

Hi Everyone,

We'll hold our regular weekly LQS group meeting this Thursday, Oct. 9,
at 1 PM Eastern.  We've not yet found a conference or meeting room 
available in this time slot, so Peter has volunteered his office for now.
Call-in info is 510-665-5437, passcode 7336.

This week I'll report on the SiD Workshop that was held in September at
the University of Colorado in Boulder.  We'll also discuss two very short 
articles suggested by Peter, both from Nature.  Both are attached as pdf 

The first, written by Dirac in 1937, comments on some interesting numerical
relations between atomic and cosmological constants, and speculates
on whether or not certain ratios may be a function of time since the Big Bang.

The second, an editorial entitled "Cool Philosophies", touches on the 
benefits of effective communication about physics with the public.
The article notes the unexpectedly high level of interest that the turn-on 
of the LHC occasioned in the international media, and remarks on the
opportunity this presents.

Suggestions for papers to review in future meetings are always welcome!
