

Dear Colleagues,
 Steven Koonin, the Under Secretary for Science Designee,
addressed the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
last week as part of his confirmation process.
 He offered observations about the three major areas of
DOE technical activities - basic science, nuclear security,
and energy technologies.

On basic science:
The basic research supported by the Office of Science is one of 
the jewels of the Federal research portfolio. The long tradition 
of peer-reviewed support for university and national laboratory 
researchers and forefront user facilities continues to drive 
advances on many fronts. We are on the cusp of understanding the 
origin of mass, the nature of most of what's in the universe, and 
how quarks and gluons combine to form nuclei. New instrumentation 
and new information technologies are enabling better understanding 
of the changing climate and new capabilities to predict, manipulate, 
and control materials, biological systems, and plasma. The 
commitments from Congress and the Administration to double support 
for these activities over the next decade are more than justified.

The full text of his address can be found at:

Norman Graf