Commit in ExampleProject/src on MAIN 1.1
Caroline Milstene-   November 14, 2008-An Exemple to run CamKalmanFilter2, a Kalman filter in 1m of Iron

ExampleProject/src added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	14 Nov 2008 23:32:55 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+import java.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.*;
+import Jama.*;
+import Jama.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.Detector;
+import org.lcsim.util.step.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.swim.HelixSwimmer;
+//import org.lcsim.util.swim.Helix;
+//import org.lcsim.event.LCIOParameters;
+import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CartesianPoint;
+import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CartesianVector;
+import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SpaceVector;
+import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SpacePoint;
+/*new modifications as of 06/29/07
+ * by Caroline Milstene and Kudzanayi Munetsi-Mugomba
+ * Test 12 will Test the CamKalmanStepper program
+ * described in 2006_JINST_1_p1003.pdf. 
+ *
+ * and In arXiv: physics/0604197; and physics/0605015 
+ * ntrylim represent the number of tracks
+ */
+public class TestCamKalmFe{
+    private static double [] sigma = {1.e-3,1.e-3,1.e-3,1.e-3,1.e-3,1.e-3};
+    private static int _layerN,_nStepsDone;
+    private static double ncount   = 0;
+    private static double ntry;
+    private static HelixSwimmer hswim;
+    private static CamKalmanStepper2 CamStpr;
+    private static int _nLayersLim  =20;// hadron calorimeter
+    private static double ds        = 50.;     //path length 50cm.
+    private static int _nStepsToDo  = 6; //(px,py) fixed for 5mm in BField=(30mm/5)=6steps
+    private static int _nTracksLim   =100;
+    private static double[][] cov   = new double[6][6];
+    private static double[][] mcov  = new double[3][3];
+    protected static double [] rp0  = new double[8];
+    public static AIDA aida               = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+    private static double []mes     = new double[3];
+    private static double xVx  , yVx  , zVx ;
+    private static double pxVx , pyVx , pzVx;
+    private static double B         = 5.;
+    private static double sign      = 1.;
+    private static double kQ        = 1.;
+    public static void main(String args[]){
+    System.out.println (" Num. of layers="+_nLayersLim+" ds="+ds+" Num of Tracks="+_nTracksLim);
+     double track []   = new double [6];
+     track[0]               = 1.5+0.15; track[1] = 0.5+0.3; track[2] = 0.02+0.2;
+     // track[3],track [4],track[5] below are the Momentum componants
+     // Remark: Here dedx is in GeV/mm, P>dedx otherwise the particle
+     // has not enough energy to move in the material
+     track[3]               =3.0 ; track[4] =0.5  ; track[5] = 0.01    ;
+     double muonMass        = 0.107;
+     rp0[6]                 =1.; rp0[7] = muonMass;
+     for (int i=0; i<6; i++){ double xytmp=track[i]; rp0[i]= xytmp;}
+     TestCamKalmFe(rp0,_nTracksLim, _nLayersLim);
+   }
+   //
+    public static void TestCamKalmFe(double [] vect8,int nTracksLim,int nLayersLim){
+     boolean smearedGaussHelix  = true;
+     boolean smearedVertex =true;
+     boolean randnum  = true;
+     int klb=1;   // nStepsToLayback
+     int q;
+     double [] tracksm = new double [8];
+     double[]x = new double[10000];
+     double[]y = new double[10000];
+     double[]z = new double[10000];
+     int [] subPlaneIndex = new int[nLayersLim];
+     double ds2;
+     double k1B2C         = 0.299792458*1E-03;
+     double xx, yy, zz;
+     String matterName = "Iron";
+     Random rndm          = new Random();
+     for(int i=0;i<6;i++) cov[i][i]=50;
+     pxVx            = vect8[3] ;  pyVx = vect8[4] ; pzVx = vect8[5];
+     xVx              = vect8[0] ;    yVx = vect8[1]  ;   zVx = vect8[2];
+     tracksm[0] = xVx;tracksm[1]=yVx;tracksm[2]=zVx;
+     tracksm[3] = pxVx; tracksm[4]=pyVx;tracksm[5]=pzVx;
+     tracksm[6] = kQ; tracksm[7]=0.105;
+     CamStpr    = new CamKalmanStepper2(tracksm, cov);
+     SpaceVector p = new CartesianVector(pxVx,pyVx,pzVx);
+     SpacePoint r0 = new CartesianPoint(xVx, yVx, zVx);
+     q          =(int)kQ;
+  // measurement point created by an Helix swimmer
+     hswim=new HelixSwimmer(B);
+  //   1st Source point on track-before smearing
+       System.out.println(" ((((Starting Point Source before smearing))))");
+       System.out.println(" BBBB  xVx="+xVx+" yVx="+ yVx+" zVx="+zVx);
+       System.out.println(" BBBB   pxVx="+pxVx+"  pyVx="+pyVx+" pzVx="+pzVx);
+// create _nTracksLim tracks out of it by smearing
+      for(int ntry=0; ntry<_nTracksLim; ntry++){
+ // at start of each track (number ntry)
+         CamStpr.resetStopTkELow(); CamStpr.resetCovariance(50.);
+         randnum=false;
+         if(randnum == true){ // randum smearing
+         if(smearedVertex){
+            xVx  = xVx+(2*rndm.nextDouble()-1.)*sigma[0];
+            yVx  = yVx+(2*rndm.nextDouble()-1.)*sigma[1];
+            zVx  = zVx+(2*rndm.nextDouble()-1.)*sigma[2];
+            pxVx = pxVx+(2*rndm.nextDouble()-1.)*sigma[3];
+            pyVx = pyVx+(2*rndm.nextDouble()-1.)*sigma[4];
+            pzVx = pzVx+(2*rndm.nextDouble()-1.)*0.0001;
+            if(tracksm[0]<0.)System.out.println
+            (  "====== smaller than 0. xVx="+xVx+"yVx="+yVx+"tracksm[0]="+tracksm[0]);
+          }// End smeared Vx
+         }else{ // Gaussian smearing
+         if(smearedVertex){
+            xVx  =  xVx + rndm.nextGaussian()*Math.abs(sigma[0]);
+            yVx  =  yVx + rndm.nextGaussian()*Math.abs(sigma[1]);
+            zVx  =  zVx + rndm.nextGaussian()*Math.abs(sigma[2]);
+            pxVx =  pxVx+ rndm.nextGaussian()*Math.abs(sigma[3]);
+            pyVx =  pyVx+ rndm.nextGaussian()*Math.abs(sigma[4]);
+            pzVx =  pzVx+ rndm.nextGaussian()*Math.abs(sigma[5]);
+          } // End of Smeared Vertex (Gaussian)
+        }// End smeared Vx
+         tracksm[0] = xVx ; tracksm[1] = yVx ; tracksm[2] = zVx ;
+         tracksm[3] = pxVx; tracksm[4] = pyVx; tracksm[5] = pzVx;
+         aida.cloud2D(" vertex Smeared x versus y").fill(tracksm[0],tracksm[1]);
+         aida.cloud2D(" vertex Smeared x versus z").fill(tracksm[0],tracksm[2]);
+         tracksm[6] = 1.; tracksm[7] = 0.107;
+          CamStpr.setRpCov(tracksm,cov);
+          CamStpr.setSign(kQ);
+   //***update with measured points
+          tracksm   = CamStpr.getNewRp();
+   //*** measured covariance next track
+         for(int kk  = 0;kk<3;kk++){
+         for(int k   =   0;k<3;k++){
+             if(kk   !=  k) mcov[kk][k]=0.;
+             if(kk   == k){ double covs=sigma[kk]*sigma[k];  mcov[kk][k]=covs;}
+           }
+         }
+           p         = new CartesianVector(pxVx,pyVx,pzVx);
+           r0        = new CartesianPoint(xVx, yVx, zVx);
+           q         = (int)kQ;
+  //*** set hswim for the new randomized atarting points
+           hswim.setTrack( p, r0, q);
+  //*** measurement point role played by an Helix swimmer
+  //     Helix- Create measured points on track
+         for(int k   = 0;k<_nLayersLim;k++){
+		 //spacePoints
+          r0         = hswim.getPointAtLength((k+1)*ds);
+   //*** Layer0 to LayerN on track randomize the data points
+          xx         = r0.x();yy = r0.y();zz = r0.z();
+          p               = hswim.getMomentumAtLength((k+1)*ds);
+          x[k]            = xx   ; y[k]   = yy  ; z[k]   =  zz;
+          if(smearedGaussHelix){
+          double xxxx     = rndm.nextGaussian()*Math.abs(sigma[0]);
+          double yyyy     = rndm.nextGaussian()*Math.abs(sigma[1]);
+          double zzzz     = rndm.nextGaussian()*Math.abs(sigma[2]);
+          x[k]           += xxxx;
+          y[k]           += yyyy;
+          z[k]           += zzzz;
+	      }// End Smearing Helix
+          aida.cloud2D("Smeared Helix x versus y").fill(x[k], y[k]);
+          aida.cloud2D("Smeared Helix x versus z").fill(x[k], z[k]);
+         }// end of _nLayersLim
+ //
+//***    System.out.println(" AAAAAA   START Propagate + UPDATE   AAAA for tracks "+ntry);
+      int [ ][ ] numSteps  = new int[_nLayersLim][2];
+      int inStepsToDo       =10;
+      for( int i=0; i<_nLayersLim; i++){//propagate to next layer
+       double pNorm = Math.sqrt(tracksm[3]*tracksm[3]+tracksm[4]*tracksm[4]+tracksm[5]*tracksm[5]);
+       inStepsToDo  = (pNorm>1.)?10:50;
+      numSteps[i]  = CamStpr.propagateInBarrelByDs(ds,B,inStepsToDo,matterName);
+       tracksm      = CamStpr.getNewRp();
+       _layerN     = i;            //  Layer number 0,1,..5
+       if(CamStpr.getStopTkELow()==true)break;
+       double mes0 = x[i], mes1   = y[i], mes2  = z[i];
+        mes[0]      = mes0; mes[1] = mes1; mes[2]= mes2;
+       CamStpr.upDate(mes, mcov);
+        tracksm     = CamStpr.getNewRp();
+        cov         = CamStpr.getCovUpdate();
+        aida.cloud2D("CamStpr smeared tracks update x vs. y").fill(tracksm[0], tracksm[1]);
+         aida.cloud2D("CamStpr smeared tracks update x vs. z").fill(tracksm[0],tracksm[2]);
+        }// End of _nLayersLim
+    // update before starting to go backward (using the mesurements of the last point
+    //
+    // reset covariance matrices ====
+       CamStpr.resetCovariance(50.);
+       for(int k=0;k<3;k++){ mcov[k][k]=sigma[k]*sigma[k];}
+       CamStpr.setRpCov(tracksm, cov); // keep position change cov mtx
+       double dsBack              =-ds;     //   (.mm)
+        if(CamStpr.getStopTkELow()== false)  {
+           CamStpr.upDate(mes, mcov);
+           tracksm                                 = CamStpr.getNewRp();
+           aida.cloud2D("CamStpr Back smeared  x versus y update").fill(tracksm[0], tracksm[1]);
+           aida.cloud2D("CamStpr Back smeared x versus z update ").fill(tracksm[0], tracksm[2]);
+         }
+          cov                        = CamStpr.getCovUpdate();
+       for( int j=(_layerN-1);j>=0; j--){   //propagate to x[i], y[i], z[i]
+       if(j==_layerN-1&&CamStpr.getStopTkELow() )  CamStpr.setStopTkELow(false);
+        CamStpr.propagateInBarrelBackByDs(dsBack,B,matterName,numSteps[j+1]);
+        tracksm     = CamStpr.getNewRp();
+        xx          = x[j];     yy = y[j];  zz=z[j] ;
+        mes[0]      = xx  ; mes[1] = yy; mes[2]= zz ;
+       CamStpr.upDate(mes, mcov);
+        tracksm     = CamStpr.getNewRp(); // get x,y,z,px,py,pz,q,mass
+        cov         = CamStpr.getCovUpdate();
+         aida.cloud2D("CamStpr Back smeared  x versus y update").fill(tracksm[0], tracksm[1]);
+         aida.cloud2D("CamStpr Back smeared x versus z update ").fill(tracksm[0], tracksm[2]);
+         aida.cloud1D("CamStprBack smeared X ( measure-updated)  ").fill((mes[0]-tracksm[0]));
+         aida.cloud1D("CamStprBack smeared Y ( measure-updated)  ").fill((mes[1]-tracksm[1]));
+         aida.cloud1D("CamStprBack smeared Z ( measure-updated)  ").fill((mes[2]-tracksm[2]));
+         }
+  //*** System.out.println("AAAAAAA  Back to the Vertex AAAAAAA  ")
+        int [ ] nStepsToVx  = new int[2];
+        nStepsToVx[0]  = numSteps[0][0]; nStepsToVx[1] = numSteps[0][1];
+        double [] par      =  {xVx, yVx,zVx,pxVx,pyVx,pzVx};
+        double pLast     =  Math.sqrt(tracksm[3]*tracksm[3]+tracksm[4]*tracksm[4]+tracksm[5]*tracksm[5]);
+       //double dsToVx  =  (xVx-tracksm[0])*(pLast/tracksm[3]);
+        double dsToVx  =  dsBack;
+        /*
+        System.out.print(" ####dsToVx="+dsToVx+" nStepsDone="+nStepsToVx[1]);
+        System.out.println(" track number="+ntry+"dsBack="+dsBack);
+        System.out.println("  nStepsToVx[0] ="+nStepsToVx[0]+" nStepsToVx[1] ="+nStepsToVx[1]);
+        System.out.println("  dsBack  ="+dsBack+" B="+B);
+       */
+        CamStpr.propagateInBarrelBackByDs(dsToVx,B,matterName,nStepsToVx);
+        tracksm = CamStpr.getNewRp();
+        cov=CamStpr.getCovUpdate();
+        if((ntry<=2) ||(ntry>(_nTracksLim-2))){
+        System.out.println("FINAL ###  tracksm[0] = "+tracksm[0]+"  par[0]="+par[0]);
+        System.out.println("  tracksm[1] = "+tracksm[1]+"  par[1]="+par[1]);
+        System.out.println("  tracksm[2] = "+tracksm[2]+"  par[2]="+par[2]);
+        System.out.println("  tracksm[3] = "+tracksm[3]+"  par[3]="+par[3]);
+        System.out.println(" xVx="+xVx+"yVx="+yVx+" zVx="+zVx);
+        System.out.println(" pxVx="+pxVx+"pyVx="+pyVx+" pzVx="+pzVx);
+           }
+        if((ntry<=2) ||(ntry>(_nTracksLim-2))){
+        for(int n=0; n<3;n++)
+           System.out.println( "####n="+n+" par[n]- tracksm[n]="+(par[n]-tracksm[n]));
+         }
+        aida.cloud1D("delta_x ").fill((par[0]-tracksm[0]));
+        aida.cloud1D("delta_y").fill(par[1]-tracksm[1]);
+        aida.cloud1D("delta_z ").fill((par[2]-tracksm[2]));
+        aida.cloud1D("delta_pz ").fill((par[5]-tracksm[5]));
+        double ptBackVx = Math.sqrt(tracksm[3]*tracksm[3]+tracksm[4]*tracksm[4]);
+        double ptVx     = Math.sqrt(par[3]*par[3]+par[4]*par[4]);
+        aida.cloud1D("delta_pt").fill(ptVx-ptBackVx);
+     } // End of each track- Each ntry
+    }// End of test8 method
+  }// End of the java/class software
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CVSspam 0.2.8