Commit in lcsim/sandbox on MAIN
steeringTest.xml+52added 1.1
JM: a simple xml steering file with all control options

steeringTest.xml added at 1.1
diff -N steeringTest.xml
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ steeringTest.xml	25 Sep 2008 22:17:40 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+    <!-- input files -->
+    <inputFiles>
+        <!-- file URL which is downloaded to the cache -->
+        <fileUrl></fileUrl>
+        <!-- local file -->
+        <file>/nfs/slac/g/lcd/mc/prj/data/singleParticle/sid01/slcio/slic/mu_Theta4-176_1-50GeV-0-5000_SLIC-v2r3p10_geant4-v9r0p1_LCPhys_sid01.slcio</file>
+    </inputFiles>
+    <!-- job control parameters -->
+    <control>
+        <logFile>./steeringTest.log</logFile>
+        <cacheDirectory>.</cacheDirectory>
+        <numberOfEvents>100</numberOfEvents>
+        <verbose>true</verbose>
+        <printDriverStatistics>true</printDriverStatistics>
+        <printSystemProperties>true</printSystemProperties>
+        <printUserClassPath>true</printUserClassPath> 
+        <printDriversDetailed>true</printDriversDetailed>
+    </control>
+    <!-- additional jars -->
+    <classpath>
+        <!-- jar on the web -->
+        <jarUrl></jarUrl>
+        <!-- local jar -->
+        <jar>/u/ey/jeremym/work/cvs/lcsim-ipr/lcsim-ipr/target/lcsim-ipr-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar</jar>
+    </classpath>
+    <!-- driver execution order -->
+    <execute>
+        <driver name="EventMarkerDriver"/>
+        <driver name="LCIODriver"/>
+    </execute>
+    <!-- driver definitions -->
+    <drivers>
+        <!-- print event number -->
+        <driver name="EventMarkerDriver"
+                type="org.lcsim.job.EventMarkerDriver">
+            <eventInterval>1</eventInterval>
+        </driver>
+        <!-- Write output to file including all collections (for debugging) -->
+        <driver name="LCIODriver"
+                type="org.lcsim.util.loop.LCIODriver">
+            <outputFilePath>./steeringTest.slcio</outputFilePath>
+        </driver>
+    </drivers>
CVSspam 0.2.8