

Hi Everyone,

This week we meet at *1 PM Eastern*, Thursday, May 21, for the weekly LQS 
meeting.  Dial-in is 510-665-5437, passcode 7336.

We'll take round-table reports and discuss the preprint "Cosmic Ray Tests of 
the Prototype TPC for the ILC Experiment".  This preprint, arXiv:0905.2655v1,
presents results from a prototype TPC beam test at high magnetic field (4T),
as would be used at the ILC. Both MWPC and GEM readout were investigated. 
MWPC readout performance was found to be unacceptable due to the "E x B 
effect" in the wire planes. GEM performance was fine in the 4T field.

The meeting agenda and the paper can be found at

Hope you can join us.

Thanks much,