Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/RobKutschke/TRF/trffit on MAIN 1.1 1.1
2 added files
First Release

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/RobKutschke/TRF/trffit added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	8 Jun 2009 06:02:25 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,706 @@
+package org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRF.trffit;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfutil.Assert;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.ETrack;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Hit;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackVector;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackError;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Surface;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropDir;
+import Jama.Matrix;
+import java.math.BigDecimal;
+import java.math.MathContext;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trffit.AddFitter;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRFSelfTest.util.PrintSymMatrix;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRFSelfTest.util.VTUtil;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRFSelfTest.util.RKDebug;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.ToyConfig.*;
+// Fit tracks using Kalman filter.
+ * Copied from org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trffit.AddFitKalman
+ * and added debug printout.  
+ *
+ * Original author was Norman Graf.
+ * 
+ * AddFitKalman  uses a Kalman filter to update the track fit.
+ *
+ * 
+ *@author $Author: kutschke $
+ *@version $Id:,v 1.1 2009/06/08 06:02:25 kutschke Exp $
+ *
+ * Date $Date: 2009/06/08 06:02:25 $
+ */
+public class AddFitKalman extends AddFitter
+    private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+    // Maximum allowed hit dimension.
+    private static final int MAXDIM = 3;
+    // Maximum number of track vectors.
+    private static final int MAXVECTOR = 1;
+    // Maximum number of track errors.
+    private static final int MAXERROR = 1;
+    //private:  // nested classes
+    // The nested class Box holds the vectors, matrices and symmetric
+    // matrices needed for adding a hit in the main class.
+    class Box
+    {
+                /*
+                private:  // typedefs
+                typedef Ptr<TrfVector,AutoPolicy>   VectorPtr;
+                typedef Ptr<TrfSMatrix,AutoPolicy>  SMatrixPtr;
+                typedef Ptr<TrfMatrix,AutoPolicy>   MatrixPtr;
+                typedef vector<VectorPtr>           VectorList;
+                typedef vector<SMatrixPtr>          SMatrixList;
+                typedef vector<MatrixPtr>           MatrixList;
+                 */
+        // enums
+        // number of vectors
+        private static final int  NVECTOR = 2 ;
+        // number of errors
+        private static final int NERROR = 3 ;
+        // number of vectors
+        private static final int  NDERIV = 2 ;
+        // number of gains
+        private static final int  NGAIN = 2 ;
+        // attributes
+        // dimension of the vector, matrix, etc
+        private int _size;
+        // array of vectors
+        List  _vectors;
+        // array of error matrices
+        List _errors;
+        // array of derivatives (Nx5 matrices)
+        List _derivs;
+        // array of gains (5xN matrices)
+        List _gains;
+        // methods
+        // constructor
+        public Box(int size)
+        {
+            _size= size;
+            _vectors = new ArrayList();
+            _errors = new ArrayList();
+            _derivs = new ArrayList();
+            _gains = new ArrayList();
+            int icnt;
+            // Track vectors
+            for ( icnt=0; icnt<NVECTOR; ++icnt )
+                _vectors.add(  new Matrix(size,1) );
+            // Track errors
+            for ( icnt=0; icnt<NERROR; ++icnt )
+                _errors.add(  new Matrix(size,size) );
+            // Track derivatives
+            for ( icnt=0; icnt<NDERIV; ++icnt )
+                _derivs.add(  new Matrix(size,5) );
+            // Gains
+            for ( icnt=0; icnt<NDERIV; ++icnt )
+                _gains.add(  new Matrix(5,size) );
+        }
+        // return the dimension
+        public int get_size()
+        { return _size;
+        }
+        // fetch a vector
+        public Matrix get_vector(int ivec)
+        {
+            return (Matrix) _vectors.get(ivec);
+        }
+        // fetch an error
+        public Matrix get_error(int ierr)
+        {
+            return (Matrix) _errors.get(ierr);
+        }
+        // fetch a derivative
+        public Matrix get_deriv(int ider)
+        {
+            return (Matrix) _derivs.get(ider);
+        }
+        // fetch a gain
+        public Matrix get_gain(int igai)
+        {
+            return (Matrix) _gains.get(igai);
+        }
+    } // end of Box inner class
+    // static methods
+    //
+    /**
+     *Return a String representation of the class' the type name.
+     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
+     *
+     * @return   A String representation of the class' the type name.
+     */
+    public static String typeName()
+    { return "AddFitKalman";
+    }
+    //
+    /**
+     *Return a String representation of the class' the type name.
+     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
+     *
+     * @return   A String representation of the class' the type name.
+     */
+    public static String staticType()
+    { return typeName();
+    }
+    // attributes
+    // Array of boxes for each supported size.
+    private List _boxes;
+    // Track vectors.
+    private List _tvectors;
+    // Track errors.
+    private List _terrors;
+    //methods
+    //
+    int AddFitKalmanDebugLevel = 0;
+    /**
+     *Construct a default instance.
+     * Allocate space needed for hits of dimension from 1 to MAXDIM.
+     *
+     */
+    public AddFitKalman()
+    {
+        _boxes = new ArrayList();
+        _tvectors = new ArrayList();
+        _terrors = new ArrayList();
+        // Create boxes for hit containers.
+        for ( int dim=1; dim<MAXDIM; ++dim )
+            _boxes.add( new Box(dim) );
+        int icnt;
+        for ( icnt=0; icnt<MAXVECTOR; ++icnt )
+            _tvectors.add(  new Matrix(5, 1) );
+        for ( icnt=0; icnt<MAXERROR; ++icnt )
+            _terrors.add(  new Matrix(5,5) );
+	try{
+	    ToyConfig config = ToyConfig.getInstance();
+	    AddFitKalmanDebugLevel = config.getInt( "AddFitKalmanDebugLevel", 
+						    AddFitKalmanDebugLevel );
+	} catch (ToyConfigException e){
+            System.out.println (e.getMessage() );
+            System.out.println ("Stopping now." );
+            System.exit(-1);
+        }
+    }
+    //
+    /**
+     *Return a String representation of the class' the type name.
+     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
+     *
+     * @return   A String representation of the class' the type name.
+     */
+    public String type()
+    { return staticType();
+    }
+    //
+    /**
+     *Add a hit and fit with the new hit.
+     * Use a Kalman filter to add a hit to a track.
+     * The hit is updated with the input track.
+     * Note: We make direct use of the underlying vector and matrix
+     *       classes here.  It will probably be neccessary to modify
+     *       this routine if these are changed.
+     *
+     * @param   tre The ETrack to update.
+     * @param   chsq The chi-square for the fit.
+     * @param   hit The Hit to add to the track.
+     * @return  0 if successful.
+     */
+    public int addHitFit(ETrack tre, double chsq,  Hit hit)
+    {
+        // Update the hit with the input track.
+        hit.update(tre);
+        // Fetch hit size.
+        int dim = hit.size();
+        Assert.assertTrue( dim <= MAXDIM );
+        // Fetch the box holding the needed hit containers.
+        // The chice of boxes depends on the size of the hit.
+        Box box = (Box)_boxes.get(dim-1);
+        Assert.assertTrue( box.get_size() == dim );
+        // Fetch the hit containers.
+        Matrix diff    = box.get_vector(0);
+        Matrix hit_res = box.get_vector(1);
+        Matrix hit_err     = box.get_error(0);
+        Matrix hit_err_tot = box.get_error(1);
+        Matrix hit_res_err = box.get_error(2);
+        Matrix dhit_dtrk         = box.get_deriv(0);
+        Matrix new_dhit_dtrk     = box.get_deriv(1);
+        Matrix trk_err_dhit_dtrk = box.get_gain(0);
+        Matrix gain              = box.get_gain(1);
+        Matrix gain2             = gain.copy();
+        // Fetch the track containers.
+        Matrix new_vec = (Matrix) _tvectors.get(0);
+        Matrix new_err = (Matrix)  _terrors.get(0);
+        hit_err = hit.measuredError().matrix();
+	Matrix Vm    = hit_err.copy();
+	Matrix VmInv = Vm.inverse();
+        //System.out.println("hit_err= \n"+hit_err);
+        // Fetch track prediction of hit.
+        diff = hit.differenceVector().matrix();
+        //System.out.println("diff= \n"+diff);
+        dhit_dtrk = hit.dHitdTrack().matrix();
+	Matrix D = dhit_dtrk.copy();
+        //System.out.println("dhit_dtrk= \n"+dhit_dtrk);
+        // Fetch track info.
+        Matrix trk_vec = tre.vector().matrix();
+        Matrix trk_err = tre.error().getMatrix(); //need to fix this!
+        Matrix V       = tre.error().getMatrix();
+	VTUtil vtu = new VTUtil( tre );
+        //System.out.println("trk_vec= \n"+trk_vec);
+        //System.out.println("trk_err= \n"+trk_err);
+        // Build gain matrix.
+        hit_err_tot = hit.predictedError().matrix().plus(
+                hit_err);
+        //System.out.println("hit_err_tot= \n"+hit_err_tot);
+        //if ( invert(hit_err_tot)!=0 ) return 3;
+	Matrix hetot  = new Matrix(2,2);
+	Matrix hetoti = new Matrix(2,2);
+	hetot = hit.predictedError().matrix().plus(hit_err);
+	hetoti = hetot.inverse();
+        hit_err_tot= hit_err_tot.inverse();
+        //System.out.println("hit_err_tot inverse= \n"+hit_err_tot);
+        trk_err_dhit_dtrk = trk_err.times(dhit_dtrk.transpose());
+        gain = trk_err_dhit_dtrk.times(hit_err_tot);
+        //System.out.println("trk_err_dhit_dtrk= \n"+trk_err_dhit_dtrk);
+        //System.out.println("gain= \n"+gain);
+        //  if ( get_debug() ) {
+        //System.out.println("\n");
+        //System.out.println("      trk_vec: " + "\n"+       trk_vec + "\n");
+        //System.out.println("      trk_err: " + "\n"+       trk_err + "\n");
+        //System.out.println("    dhit_dtrk: " + "\n"+     dhit_dtrk + "\n");
+        //  }
+        // We need to return dhit_dtrk to its original state for the
+        // next call.
+        // dhit_dtrk = dhit_dtrk.transpose(); //need to check this!
+        dhit_dtrk.transpose();
+        // Build new track vector.
+        new_vec = trk_vec.minus(gain.times(diff));
+        //System.out.println("new_vec= \n"+new_vec);
+        // Build new error;
+        new_err = trk_err.minus(trk_err_dhit_dtrk.times(hit_err_tot.times(trk_err_dhit_dtrk.transpose())));
+	Matrix Vnew = new_err.copy();
+	D = D.transpose();
+	gain2 = Vnew.times(D.times(VmInv));
+	Matrix etap = trk_vec.minus(gain2.times(diff));
+        //System.out.println("new_err= \n"+new_err);
+        // Check the error.
+        if ( AddFitKalmanDebugLevel > 0 ) {
+            int nbad = 0;
+            for ( int i=0; i<5; ++i )
+            {
+                if ( new_err.get(i,i) < 0.0 ) {
+		    if ( nbad == 0 ) System.out.println("");
+		    System.out.println ( "Bad on: " + i + " " + new_err.get(i,i) );
+		    ++nbad;
+		}
+                double eii = new_err.get(i,i);
+                for ( int j=0; j<i; ++j )
+                {
+                    double ejj = new_err.get(j,j);
+                    double eij = new_err.get(j,i);
+                    if ( Math.abs(eij*eij) >= eii*ejj  ) {
+			double delta = -Math.abs(eij*eij) + eii*ejj;
+			if ( nbad == 0 ) System.out.println("");
+			System.out.println( "Bad off: " + i + " " 
+					    + j + " "
+					    + eii + " "
+					    + ejj + " "
+					    + eij + " "
+					    + delta
+					    );
+			++nbad;
+		    }
+                }
+            }
+	    if ( nbad > 0 ){
+		PrintSymMatrix psm = new PrintSymMatrix();
+		System.out.println ("Illegal cov in addfitkalman: " 
+				    + RKDebug.Instance().getTrack() + " "
+				    + RKDebug.Instance().getPropDir() + " "
+				    );
+		System.out.println ("Surface:   " + tre.surface() );
+		System.out.println ("old_err \n" );
+		psm.Print(tre.error());
+		System.out.println ("Predicted error: " );
+		psm.Print(hit.predictedError().matrix() );
+		System.out.println ("Measured error: " );
+		psm.Print(hit.measuredError().matrix() );
+		System.out.println ("Total error: " );
+		psm.Print( hetot );
+		System.out.println ("Inverse: " );
+		psm.Print( hetoti );
+		psm.Print( hetoti.times(hetot) );
+		System.out.println ("Derivs: \n" + hit.dHitdTrack() );
+		System.out.println ("new_err \n" );
+		psm.Print(new_err);
+	    }
+            if ( nbad > 0 ) return 5;
+        }
+        // Create track vector with new values.
+        tre.setVectorAndKeepDirection(new TrackVector(new_vec));
+        tre.setError(new TrackError(new_err));
+        // Calculate residual vector.
+        // Update the hit with the new track.
+        //System.out.println("update the hit");
+        hit.update(tre);
+        hit_res = hit.differenceVector().matrix();
+        new_dhit_dtrk = hit.dHitdTrack().matrix();
+        //System.out.println("new_dhit_dtrk= \n"+new_dhit_dtrk);
+        // Calculate residual covariance and invert.
+        hit_res_err = hit_err.minus(dhit_dtrk.times(new_err.times(dhit_dtrk.transpose())));
+        //		System.out.println("hit_res_err= \n"+hit_res_err);
+        hit_res_err = hit_res_err.inverse();
+        //System.out.println("hit_res_err inverse= \n"+hit_res_err);
+        // Update chi-square.
+        // result should be 1x1 matrix, so should be able to do the following
+        //System.out.println( " hr*hre*hrT=\n"+(hit_res.transpose()).times(hit_res_err.times(hit_res)) );
+        double dchsq = (hit_res.transpose()).times(hit_res_err.times(hit_res)).get(0,0);
+        //System.out.println("chsq= "+chsq+", dchsq= "+dchsq);
+	Matrix dEta = etap.minus(trk_vec);
+	Matrix dM   = hit.differenceVector().matrix();
+	Matrix VInv = V.inverse();
+	/*
+	System.out.printf ( "Dim1: (%d,%d) (%d,%d) (%d,%d)\n",
+			    dEta.getRowDimension(),  dEta.getColumnDimension(),
+			    dM.getRowDimension(),    dM.getColumnDimension(),
+			    VmInv.getRowDimension(), VmInv.getColumnDimension() 
+			    );
+	*/
+	double dch1 = ((dM.transpose()).times(VmInv.times(dM))).get(0,0);
+	double dch2 = ((dEta.transpose()).times(VInv.times(dEta))).get(0,0);
+	double dch  = dch1 + dch2;
+	double ddd = dch-dchsq;
+	if ( Math.abs(ddd) > 0.01 ){
+	    if ( RKDebug.Instance().getPropDir() == PropDir.BACKWARD ){
+		aida.cloud1D("/Bugs/Chisq/Back: Delta Chisq: ").fill(dch-dchsq);
+		aida.cloud2D("/Bugs/Chisq/Back: Chisq TRF vs CLEO").fill(dch,dchsq);
+		aida.cloud1D("/Bugs/Chisq/radius of bad chisq").fill( vtu.r() );
+		aida.cloud1D("/Bugs/Chisq/z of bad chisq").fill( vtu.z() );
+		aida.cloud2D("/Bugs/Chisq/Back: Chisq TRF vs r").fill( vtu.r(), dchsq );
+		aida.cloud2D("/Bugs/Chisq/Back: Chisq TRF vs z").fill( vtu.z(), dchsq );
+	    } else {
+		aida.cloud1D("/Bugs/Chisq/Forw: Delta Chisq: ").fill(dch-dchsq);
+		aida.cloud2D("/Bugs/Chisq/Forw: Chisq TRF vs CLEO").fill(dch,dchsq);
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    if ( RKDebug.Instance().getPropDir() == PropDir.BACKWARD ){
+		aida.cloud1D("/Bugs/Chisq/Back: Small Delta Chisq: ").fill(dch-dchsq);
+	    } else {
+		aida.cloud1D("/Bugs/Chisq/Forw: Small Delta Chisq: ").fill(dch-dchsq);
+	    }
+	}
+	dchsq = dch;
+	/*
+	System.out.println ("Chitest: " + dchsq + " " + dch + " | " + dch1 + " " + dch2 );
+	for ( int i=0; i<5; ++i ){
+	    System.out.printf ("Eta  %3d %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f  | %12.7f \n", i,
+			       trk_vec.get(i,0),
+			       new_vec.get(i,0),
+			       etap.get(i,0),
+			       (new_vec.minus(etap)).get(i,0),
+			       Math.sqrt(new_err.get(i,i)),
+			       dEta.get(i,0)
+			       );
+	}
+	if ( Vm.getRowDimension() == 1){
+	    Hack1D ( trk_vec, V, Vm, new_vec, new_err );
+	} else if ( Vm.getRowDimension() == 2){
+	    Hack2D ( trk_vec, V, Vm, diff, new_vec, new_err );
+	}
+	*/
+	// Warn about bad chisquared contribution, ignoring small problems that might
+	// well be just round off error.
+	if ( dchsq <   -0.001 ){
+	    /*
+	    System.out.println ("\ndchisq: " 
+				+ RKDebug.Instance().getTrack() + " "
+				+ RKDebug.Instance().getPropDir() + " "
+				+ dchsq + " "
+				+ tre.surface() + " "
+				+ RKDebug.Instance().getRKTrack().cz() + " "
+				);
+	    */
+	    if ( RKDebug.Instance().getPropDir() == PropDir.BACKWARD ){
+		aida.histogram1D( "/Bugs/Backward: cz for tracks with bad dchisquared",100,-1.,1.)
+		    .fill( RKDebug.Instance().getRKTrack().cz() );
+		aida.histogram1D( "/Bugs/Backward: bad dchisquared",100,-20.,0.).fill( dchsq );
+		aida.cloud2D( "/Bugs/Backward: dch vs cz for tracks with bad dchisquared",-1)
+		    .fill( RKDebug.Instance().getRKTrack().cz(), dchsq );
+	    }else{
+		aida.histogram1D( "/Bugs/Forward: cz for tracks with bad dchisquared",100,-1.,1.)
+		    .fill( RKDebug.Instance().getRKTrack().cz() );
+		aida.histogram1D( "/BugsForward: bad dchisquared",100,-20.,0.).fill( dchsq );
+		aida.cloud2D( "/Bugs/Forward: dch vs cz for tracks with bad dchisquared",-1)
+		    .fill( RKDebug.Instance().getRKTrack().cz(), dchsq );
+	    }
+	}
+        chsq = chsq + dchsq;
+        setChisquared(chsq);
+        //  if ( get_debug() ) {
+        //System.out.println("         gain: " + "\n"+          gain + "\n");
+        //System.out.println("      new_vec: " + "\n"+       new_vec + "\n");
+        //System.out.println("      new_err: " + "\n"+       new_err + "\n");
+        //System.out.println("new_dhit_dtrk: " + "\n"+ new_dhit_dtrk + "\n");
+        //System.out.println("      hit_res: " + "\n"+       hit_res + "\n");
+        //System.out.println("  hit_res_err: " + "\n"+   hit_res_err + "\n");
+        //System.out.println(" dchsq & chsq: " + "\n"+ dchsq + " " + chsq + "\n");
+        //  }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    /**
+     *output stream
+     *
+     * @return The String representation of this instance.
+     */
+    public String toString()
+    {
+        return getClass().getName();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Perform matrix operations as BigDecimal, specialized to a 1D measurement.
+     *
+     * 
+     */
+    private void Hack1D ( Matrix etain, 
+			  Matrix Vin, 
+			  Matrix Vm, 
+			  Matrix etat,
+			  Matrix Vt ){
+	BigDecimal sigsq  =  new BigDecimal(  Vm.get(0,0), MathContext.DECIMAL128 );
+	BigDecimal V00    =  new BigDecimal( Vin.get(0,0), MathContext.DECIMAL128 );
+	BigDecimal denom  = sigsq.add(V00);
+	BigDecimal[] Vi0 = { new BigDecimal( Vin.get(0,0), MathContext.DECIMAL128 ),
+			     new BigDecimal( Vin.get(1,0), MathContext.DECIMAL128 ),
+			     new BigDecimal( Vin.get(2,0), MathContext.DECIMAL128 ),
+			     new BigDecimal( Vin.get(3,0), MathContext.DECIMAL128 ),
+			     new BigDecimal( Vin.get(4,0), MathContext.DECIMAL128 ) };
+	Matrix Vp = new Matrix(5,5);
+	for ( int i=0; i<5; ++i ){
+	    for ( int j=i; j<5; ++j ){
+		BigDecimal Vij = new BigDecimal( Vin.get(i,j), MathContext.DECIMAL128 );
+		BigDecimal numer = Vi0[i].multiply(Vi0[j]);
+		BigDecimal ratio = numer.divide(denom,MathContext.DECIMAL128);
+		BigDecimal Vijnew = Vij.subtract(ratio);
+		Vp.set(i,j,Vijnew.doubleValue() );
+	    }
+	}
+	System.out.println ("Hack 1D");
+	PrintSymMatrix psm = new PrintSymMatrix();
+	psm.Print(Vp);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Perform matrix operations as BigDecimal, specialized to a 2D measurement.
+     *
+     * 
+     */
+    private void Hack2D ( Matrix etain, 
+			  Matrix Vin, 
+			  Matrix Vm,
+			  Matrix dM,
+			  Matrix etat,
+			  Matrix Vt ){
+	BigDecimal DTVD00 = new BigDecimal( Vin.get(0,0), MathContext.DECIMAL128 );
+	BigDecimal DTVD11 = new BigDecimal( Vin.get(1,1), MathContext.DECIMAL128 );
+	BigDecimal DTVD01 = new BigDecimal( Vin.get(0,1), MathContext.DECIMAL128 );
+	BigDecimal sigsqx  =  new BigDecimal(  Vm.get(0,0), MathContext.DECIMAL128 );
+	BigDecimal sigsqy  =  new BigDecimal(  Vm.get(1,1), MathContext.DECIMAL128 );
+	BigDecimal Sum00 = DTVD00.add(sigsqx);
+	BigDecimal Sum11 = DTVD11.add(sigsqy);
+	BigDecimal Sum01 = DTVD01;
+	BigDecimal Disc  = (Sum00.multiply(Sum11)).subtract(Sum01.multiply(Sum01));
+	BigDecimal U00 = Sum11.divide(Disc,MathContext.DECIMAL128);
+	BigDecimal U11 = Sum00.divide(Disc,MathContext.DECIMAL128);
+	BigDecimal U01 = (Sum01.negate()).divide(Disc,MathContext.DECIMAL128);
+	BigDecimal U10 = U01;
+	BigDecimal[] Vi0 = { new BigDecimal( Vin.get(0,0), MathContext.DECIMAL128 ),
+			     new BigDecimal( Vin.get(1,0), MathContext.DECIMAL128 ),
+			     new BigDecimal( Vin.get(2,0), MathContext.DECIMAL128 ),
+			     new BigDecimal( Vin.get(3,0), MathContext.DECIMAL128 ),
+			     new BigDecimal( Vin.get(4,0), MathContext.DECIMAL128 ) };
+	BigDecimal[] Vi1 = { new BigDecimal( Vin.get(0,1), MathContext.DECIMAL128 ),
+			     new BigDecimal( Vin.get(1,1), MathContext.DECIMAL128 ),
+			     new BigDecimal( Vin.get(2,1), MathContext.DECIMAL128 ),
+			     new BigDecimal( Vin.get(3,1), MathContext.DECIMAL128 ),
+			     new BigDecimal( Vin.get(4,1), MathContext.DECIMAL128 ) };
+	// New covariance matrix, both as Matrix and as 2D array of BigDecimal.
+	Matrix Vp = new Matrix(5,5);
+	BigDecimal BigZero = new BigDecimal ( 0., MathContext.DECIMAL128 );
+	BigDecimal[][] VpBig = { { BigZero, BigZero, BigZero, BigZero, BigZero},
+				 { BigZero, BigZero, BigZero, BigZero, BigZero},
+				 { BigZero, BigZero, BigZero, BigZero, BigZero},
+				 { BigZero, BigZero, BigZero, BigZero, BigZero},
+				 { BigZero, BigZero, BigZero, BigZero, BigZero} };
+	for ( int i=0; i<5; ++i ){
+	    for ( int j=i; j<5; ++j ){
+		BigDecimal a = U00.multiply(Vi0[j]);
+		BigDecimal b = U01.multiply(Vi1[j]);
+		BigDecimal c = U01.multiply(Vi0[j]);
+		BigDecimal d = U11.multiply(Vi1[j]);
+		BigDecimal s1 = Vi0[i].multiply( a.add(b));
+		BigDecimal s2 = Vi1[i].multiply( c.add(d));
+		BigDecimal Vij = new BigDecimal( Vin.get(i,j), MathContext.DECIMAL128 );
+		BigDecimal Vijnew = Vij.subtract( s1.add(s2) );
+		Vp.set(i,j,Vijnew.doubleValue() );
+		VpBig[i][j] = Vijnew;
+		double denom = (Vp.get(i,j)+Vt.get(i,j))/2.;
+		if ( denom != 0. ){
+		    double frac = (Vp.get(i,j)-Vt.get(i,j))/denom;
+		    aida.cloud1D( "/Bugs/AddFit/Frac Vdiff " + i + " " + j ).fill(frac);
+		}
+		if ( i != j ){
+		    Vp.set(j,i,Vp.get(i,j));
+		    VpBig[j][i] = Vijnew;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	// Predicted-measured vector as BigDecimal.
+	BigDecimal dM0 = new BigDecimal( dM.get(0,0), MathContext.DECIMAL128);
+	BigDecimal dM1 = new BigDecimal( dM.get(1,0), MathContext.DECIMAL128);
+	// New track parameters, both as Matrix and as 2D array of BigDecimal.
+	BigDecimal[] etanew = { BigZero, BigZero, BigZero, BigZero, BigZero };
+	Matrix etap = new Matrix(5,1);
+	for ( int i=0; i<5; ++i ){
+	    BigDecimal rx = VpBig[i][0].divide(sigsqx,MathContext.DECIMAL128);
+	    BigDecimal ry = VpBig[i][1].divide(sigsqy,MathContext.DECIMAL128);
+	    BigDecimal deta = (rx.multiply(dM0)).add(ry.multiply(dM1));
+	    BigDecimal etai = new BigDecimal( etain.get(i,0),MathContext.DECIMAL128);
+	    etanew[i] = etai.subtract(deta);
+	    etap.set(i,0,etanew[i].doubleValue());
+	    aida.cloud1D("/Bugs/AddFit/Diff eta " + i).fill(etap.get(i,0)-etat.get(i,0));
+	    double denom = (etap.get(i,0)+etat.get(i,0))/2.;
+	    if ( denom != 0. ){
+		double frac = (etap.get(i,0)-etat.get(i,0))/denom;
+		aida.cloud1D("/Bugs/AddFit/Frac Diff eta " + i).fill(frac);
+	    }
+	}
+	System.out.println ("Hack 2D " + dM0 + " " + dM1 );
+	PrintSymMatrix psm = new PrintSymMatrix();
+	psm.Print(etap, Vp);
+    }

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/RobKutschke/TRF/trffit added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	8 Jun 2009 06:02:25 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
+package org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRF.trffit;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Propagator;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropDir;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropStat;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Hit;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.ETrack;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackError;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Surface;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trffit.HTrack;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trffit.FullFitter;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfdca.SurfDCA;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.SurfCylinder;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.ThinCylMs;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfzp.SurfZPlane;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfzp.ThinZPlaneMs;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.HitCylPhi;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.HitCylPhiZ2D;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfzp.HitZPlane1;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfzp.HitZPlane2;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRFSelfTest.util.SurfaceCode;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRFSelfTest.util.VTUtil;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRFSelfTest.util.RKDebug;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRFSelfTest.util.RKZot;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.ToyConfig.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+ *
+ * Copied from org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trffit.FullFitKalman
+ *   - added fitForward() and fitBackward() methods.
+ *   - added debug printout
+ *
+ * Full track fit using Kalman filter.  The propagator is specified
+ * when the fitter is constructed.  The starting surface, vector and
+ * error matrix are taken from the input track.  Errors should be
+ * increased appropriately if the fitter is applied repeatedly to
+ * a single track.
+ *
+ *@author $Author: kutschke $
+ *@version $Id:,v 1.1 2009/06/08 06:02:25 kutschke Exp $
+ *
+ * Date $Date: 2009/06/08 06:02:25 $
+ *
+ */
+public class FullFitKalman extends FullFitter
+    private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+    // Flags to control: multiple scattering, energy loss and adding the hit.
+    private boolean doMs    = true;
+    private boolean doEloss = true;
+    private boolean doMeas  = true;
+    private double dedxscale = 1.;
+    private double dedxsigma = 0.0;
+    // static methods
+    //
+    /**
+     *Return a String representation of the class' the type name.
+     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
+     *
+     * @return   A String representation of the class' the type name.
+     */
+    public static String typeName()
+    { return "FullFitKalman"; }
+    //
+    /**
+     *Return a String representation of the class' the type name.
+     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
+     *
+     * @return   A String representation of the class' the type name.
+     */
+    public static String staticType()
+    { return typeName(); }
+    // The propagator.
+    private Propagator _pprop;
+    // The add fitter.
+    private AddFitKalman _addfit;
+    int AddFitKalmanDebugLevel = 0;
+    //
+    /**
+     *Construct an instance specifying a propagator.
+     *
+     * @param   prop The Propagator to be used during the fit.
+     */
+    public FullFitKalman(Propagator prop)
+    {
+        _pprop = prop;
+        _addfit = new AddFitKalman();
+	try{
+	    ToyConfig config = ToyConfig.getInstance();
+	    AddFitKalmanDebugLevel = config.getInt( "AddFitKalmanDebugLevel", 
+						    AddFitKalmanDebugLevel );
+	    dedxscale = config.getDouble("dEdXScale");
+	    dedxsigma = config.getDouble("dEdXSigma");
+	} catch (ToyConfigException e){
+            System.out.println (e.getMessage() );
+            System.out.println ("Stopping now." );
+            System.exit(-1);
+        }
+	System.out.println ("FullfitKalman dedxscale: " + dedxscale );
+    }
+    //
+    /**
+     *Return a String representation of the class' type name.
+     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
+     *
+     * @return   A String representation of the class' the type name.
+     */
+    public String type()
+    { return staticType(); }
+    //
+    /**
+     *Return the propagator.
+     *
+     * @return The Propagator used in the fit.
+     */
+    public  Propagator propagator()
+    { return _pprop; }
+    //
+    public void setDoMs( boolean b){
+	doMs = b;
+    }
+    public void setDoEloss( boolean b){
+	doEloss = b;
+    }
+    /**
+     *Fit the specified track.
+     *
+     * @param   trh The HTrack to fit.
+     * @return 0 if successful.
+     */
+    public int fit(HTrack trh)
+    {
+        // Copy the hits from the track.
+        List hits = trh.hits();
+        //System.out.println("Hits has "+hits.size()+" elements");
+        // Delete the list of hits from the track.
+        while ( trh.hits().size()>0 ) trh.dropHit();
+        //System.out.println("Hits has "+hits.size()+" elements");
+        // Set direction to be nearest.
+        //PropDir dir = PropDir.NEAREST;
+        PropDir dir = PropDir.FORWARD;
+	RKDebug.Instance().setPropDir(dir);
+        // Loop over hits and fit.
+        int icount = 0;
+        for ( Iterator ihit=hits.iterator(); ihit.hasNext(); )
+        {
+            // Extract the next hit pointer.
+            Hit hit = (Hit);
+            //System.out.println("Hit "+icount+" is: \n"+hit);
+            // propagate to the surface
+	    //System.out.println ("Before prop: " + trh.newTrack() );
+            PropStat pstat = trh.propagate(_pprop,hit.surface(),dir);
+	    //System.out.println ("After prop: " + trh.newTrack() );
+            // fit track
+            //System.out.println("trh= \n"+trh+", hit= \n"+hit);
+            //System.out.println("_addfit= "+_addfit);
+            int fstat = _addfit.addHit(trh,hit);
+	    //System.out.println ("After addhit: " + fstat + " " 
+	    //		+ trh.chisquared() + "\n" + trh.newTrack() );
+            if ( fstat>0 ) return 10000 + 1000*fstat + icount;
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    public int fitForward(HTrack trh)
+    {
+        PropDir dir = PropDir.FORWARD;
+	RKDebug.Instance().setPropDir(dir);
+        // Copy the hits from the track.
+        List hits = trh.hits();
+        // Delete the list of hits from the track.
+        while ( trh.hits().size()>0 ) trh.dropHit();
+	double sumde = 0.;
+        // Loop over hits and fit.
+        int icount = 0;
+        for ( Iterator ihit=hits.iterator(); ihit.hasNext(); )
+        {
+	    Surface s_save = trh.newTrack().surface().newPureSurface();
+	    ETrack e_save = trh.newTrack();
+            // Extract the next hit pointer.
+            Hit hit = (Hit);
+	    int from = (new SurfaceCode(s_save)).getCode();
+	    int to   = (new SurfaceCode(hit.surface())).getCode();
+	    // Propagate to the next surface.
+            PropStat pstat = trh.propagate(_pprop,hit.surface(),dir);
+            if ( ! pstat.success() ) {
+		if ( AddFitKalmanDebugLevel > 0 ) {
+		    System.out.println ("Error:        "  
+					+ RKDebug.Instance().getTrack() + " " 
+					+ RKDebug.Instance().getPropDir() + " " 
+					+ icount
+					);
+		    System.out.println ("From surface 5: " + s_save );
+		    System.out.println ("To surface 5:   " + hit.surface());
+		    System.out.println ("Params: " + e_save.vector() );
+		}
+		aida.histogram1D("/Bugs/Fit/Failed Fwd prop from Surface",5,0,5).fill( from );
+		aida.histogram1D("/Bugs/Fit/Failed Fwd prop to Surface",5,0,5).fill( to  );
+		aida.cloud2D("/Bugs/Fit/Failed Fwd prop to vs from Surface").fill( from, to  );
+		return icount+1;
+	    }
+	    //if ( icount != 0 ) {
+	    //	int istat = interact( trh, hit, dir );
+	    //}
+	    // Add the hit.
+            int fstat = _addfit.addHit(trh,hit);
+	    if ( fstat>0 ){
+		if ( AddFitKalmanDebugLevel > 0){
+		    System.out.println ("Error:        "  
+					+ RKDebug.Instance().getTrack() + " " 
+					+ RKDebug.Instance().getPropDir() + " " 
+					);
+		    System.out.println ("From surface 4: " + s_save );
+		    System.out.println ("To surface 4:   " + hit.surface());		
+		}
+		aida.histogram1D("/Bugs/Fit/Failed Fwd addhit from Surface",5,5,5).fill( from );
+		aida.histogram1D("/Bugs/Fit/Failed Fwd addhit to Surface",5,0,5).fill( to  );
+		aida.cloud2D("/Bugs/Fit/Failed Fwd addhit to vs from Surface").fill( from, to  );
+	    }
+            if ( fstat>0 ) return 10000 + 1000*fstat + icount;
+	    VTUtil before = new VTUtil( trh.newTrack() );
+	    int istat = interact( trh, hit, dir );
+	    VTUtil after = new VTUtil( trh.newTrack() );
+	    double de = before.e() - after.e();
+	    sumde += de;
+	    //SurfCylinder ss = (SurfCylinder)trh.newTrack().surface();
+	    //System.out.printf ("Forw dedx: %10.4f %12.8f  %12.8f\n", ss.radius(), de, sumde );
+            ++icount;
+        }
+	//System.out.println ("Forward fit sumde: " + sumde );
+	aida.cloud1D("Forward dedx check:").fill(sumde-RKDebug.Instance().getDeGen());
+        return 0;
+    }
+    public int fitBackward(HTrack trh)
+    {
+        PropDir dir = PropDir.BACKWARD;
+	RKDebug.Instance().setPropDir(dir);
+	//RKPrintSymMatrix psm = new RKPrintSymMatrix();
+        // Copy the hits from the track.
+        List hits = trh.hits();
+        // Delete the list of hits from the track.
+        while ( trh.hits().size()>0 ) trh.dropHit();
+	double chold = 0.;
+	double sumde = 0.;
+	RKZot zot = new RKZot(trh);
+	boolean zottable = true;
+	int nc = 0;
+	int nz = 0;
+	int nu = 0;
+	String thishit;
+        // Loop over hits and fit.
+        int icount = 0;
+        for ( Iterator ihit=hits.iterator(); ihit.hasNext(); )
+        {
+            // Extract the next hit pointer.
+            Hit hit = (Hit);
+	    Surface s_save = trh.newTrack().surface().newPureSurface();
+	    int from = (new SurfaceCode(s_save)).getCode();
+	    int to   = (new SurfaceCode(hit.surface())).getCode();
+	    /*
+	    Surface s_new  = hit.surface();
+	    if ( s_new instanceof SurfCylinder ){
+		System.out.printf ("Next: %3d Cylinder\n",icount);
+		++nc;
+		thishit = "Cylinder";
+	    } else if ( s_new instanceof SurfZPlane ){
+		System.out.printf ("Next: %3d ZPlane\n",icount);
+		++nz;
+		thishit = "ZPlane";
+		zottable = false;
+	    } else {
+		System.out.printf ("Next: %3d Unknown\n",icount);
+		++nu;
+		thishit = "Unknown";
+	    }
+	    */
+	    if ( hit instanceof HitCylPhi ){
+		//System.out.printf ("Next: %3d Cylinder 1D\n",icount);
+		++nc;
+		thishit = "Cylinder1D";
+	    } else if ( hit instanceof HitCylPhiZ2D ){
+		//System.out.printf ("Next: %3d Cylinder 2D\n",icount);
+		++nc;
+		++nz;
+		zottable = false;
+		thishit = "Cylinder2D";
+	    } else if ( hit instanceof HitZPlane1 ){
+		//System.out.printf ("Next: %3d ZPlane 1D\n",icount);
+		++nc;
+		++nz;
+		zottable = false;
+		thishit = "ZPlane1D";
+	    } else if ( hit instanceof HitZPlane2 ){
+		//System.out.printf ("Next: %3d ZPlane 2D\n",icount);
+		++nc;
+		++nz;
+		zottable = false;
+		thishit = "ZPlane2D";
+	    } else{
+		System.out.printf ("Next: %3d Unknown\n",icount);
+		thishit = "Unknown";
+	    }
+	    //System.out.println("Error before prop: ");
+	    //psm.Print(trh.newTrack());
+            PropStat pstat = trh.propagate(_pprop,hit.surface(),dir);
+            if ( ! pstat.success() ) {
+		if ( AddFitKalmanDebugLevel > 0 ){
+		    System.out.println ("Error:        "  
+					+ RKDebug.Instance().getTrack() + " " 
+					+ RKDebug.Instance().getPropDir() + " " 
+					+ icount
+					);
+		    System.out.println ("From surface 1: " + s_save );
+		    System.out.println ("To surface 1:   " + hit.surface());
+		    System.out.println ("Failed prop: " + nc + " " + nz + " " + nu + " " + thishit );
+		}
+		aida.histogram1D("/Bugs/Fit/Failed prop from Surface",5,0,5).fill( from );
+		aida.histogram1D("/Bugs/Fit/Failed prop to Surface",5,0,5).fill( to  );
+		aida.cloud2D("/Bugs/Fit/Failed prop to vs from Surface").fill( from, to  );
+		return icount+1;
+	    }
+	    //System.out.println("Error after prop: ");
+	    //psm.Print(trh.newTrack());
+	    if ( zottable ){
+	    	zot.Zot(trh);
+		//System.out.println("Error after zot: ");
+		//psm.Print(trh.newTrack());
+	    }
+	    //if ( icount != 0 ) {
+	    //int istat = interact( trh, hit, dir );
+	    //}
+	    //VTUtil before = new VTUtil( trh.newTrack() );
+	    //int istat = interact( trh, hit, dir );
+	    //VTUtil after = new VTUtil( trh.newTrack() );
+	    // Add the hit.
+            int fstat = _addfit.addHit(trh,hit);
+	    //System.out.println ("Hit info: " + hit );
+	    if ( fstat>0 ){
+		if ( AddFitKalmanDebugLevel > 0){
+		    System.out.println ("Error:        "  
+					+ RKDebug.Instance().getTrack() + " " 
+					+ RKDebug.Instance().getPropDir() + " " 
+					);
+		    System.out.println ("From surface 2: " + s_save );
+		    System.out.println ("To surface 2:   " + hit.surface());		
+		    System.out.println ("Failed addhit: " + nc + " " + nz + " " + nu + " " + thishit );
+		}
+		aida.histogram1D("/Bugs/Fit/Failed addhit from Surface",5,0,5).fill( from );
+		aida.histogram1D("/Bugs/Fit/Failed addhit to Surface",5,0,5).fill( to  );
+		aida.cloud2D("/Bugs/Fit/Failed addhit to vs from Surface").fill( from, to  );
+	    }
+            if ( fstat>0 ) return 10000 + 1000*fstat + icount;
+	    double chnew = trh.chisquared();
+	    double dch = chnew - chold;
+	    //System.out.printf("Error after addhit: %15.5f\n", dch);
+	    //psm.Print(trh.newTrack());
+	    /*
+	    if( dch < -0.001 ){
+		System.out.println ("From surface 3: " + s_save );
+		System.out.println ("To surface 3:   " + hit.surface());				
+	    }
+	    */
+	    chold = chnew;
+	    // Save track for diagnostics.
+	    VTUtil before = new VTUtil( trh.newTrack() );
+	    // Apply multiple scattering and energy loss
+	    int istat = interact( trh, hit, dir );
+	    // Compute change in energy.
+	    VTUtil after = new VTUtil( trh.newTrack() );
+	    double de = after.e() - before.e();
+	    sumde += de;
+	    //SurfCylinder ss = (SurfCylinder)trh.newTrack().surface();
+	    //System.out.printf ("Back dedx: %10.4f %12.8f  %12.8f\n", ss.radius(), de, sumde );
+            ++icount;
+        }
+	// Propagate to the beampipe and interact.
+	if ( doMs ){
+	    // Beampipe parameters for sid02
+	    double radius = 1.22;
+	    double l_over_radl = 0.006136;
+	    SurfCylinder sbp = new SurfCylinder(radius);
+	    PropStat pstat = trh.propagate( _pprop, sbp, dir );
+	    if ( ! pstat.success() ) return -2;
+	    int istat = interactonly( trh, radius, l_over_radl );
+	}
+	// Propagate to the PCAO.
+	SurfDCA sdca = new SurfDCA( 0., 0. );
+	PropStat pstat = trh.propagate( _pprop, sdca, dir );
+	if ( ! pstat.success() ) return -1;
+	//System.out.println ("Backwards fit sumde: " + sumde );
+	aida.cloud1D("Backward dedx check:").fill(sumde-RKDebug.Instance().getDeGen());
+	//System.out.println("Error at PCAO: ");
+	//psm.Print(trh.newTrack());
+        return 0;
+    }
+    private int interact ( HTrack trh, Hit hit, PropDir dir ){
+	if ( hit.surface().pureType().equals(SurfCylinder.staticType()) ){
+	    SurfCylinder s = (SurfCylinder) hit.surface();
+	    double r = s.radius();
+	    if ( doMs ){
+		TrackError eold = trh.newTrack().error(); 
+		aida.histogram1D("/Bugs/Fit/Fit scat radius:",300,0.,150.).fill(r);
+		double l_over_radl = 0.;
+		if ( r < 1.3 ) {
+		    l_over_radl = 0.006136;
+		}else if ( r < 10. ){
+		    l_over_radl = 0.000916;
+		}else {
+		    l_over_radl = 0.013747;
+		}
+		ThinCylMs scat = new ThinCylMs(l_over_radl*RKDebug.Instance().getMsFac());
+		ETrack et = trh.newTrack();
+		ETrack ets = new ETrack(et);
+		double chnew = trh.chisquared();
+		scat.interact(et);
+		hit.update(et);
+		trh.setFit(et,chnew);
+		/*
+		  for ( int i=0; i<5; ++i ){
+		  double ex1 = et.error().get(i,i);
+		  double ex2 = ets.error().get(i,i);
+		  double sigsq = ex1-ex2;
+		  //double pull = -9.;
+		  double sig=-1.;
+		  if ( sigsq > 0. ){
+		  sig = Math.sqrt(sigsq);
+		  //pull = (et.vector(i)-ets.vector(i))/sig;
+		  }
+		  aida.cloud1D("/Bugs/Fit/Forward Fit Delta param:"+i).fill(et.vector(i)-ets.vector(i));
+		  if ( sig > 0. ) aida.cloud1D("/Bugs/Fit/Forward Fit Delta error:"+i).fill(sig);
+		  }
+		  //System.out.println( "Error after: " + trh.newTrack().error().minus(eold) );
+		  */
+	    } // end if MS enabled
+	} // end CYlinder MS
+	if ( hit.surface().pureType().equals(SurfZPlane.staticType()) ){
+	    SurfZPlane s = (SurfZPlane) hit.surface();
+	    double z = s.z();
+	    if ( doMs ){
+		TrackError eold = trh.newTrack().error(); 
+		aida.histogram1D("/Bugs/Fit/Fit scat z forward:",300,-150,150.).fill(z);
+		double l_over_radl = ( Math.abs(z)< 25) ? 0.000916 : 0.013747;
+		ThinZPlaneMs scat = new ThinZPlaneMs(l_over_radl*RKDebug.Instance().getMsFac());
+		ETrack et = trh.newTrack();
+		//		ETrack ets = new ETrack(et);
+		double chnew = trh.chisquared();
+		scat.interact(et);
+		hit.update(et);
+		trh.setFit(et,chnew);
+	    } // end if MS enabled.
+	} // end ZPlane MS
+	// Successful return;
+	return 0;
+    }
+    // There is no hit at this site so we only need to do the interaction, not update hits.
+    private int interactonly ( HTrack trh, double r, double l_over_radl ){
+	ThinCylMs scat = new ThinCylMs(l_over_radl*RKDebug.Instance().getMsFac());
+	ETrack et = trh.newTrack();
+	double chnew = trh.chisquared();
+	scat.interact(et);
+	trh.setFit(et,chnew);
+	// Successful return;
+	return 0;
+    }
+    /**
+     *output stream
+     *
+     * @return The String representation of this instance.
+     */
+    public String toString()
+    {
+        return getClass().getName();
+    }
CVSspam 0.2.8