Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/KFFitter on MAIN
History-841.4 removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed
test/ removed
10 removed files
JM: moving contrib.KFFitter to lcsim-contrib

History removed after 1.4
diff -N History
--- History	13 Apr 2007 20:32:06 -0000	1.4
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-## History file
-## Kalman Filter Fitter (KFFitter)
-## Please summarize changes to the KFFitter code here.
-## Most recent first please.
-13 April 2007 Fred Blanc V01-01-02
- - Added KFVertex class to handle a vertex constraint.
-   The constraint is applied to d0=0 and z0=0, with an uncertainty
-   of +-2 microns
-   The constraint it applied at the end of the outside-in fit, in the KFTrack class.
- - Account for the uncertainty on the dE/dx correction, in the 'filter' function
-   of KFSite
- - removed from package the unused KFMatrix class
- - cleaned up several obsolete debugging statements and a few debugging functions
-09 March 2007 Fred Blanc V01-01-01
- (this version of the code was used to produce the results presented at the
-  SiD tracking meeting on the day of this commit)
- Many new feature:
-  -
-	add fit results to event via the BaseTrack class
-  -
-	use again the track finder seed track as intial parameters
-	refined the initial covariance matrix
-  -
-	refined the multiple scattering and energy loss corrections
-  -
-	added the gaussian smearing of SimTrackerHits:
-		5micron in rphi and z for the Vertex Detector
-		7micron in rphi and "large" for z in the Tracker
-  -
-	fixed bug in conversion between "fit" and "point" parametrizations (in _alpha and _z0)
-	turned off the calls to the helix parametrization, as it is not needed (but the code is still there)
-  - test/
-	created several diagnostic plots of the fit variables, and their pulls
-  - in all files:
-	turn on/off all the log messages with a flag in the KFConstant class
-	made "muon" the default hypothesis
-01 February 2007 Fred Blanc  V01-01-00
- - using the track fit parameters (d0,phi0,omega,z0,s) at all stages of the
-   propagation and filtering.
- - added effects of:
-    1) multiple scattering: add MS error matrix to track covariance matrix before filtering
-    2) energy loss: subtract or add dE/dx at the end of the filtering step
- - calculate the seed track using the first 3 hits on a track
-13 December 2006 Fred Blanc  V01-00-00
- - Create KFFitter package. Included files:
-            stores a list of constants
-         main driver
-                 used to run on the command line
-                                  java org.lcsim.contrib.KFFitter.KFMain <data file> <number of events to run> 
-               unused (using Jama instead)
-                defines a point in space and its error matrix
-                 defines a Kalman site and handles the filtering of propagates track
-                                KFSites can be a measurement and/or a material site
-                contains a list of KFSites.
-                                handles the swimming trough list of KFSites
-      defines the track parametrization and its error matrix
-                                Supports three parameterizations:
-                                 1) fit parameters:   d0, phi0, omega, z0, tanl (+ path length)
-                                 2) point parameters: x, y, z, px, py, pz
-                                 3) helix parameters: xc, yc, rc, z0, tanl
- - is the main driver
- - Track parameterization is transformed to the r,phi,z,px,py,pz for
-   the filtering stage (this will changes in a coming version)
- - Example code is given in test/
- - The default functionality is: 1) loop over tracks reconstructed
-   with the SODTrackFinder package, 2) apply the Kalman Filter
-   at sites defined as measurement points, or material points
-   (material points are not yet used in the first version of the
-   code).

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/KFFitter removed after 1.4
diff -N
---	13 Apr 2007 20:32:06 -0000	1.4
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.contrib.KFFitter;
-  * Definition of constants in KFFitter package
-  * @author Fred Blanc and Steve Wagner
-  * @version $Id:,v 1.4 2007/04/13 20:32:06 fblanc Exp $
-  */
-public class KFConstants
-    public KFConstants()
-    {
-    }
-    public double Pi() {return pi;}
-    public double twoPi() {return twopi;}
-    public double vtxResolution() {return vtxres;}
-    public double sodResolution() {return sodres;}
-    public double pointThreeTimesB() {return ptconst;}
-    public double pionMass() {return piMass;}
-    public double muonMass() {return muMass;}
-    public double electronMass() {return eMass;}
-    public boolean debug() {return DeBug;}
-    private static double pi = 3.14159265359;
-    private static double twopi = 6.283185307;
-    private static double vtxres = 0.0005;
-    private static double sodres = 0.0007;
-    private static double ptconst = 0.0149896229; // = 0.299792458*B
-    private static double piMass = 0.13957018;
-    private static double muMass = 0.105658369;
-    private static double eMass = 0.000510998;
-    private static boolean DeBug = false;

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/KFFitter removed after 1.6
diff -N
---	8 Dec 2007 02:39:10 -0000	1.6
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.contrib.KFFitter;
-import java.util.*;
-import Jama.Matrix;
-import Jama.util.Maths;
-import hep.physics.matrix.SymmetricMatrix;
-import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
-import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
-import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader.LCMetaData;
-import org.lcsim.event.TrackerHit;
-import org.lcsim.event.SimTrackerHit;
-import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
-import org.lcsim.event.base.BaseTrack;
-import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
-import hep.aida.*;
-import org.lcsim.contrib.SODTracker.SODTrackFinderDriver;
-import org.lcsim.contrib.SODTracker.SODTrack;
-import org.lcsim.contrib.KFFitter.KFTrack;
-import org.lcsim.contrib.KFFitter.KFConstants;
-  * Driver for KFFitter package
-  * @author Fred Blanc and Steve Wagner
-  * @version $Id:,v 1.6 2007/12/08 02:39:10 jeremy Exp $
-  */
-public class KFFitterDriver extends Driver
-    private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
-    private java.util.Random gtor;
-    public KFFitterDriver()
-    {  
-	add(new SODTrackFinderDriver());
-	gtor = new java.util.Random(10101);
-    }
-    public void process(EventHeader event)
-    {
-	super.process(event); // this takes care that the child Drivers are loaded and processed.
-	List<BaseTrack> listTrk = new ArrayList<BaseTrack>();
-	// 1. Extract list of SODTracks from event
-	List<SODTrack> SODTrackList = (List<SODTrack>) event.get("SODTracks");
-	// 2. Loop over SODTracks and fit them
-        for ( SODTrack SODtrk : SODTrackList ) {
-	    double trkPT = SODtrk.getPT();
-	    aida.cloud1D("SODPt").fill(trkPT);
-	    // create new KFTrack and initialize it to the SODTrack fit parameters
-	    KFTrack track = new KFTrack();
- 	    track.defineSeedTrack(SODtrk);
-	    List<SimTrackerHit> hits = (List<SimTrackerHit>) SODtrk.getHits();
-	    int nbHits = hits.size();
-	    double chi2 = SODtrk.getChi2();
-	    double ndf = nbHits;
-	    double genPtot = 0.;
-	    double genPt = 0.;
-	    double genD0 = 0.;
-	    double genZ0 = 0.;
-	    double genTanl = 0.;
-	    if(chi2<100.) { // run fitter only if good track seed
-		for ( SimTrackerHit hit : hits ) {
-		    // assign hits to KFTrack
-		    track.addHit(hit,gtor.nextGaussian(),gtor.nextGaussian());
-		    genPtot = hit.getMCParticle().getMomentum().magnitude();
-		    double genPx = hit.getMCParticle().getPX();
-		    double genPy = hit.getMCParticle().getPY();
-		    double genPz = hit.getMCParticle().getPZ();
-		    genPt = Math.sqrt(genPx*genPx+genPy*genPy);
-		    if(genPt>0) {genTanl = genPz/genPt;}
-		    double genX0 = hit.getMCParticle().getOriginX();
-		    double genY0 = hit.getMCParticle().getOriginY();
-		    genD0 = Math.sqrt(genX0*genX0+genY0+genY0);
-		    genZ0 = hit.getMCParticle().getOriginZ();
-		}
-		// *************************
-		//   run Kalman Filter Fit
-		// *************************
-		// *****************************
-		//   add track in event record
-		// *****************************
-		BaseTrack fittedTrack = new BaseTrack();
-		KFTrackParameters kalmanTrack = track.getKFTrackParameters();
-		kalmanTrack.setPointToPOCA();
-		double[] pnt = {0.,0.,0.};
-		pnt[0] = kalmanTrack.getPointParameters()[0];
-		pnt[1] = kalmanTrack.getPointParameters()[1];
-		pnt[2] = kalmanTrack.getPointParameters()[2];
-		fittedTrack.setReferencePoint(pnt);
-		fittedTrack.setRefPointIsDCA(true);
-		fittedTrack.setFitSuccess(true);
-		double[] fitPar = kalmanTrack.getFitParameters();
-		// unit convertion from cm -> mm
-		fitPar[0] *= 10.;
-		fitPar[2] *= -0.1;
-		fitPar[3] *= 10.;
-		double magfield = 5.0;
-		fittedTrack.setTrackParameters(fitPar, magfield);
-		Matrix covMat = kalmanTrack.getErrorMatrix();
-		// setup unit-conversion matrix (cm -> mm)
-		double[][] diag = new double[5][5];
-		diag[0][0] = 10.;   // d0
-		diag[1][1] =  1.;   // phi0
-		diag[2][2] = -0.1;  // omega
-		diag[3][3] = 10.;   // z0
-		diag[4][4] =  1.;   // tanl
-		Matrix convMat = new Matrix(diag);
-		Matrix covMatmm = convMat.times(covMat).times(convMat);
-		SymmetricMatrix errMat = new SymmetricMatrix(Maths.fromJamaMatrix(covMatmm));
-		fittedTrack.setCovarianceMatrix(errMat);
-		double KFchi2 = 1.; // fix me
-		int KFndf = 1; // fix me
-		fittedTrack.setChisq(KFchi2);
-		fittedTrack.setNDF(KFndf);
-		if(Math.abs(fitPar[0])<100.) {
-		    boolean fillCould = false;
-		    int nBins = 25;
-		    double min = -5.;
-		    double max = 5.;
-		    listTrk.add(fittedTrack);
-		    // fill pull plots for d0, omega, z0, tanl, and pt
-		    KFConstants _cst = new KFConstants();
-		    double pullD0 = (fitPar[0]-genD0)/Math.sqrt(errMat.e(0,0));
-		    if(fillCould) aida.cloud1D("KFD0Pull").fill(pullD0);
-		    aida.histogram1D("KFD0PullH",nBins,min,max).fill(pullD0);
-		    double genOmega = 0.1*_cst.pointThreeTimesB()/genPt;
-		    double pullOmega = (Math.abs(fitPar[2])-genOmega)/Math.sqrt(errMat.e(2,2));
-		    if(fillCould) aida.cloud1D("KFOmegaPull").fill(pullOmega);
-		    aida.histogram1D("KFOmegaPullH",nBins,min,max).fill(pullOmega);
-		    double fitPt = 0.1*_cst.pointThreeTimesB()/Math.abs(fitPar[2]);
-		    double errPt = Math.sqrt(errMat.e(2,2))*0.1*_cst.pointThreeTimesB()/(fitPar[2]*fitPar[2]);
-		    double sSquared = fitPar[4]*fitPar[4];
-		    double fitPtot = fitPt*Math.sqrt(1.+sSquared);
-		    double errPtot = fitPt*
-			Math.sqrt(((1.+sSquared)/(fitPar[2]*fitPar[2]))*errMat.e(2,2)+
-				  (sSquared/(1.+sSquared))*errMat.e(4,4));
-		    aida.cloud1D("KFerrPt").fill(errPt);
-		    aida.cloud1D("KFerrPtot").fill(errPtot);
-		    double pullPt = (fitPt-genPt)/errPt;
-		    if(fillCould) aida.cloud1D("KFPtPull").fill(pullPt);
-		    aida.histogram1D("KFPtPullH",nBins,min,max).fill(pullPt);
-		    double pullPtot = (fitPtot-genPtot)/errPtot;
-		    if(fillCould) aida.cloud1D("KFPtotPull").fill(pullPtot);
-		    aida.histogram1D("KFPtotPullH",nBins,min,max).fill(pullPtot);
-		    //System.out.println("Driver: pt and ptot = "+genPt+"  "+genPtot);
-		    double pullZ0 = (fitPar[3]-genZ0)/Math.sqrt(errMat.e(3,3));
-		    if(fillCould) aida.cloud1D("KFZ0Pull").fill(pullZ0);
-		    aida.histogram1D("KFZ0PullH",nBins,min,max).fill(pullZ0);
-		    double pullTanl = (fitPar[4]-genTanl)/Math.sqrt(errMat.e(4,4));
-		    //double pullTanl = (Math.abs(fitPar[4])-genTanl)/Math.sqrt(errMat.e(4,4));
-		    if(fillCould) aida.cloud1D("KFTanlPull").fill(pullTanl);
-		    aida.histogram1D("KFTanlPullH",nBins,min,max).fill(pullTanl);
-		}
-	    } else {
-		System.out.println("Driver: skip this track");
-		System.out.println();
-	    } // if(chi2<100.) {
-        } // for ( SODTrack SODtrk : SODTrackList ) {
-	// write list of Kalman-fitted tracks in the event
-	event.put("KFTracks", listTrk, BaseTrack.class, 0);
-    }

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/KFFitter removed after 1.3
diff -N
---	11 Sep 2007 00:21:03 -0000	1.3
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.contrib.KFFitter;
-import java.util.*;
-import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
-import org.lcsim.event.*;
-import org.lcsim.util.loop.*;
-  * Main function used in command-line running of KFFitter package
-  * @author Fred Blanc and Steve Wagner
-  * @version $Id:,v 1.3 2007/09/11 00:21:03 tonyj Exp $
-  */
-public class KFMain extends Driver
-    private int nEvents = 0;
-    public KFMain() throws Exception
-    {
-	this(new String[0]);
-    }
-    public KFMain(String[] args) throws Exception
-    {
-	add(new KFFitterDriver());
-    }
-    public void process(EventHeader event)
-    {
-	super.process(event);
-	if (nEvents%10==0) {
-	    System.out.println("done processing event "+nEvents);
-	}
-	++nEvents;
-    }
-    public void mainCopy(String[] args) throws Exception
-    {
-	if (args.length >= 1 &&
-	    args[0].matches("^\\s*[/\\.\\w-_\\+]+\\.slcio")) {
-	    KFMain driver = this;
-	    convert(args[0],driver);
-	}
-	else {
-	    System.out.println("usage: java KFMain <input.slcio> <nb events>");
-	    return;
-	}
-    }
-    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
-    {
-	if (args.length >= 1 &&
-	    args[0].matches("^\\s*[/\\.\\w-_\\+]+\\.slcio")) {
-	    KFMain driver = new KFMain(args);
-	    int nbEventsToProcess = -1;
-	    if (args.length == 2 && args[1].matches("[0-9]+")) { // matches a number at least 1 time
-		nbEventsToProcess = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
-		System.out.print("Processing "); System.out.print(nbEventsToProcess); System.out.println(" events"); 
-	    }
-	    convert(args[0],driver,nbEventsToProcess);
-	}
-	else {
-	    System.out.println("usage: java KFMain <input.slcio> <nb events>");
-	    return;
-	}
-    }
-    private static void convert(String iFile) throws Exception
-    {
-	convert(iFile, new KFMain());
-    }
-    private static void convert(String iFile, KFMain driver) throws Exception
-    {
-	int nLoop = -1;
-	convert(iFile, new KFMain(), nLoop);
-    }
-    private static void convert(String iFile, KFMain driver, int nbLoops) throws Exception
-    {
-	// Setup LCSim event loop
-	LCSimLoop loop = new LCSimLoop();
-	File input  = new File(iFile);
-	loop.setLCIORecordSource(input);
-	loop.add(driver);
-	//    loop.add(new LCIODriver(output));
-	loop.loop(nbLoops, null);
-	loop.dispose();
-	System.out.println("Processed "+driver.getNEvents()+" events.");
-    }
-    public int getNEvents()
-    {
-	return nEvents;
-    }

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/KFFitter removed after 1.5
diff -N
---	13 Apr 2007 20:32:06 -0000	1.5
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.contrib.KFFitter;
-import Jama.Matrix;
-  * Define a point in the KFFitter package
-  * Used for holding 3D coordinates and error matrix
-  * @author Fred Blanc and Steve Wagner
-  * @version $Id:,v 1.5 2007/04/13 20:32:06 fblanc Exp $
-  */
-public class KFPoint
-    public KFPoint()
-    {
-	_x = 0.;
-	_y = 0.;
-	_z = 0.;
-	_r = 0.;
-	_phi = 0.;
-	_rphiErr = 0.;
-	_zErr = 0.;
-    }
-    public void makePoint(double X, double Y, double Z)
-    {
-	_x = X;
-	_y = Y;
-	_z = Z;
-	_r = Math.sqrt(_x*_x+_y*_y);
-	_phi = Math.atan2(_y,_x);
-	_rphiErr = 0.0007;
-	if(_r<10.){_rphiErr = 0.0005;};
-	_zErr = 0.0005;
-	if(_r>10.){_zErr = 1000.;}
-    }
-    public void smearRPhiPoint(double rdm1, double rdm2)
-    {
-	_phi = _phi+(_rphiErr/_r)*rdm1;
-	_x = _r*Math.cos(_phi);
-	_y = _r*Math.sin(_phi);
-	if(_zErr<0.01){
-	    _z = _z + _zErr * rdm2;
-	}
-    }
-    public double getX() { return _x; }
-    public double getY() { return _y; }
-    public double getZ() { return _z; }
-    public double getR() { return _r; }
-    public double getPhi() { return _phi; }
-    public double getDistanceFromOrigin() {return Math.sqrt(_r*_r+_z*_z);}
-    public double getRPhiErr() { return _rphiErr;}
-    public double getZErr() { return _zErr;}
-    public Matrix getPhiZErrorMatrix()
-    {
-	double[][] vals = {{_rphiErr*_rphiErr/(_r*_r),0.},{0.,_zErr*_zErr}};
-	Matrix errMat = new Matrix(vals);
-	return errMat;
-    }
-    public Matrix getXYZErrorMatrix()
-    {
-	double s2 = _rphiErr*_rphiErr;
-	double xx = Math.sin(_phi)*Math.sin(_phi)*s2;
-	double xy = -Math.sin(_phi)*Math.cos(_phi)*s2;
-	double yx = xy;
-	double yy = Math.cos(_phi)*Math.cos(_phi)*s2;
-	double zz = _zErr*_zErr;
-	double[][] vals = {{xx,xy,0.},{yx,yy,0.},{0.,0.,zz}};
-	Matrix errMat = new Matrix(vals);
-	return errMat;
-    }
-    private double _x;
-    private double _y;
-    private double _z;
-    private double _r;
-    private double _phi;
-    private double _rphiErr;
-    private double _zErr;

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/KFFitter removed after 1.5
diff -N
---	13 Apr 2007 20:32:06 -0000	1.5
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.contrib.KFFitter;
-import org.lcsim.event.SimTrackerHit;
-import org.lcsim.event.TrackerHit;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import Jama.Matrix;
-  * Define a site used in the Kalman filter fit
-  * A site can be any combination of a measurement, material location
-  * or a B-field discontinuity. The class handles the filtering step
-  * of the Kalman filter.
-  * @author Fred Blanc and Steve Wagner
-  * @version $Id:,v 1.5 2007/04/13 20:32:06 fblanc Exp $
-  */
-public class KFSite
-    public KFSite()
-    {
-    }
-    public void setLocation(SimTrackerHit hit, double rdm1, double rdm2)
-    {
-	double[] pos = hit.getPoint();
-	// convert to cm
-	for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {pos[i]*=0.1;}
-	_siteLocation.makePoint(pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]);
-	_siteLocation.smearRPhiPoint(rdm1, rdm2);
-	if(_cst.debug()) System.out.println("KFSite: Add Pt at coord = "+pos[0]+" "+pos[1]+" "+pos[2]);
-	_PhiZErrorMatrix = _siteLocation.getPhiZErrorMatrix();
-	_PhiZErrorMatrixInverse = _PhiZErrorMatrix.inverse();
-	if(_cst.debug()) {
-	    System.out.println("KFSite: PhiZ cov matrix:");
-	    _PhiZErrorMatrix.print(12,10);
-	}
-    }
-    public KFTrackParameters filter(KFTrackParameters trk)
-    {
-	double[] tpp = trk.getFitParameters();
-	Matrix stateVect = new Matrix(tpp,5);
-	if(_cst.debug()) {
-	    System.out.println("KFSite: initial stateVect:");
-	    stateVect.print(15,12);
-	    System.out.println("KFSite: initial stateVect in point parameter space:");
-	    trk.printPointParams();
-	}
-	double d0    = tpp[0];
-	double phi0  = tpp[1];
-	double omega = tpp[2];
-	double z0    = tpp[3];
-	double tanl  = tpp[4];
-	double l     = 0.;
-	Matrix trkCovNoNoise = trk.getErrorMatrix();
-	if(_cst.debug()) {
-	    System.out.println("KFSite: trkCovNoNoise:");
-	    trkCovNoNoise.print(15,12);
-	}
-	Matrix Q = new Matrix(5,5,0.);
-	if(_materialSite && _applyMSCorrection) {
-	    //add here process noise due to dE/dx and scattering effects
-	    // Consider 3 unit vectors:
-	    //  e1 = (px,py,pz)/p
-	    //  e2 = (-py,px,0)/pt
-	    //  e3 = (-px*pz,-py*pz,px*px+py*py)/(p*pt)
-	    // Original direction = e1
-	    // Scattered direction = 
-	    //            sqrt(1-sin^2(t2)*sin^2(t3))*e1 + sin(t2)*e2 + sin(t3)*e3
-	    //
-	    // 1. Determine d(d0,phi0,omega,z0,s)/d(theta1) and d(d0,phi0,omega,z0,s)/d(theta2)
-	    //    Create tracks with momentum rotated by small amounts about e2 and e3
-	    //    Measure difference in fit parameters due to these variations
-	    //       --> get 5x2 matrix SCT = dp/dtheta
-	    // 2. Determine average scattering angle theta -> sigmaSCT
-	    //       --> 2x2 covariance matrix sigSCT = ( sigmaSCT^2     0      )
-	    //                                          (     0      sigmaSCT^2 )
-	    // 3. Q_scattering = SCT x sigSCT x SCT^T
-	    // 1. Determine derivatives
-	    double sctVar = 0.000001; // variation of scattering angle
-	    double[] ptPar = trk.getPointParameters();
-	    double x = ptPar[0];
-	    double y = ptPar[1];
-	    double z = ptPar[2];
-	    double px = ptPar[3];
-	    double py = ptPar[4];
-	    double pz = ptPar[5];
-	    int chg = trk.getCharge();
-	    double pt = Math.sqrt(px*px+py*py);
-	    double p  = Math.sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz);
-	    double pxt1p = Math.cos(sctVar)*px - Math.sin(sctVar)*py*p/pt;
-	    double pyt1p = Math.cos(sctVar)*py + Math.sin(sctVar)*px*p/pt;
-	    double pzt1p = Math.cos(sctVar)*pz;
-	    double pxt1m = Math.cos(sctVar)*px + Math.sin(sctVar)*py*p/pt;
-	    double pyt1m = Math.cos(sctVar)*py - Math.sin(sctVar)*px*p/pt;
-	    double pzt1m = Math.cos(sctVar)*pz;
-	    double pxt2p = Math.cos(sctVar)*px - Math.sin(sctVar)*px*pz/pt;
-	    double pyt2p = Math.cos(sctVar)*py - Math.sin(sctVar)*py*pz/pt;
-	    double pzt2p = Math.cos(sctVar)*pz + Math.sin(sctVar)*pt;
-	    double pxt2m = Math.cos(sctVar)*px + Math.sin(sctVar)*px*pz/pt;
-	    double pyt2m = Math.cos(sctVar)*py + Math.sin(sctVar)*py*pz/pt;
-	    double pzt2m = Math.cos(sctVar)*pz - Math.sin(sctVar)*pt;
-	    KFTrackParameters trkVar1P = new KFTrackParameters();
-	    trkVar1P.setTrackPointParameters(chg,x,y,z,pxt1p,pyt1p,pzt1p);
-	    double[] fit1P = trkVar1P.getFitParameters();
-	    KFTrackParameters trkVar1M = new KFTrackParameters();
-	    trkVar1M.setTrackPointParameters(chg,x,y,z,pxt1m,pyt1m,pzt1m);
-	    double[] fit1M = trkVar1M.getFitParameters();
-	    double[] v1 = new double [5];
-	    for(int i1=0;i1<5;i1++) {v1[i1]=(fit1P[i1]-fit1M[i1])/(2.*sctVar);}
-	    KFTrackParameters trkVar2P = new KFTrackParameters();
-	    trkVar2P.setTrackPointParameters(chg,x,y,z,pxt2p,pyt2p,pzt2p);
-	    double[] fit2P = trkVar2P.getFitParameters();
-	    KFTrackParameters trkVar2M = new KFTrackParameters();
-	    trkVar2M.setTrackPointParameters(chg,x,y,z,pxt2m,pyt2m,pzt2m);
-	    double[] fit2M = trkVar2M.getFitParameters();
-	    double[] v2 = new double [5];
-	    for(int i2=0;i2<5;i2++) {v2[i2]=(fit2P[i2]-fit2M[i2])/(2.*sctVar);}
-	    double[][] vals = {{v1[0],v1[1],v1[2],v1[3],v1[4]},{v2[0],v2[1],v2[2],v2[3],v2[4]}};
-	    Matrix SCTderiv = new Matrix(vals);
-	    Matrix SCTderivT = SCTderiv.transpose();
-	    if(_cst.debug()) {
-		System.out.println("KFSite: SCTderiv:");
-		SCTderiv.print(15,12);
-	    }
-	    // 2. Average scattering angle
-	    double mass = _cst.muonMass(); // assume muon hypothesis
-	    double beta = p/Math.sqrt(p*p+mass*mass); // use particle momentum
-	    double cosEntranceAngle = Math.abs((x*px+y*py+z*pz)/(Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z)*p));
-	    if(_cst.debug()) System.out.println("KFSite: MSct cos(entrance angle) = "+cosEntranceAngle);
-	    double pathLength = _radThickness/cosEntranceAngle;
-	    double sctRMS = (0.0136/(beta*p))*Math.sqrt(pathLength)*(1+0.038*Math.log(pathLength));
-	    double[][] valsSCT = {{sctRMS*sctRMS,0.},{0.,sctRMS*sctRMS}};
-	    Matrix sigSCT = new Matrix(valsSCT);
-	    if(_cst.debug()) {
-		System.out.println("KFSite: sigSCT:");
-		sigSCT.print(15,12);
-	    }
-	    // 3. determine Q matrix for scattering
-	    Q = SCTderivT.times(sigSCT).times(SCTderiv);
-	    if(_cst.debug()) {
-		System.out.println("KFSite: Q:");
-		Q.print(15,12);
-	    }
-	}
-	Matrix trkCov =;
-	if(_cst.debug()) {
-	    System.out.println("KFSite: trkCov:");
-	    trkCov.print(15,12);
-	}
-	Matrix filteredCov = new Matrix(5,5);
-	if(_measurementSite) {
-	    // define matrix relating the measured parameters (phi,z) at radius R and the
-	    // state vector (fit parameters). In the current setup, the state vector is
-	    // given by the fit parameters (d0,phi0,omega,z0,s)
-	    double[] vP = new double [5];
-	    double[] vZ = new double [5];
-	    double[] variations = new double[] {1e-05,1e-05,1e-10,1e-05,1e-06};
-	    double[] fitPars = trk.getFitParameters();
-	    double pthlength = 0.;
-	    for(int j=0; j<5; j++) {
-		double p1p = fitPars[0]; double p1m = fitPars[0];
-		if(j==0) { p1p += 0.5*variations[0]; p1m -= 0.5*variations[0]; }
-		double p2p = fitPars[1]; double p2m = fitPars[1];
-		if(j==1) { p2p += 0.5*variations[1]; p2m -= 0.5*variations[1]; }
-		double p3p = fitPars[2]; double p3m = fitPars[2];
-		if(j==2) { p3p += 0.5*variations[2]; p3m -= 0.5*variations[2]; }
-		double p4p = fitPars[3]; double p4m = fitPars[3];
-		if(j==3) { p4p += 0.5*variations[3]; p4m -= 0.5*variations[3]; }
-		double p5p = fitPars[4]; double p5m = fitPars[4];
-		if(j==4) { p5p += 0.5*variations[4]; p5m -= 0.5*variations[4]; }
-		KFTrackParameters trkVarPlus = new KFTrackParameters();
-		trkVarPlus.setTrackFitParameters(p1p, p2p, p3p, p4p, p5p,pthlength);
-		KFTrackParameters trkVarPlusPropagated =
-		    trkVarPlus.makePredictionAtRadius(_siteLocation.getR());
-		KFTrackParameters trkVarMinus = new KFTrackParameters();
-		trkVarMinus.setTrackFitParameters(p1m, p2m, p3m, p4m, p5m,pthlength);
-		KFTrackParameters trkVarMinusPropagated =
-		    trkVarMinus.makePredictionAtRadius(_siteLocation.getR());
-		vP[j] = (trkVarPlusPropagated.getPhi()-trkVarMinusPropagated.getPhi())/variations[j];
-		vZ[j] = (trkVarPlusPropagated.getZ()-trkVarMinusPropagated.getZ())/variations[j];
-		if(_cst.debug()) System.out.println("KFSite: phi+ = "+trkVarPlusPropagated.getPhi()+" phi- = "+trkVarMinusPropagated.getPhi()+" z+ = "+trkVarPlusPropagated.getZ()+" z- = "+trkVarMinusPropagated.getZ());
-	    }
-	    double[][] vals = {{vP[0],vP[1],vP[2],vP[3],vP[4]},{vZ[0],vZ[1],vZ[2],vZ[3],vZ[4]}};
-	    Matrix H = new Matrix(vals);
-	    Matrix HT = H.transpose();
-	    if(_cst.debug()) {
-		System.out.println("KFSite: H:");
-		H.print(12,10);
-		System.out.println("KFSite: HT:");
-		HT.print(12,10);
-	    }
-	    Matrix trkCovInverse = trkCov.inverse();
-	    if(_cst.debug()) {
-		System.out.println("KFSite: trkCovInverse:");
-		trkCovInverse.print(15,12);
-	    }
-	    double[] ptParam = trk.getPointParameters();
-	    double refPhi = Math.atan2(ptParam[1],ptParam[0]);
-	    double refZ = ptParam[2];
-	    double[] mp = {_siteLocation.getPhi()-refPhi,_siteLocation.getZ()-refZ};
-	    //double[] mp = {_siteLocation.getPhi(),_siteLocation.getZ()};
-	    Matrix measVect = new Matrix(mp,2);
-	    if(_cst.debug()) {
-		System.out.println("KFSite: measVect:");
-		measVect.print(12,10);
-		System.out.println("KFSite: PhiZ cov matrix inverted:");
-		_PhiZErrorMatrixInverse.print(12,10);
-	    }
-	    Matrix cv1 = _PhiZErrorMatrixInverse.times(H);
-	    Matrix cv2 = HT.times(cv1);
-	    if(_cst.debug()) {
-		System.out.println("KFSite: measCovInverse:");
-		cv2.print(15,12);
-	    }
-	    Matrix filteredCovInv =;
-	    filteredCov = filteredCovInv.inverse();
-	    if(_cst.debug()) {
-		System.out.println("KFSite: Filtered Cov:");
-		filteredCov.print(15,12);
-	    }
-	    Matrix tmp1 = filteredCovInv.times(stateVect);
-	    Matrix tmp2 = HT.times(_PhiZErrorMatrixInverse).times(measVect);
-	    Matrix tmp3 =;
-	    Matrix filteredTrkPar = filteredCov.times(tmp3);
-	    if(_cst.debug()) {
-		System.out.println("KFSite: Filtered State Vector:");
-		filteredTrkPar.print(15,12);
-	    }
-	    double[][] par = filteredTrkPar.getArrayCopy();
-	    d0    = par[0][0];
-	    phi0  = par[1][0];
-	    omega = par[2][0];
-	    z0    = par[3][0];
-	    tanl  = par[4][0];
-	    if(_cst.debug()) {
-		System.out.println("KFSite: Fitted Pt = "+_cst.pointThreeTimesB()/Math.abs(omega));
-		System.out.println("KFSite: pars = "+d0+" "+phi0+" "+omega+" "+z0+" "+tanl);
-	    }
-	} //if(_measurementSite) {
-	KFTrackParameters tmpTrk = new KFTrackParameters();
-	tmpTrk.setTrackFitParameters(d0,phi0,omega,z0,tanl,l);
-	tmpTrk.setPointToRadius(_siteLocation.getR());
-	double[] tmpPar = tmpTrk.getPointParameters();
-	int tmpCh = tmpTrk.getCharge();
-	double tmpPtot = tmpTrk.getPtot();
-	double ratioCorr = 1.;
-	Matrix QE = new Matrix(5,5,0.);
-	if(_materialSite && _applyDEDXCorrection) {
-	    double dEdx = dEdx(tmpPtot);
-	    if(_cst.debug()) {
-		System.out.println("KFSite: Ptot = "+tmpPtot);
-		System.out.println("KFSite: dEdx [GeV] = "+_thickness*dEdx);
-	    }
-	    double tmpEtot = Math.sqrt(_cst.muonMass()*_cst.muonMass()+tmpPtot*tmpPtot);
-	    double tmpEtotCorr = tmpEtot;
-	    double[] pP = tmpTrk.getPointParameters();
-	    double cosEntranceAngle = Math.abs((pP[0]*pP[3]+pP[1]*pP[4]+pP[2]*pP[5])/
-					       (Math.sqrt(pP[0]*pP[0]+pP[1]*pP[1]+pP[2]*pP[2])*tmpPtot));
-	    if(_cst.debug()) System.out.println("KFSite: dEdx cos(entrance angle) = "+cosEntranceAngle);
-	    if(_fitOutward) {
-		tmpEtotCorr -= dEdx*_thickness/cosEntranceAngle; // apply energy _loss_ when fitting inside-out
-	    } else {
-		tmpEtotCorr += dEdx*_thickness/cosEntranceAngle; // apply energy _gain_ when fitting outside-in
-	    }
-	    ratioCorr = tmpEtotCorr/tmpEtot;
-	    // Determine uncertainty on dEdx. Use value from
-	    // H. Bicshel, Rev.Mod.Phys. 60 (1988) 663, table VI, p.682:
-	    // w = 31.54keV for 320um Si => 0.000985625GeV/cm
-	    double dESig = 0.000985625*_thickness/cosEntranceAngle;
-	    if(_cst.debug()) System.out.println("KFSite: dEdx sigma = "+dESig);
-	    Matrix sigDEDX = new Matrix(1,1,dESig*dESig);
-	    double deltadEdx = dEdx/1000.;
-	    double ratioCorrPlus = (tmpEtot+(dEdx+deltadEdx)*_thickness/cosEntranceAngle)/tmpEtot;
-	    double ratioCorrMinus = (tmpEtot+(dEdx-deltadEdx)*_thickness/cosEntranceAngle)/tmpEtot;
-	    KFTrackParameters trkVardEdxPlus = new KFTrackParameters();
-	    trkVardEdxPlus.setTrackPointParameters(tmpCh,
-						   tmpPar[0],
-						   tmpPar[1],
-						   tmpPar[2],
-						   ratioCorrPlus*tmpPar[3],
-						   ratioCorrPlus*tmpPar[4],
-						   ratioCorrPlus*tmpPar[5]);
-	    double[] fitPardEdxPlus = trkVardEdxPlus.getFitParameters();
-	    KFTrackParameters trkVardEdxMinus = new KFTrackParameters();
-	    trkVardEdxMinus.setTrackPointParameters(tmpCh,
-						    tmpPar[0],
-						    tmpPar[1],
-						    tmpPar[2],
-						    ratioCorrMinus*tmpPar[3],
-						    ratioCorrMinus*tmpPar[4],
-						    ratioCorrMinus*tmpPar[5]);
-	    double[] fitPardEdxMinus = trkVardEdxMinus.getFitParameters();
-	    double[] jacdEdx = new double[5];
-	    for(int i=0;i<5;i++) {jacdEdx[i]=(fitPardEdxPlus[i]-fitPardEdxMinus[i])/(2.*deltadEdx);}
-	    Matrix DEDXderiv = new Matrix(jacdEdx,1);
-	    if(_cst.debug()) {
-		System.out.println("KFSite: DEDXderiv:");
-		DEDXderiv.print(15,12);
-	    }
-	    Matrix DEDXderivT = DEDXderiv.transpose();
-	    if(_cst.debug()) {
-		System.out.println("KFSite: DEDXderivT:");
-		DEDXderivT.print(15,12);
-	    }
-	    QE = DEDXderivT.times(sigDEDX).times(DEDXderiv);
-	}
-	KFTrackParameters filtTrk = new KFTrackParameters();
-	filtTrk.setTrackPointParameters(tmpCh,
-					tmpPar[0],
-					tmpPar[1],
-					tmpPar[2],
-					ratioCorr*tmpPar[3],
-					ratioCorr*tmpPar[4],
-					ratioCorr*tmpPar[5]);
-	if(_cst.debug()) {
-	    System.out.println("KFSite: QE:");
-	    QE.print(15,12);
-	}
-	if(_measurementSite) {
-	    filtTrk.setErrorMatrix(;
-	} else {
-	    filtTrk.setErrorMatrix(;
-	}
-	filtTrk.setPointToRadius(_siteLocation.getR());
-	return filtTrk;
-    }
-    public void setTrackParOut(KFTrackParameters trk) {_trackParamOutward = trk;}
-    public void setTrackParIn(KFTrackParameters trk) {_trackParamInward = trk;}
-    public KFPoint getSiteLocation() {return _siteLocation;}
-    public void setFitOutward() {_fitOutward = true;}
-    public void setFitInward() {_fitOutward = false;}
-    public void isMeasurementSite(boolean bool) {_measurementSite=bool;}
-    public void isMaterialSite(boolean bool,double rT, double t) {
-	_materialSite=bool;
-	_radThickness = rT;
-	_thickness = t;
-    }
-    public void isBFieldDiscontinuitySite(boolean bool) {_BFieldDiscontinuitySite=bool;}
-    public void applyMSCorrection(boolean bool) {_applyMSCorrection=bool;}
-    public void applyDEDXCorrection(boolean bool) {
-	if(_cst.debug()) System.out.print("KFSite: Setting dedx bool from: "+_applyDEDXCorrection+" to ");
-	_applyDEDXCorrection=bool;
-	if(_cst.debug()) System.out.println(_applyDEDXCorrection);
-    }
-    private double dEdx(double p)
-    {
-	double dedx = 0.0;
-	double rho = 2.3296; // g/cm^3 (Si)
-	double Z = 14.; // (Si)
-	double A = 28.0855; // g/mol (Si)
-	double beta = p/Math.sqrt(p*p+_cst.muonMass()*_cst.muonMass());
-	double gamma = 1./Math.sqrt(1-beta*beta);
-	double eta = beta*gamma;
-	double s = _cst.electronMass()/_cst.muonMass();
-	double Wmax = 2.*_cst.electronMass()*eta*eta/(1.+2.*s*Math.sqrt(1+eta*eta)+s*s);
-	double I = 0.000000172;
-	double frac = 2.*_cst.electronMass()*eta*eta*Wmax/(I*I);
-	double delta = 0.;
-	double C = 0.;
-	dedx = 0.0001535*rho*(Z/A)*(Math.log(frac)-2*beta*beta-delta-2*C/Z)/(beta*beta);
-	return dedx;
-    }
-    private KFTrackParameters _trackParamOutward;
-    private KFTrackParameters _trackParamOutwardCombined;
-    private KFTrackParameters _trackParamInward;
-    private KFTrackParameters _trackParamInwardCombined;
-    private KFPoint _siteLocation = new KFPoint();
-    private Matrix _PhiZErrorMatrix = new Matrix(2,2);
-    private Matrix _PhiZErrorMatrixInverse = new Matrix(2,2);
-    private boolean _measurementSite = false;
-    private boolean _materialSite = false;
-    private boolean _BFieldDiscontinuitySite = false;
-    private boolean _applyMSCorrection = true;
-    private boolean _applyDEDXCorrection = true;
-    private boolean _fitOutward = true;
-    private double _radThickness = 0.;
-    private double _thickness = 0.;
-    private KFConstants _cst = new KFConstants();

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/KFFitter removed after 1.5
diff -N
---	13 Apr 2007 20:32:06 -0000	1.5
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.contrib.KFFitter;
-import org.lcsim.event.Track;
-import org.lcsim.event.SimTrackerHit;
-import org.lcsim.event.TrackerHit;
-import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
-import org.lcsim.contrib.SODTracker.SODTrack;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.*;
-import Jama.Matrix;
-  * Define a track used in the Kalman filter fit
-  * A track is a collection of KFSites.
-  * The KFTrack class handles the loop over sites to apply the Kalman fit
-  * @author Fred Blanc and Steve Wagner
-  * @version $Id:,v 1.5 2007/04/13 20:32:06 fblanc Exp $
-  */
-public class KFTrack
-    public KFTrack()
-    {
-	_siteList = new java.util.LinkedList();
-	_orderedSiteList = new java.util.LinkedList();
-    }
-    public void addHit(SimTrackerHit hit, double rdm1, double rdm2)
-    {
-	// define site for this hit
-	KFSite kfhit = new KFSite();
-	kfhit.setLocation(hit,rdm1,rdm2);
-	kfhit.isMeasurementSite(true);
-	double radius = kfhit.getSiteLocation().getR();
-	if(_cst.debug()) System.out.println("Track addHit at Radius   "+radius);
-	double distance = kfhit.getSiteLocation().getDistanceFromOrigin();
-	if(_cst.debug()) System.out.println("Track addHit at Distance "+distance);
-	double radThickness = 0.00121;
-	if (radius<2.0) {radThickness = 0.00301;} // add beam pipe 0.18%
-	if (radius>10.) {radThickness = 0.00532;} // tracker
-	if (radius>10.&&radius<30.) {radThickness = 0.01064;} // + 2 layers of support tube 0.266%
-	//double thickness = 0.0113;
-	//if (radius>10.) {thickness = 0.031;}
-	double thickness = 0.0170;
-	if (radius>10.) {thickness = 0.047;}
-	kfhit.isMaterialSite(true,radThickness,thickness);
-	kfhit.applyMSCorrection(true);
-	kfhit.applyDEDXCorrection(true);
-	_siteList.add(kfhit);
-    }
-    private void sortSiteList()
-    {
-	if(_cst.debug()) System.out.println("KFTrack sortSiteList");
-	// loop over _siteList
-	ListIterator hits = _siteList.listIterator();
-	int hitCounter = 0;
-	double[] dist = new double[100];
-	if(_cst.debug()) System.out.print("    init list radii = ");
-	for (; hits.hasNext();) {
-	    KFSite hit = (KFSite);
-	    // record ordering parameter (e.g. distance from origin)
-	    dist[hitCounter] = hit.getSiteLocation().getDistanceFromOrigin();
-	    if(_cst.debug()) System.out.print(dist[hitCounter]+"; ");
-	    hitCounter++;
-	}
-	if(_cst.debug()) System.out.println();
-	// loop over _siteList and fill _orderedSiteList
-	double currentDist = 0.;
-	int index = 0;
-	if(_cst.debug()) System.out.print(" ordered list radii = ");
-	for (int j=0;j<hitCounter;j++) {
-	    double nextSmallestDist = 100000.;
-	    for (int i=0;i<hitCounter;i++) {
-		if(dist[i]<nextSmallestDist&&dist[i]>currentDist) {
-		    index=i;
-		    nextSmallestDist=dist[i];
-		}
-	    }
-	    KFSite nextSite = (KFSite)_siteList.get(index);
-	    _orderedSiteList.add(nextSite);
-	    if(_cst.debug()) System.out.print(nextSite.getSiteLocation().getDistanceFromOrigin()+"; ");
-	    currentDist = nextSmallestDist;
-	}
-	if(_cst.debug()) System.out.println();
-	// check ordering of hits
-	ListIterator hts = _orderedSiteList.listIterator();
-	if(_cst.debug()) System.out.print(" check order :        ");
-	for (; hts.hasNext();){
-	    KFSite ht = (KFSite);
-	    double R = ht.getSiteLocation().getR();
-	    if(_cst.debug()) System.out.print(R+"; ");
-	}
-	if(_cst.debug()) System.out.println();
-    }
-    public void defineSeedTrack(SODTrack seedTrack)
-    {
-	// load track parameters d0,omega,...
-	double d = seedTrack.getTrackParameter(0)/10.; // divided by 10 to get cm
-	double phi = seedTrack.getTrackParameter(1);
-	double omega = seedTrack.getTrackParameter(2)*(-10.); // mult. by -10 to get cm-1
-	double z = seedTrack.getTrackParameter(3)/10.; // divided by 10 to get cm
-	double s = seedTrack.getTrackParameter(4);
-	double l = 0.0; // path length set to zero (=POCA)
-	if(_cst.debug()) System.out.println("KFTrack: define track par = "+d+" "+phi+" "+omega+" "+z+" "+s);
-	_seedTrack.setTrackFitParameters(d,phi,omega,z,s,l);
-    }
-    public void fit()
-    {
-	// sort list of hits by distance from origin
-	sortSiteList();
-	// initialize track param covariance matrix
-	double[][] diag = new double[5][5];
-	diag[0][0] =  1.;   // d0
-	diag[1][1] =  0.25; // phi0
-	diag[2][2] =  0.1;  // omega
-	diag[3][3] = 10.;   // z0
-	diag[4][4] =  1.;  // tanl
-	Matrix initCov = new Matrix(diag);
-	if(_cst.debug()) {
-	    System.out.println("KFTrack: init cov matrix");
-	    initCov.print(6,2);
-	    System.out.print("KFTrack: ");
-	    _seedTrack.printFitParams();
-	}
-	ListIterator hits = _orderedSiteList.listIterator();
-	//***************
-	// Fit inside-out
-	//***************
-	if(_cst.debug()) System.out.println("KFTrack: Fitting Track outward");
-	// initialize track parameters for outward fit
-	KFTrackParameters currentTrackOut = new KFTrackParameters(_seedTrack);
-	/*
-	// Determine seed track parameters from 3 innermost hits
-	KFTrackParameters inOutSeedTrk =
-	    seedTrkFromHits(_seedTrack.getCharge(),
-			    (KFSite)_orderedSiteList.get(0),
-			    (KFSite)_orderedSiteList.get(1),
-			    (KFSite)_orderedSiteList.get(2));
-	currentTrackOut = inOutSeedTrk;
-	*/
-	// determine track params at fixed small radius
-	//_seedTrack.setPointToPOCA();
-	double refRadius = 1.0;
-	currentTrackOut.setPointToRadius(refRadius);
-	if(_cst.debug()) {
-	    System.out.print("KFTrack: set radius to 1 : ");
-	    currentTrackOut.printFitParams();
-	}
-	// initialize error matrix
-	currentTrackOut.setErrorMatrix(initCov);
-	for (; hits.hasNext();){
-	    KFSite hit = (KFSite);
-	    double R = hit.getSiteLocation().getR();
-	    if(_cst.debug()) System.out.println("KFTrack: hit radius = "+R);
-	    if(_cst.debug()) {
-		System.out.print("KFTrack: current pars = ");
-		currentTrackOut.printFitParams();
-	    }
-	    // propagate track to radius of hit
-	    KFTrackParameters predictedTrack = currentTrackOut.makePredictionAtRadius(R);
-	    if(_cst.debug()) {
-		System.out.print("KFTrack: predicted pars = ");
-		predictedTrack.printFitParams();
-		predictedTrack.printPointParams();
-	    }
-	    // filter predicted track parameters with hit at radius R
-	    hit.setFitOutward();
-	    currentTrackOut = hit.filter(predictedTrack);
-	    // record track parameters in KFSite
-	    hit.setTrackParOut(currentTrackOut);
-	}
-	//***************
-	// Fit outside-in
-	//***************
-	if(_cst.debug()) System.out.println("KFTrack: Fitting Track inward");
-	// initialize track parameters for inward fit
-	KFTrackParameters currentTrackIn = new KFTrackParameters(currentTrackOut);
-	// determine track params at fixed small radius
-	refRadius = 130.0;
-	currentTrackIn.setPointToRadius(refRadius);
-	if(_cst.debug()) {
-	    System.out.print("KFTrack: set radius to 130 : ");
-	    currentTrackIn.printFitParams();
-	}
-	// initialize error matrix
-	currentTrackIn.setErrorMatrix(initCov);
-	for (; hits.hasPrevious();){
-	    KFSite hit = (KFSite)hits.previous();
-	    double R = hit.getSiteLocation().getR();
-	    if(_cst.debug()) {
-		System.out.println("KFTrack: hit radius = "+R);
-		System.out.print("KFTrack: current pars = ");
-		currentTrackIn.printFitParams();
-	    }
-	    // propagate track to radius of hit
-	    KFTrackParameters predictedTrack = currentTrackIn.makePredictionAtRadius(R);
-	    if(_cst.debug()) {
-		System.out.print("KFTrack: predicted pars = ");
-		predictedTrack.printFitParams();
-	    }
-	    // filter predicted track parameters with hit at radius R
-	    hit.setFitInward();
-	    currentTrackIn = hit.filter(predictedTrack);
-	    // record track parameters in KFSite
-	    hit.setTrackParIn(currentTrackIn);
-	}
-	if(_applyVertexConstraint) {
-	    KFVertex origin = new KFVertex();
-	    currentTrackIn = origin.filter(currentTrackIn);
-	}
-	_KFTrackAtPOCA = currentTrackIn;
-	_fittedPtAtPOCA = currentTrackIn.getPt();
-	if(_cst.debug()) {
-	    System.out.println("KFTrack: Final fitted pt  = "+_fittedPtAtPOCA);
-	    System.out.print("KFTrack: Final fitted par = ");
-	    currentTrackIn.printFitParams();
-	    System.out.print("KFTrack: Final cov matrix = ");
-	    currentTrackIn.getErrorMatrix().print(15,12);
-	    Matrix cov = currentTrackIn.getErrorMatrix();
-	    double[][] covArray = cov.getArrayCopy();
-	    double[] error = new double[5];
-	    for(int c=0; c<5; c++) {error[c] = Math.sqrt(covArray[c][c]);}
-	    for(int a=0; a<5; a++) {
-		for(int b=0; b<5; b++) {
-		    covArray[a][b] /= error[a]*error[b];
-		}
-	    }
-	    Matrix corMat = new Matrix(covArray);
-	    System.out.print("KFTrack: Final correlation matrix = ");
-	    corMat.print(15,12);
-	}
-    }
-    private KFTrackParameters seedTrkFromHits(int q, KFSite p1, KFSite p2, KFSite p3)
-    {
-	double x1 = p1.getSiteLocation().getX();
-	double y1 = p1.getSiteLocation().getY();
-	double z1 = p1.getSiteLocation().getZ();
-	double x2 = p2.getSiteLocation().getX();
-	double y2 = p2.getSiteLocation().getY();
-	double z2 = p2.getSiteLocation().getZ();
-	double x3 = p3.getSiteLocation().getX();
-	double y3 = p3.getSiteLocation().getY();
-	double r1 = Math.sqrt(x1*x1+y1*y1);
-	double r2 = Math.sqrt(x2*x2+y2*y2);
-	double denom = (x1-x2)*(y3-y2)-(x2-x3)*(y2-y1);
-	double alpha = 0.5*((x1-x3)*(x2-x3)+(y1-y3)*(y2-y3))/denom;
-	double beta  = 0.5*((x1-x3)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y3)*(y1-y2))/denom;
-	double xc = 0.5*(x1+x2)+alpha*(y2-y1);
-	double yc = 0.5*(y1+y2)+beta*(x1-x2);
-	double r0 = Math.sqrt(xc*xc+yc*yc);
-	double rc = Math.sqrt((xc-x1)*(xc-x1)+(yc-y1)*(yc-y1));
-	double d0 = r0-rc;
-	double phi0 = Math.atan2(q*xc,-q*yc);
-	double omega = -q/rc;
-	double s = (z2-z1)/(r2-r1);
-	double z0 = z1+(Math.abs(d0)-r1)*s;
-	double l = 0.;
-	KFTrackParameters seedTrk = new KFTrackParameters();
-	seedTrk.setTrackFitParameters(d0,phi0,omega,z0,s,l);
-	return seedTrk;
-    }
-    public KFTrackParameters getSeedTrackParameters() { return _seedTrack; }
-    public KFTrackParameters getKFTrackParameters() { return _KFTrackAtPOCA; }
-    public double getFittedPtAtPOCA() { return _fittedPtAtPOCA; }
-    private java.util.LinkedList _siteList;
-    private java.util.LinkedList _orderedSiteList;
-    private KFTrackParameters _seedTrack = new KFTrackParameters();
-    private KFTrackParameters _KFTrackAtPOCA = new KFTrackParameters();
-    private double _fittedPtAtPOCA;
-    private boolean _applyVertexConstraint = true;
-    private KFConstants _cst = new KFConstants();

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/KFFitter removed after 1.5
diff -N
---	13 Apr 2007 20:32:06 -0000	1.5
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.contrib.KFFitter;
-import Jama.Matrix;
-  * Define track parameters
-  * Allows multiple representations, and the transformation from one to the other.
-  * Holds the covariance matrix in the standrd (d0,phi0,omega,z0,tanl) representation
-  * @author Fred Blanc and Steve Wagner
-  * @version $Id:,v 1.5 2007/04/13 20:32:06 fblanc Exp $
-  */
-public class KFTrackParameters
-    KFTrackParameters()
-    {
-    }
-    KFTrackParameters(KFTrackParameters trk)
-    {
-	double[] par = trk.getFitParameters();
-	double l = trk.getPathLength();
-	this.setTrackFitParameters(par[0], par[1], par[2], par[3], par[4], l);
-	this._FitErrorMatrix = trk.getErrorMatrix();
-    }
-    private int _charge = 0;
-    private double _d0 = 0., _phi0 = 0., _omega = 0., _z0 = 0., _s = 0.;
-    private double _l = 0., _alpha = 0.;
-    private double[] _fitParams = new double[] {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.};
-    private double _xc = 0., _yc = 0., _r0 = 0., _rc = 0, _pt = 0.;
-    private double[] _helixParams = new double[] {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.};
-    private double _px = 0., _py = 0., _pz = 0., _p = 0.;
-    private double _x = 0., _y = 0., _z = 0.;
-    private double[] _pointParams = new double[] {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.};
-    public void setTrackFitParameters(double dzero, double phizero, double omeg,
-				      double zzero, double spar, double pathLength)
-    {
-	_charge = (int) (-1*Math.signum(omeg));
-	//System.out.println("charge = "+_charge);
-	_d0 = dzero;
-	_phi0 = phizero;
-	_omega = omeg; if(_omega==0.) {System.out.println("Null curvature!");}
-	_z0 = zzero;
-	_s = spar;
-	_fitParams[0] = _d0;
-	_fitParams[1] = _phi0;
-	_fitParams[2] = _omega;
-	_fitParams[3] = _z0;
-	_fitParams[4] = _s;
-	_l = pathLength;
-	_alpha = _l*_omega;
-	makePointFromFitRepresentation();
-	//makeHelixFromFitRepresentation();
-    }
-    public void setTrackPointParameters(int ch, double x, double y, double z, double px, double py, double pz)
-    {
-	_charge = ch;
-	_x = x;
-	_y = y;
-	_z = z;
-	_px = px;
-	_py = py;
-	_pz = pz;
-	_p = Math.sqrt(_px*_px + _py*_py + _pz*_pz);
-	_pointParams[0] = _x;
-	_pointParams[1] = _y;
-	_pointParams[2] = _z;
-	_pointParams[3] = _px;
-	_pointParams[4] = _py;
-	_pointParams[5] = _pz;
-	makeFitFromPointRepresentation();
-	//makeHelixFromPointRepresentation();
-    }
-    private void makePointFromFitRepresentation()
-    {
-	_pt = _cst.pointThreeTimesB()/Math.abs(_omega);
-	_px = _pt*(Math.cos(_alpha)*Math.cos(_phi0)-Math.sin(_alpha)*Math.sin(_phi0));
-	_py = _pt*(Math.sin(_alpha)*Math.cos(_phi0)+Math.cos(_alpha)*Math.sin(_phi0));
-	_pz = _pt*_s;
-	_p = Math.sqrt(_px*_px + _py*_py + _pz*_pz);
-	_x =  _d0*_charge*Math.sin(_phi0)+(_charge/Math.abs(_omega))*
-	    (Math.sin(_phi0)-Math.cos(_alpha)*Math.sin(_phi0)-Math.sin(_alpha)*Math.cos(_phi0));
-	_y = -_d0*_charge*Math.cos(_phi0)-(_charge/Math.abs(_omega))*
-	    (Math.cos(_phi0)+Math.sin(_alpha)*Math.sin(_phi0)-Math.cos(_alpha)*Math.cos(_phi0));
-	//_z =  _z0+_s*Math.abs(_alpha/_omega);
-	_z =  _z0+_s*_l;
-	_pointParams[0] = _x;
-	_pointParams[1] = _y;
-	_pointParams[2] = _z;
-	_pointParams[3] = _px;
-	_pointParams[4] = _py;
-	_pointParams[5] = _pz;
-    }
-    private void makeHelixFromFitRepresentation()
-    {
-	_xc =  _charge*Math.sin(_phi0)*(_d0+1./Math.abs(_omega));
-	_yc = -_charge*Math.cos(_phi0)*(_d0+1./Math.abs(_omega));
-	_r0 = Math.sqrt(_xc*_xc+_yc*_yc);
-	_rc = 1./Math.abs(_omega);
-	_pt = _cst.pointThreeTimesB()/Math.abs(_omega);
-        //_s = _s;
-        //_z0 = _z0;
-	_helixParams[0] = _xc;
-	_helixParams[1] = _yc;
-	_helixParams[2] = _rc;
-	_helixParams[3] = _z0;
-	_helixParams[4] = _s;
-    }
-    private void makeHelixFromPointRepresentation()
-    {
-	_xc = _x+_charge*_py/_cst.pointThreeTimesB();
-	_yc = _y-_charge*_px/_cst.pointThreeTimesB();
-	_r0 = Math.sqrt(_xc*_xc+_yc*_yc);
-	_rc = Math.sqrt((_x-_xc)*(_x-_xc)+(_y-_yc)*(_y-_yc));
-	_pt = Math.sqrt(_px*_px+_py*_py); // = _rc*_cst.pointThreeTimesB();
-	_s = _pz/_pt;
-	_z0 = _z+Math.atan2(_y*_xc-_x*_yc,_r0*_r0-_x*_xc-_y*_yc)*_pz/_cst.pointThreeTimesB();
-	_helixParams[0] = _xc;
-	_helixParams[1] = _yc;
-	_helixParams[2] = _rc;
-	_helixParams[3] = _z0;
-	_helixParams[4] = _s;
-    }
-    private void makeFitFromPointRepresentation()
-    {
-	double tmpXc = _x+_charge*_py/_cst.pointThreeTimesB();
-	double tmpYc = _y-_charge*_px/_cst.pointThreeTimesB();
-	double tmpPt = Math.sqrt(_px*_px+_py*_py);
-	_d0 = Math.sqrt(tmpXc*tmpXc+tmpYc*tmpYc)-tmpPt/_cst.pointThreeTimesB();
-	_phi0 = Math.atan2(_charge*tmpXc,-_charge*tmpYc);
-	_omega = -_charge*_cst.pointThreeTimesB()/tmpPt;
-	_alpha = Math.atan2(-_charge*(_x*_px+_y*_py),
-			    tmpPt*tmpPt/_cst.pointThreeTimesB()+_charge*(_x*_py-_y*_px));
-	_z0 = _z+_alpha*_pz/(_charge*_cst.pointThreeTimesB());
-	_s = _pz/tmpPt;
-	_l = _alpha/_omega;
-	_fitParams[0] = _d0;
-	_fitParams[1] = _phi0;
-	_fitParams[2] = _omega;
-	_fitParams[3] = _z0;
-	_fitParams[4] = _s;
-    }
-    private void makeFitFromHelixRepresentation()
-    {
-	_d0 = Math.sqrt(_xc*_xc+_yc*_yc)-_rc;
-	_phi0 = Math.atan2(_charge*_xc,-_charge*_yc);
-	_omega = -_charge/_rc;
-	//_z0 = _z0;
-	//_s = _s;
-	_fitParams[0] = _d0;
-	_fitParams[1] = _phi0;
-	_fitParams[2] = _omega;
-	_fitParams[3] = _z0;
-	_fitParams[4] = _s;
-    }
-    public KFTrackParameters makePredictionAtRadius(double newRadius) {
-	// in fit representation, only the path length changes when propagating
-	// to a specific radius
-	double newPathLength = propagate(newRadius);
-	KFTrackParameters newTrack = new KFTrackParameters();
-	newTrack.setTrackFitParameters(_d0,_phi0,_omega,_z0,_s,newPathLength);
-	newTrack.setErrorMatrix(_FitErrorMatrix);
-	return newTrack;
-    }
-    public double propagate(double r)
-    {
-	double par = 1.-((r*r-_d0*_d0)*_omega*_omega)/(2.*(1.+_d0*Math.abs(_omega)));
-	double newl = Math.abs(Math.acos(par)/_omega);
-	return newl;
-    }
-    public void setPointToRadius(double r) {
-	double newPathLength = propagate(r);
-	_l = newPathLength;
-	_alpha = _l*_omega;
-	makePointFromFitRepresentation();
-	//makeHelixFromFitRepresentation();
-    }
-    public void setPointToPOCA() {
-	_l = 0.;
-	makePointFromFitRepresentation();
-	//makeHelixFromFitRepresentation();
-    }
-    public double[] getFitParameters() {return _fitParams;}
-    public double[] getPointParameters() {return _pointParams;}
-    public double[] getHelixParameters() {return _helixParams;}
-    public int getCharge() {return _charge;}
-    public double getPathLength() {return _l;}
-    public double getPt() {return _pt;}
-    public double getPtot() {return _p;}
-    public double getPhi() {return Math.atan2(_y,_x);}
-    public double getZ() {return _z;}
-    public void setErrorMatrix(Matrix cov) { _FitErrorMatrix = cov; }
-    public Matrix getErrorMatrix() {return _FitErrorMatrix;}
-    private Matrix _FitErrorMatrix = new Matrix(5,5);
-    private KFConstants _cst = new KFConstants();
-    public void resetTrackParameters() {
-	int i;
-	 _charge = 0;
-	 _d0 = 0.; _phi0 = 0.; _omega = 0.; _z0 = 0.; _s = 0.;
-	 _l = 0; _alpha = 0.;
-	 for(i=0;i<5;i++){_fitParams[i]=0.;};
-	 _p = 0.; _pt = 0.; _px = 0.; _py = 0.; _pz = 0.;
-	 _x = 0.; _y = 0.; _z = 0.;
-	 for(i=0;i<6;i++){_pointParams[i]=0.;};
-	 _xc = 0.; _yc = 0.; _rc = 0.; _r0 = 0.;
-	 for(i=0;i<5;i++){_helixParams[i]=0.;};
-    }
-    public void printFitParams() {
-	System.out.print("Fit params = ");
-	System.out.print(_fitParams[0]+" ");
-	System.out.print(_fitParams[1]+" ");
-	System.out.print(_fitParams[2]+" ");
-	System.out.print(_fitParams[3]+" ");
-	System.out.print(_fitParams[4]+" ");
-	System.out.println(_l);
-    }
-    public void printPointParams() {
-	System.out.print("Point params = ");
-	System.out.print(_pointParams[0]+" ");
-	System.out.print(_pointParams[1]+" ");
-	System.out.print(_pointParams[2]+" ");
-	System.out.print(_pointParams[3]+" ");
-	System.out.print(_pointParams[4]+" ");
-	System.out.print(_pointParams[5]+" ");
-	System.out.println(getPhi());
-    }

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/KFFitter removed after 1.1
diff -N
---	13 Apr 2007 20:32:06 -0000	1.1
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.contrib.KFFitter;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import Jama.Matrix;
-  * Define a vertex used in the Kalman filter fit
-  * A vertex is a point, with a given resolution
-  * The class handles the filtering step of the Kalman filter.
-  * @author Fred Blanc and Steve Wagner
-  * @version $Id:,v 1.1 2007/04/13 20:32:06 fblanc Exp $
-  */
-public class KFVertex
-    public KFVertex()
-    {
-    }
-    public KFTrackParameters filter(KFTrackParameters trk)
-    {
-	double[][] vals = {{4e-08,0.},{0.,4e-08}};
-	Matrix errMat = new Matrix(vals);
-	_DZErrorMatrix = errMat;
-	_DZErrorMatrixInverse = _DZErrorMatrix.inverse();
-	double[] tpp = trk.getFitParameters();
-	Matrix stateVect = new Matrix(tpp,5);
-	if(_cst.debug()) {
-	    System.out.println("KFVertex: initial stateVect:");
-	    stateVect.print(15,12);
-	    System.out.println("KFVertex: initial stateVect in point parameter space:");
-	    trk.printPointParams();
-	}
-	double d0    = tpp[0];
-	double phi0  = tpp[1];
-	double omega = tpp[2];
-	double z0    = tpp[3];
-	double tanl  = tpp[4];
-	double l     = 0.;
-	Matrix trkCov = trk.getErrorMatrix();
-	if(_cst.debug()) {
-	    System.out.println("KFVertex: trkCov:");
-	    trkCov.print(15,12);
-	}
-	// define matrix relating the measured parameters (d,z) and the
-	// state vector (fit parameters). In the current setup, the state vector is
-	// given by the fit parameters (d0,phi0,omega,z0,s)
-	double[][] valsErr = {{1.,0.,0.,0.,0.},{0.,0.,0.,1.,0.}};
-	Matrix H = new Matrix(valsErr);
-	Matrix HT = H.transpose();
-	if(_cst.debug()) {
-	    System.out.println("KFVertex: H:");
-	    H.print(12,10);
-	    System.out.println("KFVertex: HT:");
-	    HT.print(12,10);
-	}
-	Matrix trkCovInverse = trkCov.inverse();
-	if(_cst.debug()) {
-	    System.out.println("KFVertex: trkCovInverse:");
-	    trkCovInverse.print(15,12);
-	}
-	double refD = trk.getFitParameters()[0];
-	double refZ = trk.getFitParameters()[3];
-	double[] mp = {-refD,-refZ};
-	Matrix measVect = new Matrix(mp,2);
-	if(_cst.debug()) {
-	    System.out.println("KFVertex: measVect:");
-	    measVect.print(12,10);
-	    System.out.println("KFVertex: PhiZ cov matrix inverted:");
-	    _DZErrorMatrixInverse.print(12,10);
-	}
-	Matrix cv1 = _DZErrorMatrixInverse.times(H);
-	Matrix cv2 = HT.times(cv1);
-	if(_cst.debug()) {
-	    System.out.println("KFVertex: measCovInverse:");
-	    cv2.print(15,12);
-	}
-	Matrix filteredCovInv =;
-	Matrix filteredCov = filteredCovInv.inverse();
-	if(_cst.debug()) {
-	    System.out.println("KFVertex: Filtered Cov:");
-	    filteredCov.print(15,12);
-	}
-	Matrix tmp1 = filteredCovInv.times(stateVect);
-	Matrix tmp2 = HT.times(_DZErrorMatrixInverse).times(measVect);
-	Matrix tmp3 =;
-	Matrix filteredTrkPar = filteredCov.times(tmp3);
-	if(_cst.debug()) {
-	    System.out.println("KFVertex: Filtered State Vector:");
-	    filteredTrkPar.print(15,12);
-	}
-	double[][] par = filteredTrkPar.getArrayCopy();
-	d0    = par[0][0];
-	phi0  = par[1][0];
-	omega = par[2][0];
-	z0    = par[3][0];
-	tanl  = par[4][0];
-	if(_cst.debug()) {
-	    System.out.println("KFVertex: Fitted Pt = "+_cst.pointThreeTimesB()/Math.abs(omega));
-	    System.out.println("KFVertex: pars = "+d0+" "+phi0+" "+omega+" "+z0+" "+tanl);
-	}
-	KFTrackParameters filtTrk = new KFTrackParameters();
-	filtTrk.setTrackFitParameters(d0,phi0,omega,z0,tanl,l);
-	filtTrk.setErrorMatrix(filteredCov);
-	return filtTrk;
-    }
-    public KFPoint getVertexLocation() {return _vtxLocation;}
-    private KFPoint _vtxLocation = new KFPoint();
-    private Matrix _DZErrorMatrix = new Matrix(2,2);
-    private Matrix _DZErrorMatrixInverse = new Matrix(2,2);
-    private KFConstants _cst = new KFConstants();

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/KFFitter/test removed after 1.3
diff -N
---	24 Jul 2007 22:23:25 -0000	1.3
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.contrib.KFFitter.test;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.*;
-import hep.physics.matrix.SymmetricMatrix;
-import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
-import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
-import org.lcsim.event.TrackerHit;
-import org.lcsim.event.base.BaseTrack;
-import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
-import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
-import org.lcsim.contrib.KFFitter.KFFitterDriver;
-public class TestKFF extends Driver {
-    private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
-    public TestKFF(){
-        add(new KFFitterDriver());
-	//	    try{
-	//		FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("output.dat");
-	//		PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(fos);
-	//		System.setOut(ps);
-	//	    }
-	//	    catch(FileNotFoundException x){
-	//		System.out.println("blow me!! output.dat doesn't exist");
-	//		x.printStackTrace();
-	//	    }
-    };
-    public void process(EventHeader event) {
-        super.process(event); // this takes care that the child Drivers are loaded and processed.
-	List<BaseTrack> KFTrackList = (List<BaseTrack>) event.get("KFTracks");
-	if(KFTrackList.size()<100) {
-	    aida.cloud1D("nKFTracks").fill(KFTrackList.size());
-	    for(BaseTrack trk : KFTrackList) {
-		double[] p = trk.getMomentum();
-		double pt = Math.sqrt(p[0]*p[0]+p[1]*p[1]);
-		double ptot = Math.sqrt(p[0]*p[0]+p[1]*p[1]+p[2]*p[2]);
-		double[] trkPar = trk.getTrackParameters();
-		SymmetricMatrix cov = trk.getErrorMatrix();
-		aida.cloud1D("KFptot").fill(ptot);
-		aida.cloud1D("KFpt").fill(pt);
-		aida.cloud1D("KFd0").fill(trkPar[0]);
-		aida.cloud1D("KFphi0").fill(trkPar[1]);
-		aida.cloud1D("KFomega").fill(Math.abs(trkPar[2]));
-		aida.cloud1D("KFz0").fill(trkPar[3]);
-		aida.cloud1D("KFtanl").fill(trkPar[4]);
-		//aida.cloud1D("KFtanl").fill(Math.abs(trkPar[4]));
-		aida.cloud1D("KFd0Err").fill(Math.sqrt(cov.e(0,0)));
-		aida.cloud1D("KFphiErr").fill(Math.sqrt(cov.e(1,1)));
-		aida.cloud1D("KFomegaErr").fill(Math.sqrt(cov.e(2,2)));
-		aida.cloud1D("KFz0Err").fill(Math.sqrt(cov.e(3,3)));
-		aida.cloud1D("KFtanlErr").fill(Math.sqrt(cov.e(4,4)));
-		// aida.cloud1D("KFd0").fill();
-		//		aida.cloud1D("KFd0").fill();
-	    }
-	}
-    }
CVSspam 0.2.8