Commit in lcsim-contrib/src/main/java/org/lcsim/contrib/Mbussonn/HelixTest on MAIN -> 1.2
adding my copie of some files

lcsim-contrib/src/main/java/org/lcsim/contrib/Mbussonn/HelixTest 1.1 -> 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
---	23 Jun 2009 22:15:40 -0000	1.1
+++	23 Jun 2009 22:24:21 -0000	1.2
@@ -5,34 +5,34 @@
 package org.lcsim.contrib.Mbussonn.HelixTest;
-import hep.physics.matrix.SymmetricMatrix;
-import org.lcsim.contrib.onoprien.util.swim.Helix;
-import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import org.lcsim.contrib.Mbussonn.HelixUtils;
-import org.lcsim.contrib.onoprien.util.swim.IntersectionNone;
-import org.lcsim.contrib.onoprien.util.swim.ZDisk;
-import org.lcsim.contrib.onoprien.util.vector.ConstHep3Vector;
-import org.lcsim.detector.*;
-import org.lcsim.event.Track;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.Detector;
+//import hep.physics.matrix.SymmetricMatrix;
+//import org.lcsim.contrib.onoprien.util.swim.Helix;
+//import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
+//import java.util.ArrayList;
+//import java.util.HashSet;
+//import java.util.LinkedList;
+//import java.util.List;
+//import java.util.Map;
+//import java.util.Set;
+//import org.lcsim.contrib.Mbussonn.HelixUtils;
+//import org.lcsim.contrib.onoprien.util.swim.IntersectionNone;
+//import org.lcsim.contrib.onoprien.util.swim.ZDisk;
+//import org.lcsim.contrib.onoprien.util.vector.ConstHep3Vector;
+//import org.lcsim.detector.*;
+//import org.lcsim.event.Track;
+//import org.lcsim.geometry.Detector;
 import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
-import org.lcsim.contrib.onoprien.util.swim.Helix.CRep;
-import org.lcsim.contrib.sATLAS.TrackReconstructionDriver;
-import org.lcsim.detector.solids.*;
-import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
-import org.lcsim.util.heprep.HelixPath;
+//import org.lcsim.contrib.onoprien.util.swim.Helix.CRep;
+//import org.lcsim.contrib.sATLAS.TrackReconstructionDriver;
+//import org.lcsim.detector.solids.*;
+//import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+//import org.lcsim.util.heprep.HelixPath;
@@ -40,476 +40,474 @@
 public class HelixTest extends Driver {
-	private HepRepFactory factory;
-	private HepRepInstanceTree instanceTree;
-	private HepRepType typeM;
-	private List<HelixPath> helixPath = new LinkedList<HelixPath>();
-	public HelixTest()
-	 {
-		add(new TrackReconstructionDriver());
-	}
-	 protected void process(EventHeader event)
-	 {
-		helixPath.clear();
-		super.process(event);
-		List<Track> tracks = event.getTracks();
-		Detector det = event.getDetector();
-		Track track = null;
-		double xyz[] = {0,0,0};
-		Set<Helix> helixlist = new HashSet<Helix>();
-		ConstHep3Vector org = new ConstHep3Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0);
-		ConstHep3Vector ref =null;
-		ConstHep3Vector vec =null;
-		ref = new ConstHep3Vector(0,0,0);
-		Helix helix = null;
-		if(tracks.size()>0){
-			track =  tracks.get(0);
-			xyz = track.getReferencePoint();
-			ref = new ConstHep3Vector(xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2]);
-			vec = new ConstHep3Vector(track.getPX(),track.getPY(),track.getPZ());
-			helix = new Helix(org , vec,track.getTrackParameter(2));
-			helix.setReferencePoint(ref);
-		}else{
-			throw new UnsupportedOperationException("no tracks founded");
-		}
-		helixlist.add(helix);									
-	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//**********************************************************//
-	//************** some helix for test ***********************//Ê
-	//**********************************************************//
-	//															//
-	//	ConstHep3Vector vec = new ConstHep3Vector(0.0,10,0.00); //
-	//	Helix helix = new Helix(org , vec, 1/100. );			//
-	//	helix.setReferencePoint(ref);							//
-	//	helixlist.add(helix);									//
-	//**********************************************************//
-	//	int i ;													//
-	//		for(i=50;i<200;i+=50){								//
-	//			vec = new ConstHep3Vector(0.0,20,(float)i);		//
-	//			helix = new Helix(org , vec, 1./5000);			//
-	//			helix.setReferencePoint(ref);					//
-	//			helixlist.add(helix);							//
-	//		}													//
-	//**********************************************************//
-	//	vec = new ConstHep3Vector(0.0,207,-1382);				//
-	//	helix = new Helix(org , vec, 1./5000);					//
-	//	helix.setReferencePoint(ref);							//
-	//	helixlist.add(helix);									//
-	//**********************************************************//
-	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-//		System.out.println(helix);
-//		System.out.println("==== Helix ========");
-//		System.out.println("curvature   = "+helix.getParameter(CRep.C));
-//		System.out.println("dca         = "+helix.getParameter(CRep.D0));
-//		System.out.println("phi0        = "+helix.getParameter(CRep.PHI0));
-//		System.out.println("Z0          = "+helix.getParameter(CRep.Z0));
-//		System.out.println("  ");
-//		System.out.println("path at  20 = "+helix.findLengthToZ(20));
-//		System.out.println(" ''  at -20 = "+helix.findLengthToZ(-20));
-//		System.out.println("slope       = "+helix.getParameter(CRep.TAN_LAMBDA));
-//		ZDisk disq =new ZDisk(20.,0.,1000000.);
-		//System.out.println("x at z:20   = "+helix.intersect(disq).getPosition().x());
-		//System.out.println("y at z:20   = "+helix.intersect(disq).getPosition().y());
-//		System.out.println("===== HelixFit ====");
-		HelicalTrackFit hf = HelixToHTF(helix);
-		System.out.println("curvature   = "+hf.curvature());
-		System.out.println("dca         = "+hf.dca());
-		System.out.println("phi0        = "+hf.phi0());
-		System.out.println("Z0          = "+hf.z0());
-		System.out.println("path at  20 = "+HelixUtils.PathToZPlane(hf, 20));
-		//System.out.println("path at -20 = "+HelixUtils.PathToZPlane(hf, -20));
-		//System.out.println("x at z:20   = "+HelixUtils.isInterceptingZDisk(hf,0.0, 100.0, 20.0));
-		//System.out.println("slope       = "+hf.slope());
-		//System.out.println("===================");
-		ISolid trkvol = det.getTrackingVolume().getLogicalVolume().getSolid();
-        double smin;
-		if (trkvol instanceof Tube) {
-            Tube trktube = (Tube) trkvol;
-            double rmax = trktube.getOuterRadius();
-            double zmax = trktube.getZHalfLength();
-            System.out.println("Ecal radius = " + rmax);
-            System.out.println("ECal inner Z = " + zmax);
-			double s0= HelixUtils.PathToZPlane(hf, zmax);
-			List<Double> s1= HelixUtils.PathToCylinder(hf, s0, zmax, 1);
-			smin = Math.min(s0,s1.get(0));
-        }
-		else 
-			{
-			throw new UnsupportedOperationException("can't find intersection search bound");
-		}
-		IPhysicalVolumeNavigator nav = det.getNavigator();
-        ILogicalVolume ltrkr = det.getTrackingVolume().getLogicalVolume();
-        //  Loop over the volumes defined at the compact.xml level
-		Set<UniquePV> allVolumes		  = new HashSet<UniquePV>();
-		for (IPhysicalVolume pvtree : ltrkr.getDaughters()) {
-            List<UniquePV> pvflat = Flatten(pvtree, nav);
-            for(UniquePV pv : pvflat)
-				{allVolumes.add(pv);}
-		}
-		Set<UniquePV> traversedVolumes = new HashSet<UniquePV>();
-		int i;
-		////////////////////////////
-		////////////////////////////
-		////////////////////////////
-		List<Hep3Vector> thehelixpath = new LinkedList<Hep3Vector>();
-		HelicalTrackFit tf = this.HelixToHTF(helix);
-		HelixPath hp = new HelixPath();
-		for(i=0;i<31;i++)
-			thehelixpath.add(HelixUtils.PointOnHelix(tf, i*2000));
-		int[] x={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30};
-		hp.setHepRepVertexOrdering(x);
-        hp.setVertices(thehelixpath);
-		helixPath.add(hp);
-		////////////////////////////
-		////////////////////////////
-		////////////////////////////
-		for(Helix he: helixlist){
-			traversedVolumes = this.listOfTraverserVolumes(helix, allVolumes);
-			System.out.println("==========================================");
-		}
-		event.put("HelixPath", helixPath, HelixPath.class, 0);
-		System.out.println("intersect with "+traversedVolumes.size()+" volumes among "+allVolumes.size());
-        return;
-    }
-	private Set<UniquePV> listOfTraverserVolumes(Helix helix,Set<UniquePV> listeOfVolumes)
-	{
-		Set<UniquePV> traversedVolumes = new HashSet<UniquePV>();
-		for(UniquePV pv: listeOfVolumes){
-				try{
-					if(intersect(helix,pv))
-						{traversedVolumes.add(pv);}
-					}
-				catch(UnsupportedOperationException e)
-					{System.out.println(e);}
-				}
-		return traversedVolumes;
-	}
-    private List<UniquePV> Flatten(IPhysicalVolume vol, IPhysicalVolumeNavigator nav) {
-        LinkedList<UniquePV> pvtree = new LinkedList<UniquePV>();
-        List<UniquePV> pvflat = new ArrayList<UniquePV>();
-        pvtree.add(new UniquePV(vol, nav));
-        while (pvtree.size() > 0) {
-            UniquePV upv = pvtree.poll();
-            IPhysicalVolume pv = upv.getPV();
-            if (pv.getLogicalVolume().getNumberOfDaughters() == 0) {
-                pvflat.add(upv);
-            } else {
-                for (IPhysicalVolume p : pv.getLogicalVolume().getDaughters()) {
-                    pvtree.add(upv.createDaughterUniquePV(p));
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return pvflat;
-    }
-	/**
-	 * check i fan helix intersect with a given plan extending a faces ie don't
-	 * check yet that the intersection is in the face
-	 * @param hf
-	 * @param faces
-	 * @return true if the helix intersect with the list of faces
-	 */
-	private boolean intersectWithFaces(HelicalTrackFit hf, List<Polygon3D> faces){
-		for(Polygon3D face: faces){
-				Hep3Vector norm = face.getPlane().getNormal();
-				List<Point3D> vertices = face.getVertices();
-				Point3D vx = vertices.get(1);
-				double zmin = vx.z();
-				double zmax = vx.z();
-				List<Hep3Vector> verticesx = new LinkedList<Hep3Vector>();
-				for(Hep3Vector vert:vertices){
-					zmin = Math.min(zmin, vert.z());
-					zmax = Math.max(zmax, vert.z());
-					verticesx.add(vert);
-				}
-				if(Math.abs(norm.z())>0.001){
-					if(Math.abs(norm.z())<0.98) // deal with vector who should be parralel to z but arn't because of numerical issues
-						{continue;}//System.out.println("skip z!=0 : "+norm.z()+" "+norm);
-					if(HelixUtils.isInterceptingZpolygone(hf, zmax,verticesx))//here, z should be close from 1 or -1
-						{return true;}//modifie that ...test for now
-					else
-						 {continue;}
-				}
-				else if(HelixUtils.isInterceptingBoundedXYPlane(hf, norm, verticesx))
-					{return true;}
-				}
-			return false;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Check if an helix pass through an Unique PV by checking if the helix
-	 * intersect at least one of it's faces
-	 * For now it  takes an helix in input, but will soon only use HelicalFit
-	 * @param he
-	 * @param pv
-	 * @return true if the helix intersect the Unique PV
-	 */
-	@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"})
-	private boolean intersect(Helix he, UniquePV pv) {
-		ISolid solid = pv.getSolid();
-		HelicalTrackFit hf = HelixToHTF(he);
-		List<Point3D> vtx;
-		List<Hep3Vector> vtxx = new LinkedList<Hep3Vector>();
-		//System.out.println(solid.getClass());
-		if(solid instanceof Box||solid instanceof Trd||solid instanceof Trap)
-			{
-			AbstractPolyhedron box = (AbstractPolyhedron)solid;
-			ITransform3D tr= pv.getLtoGTransform();
-			List<Polygon3D> faces =box.getFaces();
-			List<Polygon3D> facest = new LinkedList<Polygon3D>();
-			for(Polygon3D fc : faces )
-				{
-				Polygon3D pl = fc.transformed(tr);
-				facest.add(pl);
-				for(Point3D vt : pl.getVertices())// to be albe do draw each face
-				 {vtxx.add(vt.getHep3Vector());}
-			}
-			vtx = box.getVertices();
-			//for(Point3D vt : vtx)
-			//	 {vtxx.add(vt.transformed(tr));}
-			faces.clear();
-			faces=null;
-			if(intersectWithFaces(hf,facest)){
-				HelixPath hp = new HelixPath();
-				//hp.setHepRepVertexOrdering(box.getHepRepVertexOrdering());
-				int[] x = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23};
-				hp.setHepRepVertexOrdering(x);
-				hp.setVertices(vtxx);
-				helixPath.add(hp);
-				return true;
-				}
-			return false;
-			}
-		else if(solid instanceof Tube)
-			{
-			Tube tube = (Tube) solid;
-//			System.out.println("et un  de rayon "+tube.getInnerRadius());
-            double z0 = pv.getLtoGTransform().getTranslation().z();
-            double zmax = z0 + tube.getZHalfLength();
-            double zmin = z0 - tube.getZHalfLength();
-            double rmin = tube.getInnerRadius();
-            double rmax = tube.getOuterRadius();
-			ZDisk disque = new ZDisk(zmin,rmin,rmax);
-			if(!(he.intersect(disque) instanceof IntersectionNone ))
-				{
-				if(!(HelixUtils.isInterceptingZDisk(hf, rmin, rmax, zmin))){
-				System.out.println("disque zmin intersect in Helix, not in HelixUtil !"+he.intersect(disque).getClass());
-//				HelixUtils.rayInterceptingZDisk(hf, rmin, rmax, zmin);
-//				Hep3Vector pos = he.intersect(new ZDisk(zmin,0.,100000000.)).getPosition();
-//				System.out.println("Helix : "+Math.sqrt(pos.x()*pos.x()+pos.y()*pos.y()));
-				//System.out.println("----");
-				}
-			}
-			if(HelixUtils.isInterceptingZDisk(hf, rmin, rmax, zmin))
-			{
-				if((he.intersect(disque) instanceof IntersectionNone ))
-					System.out.println("disque zmin intersect in HelixUtil, not in Helix !");
-				return true;
-			}
-			disque = new ZDisk(zmax,rmin,rmax);
-			if(HelixUtils.isInterceptingZDisk(hf, rmin, rmax, zmax))
-			{
-				if( (he.intersect(disque) instanceof IntersectionNone ))
-					System.out.println("disque zmax intersect in HelixUtil, not in Helix !");
-				return true;
-			}
-			if(HelixUtils.isInterceptingBoundedCylinder(hf, rmin, zmin, zmax)){
-				return true;
-				}
-			else{
-				//System.out.println("intercept nothing");
-				return false;
-			}
-			//throw new UnsupportedOperationException("tube missed");
-			}
-		else if(solid instanceof Polycone)
-			{
-				throw new UnsupportedOperationException("polycone not yet implemented");
-			}
-			{
-			System.out.println("Unknown :"+solid.getClass());
-			//throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unknown form : "+solid.getClass());
-			}
-			return false;
-		}
-    private boolean isCylinder(double rmin, double rmax, double zmin, double zmax) {
-        return (rmax - rmin) * Math.abs(zmax + zmin) < (zmax - zmin) * (rmax + rmin);
-    }
-	private HelicalTrackFit HelixToHTF(Helix he){
-	 int dcaIndex = 0;
-    int phi0Index = 1;
-    int curvatureIndex = 2;
-    int z0Index = 3;
-    int slopeIndex = 4;
-		double[] pars={he.getParameter(CRep.D0),
-					   he.getParameter(CRep.PHI0),
-					   he.getParameter(CRep.C),
-					   he.getParameter(CRep.Z0),
-					   he.getParameter(CRep.TAN_LAMBDA)};
-        SymmetricMatrix cov = null;
-        double[] _chisq = new double[2];
-        double _nhchisq = 0.;
-        int[] _ndf = new int[2];
-        Map<HelicalTrackHit, Double> _smap = null;
-        Map<HelicalTrackHit, MultipleScatter> _msmap = null;
-		HelicalTrackFit helixFakeFit=new HelicalTrackFit(pars, cov,_chisq,_ndf,_smap,_msmap);
-		return helixFakeFit;
-										 //HelicalTrackFit(pars, cov,_chisq, _ndf,smap, Map<HelicalTrackHit, MultipleScatter> msmap)
-	}
-    /**
-     * A "struct" holding geometry information about a single physical volume
-     */
-    class VolumeInfo {
-        double rmax = 0.0;
-        double rmin = 1.e10;
-        double zmin = 1.e10;
-        double zmax = -1.e10;
-		double xmin = 1.e10;
-        double xmax = -1.e10;
-		double ymin = 1.e10;
-        double ymax = -1.e10;
-		double ox,oy,oz = 0;
-		double size = 0;
-    }
-    /**
-     * A UniquePV is a wrapper around IPhysicalVolumePath which provides
-     * some convenience methods and caches transformations.
-     */
-    class UniquePV {
-        IPhysicalVolumePath path;
-        IPhysicalVolumeNavigator nav;
-        ITransform3D transform = null;
-        /**
-         * Generates a top-level UniquePV.
-         * @param root The top-level IPhysicalVolume
-         * @param navigator The IPhysicalVolumeNavigator associated with the detector
-         */
-        public UniquePV(IPhysicalVolume root, IPhysicalVolumeNavigator navigator) {
-            path = new PhysicalVolumePath();
-            nav = navigator;
-            path.add(root);
-        }
-        /**
-         * Generates a UniquePV from a path. (Shallow copy of path)
-         * @param path
-         * @param navigator
-         */
-        public UniquePV(IPhysicalVolumePath path, IPhysicalVolumeNavigator navigator) {
-            this.path = path;
-            nav = navigator;
-        }
-        /**
-         * Returns the IPhysicalVolume (the last element of the path)
-         */
-        public IPhysicalVolume getPV() {
-            return path.getLeafVolume();
-        }
-        /**
-         * Creates a UniquePV that is a daughter of the current UniquePV (deep copy made)
-         * @param daughter
-         * @return
-         */
-        public UniquePV createDaughterUniquePV(IPhysicalVolume daughter) {
-            IPhysicalVolumePath np = new PhysicalVolumePath();
-            np.addAll(path);
-            np.add(daughter);
-            return new UniquePV(np, nav);
-        }
-        /**
-         * Transforms the given vector from local to global coords.
-         * @param v the untransformed local Hep3Vector
-         * @return the transformed global Hep3Vector
-         */
-        public Hep3Vector localToGlobal(Hep3Vector v) {
-            return getLtoGTransform().transformed(v);
-        }
-        /**
-         * Returns the solid associated with the physical volume.
-         * @return
-         */
-        public ISolid getSolid() {
-            return this.getPV().getLogicalVolume().getSolid();
-        }
-        /**
-         * Returns the local-to-global transform
-         * @return an ITransform3D from local coordinates to global coordinates.
-         */
-        public ITransform3D getLtoGTransform() {
-            if (transform == null) {
-                transform = nav.getTransform(path);
-            }
-            return transform;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public String toString() {
-            return path.toString();
-        }
-    }
+//	private HepRepFactory factory;
+//	private HepRepInstanceTree instanceTree;
+//	private HepRepType typeM;
+//	private List<HelixPath> helixPath = new LinkedList<HelixPath>();
+//	public HelixTest()
+//	 {
+//		add(new TrackReconstructionDriver());
+//	}
+//	 protected void process(EventHeader event)
+//	 {
+//		helixPath.clear();
+//		super.process(event);
+//		List<Track> tracks = event.getTracks();
+//		Detector det = event.getDetector();
+//		Track track = null;
+//		double xyz[] = {0,0,0};
+//		Set<Helix> helixlist = new HashSet<Helix>();
+//		ConstHep3Vector org = new ConstHep3Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+//		ConstHep3Vector ref =null;
+//		ConstHep3Vector vec =null;
+//		ref = new ConstHep3Vector(0,0,0);
+//		Helix helix = null;
+//		if(tracks.size()>0){
+//			track =  tracks.get(0);
+//			xyz = track.getReferencePoint();
+//			ref = new ConstHep3Vector(xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2]);
+//			vec = new ConstHep3Vector(track.getPX(),track.getPY(),track.getPZ());
+//			helix = new Helix(org , vec,track.getTrackParameter(2));
+//			helix.setReferencePoint(ref);
+//		}else{
+//			throw new UnsupportedOperationException("no tracks founded");
+//		}
+//		helixlist.add(helix);
+//	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+//	//**********************************************************//
+//	//************** some helix for test ***********************//Ê
+//	//**********************************************************//
+//	//															//
+//	//	ConstHep3Vector vec = new ConstHep3Vector(0.0,10,0.00); //
+//	//	Helix helix = new Helix(org , vec, 1/100. );			//
+//	//	helix.setReferencePoint(ref);							//
+//	//	helixlist.add(helix);									//
+//	//**********************************************************//
+//	//	int i ;													//
+//	//		for(i=50;i<200;i+=50){								//
+//	//			vec = new ConstHep3Vector(0.0,20,(float)i);		//
+//	//			helix = new Helix(org , vec, 1./5000);			//
+//	//			helix.setReferencePoint(ref);					//
+//	//			helixlist.add(helix);							//
+//	//		}													//
+//	//**********************************************************//
+//	//	vec = new ConstHep3Vector(0.0,207,-1382);				//
+//	//	helix = new Helix(org , vec, 1./5000);					//
+//	//	helix.setReferencePoint(ref);							//
+//	//	helixlist.add(helix);									//
+//	//**********************************************************//
+//	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+////		System.out.println(helix);
+////		System.out.println("==== Helix ========");
+////		System.out.println("curvature   = "+helix.getParameter(CRep.C));
+////		System.out.println("dca         = "+helix.getParameter(CRep.D0));
+////		System.out.println("phi0        = "+helix.getParameter(CRep.PHI0));
+////		System.out.println("Z0          = "+helix.getParameter(CRep.Z0));
+////		System.out.println("  ");
+////		System.out.println("path at  20 = "+helix.findLengthToZ(20));
+////		System.out.println(" ''  at -20 = "+helix.findLengthToZ(-20));
+////		System.out.println("slope       = "+helix.getParameter(CRep.TAN_LAMBDA));
+////		ZDisk disq =new ZDisk(20.,0.,1000000.);
+//		//System.out.println("x at z:20   = "+helix.intersect(disq).getPosition().x());
+//		//System.out.println("y at z:20   = "+helix.intersect(disq).getPosition().y());
+////		System.out.println("===== HelixFit ====");
+//		HelicalTrackFit hf = HelixToHTF(helix);
+//		System.out.println("curvature   = "+hf.curvature());
+//		System.out.println("dca         = "+hf.dca());
+//		System.out.println("phi0        = "+hf.phi0());
+//		System.out.println("Z0          = "+hf.z0());
+//		System.out.println("path at  20 = "+HelixUtils.PathToZPlane(hf, 20));
+//		//System.out.println("path at -20 = "+HelixUtils.PathToZPlane(hf, -20));
+//		//System.out.println("x at z:20   = "+HelixUtils.isInterceptingZDisk(hf,0.0, 100.0, 20.0));
+//		//System.out.println("slope       = "+hf.slope());
+//		//System.out.println("===================");
+//		ISolid trkvol = det.getTrackingVolume().getLogicalVolume().getSolid();
+//        double smin;
+//		if (trkvol instanceof Tube) {
+//            Tube trktube = (Tube) trkvol;
+//            double rmax = trktube.getOuterRadius();
+//            double zmax = trktube.getZHalfLength();
+//            System.out.println("Ecal radius = " + rmax);
+//            System.out.println("ECal inner Z = " + zmax);
+//			double s0= HelixUtils.PathToZPlane(hf, zmax);
+//			List<Double> s1= HelixUtils.PathToCylinder(hf, s0, zmax, 1);
+//			smin = Math.min(s0,s1.get(0));
+//        }
+//		else
+//			{
+//			throw new UnsupportedOperationException("can't find intersection search bound");
+//		}
+//		IPhysicalVolumeNavigator nav = det.getNavigator();
+//        ILogicalVolume ltrkr = det.getTrackingVolume().getLogicalVolume();
+//        //  Loop over the volumes defined at the compact.xml level
+//		Set<UniquePV> allVolumes		  = new HashSet<UniquePV>();
+//		for (IPhysicalVolume pvtree : ltrkr.getDaughters()) {
+//            List<UniquePV> pvflat = Flatten(pvtree, nav);
+//            for(UniquePV pv : pvflat)
+//				{allVolumes.add(pv);}
+//		}
+//		Set<UniquePV> traversedVolumes = new HashSet<UniquePV>();
+//		int i;
+//		////////////////////////////
+//		////////////////////////////
+//		////////////////////////////
+//		List<Hep3Vector> thehelixpath = new LinkedList<Hep3Vector>();
+//		HelicalTrackFit tf = this.HelixToHTF(helix);
+//		HelixPath hp = new HelixPath();
+//		for(i=0;i<31;i++)
+//			thehelixpath.add(HelixUtils.PointOnHelix(tf, i*2000));
+//		int[] x={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30};
+//		hp.setHepRepVertexOrdering(x);
+//        hp.setVertices(thehelixpath);
+//		helixPath.add(hp);
+//		////////////////////////////
+//		////////////////////////////
+//		////////////////////////////
+//		for(Helix he: helixlist){
+//			traversedVolumes = this.listOfTraverserVolumes(helix, allVolumes);
+//			System.out.println("==========================================");
+//		}
+//		event.put("HelixPath", helixPath, HelixPath.class, 0);
+//		System.out.println("intersect with "+traversedVolumes.size()+" volumes among "+allVolumes.size());
+//        return;
+//    }
+//	private Set<UniquePV> listOfTraverserVolumes(Helix helix,Set<UniquePV> listeOfVolumes)
+//	{
+//		Set<UniquePV> traversedVolumes = new HashSet<UniquePV>();
+//		for(UniquePV pv: listeOfVolumes){
+//				try{
+//					if(intersect(helix,pv))
+//						{traversedVolumes.add(pv);}
+//					}
+//				catch(UnsupportedOperationException e)
+//					{System.out.println(e);}
+//				}
+//		return traversedVolumes;
+//	}
+//    private List<UniquePV> Flatten(IPhysicalVolume vol, IPhysicalVolumeNavigator nav) {
+//        LinkedList<UniquePV> pvtree = new LinkedList<UniquePV>();
+//        List<UniquePV> pvflat = new ArrayList<UniquePV>();
+//        pvtree.add(new UniquePV(vol, nav));
+//        while (pvtree.size() > 0) {
+//            UniquePV upv = pvtree.poll();
+//            IPhysicalVolume pv = upv.getPV();
+//            if (pv.getLogicalVolume().getNumberOfDaughters() == 0) {
+//                pvflat.add(upv);
+//            } else {
+//                for (IPhysicalVolume p : pv.getLogicalVolume().getDaughters()) {
+//                    pvtree.add(upv.createDaughterUniquePV(p));
+//                }
+//            }
+//        }
+//        return pvflat;
+//    }
+//	/**
+//	 * check i fan helix intersect with a given plan extending a faces ie don't
+//	 * check yet that the intersection is in the face
+//	 * @param hf
+//	 * @param faces
+//	 * @return true if the helix intersect with the list of faces
+//	 */
+//	private boolean intersectWithFaces(HelicalTrackFit hf, List<Polygon3D> faces){
+//		for(Polygon3D face: faces){
+//				Hep3Vector norm = face.getPlane().getNormal();
+//				List<Point3D> vertices = face.getVertices();
+//				Point3D vx = vertices.get(1);
+//				double zmin = vx.z();
+//				double zmax = vx.z();
+//				List<Hep3Vector> verticesx = new LinkedList<Hep3Vector>();
+//				for(Hep3Vector vert:vertices){
+//					zmin = Math.min(zmin, vert.z());
+//					zmax = Math.max(zmax, vert.z());
+//					verticesx.add(vert);
+//				}
+//				if(Math.abs(norm.z())>0.001){
+//					if(Math.abs(norm.z())<0.98) // deal with vector who should be parralel to z but arn't because of numerical issues
+//						{continue;}//System.out.println("skip z!=0 : "+norm.z()+" "+norm);
+//					if(HelixUtils.isInterceptingZpolygone(hf, zmax,verticesx))//here, z should be close from 1 or -1
+//						{return true;}//modifie that ...test for now
+//					else
+//						 {continue;}
+//				}
+//				else if(HelixUtils.isInterceptingBoundedXYPlane(hf, norm, verticesx))
+//					{return true;}
+//				}
+//			return false;
+//	}
+//	/**
+//	 * Check if an helix pass through an Unique PV by checking if the helix
+//	 * intersect at least one of it's faces
+//	 * For now it  takes an helix in input, but will soon only use HelicalFit
+//	 * @param he
+//	 * @param pv
+//	 * @return true if the helix intersect the Unique PV
+//	 */
+//	@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"})
+//	private boolean intersect(Helix he, UniquePV pv) {
+//		ISolid solid = pv.getSolid();
+//		HelicalTrackFit hf = HelixToHTF(he);
+//		List<Point3D> vtx;
+//		List<Hep3Vector> vtxx = new LinkedList<Hep3Vector>();
+//		//System.out.println(solid.getClass());
+//		if(solid instanceof Box||solid instanceof Trd||solid instanceof Trap)
+//			{
+//			AbstractPolyhedron box = (AbstractPolyhedron)solid;
+//			ITransform3D tr= pv.getLtoGTransform();
+//			List<Polygon3D> faces =box.getFaces();
+//			List<Polygon3D> facest = new LinkedList<Polygon3D>();
+//			for(Polygon3D fc : faces )
+//				{
+//				Polygon3D pl = fc.transformed(tr);
+//				facest.add(pl);
+//				for(Point3D vt : pl.getVertices())// to be albe do draw each face
+//				 {vtxx.add(vt.getHep3Vector());}
+//			}
+//			vtx = box.getVertices();
+//			//for(Point3D vt : vtx)
+//			//	 {vtxx.add(vt.transformed(tr));}
+//			faces.clear();
+//			faces=null;
+//			if(intersectWithFaces(hf,facest)){
+//				HelixPath hp = new HelixPath();
+//				//hp.setHepRepVertexOrdering(box.getHepRepVertexOrdering());
+//				int[] x = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23};
+//				hp.setHepRepVertexOrdering(x);
+//				hp.setVertices(vtxx);
+//				helixPath.add(hp);
+//				return true;
+//				}
+//			return false;
+//			}
+//		else if(solid instanceof Tube)
+//			{
+//			Tube tube = (Tube) solid;
+////			System.out.println("et un  de rayon "+tube.getInnerRadius());
+//            double z0 = pv.getLtoGTransform().getTranslation().z();
+//            double zmax = z0 + tube.getZHalfLength();
+//            double zmin = z0 - tube.getZHalfLength();
+//            double rmin = tube.getInnerRadius();
+//            double rmax = tube.getOuterRadius();
+//			ZDisk disque = new ZDisk(zmin,rmin,rmax);
+//			if(!(he.intersect(disque) instanceof IntersectionNone ))
+//				{
+//				if(!(HelixUtils.isInterceptingZDisk(hf, rmin, rmax, zmin))){
+//				System.out.println("disque zmin intersect in Helix, not in HelixUtil !"+he.intersect(disque).getClass());
+////				HelixUtils.rayInterceptingZDisk(hf, rmin, rmax, zmin);
+////				Hep3Vector pos = he.intersect(new ZDisk(zmin,0.,100000000.)).getPosition();
+////				System.out.println("Helix : "+Math.sqrt(pos.x()*pos.x()+pos.y()*pos.y()));
+//				//System.out.println("----");
+//				}
+//			}
+//			if(HelixUtils.isInterceptingZDisk(hf, rmin, rmax, zmin))
+//			{
+//				if((he.intersect(disque) instanceof IntersectionNone ))
+//					System.out.println("disque zmin intersect in HelixUtil, not in Helix !");
+//				return true;
+//			}
+//			disque = new ZDisk(zmax,rmin,rmax);
+//			if(HelixUtils.isInterceptingZDisk(hf, rmin, rmax, zmax))
+//			{
+//				if( (he.intersect(disque) instanceof IntersectionNone ))
+//					System.out.println("disque zmax intersect in HelixUtil, not in Helix !");
+//				return true;
+//			}
+//			if(HelixUtils.isInterceptingBoundedCylinder(hf, rmin, zmin, zmax)){
+//				return true;
+//				}
+//			else{
+//				//System.out.println("intercept nothing");
+//				return false;
+//			}
+//			//throw new UnsupportedOperationException("tube missed");
+//			}
+//		else if(solid instanceof Polycone)
+//			{
+//				throw new UnsupportedOperationException("polycone not yet implemented");
+//			}
+//			{
+//			System.out.println("Unknown :"+solid.getClass());
+//			//throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unknown form : "+solid.getClass());
+//			}
+//			return false;
+//		}
+//    private boolean isCylinder(double rmin, double rmax, double zmin, double zmax) {
+//        return (rmax - rmin) * Math.abs(zmax + zmin) < (zmax - zmin) * (rmax + rmin);
+//    }
+//	private HelicalTrackFit HelixToHTF(Helix he){
+//	 int dcaIndex = 0;
+//    int phi0Index = 1;
+//    int curvatureIndex = 2;
+//    int z0Index = 3;
+//    int slopeIndex = 4;
+//		double[] pars={he.getParameter(CRep.D0),
+//					   he.getParameter(CRep.PHI0),
+//					   he.getParameter(CRep.C),
+//					   he.getParameter(CRep.Z0),
+//					   he.getParameter(CRep.TAN_LAMBDA)};
+//        SymmetricMatrix cov = null;
+//        double[] _chisq = new double[2];
+//        double _nhchisq = 0.;
+//        int[] _ndf = new int[2];
+//        Map<HelicalTrackHit, Double> _smap = null;
+//        Map<HelicalTrackHit, MultipleScatter> _msmap = null;
+//		HelicalTrackFit helixFakeFit=new HelicalTrackFit(pars, cov,_chisq,_ndf,_smap,_msmap);
+//		return helixFakeFit;
+//										 //HelicalTrackFit(pars, cov,_chisq, _ndf,smap, Map<HelicalTrackHit, MultipleScatter> msmap)
+//	}
+//    /**
+//     * A "struct" holding geometry information about a single physical volume
+//     */
+//    class VolumeInfo {
+//        double rmax = 0.0;
+//        double rmin = 1.e10;
+//        double zmin = 1.e10;
+//        double zmax = -1.e10;
+//		double xmin = 1.e10;
+//        double xmax = -1.e10;
+//		double ymin = 1.e10;
+//        double ymax = -1.e10;
+//		double ox,oy,oz = 0;
+//		double size = 0;
+//    }
+//    /**
+//     * A UniquePV is a wrapper around IPhysicalVolumePath which provides
+//     * some convenience methods and caches transformations.
+//     */
+//    class UniquePV {
+//        IPhysicalVolumePath path;
+//        IPhysicalVolumeNavigator nav;
+//        ITransform3D transform = null;
+//        /**
+//         * Generates a top-level UniquePV.
+//         * @param root The top-level IPhysicalVolume
+//         * @param navigator The IPhysicalVolumeNavigator associated with the detector
+//         */
+//        public UniquePV(IPhysicalVolume root, IPhysicalVolumeNavigator navigator) {
+//            path = new PhysicalVolumePath();
+//            nav = navigator;
+//            path.add(root);
+//        }
+//        /**
+//         * Generates a UniquePV from a path. (Shallow copy of path)
+//         * @param path
+//         * @param navigator
+//         */
+//        public UniquePV(IPhysicalVolumePath path, IPhysicalVolumeNavigator navigator) {
+//            this.path = path;
+//            nav = navigator;
+//        }
+//        /**
+//         * Returns the IPhysicalVolume (the last element of the path)
+//         */
+//        public IPhysicalVolume getPV() {
+//            return path.getLeafVolume();
+//        }
+//        /**
+//         * Creates a UniquePV that is a daughter of the current UniquePV (deep copy made)
+//         * @param daughter
+//         * @return
+//         */
+//        public UniquePV createDaughterUniquePV(IPhysicalVolume daughter) {
+//            IPhysicalVolumePath np = new PhysicalVolumePath();
+//            np.addAll(path);
+//            np.add(daughter);
+//            return new UniquePV(np, nav);
+//        }
+//        /**
+//         * Transforms the given vector from local to global coords.
+//         * @param v the untransformed local Hep3Vector
+//         * @return the transformed global Hep3Vector
+//         */
+//        public Hep3Vector localToGlobal(Hep3Vector v) {
+//            return getLtoGTransform().transformed(v);
+//        }
+//        /**
+//         * Returns the solid associated with the physical volume.
+//         * @return
+//         */
+//        public ISolid getSolid() {
+//            return this.getPV().getLogicalVolume().getSolid();
+//        }
+//        /**
+//         * Returns the local-to-global transform
+//         * @return an ITransform3D from local coordinates to global coordinates.
+//         */
+//        public ITransform3D getLtoGTransform() {
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