

Hi Everyone,

After our run-off poll on meeting times, Thursday at 1 PM Eastern turns
out to be the best choice.  It was not vetoed by anyone, and it was 
the preferred choice of two people, so let's give it a try.  If it turns
out not to work, we'll do this again.  The next best choice was 
Thursdays at 2 PM.  All other timeslots on the run-off poll were vetoed
by at least one person.

So our next LQS meeting will be Thursday, Sept. 11, at 1 PM Eastern.
Dial-in is the same as before: 510-665-5437, passcode 7336.

This week we'll discuss

> More Really is Different
> Authors: Mile Gu, Christian Weedbrook, Alvaro Perales, Michael A. Nielsen
> (Submitted on 31 Aug 2008)
>     Abstract: In 1972, P.W.Anderson suggested that `More is Different', 
> meaning that complex physical systems may exhibit behavior that cannot be 
> understood only in terms of the laws governing their microscopic 
> constituents. We strengthen this claim by proving that many macroscopic 
> observable properties of a simple class of physical systems (the infinite 
> periodic Ising lattice) cannot in general be derived from a microscopic 
> description. This provides evidence that emergent behavior occurs in such 
> systems, and indicates that even if a `theory of everything' governing all
> microscopic interactions were discovered, the understanding of macroscopic
>  order is likely to require additional insights.
