

Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/RobKutschke/TRF/trfcyl on MAIN 1.1
First Release

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/RobKutschke/TRF/trfcyl added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	8 Jun 2009 05:57:39 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+package org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRF.trfcyl;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.SurfCylinder;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfutil.Assert;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Interactor;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.ETrack;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropDir;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Propagator;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Surface;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackError;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackVector;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfeloss.DeDx;
+import static org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.SurfCylinder.IALF;
+import static org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.SurfCylinder.IPHI;
+import static org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.SurfCylinder.IQPT;
+import static org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.SurfCylinder.ITLM;
+import static org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.SurfCylinder.IZ;
+import static java.lang.Math.abs;
+import static java.lang.Math.sqrt;
+import static java.lang.Math.cos;
+ * Class for modifying the covariance matrix of a track which
+ * has been propagated to an InteractingLayer containing
+ * a LayerCylinder. The modifications correspond to energy
+ *loss in a cylindrical shell whose material is
+ *represented by the thickness and energy loss model
+ * is represented by a DeDx class.
+ *
+ *@author Norman A. Graf
+ *@version 1.0
+ *
+ */
+public class CylEloss extends Interactor
+    // Added for debugging.
+    private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+    static private boolean donew = false;
+    public static void SetNewModel( boolean b ){
+	donew = b;
+    }
+    //attributes
+    private double _thickness;
+    private DeDx _dedx;
+    //methods
+    //
+    /**
+     *Construct an instance from the cylindrical shell's thickness and dE/dx class.
+     *
+     * @param   thickness The thickness of the cylindrical shell.
+     * @param   dedx The DeDx model of energy loss to use.
+     */
+    public CylEloss(double thickness, DeDx dedx)
+    {
+        _thickness = thickness;
+        _dedx = dedx;
+    }
+    //
+    /**
+     *Interact the given track in this cylindrical shell,
+     *using the DeDx model for energy loss.
+     *Note that both the track parameters and the
+     *covariance matrix are updated to reflect the uncertainty caused
+     *by traversing the cylindrical shell of material.
+     *
+     * @param   tre The ETrack to scatter.
+     */
+    public void interact(ETrack tre)
+    {
+        // This can only be used with cylinders... check that we have one..
+        SurfCylinder cyl = new SurfCylinder(10.0);
+        Surface srf = tre.surface();
+        Assert.assertTrue( srf.pureType().equals(cyl.pureType()) );
+        TrackError cleanError = tre.error();
+        TrackError newError = new TrackError(cleanError);
+        TrackVector theVec = tre.vector();
+        TrackVector newVector = new TrackVector(theVec);
+        double pionMass = 0.13957; // GeV
+        double ptmax = 10000.; // GeV
+        double pinv = Math.abs(theVec.get(SurfCylinder.IQPT)*Math.cos(Math.atan(theVec.get(SurfCylinder.ITLM))));
+        // make sure pinv is greater than a threshold (1/ptmax)
+        // in this case assume q = 1, otherwise q = q/pt/abs(q/pt)
+        double sign = 1;
+        if(pinv < 1./ptmax)
+            pinv = 1./ptmax;
+        else
+            sign = theVec.get(SurfCylinder.IQPT)/Math.abs(theVec.get(SurfCylinder.IQPT));
+        // Evaluate the initial energy assuming the particle is a pion.
+        double trackEnergy = Math.sqrt(1./pinv/pinv+pionMass*pionMass);
+        double trueLength = _thickness/Math.abs(Math.cos(theVec.get(SurfCylinder.IALF)))/
+                Math.cos(Math.atan(theVec.get(SurfCylinder.ITLM)));
+        // assume the energy loss distribution to be Gaussian
+        double stdEnergy = _dedx.sigmaEnergy(trackEnergy, trueLength);
+        double stdMomentum = stdEnergy;
+        // What direction are we going?
+        // If forward, that means we lose energy
+        // backwards means gain energy
+        if(tre.isTrackBackward()) trueLength = -trueLength;
+        trackEnergy = _dedx.loseEnergy(trackEnergy, trueLength);
+        double newMomentum = trackEnergy>pionMass ?
+            Math.sqrt(trackEnergy*trackEnergy-
+                pionMass*pionMass): 1./pinv;
+        // Only vec(SurfCylinder.IQPT) changes due to E loss.
+        newVector.set(SurfCylinder.IQPT, 1./newMomentum/Math.cos(Math.atan(theVec.get(SurfCylinder.ITLM)))*sign);
+        // Also only error(SurfCylinder.IQPT,IQPT) changes.
+        double stdVec = theVec.get(SurfCylinder.IQPT)*theVec.get(SurfCylinder.IQPT)*stdMomentum*Math.cos(Math.atan(
+                theVec.get(SurfCylinder.ITLM)));
+        stdVec *= stdVec;
+        newError.set(SurfCylinder.IQPT, SurfCylinder.IQPT,  newError.get(SurfCylinder.IQPT, SurfCylinder.IQPT) + stdVec);
+        tre.setVectorAndKeepDirection(newVector);
+        tre.setError( newError );
+    }
+    public void interact_dir(ETrack theTrack, PropDir direction )
+    {
+        // This can only be used with cylinders... check that we have one..
+        Surface srf = theTrack.surface();
+        Assert.assertTrue( srf instanceof SurfCylinder );
+        // Reduced direction must be forward or backward.
+        Propagator.reduceDirection(direction);
+        Assert.assertTrue(direction == PropDir.FORWARD || direction == PropDir.BACKWARD);
+        TrackError cleanError = theTrack.error();
+        TrackError newError = new TrackError(cleanError);
+        TrackVector theVec = theTrack.vector();
+        TrackVector newVector = new TrackVector(theVec);
+        double pionMass = 0.13957; // GeV
+        double ptmax = 10000.; // GeV
+        double tanlm = theVec.get(ITLM);
+        double coslm = 1. / sqrt(1. + tanlm*tanlm);
+        double pinv = abs(theVec.get(IQPT)*coslm);
+        // make sure pinv is greater than a threshold (1/ptmax)
+        // in this case assume q = 1, otherwise q = q/pt/abs(q/pt)
+        int sign = 1;
+        if ( pinv < 1./ptmax )
+            pinv = 1./ptmax;
+        else
+            sign = (int) (theVec.get(IQPT)/abs(theVec.get(IQPT)));
+	/*
+	System.out.println ("Sign test: " 
+			    + sign + " " 
+			    + theVec.get(IQPT) + " " 
+			    + pinv + " "
+			    + 1./ptmax + " "
+			    + (pinv<1./ptmax)
+			    );
+	*/
+        // Evaluate the initial energy assuming the particle is a pion.
+        double trackEnergy = sqrt(1./pinv/pinv+pionMass*pionMass);
+        double trueLength = _thickness/abs(cos(theVec.get(IALF)))/coslm;
+        if(direction == PropDir.BACKWARD){
+	    aida.cloud1D("Test/Truelength Fit backward").fill(trueLength);
+	}else{
+	    aida.cloud1D("Test/Truelength Fit forward").fill(trueLength);
+	}
+        // assume the energy loss distribution to be Gaussian
+        double stdEnergy = _dedx.sigmaEnergy(trackEnergy, trueLength);
+	aida.cloud1D("Test/sigma e, fit").fill(stdEnergy);
+        double stdMomentum = stdEnergy; 
+        if(direction == PropDir.BACKWARD)
+            trueLength = -trueLength;
+	double eold = trackEnergy;
+        trackEnergy = _dedx.loseEnergy(trackEnergy, trueLength);
+        if(direction == PropDir.BACKWARD){
+	    aida.cloud1D("Test/DE Backwards").fill(trackEnergy-eold);
+	}else{
+	    aida.cloud1D("Test/DE Forwards").fill(trackEnergy-eold);
+	}
+        double newMomentum = trackEnergy>pionMass ?
+            sqrt(trackEnergy*trackEnergy-
+                pionMass*pionMass): 1./pinv;
+	double kold = theVec.get(IQPT);
+	double knew = 1./newMomentum/coslm*sign;
+        // Only vec(IQPT) changes due to E loss.
+        newVector.set(IQPT, knew);
+        double stdVec = theVec.get(IQPT)*trackEnergy/newMomentum/newMomentum*stdEnergy;
+        double ddk = stdVec*stdVec;
+	if ( !donew ){
+	    // Just the staggling term.
+	    double vkk =   newError.get(IQPT,IQPT) + ddk;
+	    newError.set(IQPT, IQPT, vkk);
+	}
+	else{
+	    stdVec = kold*eold*pinv*pinv*stdEnergy;
+	    ddk    = stdVec*stdVec;
+	    // Following the CLEO internal note: CBX-96-20.
+	    SurfCylinder cyl = (SurfCylinder)theTrack.surface();
+	    double r = cyl.radius();
+	    double re  = trackEnergy/eold;
+	    double rk  = knew/kold;
+	    double rk2 = rk*rk;
+	    double t   = theVec.get(ITLM);
+	    double rt  = t/( 1. + t*t );
+	    double a  = rk2*rk*re;
+	    double b  = knew*rt*( 1. - rk2*re);
+	    a = 1.;
+	    b = 0.;
+	    double sb = sign*b;
+	    if ( direction == PropDir.FORWARD ){
+		if ( r < 10 ){
+		    aida.cloud1D("A Vtx Fwd").fill(a);
+		    aida.cloud1D("B Vtx Fwd" ).fill(sb);
+		}else{
+		    aida.cloud1D("A Trk Fwd").fill(a);
+		    aida.cloud1D("B Trk Fwd").fill(sb);
+		}
+		aida.cloud2D("r vs A Fwd").fill(r,a);
+		aida.cloud2D("r vs B Fwd").fill(r,sb);
+	    }else{
+		if ( r < 10 ){
+		    aida.cloud1D("A Vtx Bwd").fill(a);
+		    aida.cloud1D("B Vtx Bwd" ).fill(sb);
+		}else{
+		    aida.cloud1D("A Trk Bwd").fill(a);
+		    aida.cloud1D("B Trk Bwd").fill(sb);
+		}
+		aida.cloud2D("r vs A Bwd").fill(r,a);
+		aida.cloud2D("r vs B Bwd").fill(r,sb);
+	    }
+	    double vkk =    a*a*newError.get(IQPT,IQPT) +
+		         2.*a*b*newError.get(IQPT,ITLM) +
+		            b*b*newError.get(ITLM,ITLM) + ddk;
+	    double vka =      a*newError.get(IQPT,IALF) + b*newError.get(ITLM,IALF);
+	    double vkf =      a*newError.get(IQPT,IPHI) + b*newError.get(ITLM,IPHI);
+	    double vkt =      a*newError.get(IQPT,ITLM) + b*newError.get(ITLM,ITLM);
+	    double vkz =      a*newError.get(IQPT,IZ  ) + b*newError.get(ITLM,IZ  );
+	    // Also only error(IQPT,IQPT) changes due to straggling.
+	    newError.set(IQPT, IQPT, vkk);
+	    newError.set(IQPT, IALF, vka);
+	    newError.set(IQPT, IPHI, vkf);
+	    newError.set(IQPT, ITLM, vkt);
+	    newError.set(IQPT, IZ  , vkz);
+	    newError.set(IALF, IQPT, vka);
+	    newError.set(IPHI, IQPT, vkf);
+	    newError.set(ITLM, IQPT, vkt);
+	    newError.set(IZ  , IQPT, vkz);
+	}
+// TODO introduce axial definition to ETrack
+//  // Axial track?
+//  if(theTrack.is_axial()) {
+//    newError(IPHI,IZ) = 0.;
+//    newError(IZ,IZ) = 0.;
+//    newError(IALF,IZ) = 0.;
+//    newError(ITLM,IZ) = 0.;
+//    newError(IQPT,IZ) = 0.;
+//    newError(IPHI,ITLM) = 0.;
+//    newError(IALF,ITLM) = 0.;
+//    newError(ITLM,ITLM) = 0.;
+//    newError(IQPT,ITLM) = 0.;
+//  }
+        theTrack.setVector(newVector);
+        theTrack.setError( newError );
+    }
+    /**
+     *Return the thickness of material in the cylindrical shell.
+     *
+     * @return The thickness of the  energy loss material.
+     */
+    public double thickness()
+    {
+        return _thickness;
+    }
+    /**
+     *Return the energy loss model used in this Interactor.
+     *
+     * @return The DeDx class representing energy loss.
+     */
+    public DeDx dEdX()
+    {
+        return _dedx; //cng shallow copy!
+    }
+    /**
+     *Make a clone of this object.
+     *
+     * @return A Clone of this instance.
+     */
+    public Interactor newCopy()
+    {
+        return new CylEloss(_thickness, _dedx);
+    }
+    /**
+     *output stream
+     *
+     * @return A String representation of this instance.
+     */
+    public String toString()
+    {
+        return "CylEloss with thickness "+_thickness+" and energy loss "+_dedx;
+    }
CVSspam 0.2.8