

A while back I announced the summer LC physics school in
the UK. This is the 3rd one offered, the last 2 having been very good with 
a very motivated group of students -- all european.

If you have students here in the US who you think would benefit from this,
please bring them to my attention and I will attempt to get DOE travel 

Mark Oreglia


Dear Colleagues,

The registration is open for the

Linear Collider Physics School 2009 (Ambleside)

Dates: August 17-23, 2009

Please encourage students and young researches to register. A few
bursaries are available. Registration deadline May 1, 2009.

Andre Sopczak
Lancaster University

On behalf of the Programme and Organising Committee, C. Bowdery, P.
Burrows, C. Damerell, J. Gratus, G. Moortgat-Pick, D. Schulte, T.
Teubner, M. Thomson, N. Watson, A. Sopczak, G. Weiglein, V. Ziemann

International Advisory Committee: S. Bertolucci (CERN), S. Chattopadhyay
(CI), B. Foster (Oxford), N. Glover (IPPP), R. Godbole (Bangalore), W.
Hollik (MPI Munich), E. Iarocci (INFN), J. Mnich (DESY), T. Omori (KEK),
M. Oreglia (Chicago), P. Osland (Bergen), F. Richard (Orsay), H. Weerts
(Argonne), S. Yamada (KEK)