = matchedCluster;
+	    //It might be needed to use intecept point instead of using first hit of seed
+	    //so that we can find the exact first hit corresponding to track
+            if(seed == null) continue; 
+	    // first hit of seed 
+	    mipclus.addHit(seed.getCalorimeterHits().get(0));
+	    //test for neighbour
+            examPosition(seed.getCalorimeterHits().get(0));
+	    int lastIterationWithFoundHit = -1;
+	    int maxSkippedLayers = 3;
+	    for( int iIteration = 0 ; iIteration < 71 ; iIteration++){ // for sid02 calorimeter. 31 for Ecal 40 for Hacl.
+		//To get the information from last hit
+		CalorimeterHit hit = mipclus.getCalorimeterHits().get( mipclus.getCalorimeterHits().size()-1);
+		IDDecoder id = hit.getIDDecoder();
+		id.setID(hit.getCellID());
+		double x = id.getPosition()[0];
+		double y = id.getPosition()[1];
+		double z = id.getPosition()[2];
+		double p = Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z);			
+		double r = Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y);
+		double lastlayer = id.getLayer();
+		String lastsubdetName = hit.getSubdetector().getName();
+		// Check for neighbouring hits in a 5x5x(2n+1) grid
+		// where n is the number of iterations since we last saw a hit.
+		// For example, if we saw a hit in the previous layer/iteration
+		// it'll be a 5x5x3 grid.
+		Set<Long> nearIDs = new HashSet<Long>();
+		int countIterationsSinceLastHit = (iIteration - lastIterationWithFoundHit);
+		if (countIterationsSinceLastHit <= 0) { throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error"); }
+		if (countIterationsSinceLastHit > maxSkippedLayers+1) { throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error"); }
+		long[] nearbyHitArray = id.getNeighbourIDs(countIterationsSinceLastHit, 2, 2);
+		for (long lastnearID : nearbyHitArray ) { nearIDs.add(lastnearID); }
+		Hep3Vector last0 = hitPosition(hit);
+		Hep3Vector last1 = new BasicHep3Vector();
+		if( mipclus.getCalorimeterHits().size() > 1){
+		    CalorimeterHit hit1 = mipclus.getCalorimeterHits().get( mipclus.getCalorimeterHits().size()-2);
+	            last1 = hitPosition(hit1);
+		}
+		//Searh cur hit in cur layer and arrange in angular order
+		SortedMap<Double, CalorimeterHit> sortedHitbyPos= new TreeMap();
+		for (CalorimeterHit curhit : m_allhits){
+		    IDDecoder curid = curhit.getIDDecoder();
+		    curid.setID(curhit.getCellID());
+		    double curx = curid.getPosition()[0];
+		    double cury = curid.getPosition()[1];
+		    double curz = curid.getPosition()[2];
+		    double curp = Math.sqrt(curx*curx+cury*cury+curz*curz);
+		    double curr = Math.sqrt(curx*curx+cury*cury);  
+		    Hep3Vector curpos = new BasicHep3Vector(curx,cury,curz);
+		    int curlayer = curid.getLayer();
+		    String cursubdetName = curhit.getSubdetector().getName();
+		    //use geometric information and layer number to find cur hit
+		    boolean EcalToHcal= lastlayer == 30 && curp > p && curid.getLayer() == 0;
+                    boolean HcalToMuDet = lastlayer == 33 && curp > p && curid.getLayer() == 0;
+		    boolean InSide = (curp > p || curlayer > lastlayer) && nearIDs.contains(curhit.getCellID());
+		    boolean EndToBarrelEcal = (curid.getLayer()==0 && cursubdetName.contains("EMBarrel")) && lastsubdetName.contains("EMEndcap");
+                    boolean EndToBarrelHcal = (curid.getLayer()==0 && cursubdetName.contains("HADBarrel")) && lastsubdetName.contains("HADEndcap");
+		    if(debug){
+			if(EndToBarrelEcal || EndToBarrelHcal) System.out.println("This is a boundary condition");
+		    }				
+		    if(EcalToHcal || InSide || EndToBarrelEcal || EndToBarrelHcal ){
+			Hep3Vector cur = VecOp.sub(curpos, last0);
+			Hep3Vector curUnit = VecOp.unit(cur);
+			Hep3Vector last = null;
+			if (mipclus.getCalorimeterHits().size() > 1) { 
+			    last = VecOp.sub(last0, last1);
+			} else {
+			    //Since there is only one hit we have at the first, we use a extrapolrated tangent vector 	
+			    if (result != null) {
+				last = result.getTangent();
+			    }
+			    if (last == null) {
+				// No extrapolation info and only one hit -- fall back to using
+				// a straight line from the origin.
+				last = VecOp.sub(last0, new BasicHep3Vector(0,0,0));
+			    }
+			}
+			Hep3Vector lastUnit = VecOp.unit(last);
+			double a = Math.acos(, curUnit));
+			double d = VecOp.sub(cur,last).magnitude();
+			if(a < 1.05 && d < 100){ //next hit in the range of angle 90 degree and less than 100mm(?)
+			    sortedHitbyPos.put(a, curhit);
+			}
+		    }		
+		}		
+		if(sortedHitbyPos.size() == 0) {
+		    // No hit found in this layer.
+		    if (countIterationsSinceLastHit <= maxSkippedLayers) {
+			continue; // go to next layer 
+		    } else {
+			break; // stop -- ran out of hits and haven't seen any for several iterations
+		    }
+		} else {
+		    // Found one or more hits
+		    lastIterationWithFoundHit = iIteration;
+		}
+		CalorimeterHit hitAdd = sortedHitbyPos.get(sortedHitbyPos.firstKey()); //add the hit with a smallest angle 
+		examPosition(hitAdd);
+		mipclus.addHit(hitAdd);
+		if (exam > 2) {
+		    if(debug) System.out.println("Debug: showering is already started " + exam + " layers ago" );
+                    double numRemove = 0;
+		    if(mipclus.getCalorimeterHits().size() < 4) {
+                        numRemove = mipclus.getCalorimeterHits().size() - 1 ; 
+                    } else numRemove = 3;
+		    for(int k=0; k < numRemove ; k++) {
+			CalorimeterHit toRemove = mipclus.getCalorimeterHits().get(mipclus.getCalorimeterHits().size()-1);
+			mipclus.removeHit(toRemove);
+		    }
+		    break;
+		}
+	    } //layer loop after mip
+	    if(debug){
+		int k=0;
+		if(mipclus.getCalorimeterHits().size() < 4) k = mipclus.getCalorimeterHits().size();
+		else k = 4;
+		for(int i =0; i < k ;i++){
+		    CalorimeterHit hit = mipclus.getCalorimeterHits().get( mipclus.getCalorimeterHits().size()-1-i);
+		    Hep3Vector v = hitPosition(hit);
+		    System.out.println("Debug: last "+i+" pos= "+v.magnitude()+" (" +v.x() + " " + v.y() + " " + v.z()+ ")" );
+		}
+		System.out.println("MIP hit size= " + mipclus.getCalorimeterHits().size());
+	    }		
+	    MapTrkToMIP.put(tr, mipclus);
+	} //track loop
+	return MapTrkToMIP;
+    }
+     public List<Cluster> createMIPMuDet(Set<CalorimeterHit> muhits){
+        List<Cluster> output = new Vector<Cluster>();
+        hitsInTree = new HitMap(muhits);
+        // Look for structure
+        List<Cluster> mipsOldInThisTree = findMipsOld(hitsInTree);
+        List<Cluster> mipsNewInThisTree = findMipsNew(hitsInTree);
+        List<Cluster> clumpsInThisTree = findClumps(hitsInTree);
+        List<Cluster> tightNeighbourClustersInThisTree = findNNClusters(hitsInTree);
+        // Treat the NN clusters as clumps for now
+        clumpsInThisTree.addAll(tightNeighbourClustersInThisTree);
+        // Record what we found
+        output.addAll(mipsOldInThisTree);
+        output.addAll(mipsNewInThisTree);
+        output.addAll(clumpsInThisTree);
+        if (m_removePoorQualityMips) {
+            removePoorQualityMips(output);
+        }
+        return output;
+    }
+    public List<Cluster> createClusters(Set<CalorimeterHit> input_allhits)
+    {
+        List<Cluster> clusters = new Vector<Cluster>();
+        Set<CalorimeterHit> allhits = input_allhits;
+        for(CalorimeterHit hit : allhits){
+            BasicCluster tmpClus = new BasicCluster();
+            tmpClus.addHit(hit);
+            clusters.add(tmpClus);
+        }
+        return clusters;
+    }
+   protected void initTrackMatch() {
+        // Track-matching is complex. Use several matchers...
+        // Try matching with local helix extrap to MIP or generic cluster:
+        LocalHelixExtrapolationTrackMIPClusterMatcher mipMatch = new LocalHelixExtrapolationTrackMIPClusterMatcher(m_extrap);
+        LocalHelixExtrapolationTrackClusterMatcher genMatch = new LocalHelixExtrapolationTrackClusterMatcher(m_extrap);
+        DualActionTrackClusterMatcher localHelixMatchers = new DualActionTrackClusterMatcher(mipMatch, genMatch);
+        add(mipMatch);
+        add(genMatch);
+        m_trackClusterMatcher = localHelixMatchers;
+    }
+     protected List<Cluster> findMipsOld(HitMap unusedHits) {
+        Clusterer oldMipfinder = new TrackClusterDriver();
+        List<Cluster> mipClustersOld = oldMipfinder.createClusters(unusedHits);
+        //for (Cluster mip : mipClustersOld) {
+        //    for (CalorimeterHit hit : mip.getCalorimeterHits()) {
+        //        hitsInTree.remove(hit.getCellID());
+        //    }
+        //}
+        return mipClustersOld;
+    }
+    protected List<Cluster> findMipsNew(HitMap unusedHits) {
+        Clusterer newMipFinder = new org.lcsim.recon.cluster.mipfinder.NonProjectiveMipFinder(m_newMipFinderRadius);
+        List<Cluster> mipClustersNew = newMipFinder.createClusters(unusedHits);
+        //for (Cluster mip : mipClustersNew) {
+        //    for (CalorimeterHit hit : mip.getCalorimeterHits()) {
+        //        hitsInTree.remove(hit.getCellID());
+        //    }
+        //}
+        return mipClustersNew;
+    }
+    protected List<Cluster> findClumps(HitMap unusedHits) {
+        Clusterer clumpfinder = new ClumpFinder();
+        List<Cluster> clumpClusters = clumpfinder.createClusters(unusedHits);
+        for (Cluster clump : clumpClusters) {
+            if (clump.getCalorimeterHits().size() == 0) { throw new AssertionError("clump has no hits"); }
+            if (clump.getCalorimeterHits().contains(null)) { throw new AssertionError("null hit in clump"); }
+         //   for (CalorimeterHit hit : clump.getCalorimeterHits()) {
+         //       hitsInTree.remove(hit.getCellID());
+         //   }
+        }
+        return clumpClusters;
+    }
+     protected List<Cluster> findNNClusters(HitMap unusedHits) {
+        if (m_dU>0 && m_dV>0 && m_dL>0) {
+            int min_cells = m_minHitsToBeTreatedAsCluster/2;
+            Clusterer neighbourClusterer = new org.lcsim.recon.cluster.nn.NearestNeighborClusterer(m_dU, m_dV, m_dL, min_cells, 0.0);
+            List<Cluster> output = neighbourClusterer.createClusters(unusedHits);
+            for (Cluster clus : output) {
+                if (clus.getCalorimeterHits().size() == 0) { throw new AssertionError("clump has no hits"); }
+                if (clus.getCalorimeterHits().contains(null)) { throw new AssertionError("null hit in clump"); }
+                //for (CalorimeterHit hit : clus.getCalorimeterHits()) {
+                //    hitsInTree.remove(hit.getCellID());
+                //}
+            }
+            return output;
+        } else {
+            // Do nothing -- return empty vector
+            return(new Vector<Cluster>());
+        }
+    }
+    protected void removePoorQualityMips(Collection<Cluster> mipList) {
+        SimpleMipQualityDecision check = new SimpleMipQualityDecision();
+        List<Cluster> mipsToRemove = new Vector<Cluster>();
+        for (Cluster mip : mipList) {
+            boolean passesCheck = check.valid(mip);
+            if (!passesCheck) {
+                mipsToRemove.add(mip);
+            }
+        }
+        mipList.removeAll(mipsToRemove);
+    }
+    //examine neighbour hits
+    protected void examPosition(CalorimeterHit hit){
+	Set<Long> allHitIDs = new HashSet<Long>();
+	for (CalorimeterHit allhit : m_allhits)  allHitIDs.add(allhit.getCellID());
+	IDDecoder id = hit.getIDDecoder();
+	id.setID(hit.getCellID());
+	int count[] = new int[4];
+	for (int i =0 ; i < 4 ; i++){
+	    long[] neighbours = id.getNeighbourIDs(0,i+1,i+1);
+	    for(long neighbourID : neighbours)
+		if (allHitIDs.contains(neighbourID)) count[i]++;
+	}
+	if ( count[2] > 1 ) exam++ ; // if number of neighbour hits in 5x5 is larger than 1, count 1 
+	else exam = 0; // if number of neighbour is none, set to zero and start again from 0 
+	if(debug){
+	    Hep3Vector v = hitPosition(hit);
+	    int p = (int) (v.magnitude());
+	    System.out.println(" hit: pos=" + p + " , " + count[0] + " hits in 3x3, " + count[1] + " hits in 5x5 " + count[2] + " hits in 7x7 " + count[3] + " hits in 9x9 " + id.getLayer() + " layer of " + hit.getSubdetector().getName());
+	}
+    }
+    //give the vector of hit
+    protected Hep3Vector hitPosition(CalorimeterHit hit){
+	IDDecoder id = hit.getIDDecoder();
+	id.setID(hit.getCellID());
+	double x = id.getPosition()[0];
+	double y = id.getPosition()[1];
+	double z = id.getPosition()[2];
+	Hep3Vector v = new BasicHep3Vector(x,y,z);
+	return v;
+    }
+    protected int getLayer(CalorimeterHit hit) {
+        org.lcsim.geometry.IDDecoder id = hit.getIDDecoder();
+        id.setID(hit.getCellID());
+        int layer = id.getLayer();
+        return layer;
+    }
CVSspam 0.2.8