

Commit in lcsim-contrib/src/main/java/org/lcsim/contrib/sATLAS/UTOPIA7 on MAIN 1.1 1.1 -> 1.2 -> 1.2
2 added + 2 modified, total 4 files
more changes to get UTOPIA7 configuration working

lcsim-contrib/src/main/java/org/lcsim/contrib/sATLAS/UTOPIA7 added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	20 Aug 2009 17:30:41 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package org.lcsim.contrib.sATLAS.UTOPIA7;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+ *
+ * @author mgraham
+ */
+public class sATLASAnalysis extends Driver {
+    public String tPlotsFile = "myTrackingPlots.aida";
+    TrackAnalysisDriver tad;
+    public sATLASAnalysis() {
+        tad = new TrackAnalysisDriver();
+        add(tad);
+    }
+    public void setTPlotsFile(String tPlotsFile) {
+        System.out.println("Will output plots to " + tPlotsFile);
+        tad.setOutputPlots(tPlotsFile);
+    }

lcsim-contrib/src/main/java/org/lcsim/contrib/sATLAS/UTOPIA7 added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	20 Aug 2009 17:30:41 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package org.lcsim.contrib.sATLAS.UTOPIA7;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.util.loop.LCIODriver;
+ *
+ * @author mgraham
+ */
+public class sATLASDigiAndReco extends Driver {
+    public String outputFile = "foobar.slcio";
+    public String oPlotsFile = "myOccupancyPlots.aida";
+    OccupancyDriver occ;
+    public sATLASDigiAndReco() {
+        add(new MakeSensorsDriver());
+        add(new TrackReconstructionDriver());
+        occ = new OccupancyDriver();
+        add(occ);
+    }
+    public void setOutputFile(String outputFile) {
+        System.out.println("Will output events to " + outputFile);
+        add(new LCIODriver(outputFile));
+    }
+    public void setOPlotsFile(String oPlotsFile) {
+        System.out.println("Will output plots to " + oPlotsFile);
+        occ.setOutputPlots(oPlotsFile);
+    }

lcsim-contrib/src/main/java/org/lcsim/contrib/sATLAS/UTOPIA7 1.1 -> 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
---	20 Aug 2009 05:06:59 -0000	1.1
+++	20 Aug 2009 17:30:41 -0000	1.2
@@ -7,12 +7,11 @@
 import java.util.logging.Level;
 import java.util.logging.Logger;
-import org.lcsim.contrib.mgraham.sATLASDigi.*;
+//import org.lcsim.contrib.mgraham.sATLASDigi.*;
 import hep.physics.matrix.SymmetricMatrix;
 import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector;
 import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
-import hep.physics.vec.VecOp;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
@@ -20,9 +19,9 @@
 import hep.aida.*;
 import java.util.Set;
-//import org.lcsim.contrib.Partridge.TrackingTest.FindableTrack.Ignore;
-//import org.lcsim.contrib.Partridge.TrackingTest.TrackAnalysis;
-import org.lcsim.detector.IDetectorElement;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.sATLAS.FindableTrack;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.sATLAS.TrackAnalysis;
 import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
 import org.lcsim.event.LCRelation;
 import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
@@ -31,19 +30,12 @@
 import org.lcsim.event.RawTrackerHit;
 import org.lcsim.event.SimTrackerHit;
 import org.lcsim.event.base.BaseRelationalTable;
 import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.digitization.sisim.SiTrackerHitPixel;
 import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.digitization.sisim.SiTrackerHitStrip1D;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.seedtracker.SeedCandidate;
 import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.seedtracker.SeedStrategy;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.seedtracker.SeedTrack;
 import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.seedtracker.StrategyXMLUtils;
 import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
 import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
@@ -55,80 +47,70 @@
 public class TrackAnalysisDriver extends Driver {
     private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
-    private IHistogram1D pTeff1;
-    private IHistogram1D pTeff2;
-    private IHistogram1D thetaeff;
-    private IHistogram1D ctheff;
-    private IHistogram1D etaeff;
-    private IHistogram1D d0eff1;
-    private IHistogram1D z0eff1;
-    private IHistogram1D z0eff2;
-    private IHistogram1D pTeff1Findable;
-    private IHistogram1D pTeff2Findable;
-    private IHistogram1D thetaeffFindable;
-    private IHistogram1D ctheffFindable;
-    private IHistogram1D etaeffFindable;
-    private IHistogram1D d0eff1Findable;
-    private IHistogram1D d0eff2Findable;
-    private IHistogram1D z0eff1Findable;
-    private IHistogram1D z0eff2Findable;
+    private IProfile1D pTeff1;
+    private IProfile1D pTeff2;
+    private IProfile1D thetaeff;
+    private IProfile1D ctheff;
+    private IProfile1D etaeff;
+    private IProfile1D d0eff1;
+    private IProfile1D z0eff1;
+    private IProfile1D z0eff2;
+    private IProfile1D pTeff1Findable;
+    private IProfile1D pTeff2Findable;
+    private IProfile1D thetaeffFindable;
+    private IProfile1D ctheffFindable;
+    private IProfile1D etaeffFindable;
+    private IProfile1D d0eff1Findable;
+    private IProfile1D d0eff2Findable;
+    private IProfile1D z0eff1Findable;
+    private IProfile1D z0eff2Findable;
     private IHistogram1D fakes;
     private IHistogram1D nfakes;
-    private IHistogram1D etafake;
+    private IProfile1D etafake;
     public String outputPlots = "myplots.aida";
     Map<String, IProfile1D> clsizeMap = new HashMap<String, IProfile1D>();
 //    String[] detNames = {"VtxPixelBarrel", "VtxPixelEndcap", "SCTShortBarrel", "SCTLongBarrel", "SCTShortEndcap", "SCTLongEndcap"};
-      String[] detNames = {"VtxPixelBarrel", "VtxPixelEndcap", "SCTShortBarrel", "SCTLongBarrel", "SCTEndcap", };
+    String[] detNames = {"VtxPixelBarrel", "VtxPixelEndcap", "SCTShortBarrel", "SCTLongBarrel", "SCTEndcap",};
 //    Integer[] nlayers = {4, 6, 3, 2, 5, 5};
-        Integer[] nlayers = {4, 6, 3, 2, 5};
+    Integer[] nlayers = {4, 6, 3, 2, 5};
     int trk_count = 0;
     int nevt = 0;
     int _nmcTrk = 0;
     double _nrecTrk = 0;
-    IAnalysisFactory af = IAnalysisFactory.create();
-    ITree tree = af.createTreeFactory().create();
-    ITupleFactory tf = af.createTupleFactory(tree);
-    String columnString = "int ievt=0 , nMCPart=0; ITuple MCInfo={double pXMC=0,  pYMC=0,  pXMC=0};";
-    ITuple tuple = tf.create("tuple", "MyNtpule", columnString);
+    double ptTrkCut = 1.0; //GeV
+    double d0TrkCut = 2.0; //mm
+    double z0TrkCut = 200.0; //mm
+    double etaTrkCut = 2.5;
+    double etaBarrel = 0.97;
+    double etaBarrPixECStrips=1.5;
     public TrackAnalysisDriver() {
         //  Define the efficiency histograms
         IHistogramFactory hf = aida.histogramFactory();
-        pTeff1 = hf.createHistogram1D("Efficiency vs pT", "", 100, 0., 5., "type=efficiency");
-        pTeff2 = hf.createHistogram1D("Efficiency vs pT full", "", 100, 0., 50., "type=efficiency");
-        thetaeff = hf.createHistogram1D("Efficiency vs theta", "", 72, 0., 180., "type=efficiency");
-        ctheff = hf.createHistogram1D("Efficiency vs cos(theta)", "", 50, -1., 1., "type=efficiency");
-        etaeff = hf.createHistogram1D("Efficiency vs eta", "", 50, -2.5, 2.5, "type=efficiency");
-        d0eff1 = hf.createHistogram1D("Efficiency vs d0", "", 50, -2., 2., "type=efficiency");
-        z0eff1 = hf.createHistogram1D("Efficiency vs z0", "", 50, -50., 50., "type=efficiency");
-        z0eff2 = hf.createHistogram1D("Efficiency vs z0 full", "", 50, -200., 200., "type=efficiency");
-        pTeff1Findable = hf.createHistogram1D("Findable Efficiency vs pT", "", 100, 0., 5., "type=efficiency");
-        pTeff2Findable = hf.createHistogram1D("Findable Efficiency vs pT full", "", 100, 0., 50., "type=efficiency");
-        thetaeffFindable = hf.createHistogram1D("Findable Efficiency vs theta", "", 72, 0., 180., "type=efficiency");
-        ctheffFindable = hf.createHistogram1D("Findable Efficiency vs cos(theta)", "", 50, -1., 1., "type=efficiency");
-        etaeffFindable = hf.createHistogram1D("Findable Efficiency vs eta", "", 50, -2.5, 2.5, "type=efficiency");
-        d0eff1Findable = hf.createHistogram1D("Findable Efficiency vs d0", "", 50, -0.5, 0.5, "type=efficiency");
-        d0eff2Findable = hf.createHistogram1D("Findable Efficiency vs d0 full", "", 50, -5., 5., "type=efficiency");
-        z0eff1Findable = hf.createHistogram1D("Findable Efficiency vs z0", "", 50, -50., 50., "type=efficiency");
-        z0eff2Findable = hf.createHistogram1D("Findable Efficiency vs z0 full", "", 50, -200., 200., "type=efficiency");
+        pTeff1 = hf.createProfile1D("Efficiency vs pT", "", 100, 0., 5.);
+        pTeff2 = hf.createProfile1D("Efficiency vs pT full", "", 100, 0., 50.);
+        thetaeff = hf.createProfile1D("Efficiency vs theta", "", 72, 0., 180.);
+        ctheff = hf.createProfile1D("Efficiency vs cos(theta)", "", 50, -1., 1.);
+        etaeff = hf.createProfile1D("Efficiency vs eta", "", 50, -2.5, 2.5);
+        d0eff1 = hf.createProfile1D("Efficiency vs d0", "", 50, -2., 2.);
+        z0eff1 = hf.createProfile1D("Efficiency vs z0", "", 50, -50., 50.);
+        z0eff2 = hf.createProfile1D("Efficiency vs z0 full", "", 50, -200., 200.);
+        pTeff1Findable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs pT", "", 100, 0., 5.);
+        pTeff2Findable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs pT full", "", 100, 0., 50.);
+        thetaeffFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs theta", "", 72, 0., 180.);
+        ctheffFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs cos(theta)", "", 50, -1., 1.);
+        etaeffFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs eta", "", 50, -2.5, 2.5);
+        d0eff1Findable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs d0", "", 50, -0.5, 0.5);
+        d0eff2Findable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs d0 full", "", 50, -5., 5.);
+        z0eff1Findable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs z0", "", 50, -50., 50.);
+        z0eff2Findable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs z0 full", "", 50, -200., 200.);
         fakes = hf.createHistogram1D("Number of mis-matched hits (unnormalized)", "", 10, 0., 10.);
         nfakes = hf.createHistogram1D("Number of mis-matched hits (normalized)", "", 10, 0., 10.);
-        etafake = hf.createHistogram1D("Fake rate vs eta", "", 50, -2.5, 2.5, "type=efficiency");
-        int i, j;
-//        for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
-        for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
-            for (j = 0; j < nlayers[i]; j++) {
-                int laynum = j + 1;
-                String profname = detNames[i] + "_layer" + laynum + " cluster size vs eta";
-                String key = detNames[i] + "_layer" + laynum;
-                clsizeMap.put(key, hf.createProfile1D(profname, 25, -2.5, 2.5));
-            }
-        }
+        etafake = hf.createProfile1D("Fake rate vs eta", "", 50, -2.5, 2.5);
@@ -148,7 +130,7 @@
         // dump SThit information
 //        String[] input_hit_collections = {"VtxBarrHits", "VtxEndcapHits", "SCTShortBarrHits", "SCTLongBarrHits", "SCTShortEndcapHits", "SCTLongEndcapHits"};
-         String[] input_hit_collections = {"VtxBarrHits", "VtxEndcapHits", "SCTShortBarrHits", "SCTLongBarrHits", "SCTEndcapHits"};
+        String[] input_hit_collections = {"VtxBarrHits", "VtxEndcapHits", "SCTShortBarrHits", "SCTLongBarrHits", "SCTEndcapHits"};
         for (String input : input_hit_collections) {
             List<SimTrackerHit> sthits = event.getSimTrackerHits(input);
             int[] nhits = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
@@ -183,101 +165,6 @@
         List<RawTrackerHit> rawHits = event.get(RawTrackerHit.class, "RawTrackerHitMaker_RawTrackerHits");
         List<HelicalTrackHit> hthits = event.get(HelicalTrackHit.class, "HelicalTrackHits");
-        Map<String, Integer> occupancyMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
-        for (RawTrackerHit rh : rawHits) {
-            IDetectorElement rhDetE = rh.getDetectorElement();
-            String rhDetName = rhDetE.getName();
-//          System.out.println(rhDetName);
-            int rhLayer = rh.getLayerNumber();
-//            String[] shortrhDetName=rhDetName.split("^[A-Z]+_layer[0-9]");
-            for (String myname : detNames) {
-                if (rhDetName.contains(myname)) {
-                    String detlayer = myname + "_" + rhLayer;
-                    Integer myint = occupancyMap.get(detlayer);
-                    if (myint == null) {
-                        myint = 1;
-                    }
-                    myint++;
-                    occupancyMap.put(detlayer, myint);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        Set<String> mykeyset = (Set<String>) occupancyMap.keySet();
-        for (String keys : mykeyset) {
-            aida.cloud1D(occDir + keys + " # of hits").fill(occupancyMap.get(keys));
-        }
-        int detNum = 0;
-        int layerNum = 0;
-        for (SiTrackerHitPixel stripCluster : pixelHits) {
-            //System.out.println("Number of pixels:  "+stripCluster.getReadoutElectrodes().getNCells());
-            stripCluster.getSensor().getReadout().getHits(RawTrackerHit.class); //gets all hits on sensor
-            Hep3Vector strCluPos = stripCluster.getPositionAsVector();
-            double rHit = Math.sqrt(strCluPos.x() * strCluPos.x() + strCluPos.y() * strCluPos.y());
-            double zHit = strCluPos.z();
-            double etaHit = -Math.log(Math.tan(Math.atan2(rHit, zHit) / 2));
-            List<RawTrackerHit> rthList = stripCluster.getRawHits();
-            int nhits = rthList.size();
-            //System.out.println("Number of rawhits:  "+nhits);
-            String detlayer = "Foobar";
-            for (RawTrackerHit rth : rthList) {
-                IDetectorElement rhDetE = rth.getDetectorElement();
-                String rhDetName = rhDetE.getName();
-//                System.out.println(rhDetName);
-                int rhLayer = rth.getLayerNumber();
-                String[] detLayerName = rhDetName.split("_module");
-//                System.out.println(detLayerName[0]);
-                for (String myname : detNames) {
-                    if (rhDetName.contains(myname)) {
-                        detlayer = myname + "_layer" + rhLayer;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-//            System.out.println(detlayer);
-            clsizeMap.get(detlayer).fill(etaHit, nhits);
-            aida.cloud1D(occDir + detlayer + " cluster size").fill(nhits);
-//            ClusterSize[detNum][layerNum].fill(etaHit, nhits);
-        }
-        for (SiTrackerHitStrip1D stripCluster : stripHits) {
-            Hep3Vector strCluPos = stripCluster.getPositionAsVector();
-            double rHit = Math.sqrt(strCluPos.x() * strCluPos.x() + strCluPos.y() * strCluPos.y());
-            double zHit = strCluPos.z();
-            double etaHit = -Math.log(Math.tan(Math.atan2(rHit, zHit) / 2));
-            List<RawTrackerHit> rthList = stripCluster.getRawHits();
-            int nhits = rthList.size();
-            String detlayer = "Foobar";
-            for (RawTrackerHit rth : rthList) {
-                IDetectorElement rhDetE = rth.getDetectorElement();
-                String rhDetName = rhDetE.getName();
-                int rhLayer = rth.getLayerNumber();
-                for (String myname : detNames) {
-                    if (rhDetName.contains(myname)) {
-                        detlayer = myname + "_layer" + rhLayer;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-//               System.out.println(detlayer);
-            clsizeMap.get(detlayer).fill(etaHit, nhits);
-            aida.cloud1D(occDir + detlayer + " cluster size").fill(nhits);
-        }
-        for (HelicalTrackHit HelTrHit : hthits) {
-        }
-        //  Get the list of strategies being used
-//        String sfile = "autogen_ttbar_sid02_vs.xml";
-//        List<SeedStrategy> slist = StrategyXMLUtils.getStrategyListFromResource(
-//                StrategyXMLUtils.getDefaultStrategiesPrefix() + sfile);
-//        String sfile = StrategyXMLUtils.getDefaultStrategiesPrefix() + "sATLASFull-JeffMarch26.xml";
-//        String sfile = StrategyXMLUtils.getDefaultStrategiesPrefix() + "sATLASFull-Simple.xml";
         String sfile = StrategyXMLUtils.getDefaultStrategiesPrefix() + "sATLASFull-UTOPIA7.xml";
         List<SeedStrategy> slist = StrategyXMLUtils.getStrategyListFromResource(sfile);
@@ -317,135 +204,6 @@
             double d0 = track.getTrackParameter(HelicalTrackFit.dcaIndex);
             double z0 = track.getTrackParameter(HelicalTrackFit.z0Index);
-            SeedTrack st = (SeedTrack) track;
-            SeedCandidate seed = st.getSeedCandidate();
-            HelicalTrackFit helixTrack = seed.getHelix();
-            double[] chisq = helixTrack.chisq();
-            double nhchisq = helixTrack.nhchisq();
-            aida.cloud1D(debugDir + "Track Chi2-Circle Fit").fill(chisq[0]);
-            aida.cloud1D(debugDir + "Track Chi2-RZ Fit").fill(chisq[1]);
-            aida.cloud1D(debugDir + "NH Track Chi2").fill(nhchisq);
-            if (nhchisq != 0) {
-                aida.cloud1D(debugDir + "NH!=0  Track Chi2-Circle Fit").fill(chisq[0]);
-                aida.cloud1D(debugDir + "NH!=0  Track Chi2-RZ Fit").fill(chisq[1]);
-            }
-            List<HelicalTrackHit> hitlist = seed.getHits();
-            for (HelicalTrackHit hit : hitlist) {
-                int nhits = hit.getRawHits().size();
-                aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + " nHits").fill(nhits);
-                Hep3Vector HTHPos = hit.getCorrectedPosition();
-                double rHit = Math.sqrt(HTHPos.x() * HTHPos.x() + HTHPos.y() * HTHPos.y());
-                double zHit = HTHPos.z();
-                double etaHit = -Math.log(Math.tan(Math.atan2(rHit, zHit) / 2));
-                //                System.out.println("Looping over hit in " + hit.Detector());
-                double hitchisq = hit.chisq();
-                double s = helixTrack.PathMap().get(hit);
-                Hep3Vector posonhelix = HelixUtils.PointOnHelix(helixTrack, s);
-                if (hit instanceof HelicalTrackCross) {
-                    HelicalTrackCross cross = (HelicalTrackCross) hit;
-                    TrackDirection trkdir = HelixUtils.CalculateTrackDirection(helixTrack, s);
-                    cross.setTrackDirection(trkdir, helixTrack.covariance());
-                    List<HelicalTrackStrip> clusterlist = cross.getStrips();
-                    double du_stereo = 0;
-                    double du_axial = 0;
-                    for (HelicalTrackStrip cluster : clusterlist) {
-                        int nstrips = cluster.rawhits().size();
-                        aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + " nStrips-per-layer").fill(nstrips);
-                        Hep3Vector corigin = cluster.origin();
-                        Hep3Vector u = cluster.u();
-                        List<RawTrackerHit> rawhits = cluster.rawhits();
-                        double umc = -999999;
-                        double stenergy = -999999;
-                        String stripdir = "axial";
-                        double umeas = cluster.umeas();
-                        double umeasErr = cluster.du();
-                        double charge = cluster.dEdx();
-                        double layer = cluster.layer();
-                        for (RawTrackerHit rhit : rawhits) {
-                            String deName = rhit.getDetectorElement().getName();
-                            if (deName.contains("sensor1")) {
-                                stripdir = "stereo";
-                            }
-                            //                           System.out.println("Layer number  " + rhit.getLayerNumber() + "  " + deName);
-                            List<SimTrackerHit> sthits = rhit.getSimTrackerHits();
-                            int nsthits = sthits.size();
-                            aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + " associated ST hits").fill(nsthits);
-                            aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + " layer" + stripdir + " associated ST hits").fill(nsthits);
-                            if (nsthits == 1) {
-                                double[] sthitD = sthits.get(0).getPoint();
-                                BasicHep3Vector sthit = new BasicHep3Vector(sthitD);
-                                stenergy = sthits.get(0).getdEdx();
-                                Hep3Vector vdiff = VecOp.sub(sthit, corigin);
-                                umc =, u);
-                            }
-                        }
-                        //                        System.out.println("filling...");
-                        if (umc != -999999) {
-                            aida.cloud2D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + "cluster vs STHit dedx").fill(stenergy, charge);
-                            aida.cloud2D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + "cluster dedx vs delte(u)").fill(umeas - umc, charge);
-                            if (stripdir.contains("stereo")) {
-                                du_stereo = umeas - umc;
-                            }
-                            if (stripdir.contains("axial")) {
-                                du_axial = umeas - umc;
-                            }
-                            aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + "layer=" + stripdir + " delta(u)").fill(umeas - umc);
-                            aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + " delta(u)").fill(umeas - umc);
-                            aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + " delta(u) Error").fill(umeasErr);
-                            if (nstrips == 1) {
-                                aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + "layer=" + stripdir + " delta(u)--1 strip").fill(umeas - umc);
-                                aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + " delta(u)--1 strip").fill(umeas - umc);
-                                aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + " delta(u) Error--1 strip").fill(umeasErr);
-                            }
-                            if (nstrips == 2) {
-                                aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + "layer=" + stripdir + " delta(u)--2 strip").fill(umeas - umc);
-                                aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + " delta(u)--2 strip").fill(umeas - umc);
-                                aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + " delta(u) Error--2 strip").fill(umeasErr);
-                            }
-                            if (nstrips == 3) {
-                                aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + "layer=" + stripdir + " delta(u)--3 strip").fill(umeas - umc);
-                                aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + " delta(u)--3 strip").fill(umeas - umc);
-                                aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + " delta(u) Error--3 strip").fill(umeasErr);
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    aida.cloud2D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + " delta(u) stereo v axial").fill(du_stereo, du_axial);
-                }
-                MultipleScatter ms = seed.getMSMap().get(hit);
-                double msphi = ms.drphi();
-                double msz =;
-                Hep3Vector hitpos = hit.getCorrectedPosition();
-                SymmetricMatrix cov = hit.getCorrectedCovMatrix();
-                //                double rHit = getr(hitpos.x(), hitpos.y());
-                //                double rHel = getr(posonhelix.x(), posonhelix.y());
-                //                double phiHet = getphi(hitpos.x(), hitpos.y());
-                //                double phiHel = getr(posonhelix.x(), posonhelix.y());
-                double dxdy = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(hitpos.x() - posonhelix.x(), 2) + Math.pow(hitpos.y() - posonhelix.y(), 2));
-                double dxdyErr = getdxdyErr(hitpos, posonhelix, cov);
-                double dz = posonhelix.z() - hitpos.z();
-                double dzErr = Math.sqrt(cov.e(2, 2));
-                aida.cloud1D(resDir + hit.Detector() + " dxdy").fill(dxdy);
-                aida.cloud1D(resDir + hit.Detector() + " dz").fill(dz);
-                aida.cloud1D(resDir + hit.Detector() + " dxdy Pull").fill(dxdy / dxdyErr);
-                aida.cloud1D(resDir + hit.Detector() + " dz Pull").fill(dz / dzErr);
-                aida.cloud2D(resDir + hit.Detector() + " dz vs hit z").fill(hitpos.z(), dz);
-                aida.cloud2D(resDir + hit.Detector() + " dz Pull vs hit z").fill(hitpos.z(), dz / dzErr);                
-                if (Math.abs(dz) > 4) {
-                    aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + "Bad dz--nHits").fill(nhits);
-                }
-                aida.cloud1D(debugDir + "NH Chi2 for Hits on Track").fill(hitchisq);
-            }
             //  Analyze the hits on the track
             TrackAnalysis tkanal = new TrackAnalysis(track, hittomc);
@@ -653,10 +411,7 @@
 //        make the true efficiency plots
-            double ptTrkCut = 1.0; //GeV
-            double d0TrkCut = 2.0; //mm
-            double z0TrkCut = 200.0; //mm
-            double etaTrkCut = 2.5;
 //            System.out.println("Final Stat Part? "+mcp.FINAL_STATE+"; pt = "+pt+"; d0 = "+d0);
             if (pt > ptTrkCut && mcp.getGeneratorStatus() == mcp.FINAL_STATE && Math.abs(d0) < d0TrkCut && Math.abs(eta) < etaTrkCut && Math.abs(z0) < z0TrkCut) {
                 double wgt = 0.0;

lcsim-contrib/src/main/java/org/lcsim/contrib/sATLAS/UTOPIA7 1.1 -> 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
---	20 Aug 2009 05:06:59 -0000	1.1
+++	20 Aug 2009 17:30:41 -0000	1.2
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@
-        _process_paths.add("SCTShortEndcap");
-        _process_paths.add("SCTLongEndcap");
+//        _process_paths.add("SCTShortEndcap");
+//        _process_paths.add("SCTLongEndcap");
+        _process_paths.add("SCTEndcap");
         //  Define the efficiency histograms
         _hf = aida.histogramFactory();
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
         //  Increment the event counter
-        System.out.println("B: "+event.getDetector().getFieldMap().getField(new BasicHep3Vector(0., 0.,0.)));
+//        System.out.println("B: " + event.getDetector().getFieldMap().getField(new BasicHep3Vector(0., 0., 0.)));
         ReadoutChip chip = new GenericReadoutChip();
@@ -78,10 +78,10 @@
         for (SiSensor sensor : _process_sensors) {
             SiSensorElectrodes electrodes = sensor.getReadoutElectrodes(ChargeCarrier.HOLE);
-            if(sensor.hasPixels()){
+            if (sensor.hasPixels()) {
 //                System.out.println("Found some pixels");
                 electrodes = sensor.getReadoutElectrodes(ChargeCarrier.ELECTRON);
-            } else{
+            } else {
 //                System.out.println(" strips");
             int nchan = electrodes.getNCells();
@@ -92,20 +92,20 @@
             int nhits = raw_hits.size();
             hittot += nhits;
             Set<SimTrackerHit> simhits = new HashSet<SimTrackerHit>();
+            /*
             for (RawTrackerHit hit : raw_hits) {
-                double charge = chip.decodeCharge(hit);
-                aida.histogram1D("Hit charge", 100, 0., 100000.).fill(charge);
-                aida.cloud1D("Number of SimTrackerHits per raw hit").fill(hit.getSimTrackerHits().size());
-                double energy = 0.;
-                for (SimTrackerHit shit : hit.getSimTrackerHits()) {
-                    simhits.add(shit);
-                    energy += 1000 * shit.getdEdx();
-                }
-                aida.histogram1D("SimTrackerHit energy", 100, 0., 10.).fill(energy);
-//                aida.cloud2D("charge vs SimTrackerHit energy").fill(charge, energy);
+            double charge = chip.decodeCharge(hit);
+            aida.histogram1D("Hit charge", 100, 0., 100000.).fill(charge);
+            aida.cloud1D("Number of SimTrackerHits per raw hit").fill(hit.getSimTrackerHits().size());
+            double energy = 0.;
+            for (SimTrackerHit shit : hit.getSimTrackerHits()) {
+            simhits.add(shit);
+            energy += 1000 * shit.getdEdx();
+            }
+            aida.histogram1D("SimTrackerHit energy", 100, 0., 10.).fill(energy);
+            //                aida.cloud2D("charge vs SimTrackerHit energy").fill(charge, energy);
+             */
             double occ = 4. * ((double) nhits) / ((double) nchan);
 //              double occ =  ((double) nhits) / ((double) nchan);
@@ -121,75 +121,77 @@
             int zi = 2 * ((int) Math.round(Math.abs(z) / 20));
             boolean barrel = !sensor.getName().toUpperCase().contains("ENDCAP");
-            if (!barrel) continue;
+            if (!barrel) {
+                continue;
+            }
             String identifier;
-             String identifier2;
+            String identifier2;
             if (barrel) {
                 identifier = "Barrel at r = " + ri;
-                  identifier2= "Barrel vs r";
+                identifier2 = "Barrel vs r";
             } else {
                 identifier = "Endcap at z = " + zi;
                 identifier2 = "Endcap vs z";
             if (!occMap.containsKey(identifier)) {
-                occMap.put(identifier, _hf.createProfile1D(identifier, 50, 0., 120.));                
+                occMap.put(identifier, _hf.createProfile1D(identifier, 50, 0., 120.));
+            }
+            if (!occMap.containsKey(identifier2)) {
+                occMap.put(identifier2, _hf.createProfile1D(identifier2, 50, 0., 120.));
-             if (!occMap.containsKey(identifier2)) {
-             occMap.put(identifier2, _hf.createProfile1D(identifier2, 50, 0., 120.));
-             }
             if (barrel) {
                 occMap.get(identifier).fill(zi, occ);
                 occMap.get(identifier2).fill(ri, occ);
             } else {
                 occMap.get(identifier).fill(ri, occ);
-                 occMap.get(identifier2).fill(zi, occ);
+                occMap.get(identifier2).fill(zi, occ);
         System.out.println("Total number of hit channels: " + hittot);
+        /*
         List<List<SimTrackerHit>> simall =
-                (List<List<SimTrackerHit>>) event.get(SimTrackerHit.class);
+        (List<List<SimTrackerHit>>) event.get(SimTrackerHit.class);
         for (List<SimTrackerHit> simcol : simall) {
-            for (SimTrackerHit hit : simcol) {
-                IDetectorElement de = hit.getDetectorElement();
-                Hep3Vector pos = hit.getPositionVec();
-                double x = pos.x();
-                double y = pos.y();
-                double z = pos.z();
-                double r = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
-                Hep3Vector p = hit.getMCParticle().getMomentum();
-                double px = p.x();
-                double py = p.y();
-                double pz = p.z();
-                double pr = Math.sqrt(px * px + py * py);
-                double eta = -Math.log(Math.tan(0.5 * Math.atan2(pr, pz)));
-                String detname = hit.getSubdetector().getName();
-                int layer = hit.getLayer();
-                aida.histogram1D("MC eta for Layer " + detname + layer, 50, -2.5, 2.5).fill(eta);
-                aida.histogram1D("SimTracker Hi z for Layer " + detname + layer, 50, -120., 120.).fill(z / 10);
-//                de.
-            }
+        for (SimTrackerHit hit : simcol) {
+        IDetectorElement de = hit.getDetectorElement();
+        Hep3Vector pos = hit.getPositionVec();
+        double x = pos.x();
+        double y = pos.y();
+        double z = pos.z();
+        double r = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
+        Hep3Vector p = hit.getMCParticle().getMomentum();
+        double px = p.x();
+        double py = p.y();
+        double pz = p.z();
+        double pr = Math.sqrt(px * px + py * py);
+        double eta = -Math.log(Math.tan(0.5 * Math.atan2(pr, pz)));
+        String detname = hit.getSubdetector().getName();
+        int layer = hit.getLayer();
+        aida.histogram1D("MC eta for Layer " + detname + layer, 50, -2.5, 2.5).fill(eta);
+        aida.histogram1D("SimTracker Hi z for Layer " + detname + layer, 50, -120., 120.).fill(z / 10);
+        //                de.
+        }
         for (MCParticle mcp : event.getMCParticles()) {
-            if (mcp.getCharge() == 0) continue;
-            Hep3Vector p = mcp.getMomentum();
-            double px = p.x();
-            double py = p.y();
-            double pz = p.z();
-            double pr = Math.sqrt(px * px + py * py);
-            double eta = -Math.log(Math.tan(0.5 * Math.atan2(pr, pz)));
-            if (mcp.getGeneratorStatus() == mcp.FINAL_STATE) {
-                aida.histogram1D("MCP eta - final state",50,-2.5, 2.5).fill(eta);
-            }
-            if (mcp.getSimulatorStatus().isCreatedInSimulation()) {
-                aida.histogram1D("MCP eta - created in simulation",50, -2.5, 2.5).fill(eta);
-            }
+        if (mcp.getCharge() == 0) continue;
+        Hep3Vector p = mcp.getMomentum();
+        double px = p.x();
+        double py = p.y();
+        double pz = p.z();
+        double pr = Math.sqrt(px * px + py * py);
+        double eta = -Math.log(Math.tan(0.5 * Math.atan2(pr, pz)));
+        if (mcp.getGeneratorStatus() == mcp.FINAL_STATE) {
+        aida.histogram1D("MCP eta - final state",50,-2.5, 2.5).fill(eta);
+        }
+        if (mcp.getSimulatorStatus().isCreatedInSimulation()) {
+        aida.histogram1D("MCP eta - created in simulation",50, -2.5, 2.5).fill(eta);
+        }
+         */
@@ -208,12 +210,12 @@
     public void detectorChanged(Detector detector) {
-        System.out.println("In Occupancy Driver :  "+detector.getName());
+        System.out.println("In Occupancy Driver :  " + detector.getName());
         // Process detectors specified by path, otherwise process entire detector
         IDetectorElement detector_de = detector.getDetectorElement();
-        System.out.println("In Occupancy Driver : detector_de = "+detector_de.getName());
+        System.out.println("In Occupancy Driver : detector_de = " + detector_de.getName());
         for (String de_path : _process_paths) {
CVSspam 0.2.8