

Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/RobKutschke/TRFSelfTest/hits on MAIN 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
4 added files
First Release

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/RobKutschke/TRFSelfTest/hits added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	8 Jun 2009 06:04:24 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+package org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRFSelfTest.hits;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.ETrack;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Hit;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.HitDerivative;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.HitError;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.HitVector;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfutil.Assert;
+ * 
+ * A null hit so that I have a way to add pure
+ * scattering surfaces to HTracks.
+ *
+ *@author $Author: kutschke $
+ *@version $Id:,v 1.1 2009/06/08 06:04:24 kutschke Exp $
+ *
+ * Date $Date: 2009/06/08 06:04:24 $
+ *
+ */
+public class HitNull extends Hit
+    private static final int SIZE=0;
+    private int _ival;
+    public String toString()
+    {
+	return "Dummy hit prediction " + _ival + "\n"
+	    + "Cluster address: " + _pclus + "\n"
+	    + "Cluster: " + _pclus + "\n";
+    }
+    protected boolean equal(Hit hp)
+    {
+	Assert.assertTrue( hp.type().equals(type()) );
+	// All null hits are equal to each other.
+	return true;
+    }
+    // static methods
+    // Return the type name.
+    public static String typeName()
+    { return "HitNull";
+    }
+    // Return the type.
+    public static String staticType()
+    { return typeName();
+    }
+    public HitNull()
+    {
+    }
+    HitNull( HitNull ht)
+    {
+    }
+    public String type()
+    { return staticType();
+    }
+    public int size()
+    { return SIZE;
+    };
+    public HitVector measuredVector()
+    {
+	return new HitVector();
+    }
+    public HitError measuredError()
+    {
+	return new HitError();
+    }
+    public HitVector predictedVector()
+    {
+	return new HitVector();
+    }
+    public HitError predictedError()
+    {
+	return new HitError();
+    }
+    public HitDerivative dHitdTrack()
+    {
+	return new HitDerivative();
+    }
+    public HitVector differenceVector()
+    { return new HitVector();
+    }
+    public void update(ETrack tre)
+    { 
+    }

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/RobKutschke/TRFSelfTest/hits added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	8 Jun 2009 06:04:24 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+package org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRFSelfTest.hits;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Random;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropStat;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.VTrack;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Hit;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackError;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.ETrack;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.ClusCylPhi;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.ClusCylPhiZ2D;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.HitCylPhi;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.HitCylPhiZ2D;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.SurfCylinder;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfzp.ClusZPlane1;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfzp.ClusZPlane2;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfzp.HitZPlane1;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfzp.HitZPlane2;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfzp.SurfZPlane;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRFSelfTest.generator.RKTrack;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRFSelfTest.geom.RKGeom;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRFSelfTest.geom.RKSurf;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfutil.TRFMath;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+ * 
+ * Interface between RKGeom and the TRF hit classes.
+ * The main purpose of this class is to produce the 
+ * various sorts of TRF hits.
+ *
+ *@author $Author: kutschke $
+ *@version $Id:,v 1.1 2009/06/08 06:04:24 kutschke Exp $
+ *
+ * Date $Date: 2009/06/08 06:04:24 $
+ *
+ */
+public class RKHit{
+    static private Random ran  = new Random();
+    static private Random ranz = new Random();
+    private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+    // Resolutions in cm ( ie TRF units ).
+    //static private double respixel   =  0.0025;
+    //static private double resstrip   =  0.0050;
+    //static private double zres_strip =  2.89;    // 10 cm /sqrt(12).
+    //static private double zres_strip =  1.00;    // see if a smaller number helps.
+    private RKTrack  track;
+    private RKSurf   surf;
+    private VTrack   vt;
+    private PropStat ps;
+    private double   path;
+    private double   psi;
+    private Hit ghit = null;
+    // Dimension of the readout 
+    private int rodim = 0;
+    // Number of stereo measurements in this device.
+    private int zdim  = 0;
+    public RKHit( RKTrack track, RKSurf surf, VTrack vt, PropStat ps, double path){
+	this.track = track;
+  = surf;
+	this.vt    = new VTrack(vt);
+    = new PropStat(ps);
+	this.path  = path;
+	psi = path*;
+	rodim = surf.rodim;
+	if ( surf.getType() ==  RKSurf.type_zdisc ){
+	    zdim = 1;
+	} else if (  surf.getType() ==  RKSurf.type_tube ){
+	    if ( rodim == 2 ) {
+		zdim=1;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    public RKTrack  getRKTrack() { return track; }
+    public RKSurf   getSurface() { return surf;  }
+    public VTrack   getVTrack()  { return vt;    }
+    public PropStat getPropStat(){ return ps;    }
+    public double   getPath()    { return path;  }
+    public double   getPsi()     { return psi;   }
+    public int      getRodim()   { return rodim; }
+    public int      getZdim()    { return zdim;  }
+    static public void setSeed( long seed ){
+	ran.setSeed(seed);
+	ranz.setSeed(seed+1234578);
+    }
+    public Hit MakeHit(){
+	if ( ghit != null ) return ghit;
+	if ( surf.getType() == RKSurf.type_tube ){
+	    if ( surf.rodim == 0 ){
+		return null;
+	    } else if ( surf.rodim == 1 ){
+		return MakeCylPhi( surf.getResolution0() );
+	    } else if ( surf.rodim == 2 ){
+		return MakeCylPhiZ2D( surf.getResolution0(), surf.getResolution1() );
+	    }
+	} else if ( surf.getType() == RKSurf.type_zdisc ){
+	    if ( surf.rodim == 0 ){
+		return null;
+	    } else if ( surf.rodim == 1 ){
+		return MakeZPlane1D( surf.getResolution0() );
+	    } else if ( surf.rodim == 2 ){
+		return MakeZPlane2D( surf.getResolution0(), surf.getResolution1() );
+	    }
+	}
+	return null;
+    }
+    private Hit MakeCylPhi( double res){
+	SurfCylinder s = (SurfCylinder)vt.surface();
+	double r = s.radius();
+	double sig0 = res/r;
+	double m0 = vt.vector(0) + sig0*ran.nextGaussian();
+	//double m0 = vt.vector(0);
+	double stereo = 0.;
+	int mcid = 0;
+	ClusCylPhi cluster = new ClusCylPhi( r, m0, sig0, mcid );
+	TrackError  verr = new TrackError();
+	verr.set(0,0,10.);
+	verr.set(1,1,100.);
+	verr.set(2,2,2.);
+	verr.set(3,3,10.);
+	verr.set(4,4,10.);
+	ETrack et =  new ETrack(s.newPureSurface(), vt.vector(), verr );
+	List ghits = cluster.predict(et,cluster);
+	ghit = (HitCylPhi)ghits.get(0);
+	return ghit;
+    }
+    private Hit MakeCylPhiZ2D( double sigpixel, double sigz ){
+	SurfCylinder s = (SurfCylinder)vt.surface();
+	double r = s.radius();
+	double sig0 = sigpixel/r;
+	double sig1 = sigz;
+	double m0 = vt.vector(0) + sig0*ran.nextGaussian();
+	//double m1 = vt.vector(1) + sig1*ran.nextGaussian();
+	// Hack to decouple r-phi and z fits.
+	double m1;
+	if ( r > 100 ){
+	    m1 = vt.vector(1) + sig1*ranz.nextGaussian();
+	}else{
+	    m1 = vt.vector(1) + sig1*ran.nextGaussian();
+	}
+	//double m0 = vt.vector(0);
+	//double m1 = vt.vector(1);
+	double stereo = 0.;
+	int mcid = 0;
+	ClusCylPhiZ2D cluster = new ClusCylPhiZ2D( r, m0, sig0, m1, sig1, stereo, mcid );
+	TrackError  verr = new TrackError();
+	verr.set(0,0,10.);
+	verr.set(1,1,100.);
+	verr.set(2,2,2.);
+	verr.set(3,3,10.);
+	verr.set(4,4,10.);
+	ETrack et =  new ETrack(s.newPureSurface(), vt.vector(), verr );
+	List ghits = cluster.predict(et,cluster);
+	ghit = (HitCylPhiZ2D)ghits.get(0);
+	return ghit;
+    }
+    private Hit MakeZPlane1D( double res){
+	SurfZPlane s = (SurfZPlane)vt.surface();
+	double z     =  s.z();
+	// Measurement error.
+	double sig0 = res;
+	// Measurement direction.
+	double wx  = 1.;
+	double wy  = 0.;
+	if ( surf.ixy == RKSurf.ixy_y ){
+	    wx = 0.;
+	    wy = 1.;
+	}
+	double m0  = vt.vector(0)*wx + vt.vector(1)*wy;
+	m0 += sig0*ran.nextGaussian();
+	int mcid = 0;
+	ClusZPlane1 cluster = new ClusZPlane1( z, wx, wy, m0, sig0, mcid );
+	TrackError  verr = new TrackError();
+	verr.set(0,0,10.);
+	verr.set(1,1,10.);
+	verr.set(2,2,10.);
+	verr.set(3,3,10.);
+	verr.set(4,4,10.);
+	ETrack et =  new ETrack(s.newPureSurface(), vt.vector(), verr );
+	List ghits = cluster.predict(et,cluster);
+	ghit = (HitZPlane1)ghits.get(0);
+	return ghit;
+    }
+    private Hit MakeZPlane2D( double res0, double res1){
+	SurfZPlane s = (SurfZPlane)vt.surface();
+	double z     =  s.z();
+	double sig0 = res0;
+	double sig1 = res1;
+	double m0 = vt.vector(0) + sig0*ran.nextGaussian();
+	double m1 = vt.vector(1) + sig1*ran.nextGaussian();
+	//double m0 = vt.vector(0);
+	//double m1 = vt.vector(1);
+	double dxdy = 0.;
+	int mcid = 0;
+	ClusZPlane2 cluster = new ClusZPlane2( z, m0, m1, sig0*sig0, sig1*sig1, dxdy, mcid );
+	TrackError  verr = new TrackError();
+	verr.set(0,0,10.);
+	verr.set(1,1,10.);
+	verr.set(2,2,10.);
+	verr.set(3,3,10.);
+	verr.set(4,4,10.);
+	ETrack et =  new ETrack(s.newPureSurface(), vt.vector(), verr );
+	List ghits = cluster.predict(et,cluster);
+	ghit = (HitZPlane2)ghits.get(0);
+	return ghit;
+    }
+    private Hit MakeNullCyl( ){
+	SurfCylinder s = (SurfCylinder)vt.surface();
+	double r = s.radius();
+	ghit = new HitNull();
+	return ghit;
+    }

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/RobKutschke/TRFSelfTest/hits added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	8 Jun 2009 06:04:24 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+package org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRFSelfTest.hits;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRFSelfTest.geom.RKSurf;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Comparator;
+ *  
+ * Holds a list of RKHits.  Can return the hits sorted in different
+ * orders.  Can return properties of the ensemble of hits.
+ *
+ *@author $Author: kutschke $
+ *@version $Id:,v 1.1 2009/06/08 06:04:24 kutschke Exp $
+ *
+ * Date $Date: 2009/06/08 06:04:24 $
+ *
+ */
+public class RKHitList {
+    // Original list.
+    private List<RKHit> list = new ArrayList<RKHit>();
+    // Sorted copies of the lists.
+    private List<RKHit> forward  = null;
+    private List<RKHit> backward = null;
+    private int nmeas  = 0;
+    private int nzmeas = 0;
+    private int ncyl = 0;
+    private int nzp  = 0;
+    RKHitList (){
+    }
+    public void addHit( RKHit h ){
+	list.add(h);
+	nmeas  += h.getRodim();
+	nzmeas += h.getZdim();
+	int type = h.getSurface().getType();
+	if ( type == RKSurf.type_tube ){
+	    ncyl += 1;
+	} else if ( type == RKSurf.type_zdisc ){
+	    nzp += 1;
+	}
+	// Any existing sorts are no longer valid.
+	forward  = null;
+	backward = null;
+    }
+    public RKHit get( int i){
+	return list.get(i);
+    }
+    public List<RKHit> getForward(){
+	if( forward !=  null ) return forward;
+	forward = new ArrayList<RKHit>(list);
+	Collections.sort( forward, new CompareRKHit<RKHit>(+1) );	
+	return forward;
+    }
+    public List<RKHit> getBackward(){
+	if ( backward != null ) return backward;
+	backward = new ArrayList<RKHit>(list);
+	Collections.sort( backward, new CompareRKHit<RKHit>(-1) );	
+	return backward;
+    }
+    public int nHits(){ return list.size(); }
+    public int nDof(){ return nDof(5); }
+    public int nDof( int n){ return nmeas-n; }
+    public int nZ(){ return nzmeas;}
+    public int nCyl(){ return ncyl;}
+    public int nZp() { return nzp;}
+    // Does the track have enough measurements to be fittable.
+    // This is an arbitrary definition.  
+    public boolean fitable(){
+	if ( nDof() < 1 ) return false;
+	if ( nzmeas < 3 ) return false;
+	return true;
+    }
+    public RKHit outerMostHit(){
+	for ( RKHit h : getBackward() ){
+	    if ( h.getRodim() > 0 ) return h;
+	}
+	return null;
+    }
+    public RKHit innerMostHit(){
+	for ( RKHit h : getForward() ){
+	    if ( h.getRodim() > 0 ) return h;
+	}
+	return null;
+    }
+    public int nLeadingStrips(){
+	int n = 0;
+	int nLeadingStrips = 0;
+	int firstZType = 0;
+	boolean firstZ = false;
+	for ( RKHit h: getBackward() ){
+	    RKSurf s  = h.getSurface();
+	    int rodim = h.getRodim();
+	    int zdim  = h.getZdim();
+	    if ( zdim > 0 ){
+		firstZ = true;
+		if ( s.getType() == RKSurf.type_tube ){
+		    firstZType = 1;
+		} else{
+		    firstZType = 2;
+		}
+		break;
+	    }
+	    if ( rodim == 1 & 
+		 s.getType() == RKSurf.type_tube ){
+		++nLeadingStrips;
+	    }
+	}
+	return nLeadingStrips;
+    }
+    public int firstZType(){
+	int type = 0;
+	for ( RKHit h: getBackward() ){
+	    RKSurf s  = h.getSurface();
+	    int zdim  = h.getZdim();
+	    if ( zdim > 0 ){
+		if ( s.getType() == RKSurf.type_tube ){
+		    type = 1;
+		} else{
+		    type = 2;
+		}
+		break;
+	    }
+	}
+	return type;
+    }
+    public void PrintBackward(){
+	for ( RKHit h: getBackward() ){
+	    RKSurf s  = h.getSurface();
+	    s.Print();
+	    /*
+	    int zdim  = h.getZdim();
+	    int rodim = h.getRodim();
+	    String ctype = "";
+	    double zc = 0.;
+	    if ( rodim > 0 ){
+		if ( s.getType() == RKSurf.type_tube ){
+		    ctype = "Barrel";
+		} else{
+		    ctype = "Endcap";
+		    zc = s.zc;
+		}
+		System.out.printf ( "Hit: %6s %4d %4d %9.2f %9.2f\n", 
+				    ctype,
+				    rodim,
+				    s.ixy,
+                                    h.getPath(),
+				    zc
+				    );
+	    } else{
+		s.Print();
+	    }
+	    */
+	}
+    }
+    public double deltaZ(){
+	RKHit  h0  = getBackward().get(0); 
+	RKSurf s0  = h0.getSurface();
+	int    ro0 = h0.getRodim();
+	// Only consider tracks that start with zdisc strips.
+	if ( s0.getType() != RKSurf.type_zdisc ) return 0.;
+	if ( ro0 != 1 ) return 0.;
+	// z of first z measuring surface.
+	double z0  = s0.zc;
+	// z of first z measuring surface with enough lever arm to be useful.
+	double z1  = z0;
+	int n = 0;
+	for ( RKHit h: getBackward() ){
+	    // Start looking at the third measurement.
+            // ie skip second plane if it is part of a doublet.
+	    if ( ++n < 3 ) continue;
+	    RKSurf s  = h.getSurface();
+	    if ( s.getType() == RKSurf.type_zdisc  ){
+		// Accept any z disc.
+		z1 = s.zc;
+		break;
+	    } else if ( h.getRodim() > 1 ) {
+		// Accept barrel pixels.
+		z1 = h.getVTrack().vector(1);
+		break;
+	    }
+	}
+	return Math.abs(z0-z1);
+    }
+    // Look for patterns of z hits that can cause problems.
+    public int Pattern(){
+	// Number of endcap hits before the first barrel hit.
+	int nec = 0;
+	for ( RKHit h: getBackward() ){
+	    RKSurf s  = h.getSurface();
+	    if ( s.getType() == RKSurf.type_zdisc  ){
+		++nec;
+	    }else{
+		break;
+	    }
+	}
+	// The first hit is a barrel hit.
+	if ( nec == 0 ) return 0;
+	// There is are hits from at least 2 z stations so at least
+	// one slope will be well defined.
+	if ( nec > 2  ) return 0;
+	int nbar  = 0;
+	int nskip = 0;
+	for ( RKHit h: getBackward() ){
+	    if ( ++nskip <= nec ) continue;
+	    RKSurf s  = h.getSurface();
+	    if ( s.getType() == RKSurf.type_tube  ){
+		++nbar;
+	    }else{
+		break;
+	    }
+	}
+	// Number of barrel hits between the first z hit and 
+	return nbar;
+    }
+    // ??? This should be in the RKHits definition, not in this file????
+    //
+    // Class to compare two RKHits, sorted by path length.
+    // If the argument is positive, then the sort is done in increasing order.
+    // If the argument is negative, then the sort is done in decreasing order.
+    private class CompareRKHit<T> implements Comparator<T>{
+	private int sign = 1;
+	public CompareRKHit(){
+	}
+	public CompareRKHit(int sign){
+	    this.sign = sign;
+	}
+	public int compare ( Object o1, Object o2 ){
+	    RKHit h1 = (RKHit)o1;
+	    RKHit h2 = (RKHit)o2;
+	    double l1 = h1.getPath();
+	    double l2 = h2.getPath();
+	    if ( l1 == l2 ) {
+		return 0;
+	    } else if ( l1 > l2 ) {
+		return +1*sign;
+	    } else{
+		return -1*sign;
+	    }
+	}
+    }

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/RobKutschke/TRFSelfTest/hits added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	8 Jun 2009 06:04:24 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,645 @@
+package org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRFSelfTest.hits;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Random;
+import Jama.Matrix;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackError;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.ETrack;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Hit;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.VTrack;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropStat;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropDir;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Propagator;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.SurfCylinder;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfzp.SurfZPlane;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.ThinCylMs;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.ThinCylMsSim;
+//import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.CylEloss;
+//import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.CylElossSim;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRF.trfcyl.CylEloss;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRF.trfcyl.CylElossSim;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRF.trfzp.ThinZPlaneMs;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRF.trfzp.ThinZPlaneMsSim;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRF.trfeloss.RKDeDxFixed;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRFSelfTest.geom.RKGeom;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRFSelfTest.geom.RKSurf;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRFSelfTest.util.RKDebug;
+//import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfeloss.DeDxBethe;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfeloss.DeDx;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfeloss.DeDxFixed;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRFSelfTest.generator.toTRF;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRFSelfTest.generator.RKTrack;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRFSelfTest.util.VTUtil;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.ToyConfig.*;
+ * Propagate a track through a detector and generate hits.
+ * Include multiple scattering and eloss, or not, as controlled by
+ * the configuration file.
+ *
+ *@author $Author: kutschke $
+ *@version $Id:,v 1.1 2009/06/08 06:04:24 kutschke Exp $
+ *
+ * Date $Date: 2009/06/08 06:04:24 $
+ *
+ */
+public class RKMakeHits {
+    // Copies of arguments to c'tor.
+    // The geometry summary extracted from the GeomConverter classes.
+    RKGeom rkgeom = null;
+    // A random number generator to use.
+    Random random;
+    private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+    // TRF wants distances in cm, not mm.
+    private double mmTocm = 0.1;
+    // Thicknesses in radiation lengths of the 3 classes of cylindrical surfaces.
+    private double scatThick0 = 0.006136;
+    private double scatThick1 = 0.000916;
+    private double scatThick2 = 0.013747;
+    // Simulators for scattering at the 3 classes of cylindrical surfaces
+    // and 2 classes of z surfaces.
+    private ThinCylMsSim scatSim0     = null;
+    private ThinCylMsSim scatSim1     = null;
+    private ThinCylMsSim scatSim2     = null;
+    private ThinZPlaneMsSim zscatSim1 = null;
+    private ThinZPlaneMsSim zscatSim2 = null;
+    // Simulators for energy loss at the 3 classes of cylindrical surfaces
+    // and 2 classes of z surfaces.
+    private CylElossSim celoss0 = null;
+    private CylElossSim celoss1 = null;
+    private CylElossSim celoss2 = null;
+    private CylElossSim zeloss1 = null;
+    private CylElossSim zeloss2 = null;
+    // The run time configuration system.
+    ToyConfig config;
+    // Quantities taken from the run time configuration system.
+    private boolean doms       = false;
+    private boolean doeloss    = false;
+    private double  msfac      = 1.0;
+    private double  dedxscale  = 7.5;
+    private double  dedxsigma  = 0.00;
+    private boolean doHitCheck = false;
+    public RKMakeHits( RKGeom rkgeom, Random random ){
+	this.rkgeom = rkgeom;
+	this.random = random;
+	// Copy information from the run time configuration system.
+	try{
+	    ToyConfig config = ToyConfig.getInstance();
+	    doms                 = config.getBoolean("DoMS");
+	    doeloss              = config.getBoolean("DoELoss");
+	    msfac                = config.getDouble("MsFac");
+	    dedxscale            = config.getDouble("dEdXScale");
+	    dedxsigma            = config.getDouble("dEdXSigma");
+	    doHitCheck           = config.getBoolean("doHitCheck");
+	} catch (ToyConfigException e){
+            System.out.println (e.getMessage() );
+            System.out.println ("Stopping now." );
+            System.exit(-1);
+        }
+	System.out.println ("RKMakeHits dedxscale: " + dedxscale );
+	// Seed for track random number generator.
+	long seed          = -398783512;
+	// An increment used to generate independent streams of random
+	// numbers - I have no proof that this really works.
+	long seedIncrement = 876633217;
+	CylEloss.SetNewModel(true);
+	scatSim0 = new ThinCylMsSim(scatThick0*msfac);
+	scatSim1 = new ThinCylMsSim(scatThick1*msfac);
+	scatSim2 = new ThinCylMsSim(scatThick2*msfac);
+	zscatSim1 = new ThinZPlaneMsSim(scatThick1*msfac);
+	zscatSim2 = new ThinZPlaneMsSim(scatThick2*msfac);
+	// Seed the random number generators in the Siminteractors.
+	seed += seedIncrement;
+	scatSim0.setSeed(seed);
+	seed += seedIncrement;
+	scatSim1.setSeed(seed);
+	seed += seedIncrement;
+	scatSim2.setSeed(seed);
+	seed += seedIncrement;
+	zscatSim1.setSeed(seed);
+	seed += seedIncrement;
+	zscatSim2.setSeed(seed);
+	double densityBe = rkgeom.getCylinders().get(0).density;
+	double densitySi = rkgeom.getCylinders().get(1).density;
+	RKDeDxFixed dedxBe = new RKDeDxFixed(densityBe,dedxscale, dedxsigma);
+	RKDeDxFixed dedxSi = new RKDeDxFixed(densitySi,dedxscale, dedxsigma);
+	double thickbeampipe = rkgeom.getCylinders().get(0).thick;
+	double thickpixel    = rkgeom.getCylinders().get(1).thick;
+	double thickstrip    = rkgeom.getCylinders().get(6).thick;
+	celoss0 = new CylElossSim( thickbeampipe, dedxBe, random );
+	celoss1 = new CylElossSim( thickpixel, dedxSi, random  );
+	celoss2 = new CylElossSim( thickstrip, dedxSi, random );
+	zeloss1 = new CylElossSim( thickpixel, dedxSi, random );
+	zeloss2 = new CylElossSim( thickstrip, dedxSi, random );
+	System.out.println( "ELoss thicknesses: " + thickbeampipe + " " + thickpixel + " " + thickstrip );
+	System.out.println( "Densities: " + densityBe + " " + densitySi );
+	// This is probably not necessary - check later.
+	seed += seedIncrement;
+	celoss0.setSeed(seed);
+	seed += seedIncrement;
+	celoss1.setSeed(seed);
+	seed += seedIncrement;
+	celoss2.setSeed(seed);
+	seed += seedIncrement;
+	zeloss1.setSeed(seed);
+	seed += seedIncrement;
+	zeloss2.setSeed(seed);
+    }
+    // Generate perfect hits on the outward going arc only.
+    // Do not apply energy loss or multiple scattering.
+    public RKHitList GenerateOneArcHits( RKTrack rktrk ){
+	// Convert to TRF style track.
+	toTRF trftrk = new toTRF(rktrk);
+	VTrack vtdca = trftrk.atDcaZaxis();
+	VTrack vtz   = trftrk.atZPlane(rktrk.z0());
+	// This code only looks at the first arc of a track.
+	double pathlimit = trftrk.halfarc();
+	int nmeas  = 0;
+	int nzmeas = 0;
+	int ncmeas = 0;
+	RKHitList rkl = new RKHitList();
+	Propagator prop = rkgeom.newPropagator();
+	double sum = 0.;
+	for ( RKSurf s: rkgeom.getCylinders() ){
+	    PropStat ps = prop.vecDirProp( vtdca, s.getCylinder(), PropDir.FORWARD);
+	    if ( ps.success() ){
+		sum += ps.pathDistance();
+		if ( sum > pathlimit ) break;
+		if ( s.inBounds(vtdca.vector(1)) ){
+		    rkl.addHit( new RKHit( rktrk, s, vtdca, ps, sum ) );
+		    aida.cloud2D( "HitGenNoScat/C r vs z",-1).fill( vtdca.vector(1), s.radius*mmTocm );
+		    aida.cloud2D( "HitGenNoScat/Both r vs z",-1).fill( vtdca.vector(1), s.radius*mmTocm );
+		    double r = s.radius*mmTocm;
+		    /*
+		    System.out.printf ("Adding Cyl: %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f\n",
+				       r*Math.cos(vtdca.vector(0)),
+				       r*Math.sin(vtdca.vector(0)),
+				       r,
+				       vtdca.vector(1),
+				       sum,
+				       vtdca.vector(3)
+				       );
+		    */
+		    nmeas  += s.rodim;
+		    ncmeas += s.rodim;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	aida.cloud2D("HitGenNoScat/Path length vs cz",-1).fill(,sum);
+	aida.cloud1D("HitGenNoScat/Sum").fill(sum);
+	aida.cloud2D("HitGenNoScat/Hits vs cz",-1).fill(, ncmeas );
+	sum = 0;
+	for ( RKSurf s: rkgeom.getZ( rktrk.z0(), ) ){
+	    PropStat ps = prop.vecDirProp( vtz, s.getZPlane(), PropDir.FORWARD );
+	    if ( ps.success() ){
+		sum += ps.pathDistance();
+		if ( sum > pathlimit ) break;
+		double r = Math.sqrt(vtz.vector(0)*vtz.vector(0) + vtz.vector(1)*vtz.vector(1) );
+		if ( s.inBounds(r) ){
+		    rkl.addHit( new RKHit( rktrk, s, vtz, ps, sum ) );
+		    aida.cloud2D( "HitGenNoScat/Z r vs z",-1).fill( s.zc*mmTocm, r );
+		    aida.cloud2D( "HitGenNoScat/Both r vs z",-1).fill( s.zc*mmTocm, r );
+		    nmeas += s.rodim;
+		    nzmeas += s.rodim;
+		    /*
+		    System.out.printf ("Adding Z:   %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f\n",
+				       vtz.vector(0),
+				       vtz.vector(1),
+				       r,
+				       s.zc*0.1,
+				       sum );
+		    */
+		}
+	    }	    
+	}
+	aida.cloud2D("HitGenNoScat/Z Hits vs cz",-1).fill(, nzmeas );
+	aida.cloud2D("HitGenNoScat/Nmeas vs cz",-1).fill(, nmeas );
+	aida.cloud2D("HitGenNoScat/Nz vs Nc",-1).fill( ncmeas, nzmeas );
+	return rkl;
+    }
+    // Generate perfect hits on the outward going arc only.
+    // Do not apply energy loss or multiple scattering.
+    public RKHitList GenerateMixedOneArcHits( RKTrack rktrk ){
+	// Convert to TRF style track.
+	toTRF trftrk = new toTRF(rktrk);
+	VTrack vtdca = trftrk.atDcaZaxis();
+	// This code only looks at the first arc of a track.
+	double pathlimit = trftrk.halfarc();
+	int nmeas  = 0;
+	int nzmeas = 0;
+	int ncmeas = 0;
+	double sum = 0.;
+	RKHitList rkl = new RKHitList();
+	Propagator prop = rkgeom.newPropagator();
+	List<RKSurf> cyls = rkgeom.getCylinders();
+	List<RKSurf> zps  = rkgeom.getZ( rktrk.z0(), );
+	int next_cyl = 0;
+	int next_zp  = 0;
+	int max_cyl  = cyls.size();
+	int max_zp   = zps.size();
+	double sumde = 0;
+	// At top of the loop, vtdca contains the track parameters at the 
+	// departure point for this step.
+	while ( (next_cyl<max_cyl) || ( next_zp < max_zp ) ){
+	    VTrack vt_cyl = null;
+	    VTrack vt_zp  = null;
+	    double path_cyl = 0.;
+	    double path_zp  = 0.;
+	    int status_cyl  = 0;
+	    int status_zp   = 0;
+	    RKSurf rks_cyl  = null;	    
+	    RKSurf rks_zp   = null;	    
+	    PropStat ps_cyl = null;
+	    PropStat ps_zp  = null;
+	    double r_cyl = 0.;
+	    double z_cyl = 0.;
+	    double r_zp  = 0.;
+	    double z_zp  = 0.;
+	    int next_cyl_sav = next_cyl;
+	    int next_zp_sav  = next_zp;
+	    // Check cylindrical surfaces until the next good one is found.
+	    //while ( next_cyl < -1 ){
+	    while ( next_cyl < max_cyl ){
+		// Default status is failure.
+		status_cyl = 0;
+		// Parameters at the starting surface for this step.
+		vt_cyl  = new VTrack(vtdca);
+		// Move to the next surface.
+		rks_cyl = cyls.get(next_cyl);
+		ps_cyl  = prop.vecDirProp( vt_cyl, rks_cyl.getCylinder(), PropDir.FORWARD);
+		// If we do not get to this cylinder, try the next one.
+		// This can happen if starting point is outside this one but inside a later one.
+		if ( !ps_cyl.success() ) {
+		    ++next_cyl;
+		    continue;
+		}
+		// If we moved backwards, try the next cylinder outward.
+		path_cyl = ps_cyl.pathDistance();
+		if ( path_cyl < 0. ) {
+		    //System.out.println ("Negative path at cyl..." );
+		    status_cyl = 3;
+		    ++next_cyl;
+		    continue;
+		}
+		status_cyl = 1;
+		// Needed for downstream diagnostics.
+		r_cyl = rks_cyl.radius*mmTocm;
+		z_cyl = vt_cyl.vector(1);
+		if ( rks_cyl.inBounds(z_cyl) ){
+		    // We have the next good surface from this list.
+		    status_cyl = 2;
+		    break;
+		} else{
+		    // If not in bounds, try the next surface.
+		    ++next_cyl;
+		    continue;
+		}
+	    }
+	    // Check the next z surface.
+	    while ( next_zp < max_zp ){
+		// Default status is failure.
+		status_zp = 0;
+		// Parameters at the start of this step.
+		vt_zp  = new VTrack(vtdca);
+		// Move to the next surface.
+		rks_zp = zps.get(next_zp);
+	        ps_zp  = prop.vecDirProp( vt_zp, rks_zp.getZPlane(), PropDir.FORWARD );
+		// This happens when the z surface being tested is behind the starting point.
+		// Try the next surface.
+		if ( !ps_zp.success() ) {
+		    ++next_zp;
+		    continue;
+		}
+		// Normally this will not happen.  If it does, try the next surface.
+		path_zp = ps_zp.pathDistance();
+		if ( path_zp < 0. ) {
+		    status_zp = 3;
+		    ++next_zp;
+		    continue;
+		}
+		status_zp = 1;
+		// Needed for downstream diagnostics
+		r_zp = Math.sqrt(vt_zp.vector(0)*vt_zp.vector(0) + 
+				 vt_zp.vector(1)*vt_zp.vector(1) );
+		z_zp = rks_zp.zc*mmTocm;
+		if ( rks_zp.inBounds(r_zp) ){
+		    // We have the next good surface from this list.
+		    status_zp = 2;
+		    break;
+		}else{
+		    // Out of bounds so try the next surface.
+		    ++next_zp;
+		    continue;
+		}
+	    }
+	    // At this point we have zero, one or two good solutions.
+	    // If two, choose the one with the shortest step length.
+	    boolean addcyl = false;
+	    boolean addzp  = false;
+	    if ( status_cyl == 2 && status_zp == 2 ){
+		if (  path_cyl < path_zp ) {
+		    addcyl = true;
+		} else {
+		    addzp = true;
+		}
+	    } else if ( status_cyl == 2 ){
+		addcyl = true;
+	    } else if ( status_zp == 2 ){
+		addzp = true;
+	    } else {
+		// This should only happen when both lists are exhausted.
+		// Or when one of the hit types is turned off.
+		if ( next_cyl<max_cyl || next_zp < max_zp ){
+		    System.out.println ("Don't know how I got here ... " 
+					+ next_cyl + " "
+					+ max_cyl  + " "
+					+ next_zp  + " "
+					+ max_zp
+					);
+		}
+	    }
+	    // Add the chosen hit.
+	    if ( addcyl ){
+		// Advance counter to next surface.
+		++next_cyl;
+		// Restore the z index to it's position at the start of this step.
+		next_zp = next_zp_sav;
+		// Did we exceed the half-arc limit?
+		sum += path_cyl;
+		if ( sum > pathlimit ) break;
+		// Track parameters at this step.
+		vtdca = new VTrack(vt_cyl);
+		// Some diagnostics
+		aida.cloud2D( "HitGen/C r vs z",-1).fill( z_cyl, r_cyl );
+		aida.cloud2D( "HitGen/Both r vs z",-1).fill( z_cyl, r_cyl);
+		// Bookkeeping.
+		nmeas  += rks_cyl.rodim;
+		ncmeas += rks_cyl.rodim;
+		if ( doms ){
+		    // Interact.
+		    // Should modify this to not interact if this is the last point on the outward trace.
+		    VTrack test = new VTrack(vtdca);
+		    if ( r_cyl < 1.3 ){
+			scatSim0.interact(vtdca);
+		    } else if ( r_cyl < 10. ){
+			scatSim1.interact(vtdca);
+		    }else{
+			scatSim2.interact(vtdca);
+		    }
+		    // Diagnostics.
+		    double scatThick = 0.;
+		    if ( r_cyl < 1.3 ){
+			scatThick = scatThick0;
+		    }else if ( r_cyl < 10. ){
+			scatThick = scatThick1;
+		    } else{
+			scatThick = scatThick2;
+		    }
+		    ThinCylMs scat1  = new ThinCylMs(scatThick);
+		    TrackError vtmp  = new TrackError();
+		    ETrack et  = new ETrack( test.surface().newPureSurface(), test.vector(), vtmp);
+		    ETrack ets = new ETrack(et);
+		    scat1.interact(et);
+		    double dd = vtdca.vector().get(2)-test.vector().get(2);
+		    double ee = et.error().get(2,2);
+		    double r = dd/Math.sqrt(ee);
+		    aida.cloud1D( "HitGen/Scat pull").fill(r);
+		    aida.histogram1D("HitGen/Gen scat radius", 300, 0., 150.).fill(r_cyl);
+		}
+		// Add the hit.
+		rkl.addHit( new RKHit( rktrk, rks_cyl, vtdca, ps_cyl, sum ) );
+	    } else if ( addzp ) {
+		// Advance counter to next surface.
+		++next_zp;
+		// Restore the cylinder index to it's position at the start of this step.
+		next_cyl = next_cyl_sav;
+		// Did we exceed the half-arc limit?
+		sum += path_zp;
+		if ( sum > pathlimit ) break;
+		// Track parameters at this step.
+		vtdca = vt_zp;
+		// Some diagnostics
+		aida.cloud2D( "HitGen/Z r vs z",-1).fill( z_zp, r_zp );
+		aida.cloud2D( "HitGen/Both r vs z",-1).fill( z_zp, r_zp );
+		// Bookkeeping.
+		nmeas += rks_zp.rodim;
+		nzmeas += rks_zp.rodim;
+		if ( doms ){
+		    // Interact.
+		    // Should modify this to not interact if this is the last point on the outward trace.
+		    VTrack test = new VTrack(vtdca);
+		    if ( Math.abs(z_zp) < 25. ){
+			zscatSim1.interact(vtdca);
+		    }else{
+			zscatSim2.interact(vtdca);
+		    }
+		    aida.histogram1D("HitGen/Gen scat z", 340, -170., 170.).fill(z_zp);
+		}
+		// Add the hit.
+		rkl.addHit( new RKHit( rktrk, rks_zp, vtdca, ps_zp, sum ) );
+	    } else {
+		// Neither intersected but try next surfaces for both lists.
+		++next_cyl;
+		++next_zp;
+	    }
+	}
+	// More diagnostics.
+	aida.cloud2D("HitGen/Path length vs cz",-1).fill(,sum);
+	aida.cloud2D("HitGen/C Hits vs cz",-1).fill(, ncmeas );
+	aida.cloud2D("HitGen/Z Hits vs cz",-1).fill(, nzmeas );
+	aida.cloud2D("HitGen/Nmeas vs cz",-1).fill(, nmeas );
+	aida.cloud2D("HitGen/Nz vs Nc",-1).fill( ncmeas, nzmeas );
+	aida.cloud1D("HitGen/Generated sumde:",-1).fill(sumde);
+	aida.histogram1D("HitGen/Generated sumde hist", 100, 0., 20.).fill(sumde*1000.);
+	RKDebug.Instance().setDeGen(sumde);
+	// If requested, also generate hits using the old algorithm and check that they
+	// agree with those from the new algorithm.  This only makes sense if ms and eloss
+	// are disabled.
+	if ( doHitCheck && !( doeloss || doms ) ){
+	    CheckHitList( rkl, rktrk );
+	}
+	return rkl;
+    }
+    // Check that the Mixed one arc hit generator matches the simple one.
+    // Only valid when scattering and eloss are turned off.
+    void CheckHitList( RKHitList hlist, RKTrack rktrk ){
+	RKHitList hlist2 = GenerateOneArcHits( rktrk );
+	int d1 = hlist.nHits() - hlist2.nHits();
+	int d2 = hlist.nCyl() - hlist2.nCyl();
+	int d3 = hlist.nZp()  - hlist2.nZp();
+	int d4 = hlist.nDof() - hlist2.nDof();
+	if ( (d1==0) && (d2==0) && (d3==0) && (d4 ==0) ){
+	    List<RKHit> l1 = hlist.getForward();
+	    List<RKHit> l2 = hlist2.getForward();
+	    for ( int i=0;i<l1.size(); ++i ){
+		RKHit h1 = l1.get(i);
+		RKHit h2 = l2.get(i);
+		double diff = h2.getPath()-h1.getPath();
+		aida.cloud1D("HitCheck/Difference in Path length: ").fill(diff);
+	    }
+	}else{
+	    System.out.println ( "Diffs: " + d1 + " " +  d2 + " " + d3 + " " + d4 + " " + );
+	    System.out.println ( "Hits1: " 
+				 + hlist2.nHits() + " " 
+				 + hlist2.nCyl() + " " 
+				 + hlist2.nZp() + " " 
+				 + hlist2.nDof() + " " 
+				 );
+	    System.out.println ( "Hits2: " 
+				 + hlist.nHits() + " " 
+				 + hlist.nCyl() + " " 
+				 + hlist.nZp() + " " 
+				 + hlist.nDof() + " " 
+				 );
+	    int i=0;
+	    for ( RKHit h: hlist.getForward() ){
+		System.out.printf ( "Hits1: %3d %-20s %10.4f %10.4f\n",
+				    i++,
+				    h.getSurface().getTypeAsString(),
+				    h.getSurface().radius,
+				    h.getSurface().zc
+				    );
+	    }
+	    i=0;
+	    for ( RKHit h: hlist2.getForward() ){
+		System.out.printf ( "Hits2: %3d %-20s %10.4f %10.4f\n",
+				    i++,
+				    h.getSurface().getTypeAsString(),
+				    h.getSurface().radius,
+				    h.getSurface().zc
+				    );
+	    }
+	}
+    }
CVSspam 0.2.8