Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/pfa on MAIN
photonfinder/ 1.1
            / 1.1
            / 1.1
            / 1.1
            / 1.1
structural/ -> 1.4
          / -> 1.8
5 added + 2 modified, total 7 files
JM: move Ron's photon finder out of contrib

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/pfa/photonfinder added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	12 Dec 2008 21:49:52 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+package org.lcsim.recon.pfa.photonfinder;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.event.Cluster;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.util.BasicCluster;
+import hep.physics.vec.*;
+ * Photon identifier
+ *
+ * Code by Ron Cassell, put into CVS in a temporary place by Mat Charles.
+ */
+public class AssociatePhotonFragmentsSid01
+    double[] bv = {-.98,-.94,-.88,-.68,-.32,.02,.28,.48,.62,.72,.78,.82,.86,.90,.94,.98};
+    double[] dcut1 = {41.25,41.25,38.75,38.75,41.25,43.75,46.25,48.75,
+                                   51.25,53.75,56.25,58.75,61.25,63.75,68.75,78.75};
+    double[] dcut2 = {38.75,38.75,36.25,36.25,38.75,41.25,43.75,46.25,
+                                   48.75,51.25,53.75,56.25,58.75,61.25,66.25,76.25};
+    double[] dcut3 = {36.25,36.25,33.75,31.25,33.75,36.25,36.25,41.25,
+                                   43.75,46.25,48.75,51.25,53.75,56.25,63.75,73.75};
+    double[] dcut4 = {36.25,33.75,31.25,28.75,28.75,31.25,33.75,36.25,
+                                   38.75,41.25,43.75,46.25,48.75,51.25,58.75,71.25};
+    double[] dcut5 = {38.75,28.75,28.75,26.25,23.75,28.75,28.75,28.75,
+                                   33.75,36.25,38.75,41.25,43.75,48.75,53.75,66.25};
+    double[] dcut6 = {33.75,28.75,26.25,23.75,23.75,23.75,26.25,26.25,
+                                   28.75,33.75,36.25,38.75,38.75,46.25,46.25,63.75};
+    double[] dcut10 = {33.75,28.75,26.25,21.25,21.25,18.75,18.75,21.25,
+                                   26.25,28.75,26.25,31.25,31.25,38.75,38.75,56.25};
+    double[][] dcut = new double[7][bv.length];
+    double gdcut = 90.;
+    public AssociatePhotonFragmentsSid01()
+    {
+       for(int i=0;i<bv.length;i++)
+       {
+          dcut[0][i] = dcut1[i];
+          dcut[1][i] = dcut2[i];
+          dcut[2][i] = dcut3[i];
+          dcut[3][i] = dcut4[i];
+          dcut[4][i] = dcut5[i];
+          dcut[5][i] = dcut6[i];
+          dcut[6][i] = dcut10[i];
+       }
+    }
+    public List<Cluster> associateFragments(List<Cluster> photons,List<Cluster> fragments)
+    {
+// Map photon core clusters to new clusters,used to add fragments
+       Map<Cluster,BasicCluster> phmap = new HashMap<Cluster,BasicCluster>();
+       for(Cluster c:photons)
+       {
+          BasicCluster cc = new BasicCluster();
+          cc.addCluster(c);
+          phmap.put(c,cc);
+       }
+// Loop over nonphoton clusters, find nearest photon cluster, and see if we should associate it
+       for(Cluster c:fragments)
+       {
+           Cluster nc = null;
+           double mind = 99999.;
+           int nh = c.getSize();
+           Hep3Vector p1 = new BasicHep3Vector(c.getPosition());
+           Hep3Vector p3 = null;
+           int ib = nh-1;
+           if(nh > 10)
+           {
+              ib = 6;
+           }
+           else if(nh > 5)
+           {
+              ib = 5;
+           }
+           for(Cluster cc:photons)
+           {
+              if(cc.getSize() >= nh)
+              {
+                 Hep3Vector p2 = new BasicHep3Vector(cc.getPosition());
+                 double d = Math.sqrt( (p1.x() - p2.x())*(p1.x() - p2.x()) + (p1.y() - p2.y())*(p1.y() - p2.y()) + (p1.z() - p2.z())*(p1.z() - p2.z()) );
+                 if(d < mind)
+                 {
+                    nc = cc;
+                    mind = d;
+                    p3 = p2;
+                 }
+              }
+           }
+           if(nc != null)
+           {
+              Hep3Vector p4 = new BasicHep3Vector(p1.x()-p3.x(),p1.y()-p3.y(),p1.z()-p3.z());
+              double ct = (p1.x()*p4.x()+p1.y()*p4.y()+p1.z()*p4.z())/(p1.magnitude()*p4.magnitude());
+              if(mind < gdcut)
+              {
+                 int ctbin = 0;
+                 for(int jb=0;jb<bv.length;jb++)
+                 {
+                    if(ct < bv[jb])break;
+                    ctbin++;
+                 }
+                 double distcut = 0.;
+                 if(ctbin == 0)
+                 {
+                    distcut = dcut[ib][1] + (dcut[ib][0] - dcut[ib][1])*(ct - bv[1])/(bv[0] - bv[1]); 
+                 }
+                 else if(ctbin == bv.length)
+                 {
+                    distcut = dcut[ib][bv.length-1] + (dcut[ib][bv.length-2] - dcut[ib][bv.length-1])*(ct - bv[bv.length-1])/(bv[bv.length-2] - bv[bv.length-1]); 
+                 }
+                 else
+                 {
+                    distcut = dcut[ib][ctbin] + (dcut[ib][ctbin-1] - dcut[ib][ctbin])*(ct - bv[ctbin])/(bv[ctbin-1] - bv[ctbin]); 
+                 }
+                 if(mind < distcut)
+                 {
+                    phmap.get(nc).addCluster(c);
+                 }
+              }
+           }
+       }
+       return new ArrayList(phmap.values());
+    }

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/pfa/photonfinder added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	12 Dec 2008 21:49:52 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+package org.lcsim.recon.pfa.photonfinder;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.util.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector.CylindricalCalorimeter;
+import org.lcsim.math.chisq.ChisqProb;
+import org.lcsim.recon.emid.hmatrix.HMatrix;
+import org.lcsim.recon.emid.hmatrix.HMatrixConditionsConverter;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.nn.NearestNeighborClusterer;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.IDDecoder;
+import org.lcsim.event.Cluster;
+import org.lcsim.event.CalorimeterHit;
+ * HMatrixPhotonIdentifier
+ * 
+ * Code by Ron Cassell, put into CVS in a temporary place by Mat Charles.
+ */
+public class HMatrixVars extends Driver 
+    private boolean _initialized;
+    private boolean usecore;
+    private Clusterer nn111clusterer;
+    private int _nLayers;
+    // the number of variables in the measurement vector
+    private int _nmeas;
+    // we handle the energy dependence by correlating to the log of the energy
+    private static final double _log10inv = 1./Math.log(10.0);
+    // the index of the cluster energy (log base 10)
+    private int _logEIndex;
+    // the vector of measured values
+    double[] _vals;
+    // the H-matrix itself
+    private HMatrix _hmx = null;
+    private double chisq;
+    private double chisqD;
+    private double chisqDProb;
+    public HMatrixVars()
+    {
+        this(false);
+    }
+    public HMatrixVars(boolean core)
+    {
+        _initialized = false;
+        getConditionsManager().registerConditionsConverter(new HMatrixConditionsConverter());
+        usecore = core;
+        if(usecore)
+        {
+            nn111clusterer = new NearestNeighborClusterer(1,1,1,0,0.);
+        }
+    }
+    public void process(EventHeader event)
+    {
+        String[] det = {"EMBarrel"};
+        if(!_initialized)
+        {
+            CylindricalCalorimeter calsub = (CylindricalCalorimeter)event.getDetector().getSubdetectors().get(det[0]);
+            _nLayers = calsub.getLayering().getLayerCount();
+            // the vector of measurements starts as the longitudinal layers
+            _nmeas = _nLayers;
+            // add the logarithm of the energy
+            _logEIndex = _nmeas;
+            _nmeas+=1;
+            // would add any additional measurements (e.g. width) here
+            _vals = new double[_nmeas];
+            _hmx = getConditionsManager().getCachedConditions(HMatrix.class, "LongitudinalHMatrix.hmx").getCachedData();
+            _initialized = true;
+        }
+    }
+    public void setCluster(Cluster cl)
+    {
+        if(_hmx == null)
+        {
+            System.out.println("HMatrixPhotonIdentifier:: HMatrix not set!!");
+            return;
+        }
+        Cluster cluster = cl;
+        if(usecore)
+        {
+            List<Cluster> nn111cl = nn111clusterer.createClusters(cluster.getCalorimeterHits());
+            double maxE = 0.;
+            for(Cluster c:nn111cl)
+            {
+                if(c.getEnergy() > maxE)
+                {
+                    maxE = c.getEnergy();
+                    cluster = c;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // get the longitudinal shower layer energies
+        // should be able to fetch this from the cluster...
+        double[] layerE = layerEnergies(cluster);
+        // accumulate the longitudinal energy fractions...
+        // cng 050820 chi-squared values reported as being too high for late showering showers.
+        // modify to shift vector of values to start with showering layer.
+        int firstNonZeroLayer = 0;
+        boolean showered = false;
+        for(int i=0; i<layerE.length; ++i)
+        {
+            _vals[i] = layerE[i];
+            if(_vals[i]!=0.) showered = true;
+            if(_vals[i]==0. && !showered)
+            {
+                firstNonZeroLayer = i+1;
+            }
+        }
+        // shift the energies down so first showering layer is layer0
+        if(firstNonZeroLayer!=0)
+        {
+            double[] newvals = new double[_nmeas];
+            System.arraycopy(_vals,firstNonZeroLayer, newvals, 0, layerE.length-firstNonZeroLayer-1 );
+            _vals = newvals;
+        }
+        // Add the correlation to the log of the cluster energy
+        //We want the common logarithm (log 10) of the energy
+        _vals[_logEIndex]=Math.log(cluster.getEnergy())*_log10inv;
+        // now calculate the cluster chi-squared
+        chisq = _hmx.chisquared(_vals);
+        chisqD = _hmx.chisquaredDiagonal(_vals);
+        chisqDProb = ChisqProb.gammq((double) (_nmeas),chisqD);
+        if(chisqDProb<.0000000001) chisqDProb = 0.0000000001;
+    }
+    public double getChisq(){return chisq;}
+    public double getChisqD(){return chisqD;}
+    public double getChisqDProb(){return chisqDProb;}
+    private double[] layerEnergies(Cluster clus)
+    {
+        //FIXME could reuse this array
+        double[] layerEnergies = new double[_nLayers];
+        double clusterEnergy = 0.;
+        List<CalorimeterHit> hits = clus.getCalorimeterHits();
+        for(CalorimeterHit hit : hits)
+        {
+            IDDecoder decoder = hit.getIDDecoder();
+            decoder.setID(hit.getCellID());
+            double e = hit.getCorrectedEnergy();
+            int layer = decoder.getLayer();
+            clusterEnergy+=e;
+            layerEnergies[layer]+=e;
+        }
+        for(int i=0; i<_nLayers; ++i)
+        {
+            layerEnergies[i]/=clusterEnergy;
+        }
+        return layerEnergies;
+    }

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/pfa/photonfinder added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	12 Dec 2008 21:49:52 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+package org.lcsim.recon.pfa.photonfinder;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.event.Cluster;
+import org.lcsim.event.CalorimeterHit;
+import org.lcsim.event.SimCalorimeterHit;
+import hep.physics.vec.*;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.IDDecoder;
+ * Photon identifier
+ * 
+ * Code by Ron Cassell, put into CVS in a temporary place by Mat Charles.
+ */
+public class IdentifyPhotonClustersSid01
+    int nhitcut = 5;
+    int[] sizes = {7,10,15,22,30,35,50,100,200,400};
+    HMatrixVars hmv;
+    double[][][] cuts;
+    int failcut;
+    public IdentifyPhotonClustersSid01(HMatrixVars HMV)
+    {
+       cuts = new double[sizes.length+1][2][10];
+//  Separate cuts for cluster size, and whether layer 0 is hit.
+//  Cut 0 - Hmatrix chisq
+//  Cut 1 - First layer hit
+//  Cut 2 - Shape 0 (transverse spread)
+//  Cut 3 - Shape2-Shape1 (Asymmetry)
+//  Cut 4 - Shape2-Shape0 (Long-Trans Spread)
+//  Cut 5 - DOCA
+//  Cut 6 - mean # hits in first 5 layers
+//  Cut 7 - lower bound on chisq for small clusters
+//  Cut 8 - lower bound on Shape 0 for small clusters
+//  Cut 9 - upper bound on Shape 1 for small clusters
+       cuts[0][0][0] = 0;
+       cuts[0][1][0] = 800;
+       cuts[1][0][0] = 300;
+       cuts[1][1][0] = 800;
+       cuts[2][0][0] = 150;
+       cuts[2][1][0] = 250;
+       cuts[3][0][0] = 150;
+       cuts[3][1][0] = 180;
+       cuts[4][0][0] = 100;
+       cuts[4][1][0] = 170;
+       cuts[5][0][0] = 90;
+       cuts[5][1][0] = 150;
+       cuts[6][0][0] = 80;
+       cuts[6][1][0] = 260;
+       cuts[7][0][0] = 90.;
+       cuts[7][1][0] = 800;
+       cuts[8][0][0] = 90;
+       cuts[8][1][0] = 9999;
+       cuts[9][0][0] = 96;
+       cuts[9][1][0] = 9999;
+       cuts[10][0][0] = 190;
+       cuts[10][1][0] = 9999;
+       cuts[0][0][1] = 17.;
+       cuts[0][1][1] = 7.;
+       cuts[1][0][1] = 17.;
+       cuts[1][1][1] = 8.;
+       cuts[2][0][1] = 17.;
+       cuts[2][1][1] = 10.;
+       cuts[3][0][1] = 17.;
+       cuts[3][1][1] = 9.;
+       cuts[4][0][1] = 17.;
+       cuts[4][1][1] = 9.;
+       cuts[5][0][1] = 17.;
+       cuts[5][1][1] = 9.;
+       cuts[6][0][1] = 17.;
+       cuts[6][1][1] = 17.;
+       cuts[7][0][1] = 17.;
+       cuts[7][1][1] = 17.;
+       cuts[8][0][1] = 17.;
+       cuts[8][1][1] = 17.;
+       cuts[9][0][1] = 17.;
+       cuts[9][1][1] = 17.;
+       cuts[10][0][1] = 17.;
+       cuts[10][1][1] = 17.;
+       cuts[0][0][2] = 15.;
+       cuts[0][1][2] = 10.;
+       cuts[1][0][2] = 10.;
+       cuts[1][1][2] = 12.;
+       cuts[2][0][2] = 15.;
+       cuts[2][1][2] = 30.;
+       cuts[3][0][2] = 15.;
+       cuts[3][1][2] = 30.;
+       cuts[4][0][2] = 30.;
+       cuts[4][1][2] = 40.;
+       cuts[5][0][2] = 30.;
+       cuts[5][1][2] = 41.;
+       cuts[6][0][2] = 30.;
+       cuts[6][1][2] = 45.;
+       cuts[7][0][2] = 37.;
+       cuts[7][1][2] = 80.;
+       cuts[8][0][2] = 40.;
+       cuts[8][1][2] = 9999.;
+       cuts[9][0][2] = 40.;
+       cuts[9][1][2] = 9999.;
+       cuts[10][0][2] = 9999.;
+       cuts[10][1][2] = 9999.;
+       cuts[0][0][3] = 8.;
+       cuts[0][1][3] = 10.;
+       cuts[1][0][3] = 4.;
+       cuts[1][1][3] = 13.;
+       cuts[2][0][3] = 8.;
+       cuts[2][1][3] = 30.;
+       cuts[3][0][3] = 10.;
+       cuts[3][1][3] = 30.;
+       cuts[4][0][3] = 20.;
+       cuts[4][1][3] = 31.;
+       cuts[5][0][3] = 20.;
+       cuts[5][1][3] = 46.;
+       cuts[6][0][3] = 25.;
+       cuts[6][1][3] = 80.;
+       cuts[7][0][3] = 20.;
+       cuts[7][1][3] = 80.;
+       cuts[8][0][3] = 20.;
+       cuts[8][1][3] = 9999.;
+       cuts[9][0][3] = 35.;
+       cuts[9][1][3] = 9999.;
+       cuts[10][0][3] = 9999.;
+       cuts[10][1][3] = 9999.;
+       cuts[0][0][4] = 90.;
+       cuts[0][1][4] = 60.;
+       cuts[1][0][4] = 90.;
+       cuts[1][1][4] = 80.;
+       cuts[2][0][4] = 90.;
+       cuts[2][1][4] = 100.;
+       cuts[3][0][4] = 200.;
+       cuts[3][1][4] = 200.;
+       cuts[4][0][4] = 200.;
+       cuts[4][1][4] = 280.;
+       cuts[5][0][4] = 300.;
+       cuts[5][1][4] = 580.;
+       cuts[6][0][4] = 400.;
+       cuts[6][1][4] = 510.;
+       cuts[7][0][4] = 1100.;
+       cuts[7][1][4] = 1100.;
+       cuts[8][0][4] = 1100.;
+       cuts[8][1][4] = 9999.;
+       cuts[9][0][4] = 1100.;
+       cuts[9][1][4] = 9999.;
+       cuts[10][0][4] = 1100.;
+       cuts[10][1][4] = 9999.;
+       cuts[0][0][5] = 2000.;
+       cuts[0][1][5] = 1360.;
+       cuts[1][0][5] = 2000.;
+       cuts[1][1][5] = 1300.;
+       cuts[2][0][5] = 2000.;
+       cuts[2][1][5] = 2000.;
+       cuts[3][0][5] = 2000.;
+       cuts[3][1][5] = 1800.;
+       cuts[4][0][5] = 2000.;
+       cuts[4][1][5] = 1800.;
+       cuts[5][0][5] = 2000.;
+       cuts[5][1][5] = 1500.;
+       cuts[6][0][5] = 2000.;
+       cuts[6][1][5] = 850.;
+       cuts[7][0][5] = 1000.;
+       cuts[7][1][5] = 500.;
+       cuts[8][0][5] = 500.;
+       cuts[8][1][5] = 9999.;
+       cuts[9][0][5] = 410.;
+       cuts[9][1][5] = 9999.;
+       cuts[10][0][5] = 9999.;
+       cuts[10][1][5] = 9999.;
+       cuts[0][0][6] = 1.3;
+       cuts[0][1][6] = 0.;
+       cuts[1][0][6] = 1.5;
+       cuts[1][1][6] = 0.;
+       cuts[2][0][6] = 1.3;
+       cuts[2][1][6] = 0.;
+       cuts[3][0][6] = 1.3;
+       cuts[3][1][6] = 1.1;
+       cuts[4][0][6] = 1.3;
+       cuts[4][1][6] = 0.;
+       cuts[5][0][6] = 1.3;
+       cuts[5][1][6] = 0.;
+       cuts[6][0][6] = 1.3;
+       cuts[6][1][6] = 0.;
+       cuts[7][0][6] = 1.3;
+       cuts[7][1][6] = 0.;
+       cuts[8][0][6] = 1.3;
+       cuts[8][1][6] = 0.;
+       cuts[9][0][6] = 0.;
+       cuts[9][1][6] = 0.;
+       cuts[10][0][6] =1.3;
+       cuts[10][1][6] = 0.;
+       cuts[0][0][7] = 0.;
+       cuts[0][1][7] = 46.;
+       cuts[1][0][7] = 32.;
+       cuts[1][1][7] = 24.;
+       cuts[2][0][7] = 0.;
+       cuts[2][1][7] = 0.;
+       cuts[3][0][7] = 0.;
+       cuts[3][1][7] = 0.;
+       cuts[4][0][7] = 0.;
+       cuts[4][1][7] = 0.;
+       cuts[5][0][7] = 0.;
+       cuts[5][1][7] = 0.;
+       cuts[6][0][7] = 0.;
+       cuts[6][1][7] = 0.;
+       cuts[7][0][7] = 0.;
+       cuts[7][1][7] = 0.;
+       cuts[8][0][7] = 0.;
+       cuts[8][1][7] = 0.;
+       cuts[9][0][7] = 0.;
+       cuts[9][1][7] = 0.;
+       cuts[10][0][7] = 0.;
+       cuts[10][1][7] = 0.;
+       cuts[0][0][8] = 0.;
+       cuts[0][1][8] = 0.;
+       cuts[1][0][8] = 2.;
+       cuts[1][1][8] = 0.;
+       cuts[2][0][8] = 0.;
+       cuts[2][1][8] = 0.;
+       cuts[3][0][8] = 0.;
+       cuts[3][1][8] = 0.;
+       cuts[4][0][8] = 0.;
+       cuts[4][1][8] = 0.;
+       cuts[5][0][8] = 0.;
+       cuts[5][1][8] = 0.;
+       cuts[6][0][8] = 0.;
+       cuts[6][1][8] = 0.;
+       cuts[7][0][8] = 0.;
+       cuts[7][1][8] = 0.;
+       cuts[8][0][8] = 0.;
+       cuts[8][1][8] = 0.;
+       cuts[9][0][8] = 0.;
+       cuts[9][1][8] = 0.;
+       cuts[10][0][8] = 0.;
+       cuts[10][1][8] = 0.;
+       cuts[0][0][9] = 9990.;
+       cuts[0][1][9] = 9990.;
+       cuts[1][0][9] = 70.;
+       cuts[1][1][9] = 9990.;
+       cuts[2][0][9] = 9990.;
+       cuts[2][1][9] = 9990.;
+       cuts[3][0][9] = 9990.;
+       cuts[3][1][9] = 9990.;
+       cuts[4][0][9] = 9990.;
+       cuts[4][1][9] = 9990.;
+       cuts[5][0][9] = 9990.;
+       cuts[5][1][9] = 9990.;
+       cuts[6][0][9] = 9990.;
+       cuts[6][1][9] = 9990.;
+       cuts[7][0][9] = 9990.;
+       cuts[7][1][9] = 9990.;
+       cuts[8][0][9] = 9990.;
+       cuts[8][1][9] = 9990.;
+       cuts[9][0][9] = 9990.;
+       cuts[9][1][9] = 9990.;
+       cuts[10][0][9] = 9990.;
+       cuts[10][1][9] = 9990.;
+       hmv = HMV;
+    }
+    public boolean isPhoton(Cluster c)
+    {
+       int nhits = c.getSize();
+       if(nhits <= nhitcut)return false;
+       int sbin = 0;
+       for(int i=0;i<sizes.length;i++)
+       {
+          if(nhits <= sizes[i])break;
+          sbin++;
+       }
+       int fl = 30;
+       int ll = -1;
+       int[] hpl = new int[31];
+       for(CalorimeterHit h:c.getCalorimeterHits())
+       {
+          SimCalorimeterHit sh = (SimCalorimeterHit) h;
+          IDDecoder iddc = h.getIDDecoder();
+          iddc.setID(h.getCellID());
+          int lay = iddc.getValue("layer");
+          if(lay < fl)fl = lay;
+          if(lay > ll)ll = lay;
+          hpl[lay]++;
+       }
+       double[] sp = c.getShape();
+       double del0 = sp[1] - sp[0];
+       double del1 = sp[2] - sp[0];
+       double del2 = sp[2] - sp[1];
+       double[] pos = c.getPosition();
+       double phi = c.getIPhi();
+       double theta = c.getITheta();
+       double cp = Math.cos(phi);
+       double ssp = Math.sin(phi);
+       double ct = Math.cos(theta);
+       double st = Math.sin(theta);
+       double dcasq = pos[0]*pos[0]*(1.-st*st*cp*cp) +
+                                           pos[1]*pos[1]*(1.-st*st*ssp*ssp) +
+                                           pos[2]*pos[2]*(1.-ct*ct) -
+                                           2.*pos[0]*pos[1]*st*st*ssp*cp -
+                                           2.*pos[0]*pos[2]*st*ct*cp -
+                                           2.*pos[1]*pos[2]*st*ct*ssp;
+       double dca = -1;
+       if(dcasq > 0.)dca = Math.sqrt(dcasq);
+       int xll = ll;
+       if(fl+4 < ll)xll = fl+4;
+       double t5 = 0.;
+       for(int i=fl;i<=xll;i++){t5+=hpl[i];}
+       double mhpl5 = t5/(1. + xll - fl);
+       hmv.setCluster(c);
+       double chi = hmv.getChisq();
+       int flb = 0;
+       if(fl > 0)flb = 1;
+       failcut = 0;
+       if(chi > cuts[sbin][flb][0])failcut = 1;
+       else if(fl > cuts[sbin][flb][1])failcut = 2;
+       else if(sp[0] > cuts[sbin][flb][2])failcut = 3;
+       else if( sp[2]-sp[1] > cuts[sbin][flb][3])failcut = 4;
+       else if( sp[2] - sp[0] > cuts[sbin][flb][4])failcut = 5;
+       else if(dca > cuts[sbin][flb][5])failcut = 6;
+       else if(mhpl5 < cuts[sbin][flb][6])failcut = 7;
+       else if(chi < cuts[sbin][flb][7])failcut = 8;
+       else if(sp[0] < cuts[sbin][flb][8])failcut = 9;
+       else if(sp[1] > cuts[sbin][flb][9])failcut = 10;
+       if(failcut == 0)return true;
+       return false;
+    }
+    public int getFailcut(){return failcut;}

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/pfa/photonfinder added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	12 Dec 2008 21:49:52 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+package org.lcsim.recon.pfa.photonfinder;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.lcsim.event.CalorimeterHit;
+import org.lcsim.event.Cluster;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.nn.NearestNeighborClusterer;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.util.hitmap.HitMap;
+import org.lcsim.util.lcio.LCIOConstants;
+ * Driver to find photons in Sid01 detector
+ * 
+ * Code by Ron Cassell, put into CVS in a temporary place by Mat Charles.
+ */
+public class RonPhotonFinderSid01 extends Driver
+    String inName;
+    String outHName;
+    String outCName;
+    NearestNeighborClusterer nn111;
+    HMatrixVars hmv;
+    Sid01PhotonFinder finder;
+    public RonPhotonFinderSid01(String in, String outH, String outC)
+    {
+       inName = in;
+       outHName = outH;
+       outCName = outC;
+       nn111 = new NearestNeighborClusterer(1,1,1,0,0.);
+       hmv = new HMatrixVars();
+       add(hmv);
+       finder = new Sid01PhotonFinder(hmv);
+    }
+    protected void process(EventHeader event)
+    {
+        super.process(event);
+        HitMap inmap = (HitMap) event.get(inName);
+        List<Cluster> photons = finder.findPhotons(nn111.createClusters(inmap));
+        int flag = 1<<LCIOConstants.CLBIT_HITS;
+        event.put(outCName, photons, Cluster.class, flag );
+        HitMap outputHitMap = new HitMap(inmap);
+//   Remove photon hits
+        for (Cluster clus : photons) 
+        {
+            for (CalorimeterHit hit : clus.getCalorimeterHits())
+            {
+               Long cellID = new Long(hit.getCellID());
+               outputHitMap.remove(cellID);
+            }
+         }
+         event.put(outHName, outputHitMap);
+    }

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/pfa/photonfinder added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	12 Dec 2008 21:49:52 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+package org.lcsim.recon.pfa.photonfinder;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.event.Cluster;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.util.BasicCluster;
+import hep.physics.vec.*;
+ * Photon finder
+ * 
+ * Code by Ron Cassell, put into CVS in a temporary place by Mat Charles.
+ */
+public class Sid01PhotonFinder
+    IdentifyPhotonClustersSid01 ider;
+    AssociatePhotonFragmentsSid01 ass;
+    HMatrixVars hmv;
+    public Sid01PhotonFinder(HMatrixVars HMV)
+    {
+       hmv = HMV;
+       ider = new IdentifyPhotonClustersSid01(hmv);
+       ass = new AssociatePhotonFragmentsSid01();
+    }
+    public List<Cluster> findPhotons(List<Cluster> cllist)
+    {
+       List<Cluster> photons = new ArrayList<Cluster>();
+       List<Cluster> fragments = new ArrayList<Cluster>();
+       for(Cluster c:cllist)
+       {
+          if(ider.isPhoton(c))photons.add(c);
+          else fragments.add(c);
+       }
+       return ass.associateFragments(photons,fragments);
+    }

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/pfa/structural 1.3 -> 1.4
diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
---	6 Sep 2008 23:47:26 -0000	1.3
+++	12 Dec 2008 21:49:52 -0000	1.4
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
  * a List<ReconstructedParticle>, written to the event as
  * PFAReconstructedParticles.
- * @version $Id:,v 1.3 2008/09/06 23:47:26 mcharles Exp $
+ * @version $Id:,v 1.4 2008/12/12 21:49:52 jeremy Exp $
  * @author Mat Charles <[log in to unmask]>
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
 	    // Find tracks (cheating)
 	    String ronTrackList = "FSReconTracks";
 	    String ronMCList = "ReconFSParticles";
-	    add(new org.lcsim.contrib.Cassell.recon.Cheat.CheatReconDriver());
+	    add(new org.lcsim.recon.cheater.CheatReconDriver());
 	    // Choose which track list to use
 	    boolean useRonTrackList = true;
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@
     protected void addRonPhotonFinder(String prefix, String inputHitMap, String outputPhotonClusterList, String outputHitMap)
-	org.lcsim.contrib.uiowa.RonPhotonFinder.RonPhotonFinderSid01 driver = new org.lcsim.contrib.uiowa.RonPhotonFinder.RonPhotonFinderSid01(inputHitMap, outputHitMap, outputPhotonClusterList);
+	org.lcsim.recon.pfa.photonfinder.RonPhotonFinderSid01 driver = new org.lcsim.recon.pfa.photonfinder.RonPhotonFinderSid01(inputHitMap, outputHitMap, outputPhotonClusterList);

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/pfa/structural 1.7 -> 1.8
diff -u -r1.7 -r1.8
---	22 Oct 2008 18:06:30 -0000	1.7
+++	12 Dec 2008 21:49:52 -0000	1.8
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
     public RunAndWriteOutPFA()
 	// Prepare to run PFA: Tracks (includes DigiSim)
-	add(new org.lcsim.contrib.Cassell.recon.Cheat.CheatReconDriver());
+	add(new org.lcsim.recon.cheater.CheatReconDriver());
 	// Set up and run PFA
 	add(new SetUpPFA("FSReconTracks"));
CVSspam 0.2.8