

Commit in lcsim-contrib/src/main/java/org/lcsim/contrib/SteveMagill on MAIN 1.1

lcsim-contrib/src/main/java/org/lcsim/contrib/SteveMagill added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	12 Aug 2009 18:35:07 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+package org.lcsim.contrib.SteveMagill;
+//  Takes a cluster list and determines the best option for pointing of each
+//  cluster.  In this case, clusters are grouped according to whether they
+//  point at the IP, the IL Spacepoint of a track mip match, or neither.  Later,
+//  tests may be added to determine if clusters point to other clusters.
+//  input : calorimeter clusters
+//  output : separated cluster lists with pointing properties
+import java.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.event.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.*;
+import hep.aida.*;
+import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
+import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector;
+import hep.physics.vec.VecOp;
+import org.lcsim.spacegeom.*;
+public class ClPointDriver extends Driver
+    ITree tree;
+    IHistogramFactory histogramFactory;
+    IAnalysisFactory analysisFactory = IAnalysisFactory.create();
+    private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+    private double _mindIP;
+    private double _mindILSP;
+    private double _mindcl;
+    private String _clustername;
+    private String[] _oclnames;
+    private boolean clpdb = false;
+    public ClPointDriver(double mindIP, double mindILSP, double mindcl)
+    {
+        //  add arguments if needed
+        _mindIP = mindIP;  // minimum distance at IP
+        _mindILSP = mindILSP;  // minimum distance at IL SP
+        _mindcl = mindcl;  // minimum distance for IP PhoTrack def
+    }
+    protected void process(EventHeader event)
+    {
+        super.process(event);  // executes all added drivers
+        //  get cluster list from event
+        List<BasicCluster> clusters = event.get(BasicCluster.class,_clustername);
+        //  create lists of clusters with common pointing
+        List<BasicCluster> IPclus = new ArrayList<BasicCluster>();  // points at IP
+        List<BasicCluster> ILSPclus = new ArrayList<BasicCluster>(); // points at ILSP
+        List<BasicCluster> NPclus = new ArrayList<BasicCluster>();  // no pointing
+        // Get maps linking IL and mip clusters to tracks, tracks linked to SpacePoints
+        Map<Track, BasicCluster> trmipmap = (Map<Track, BasicCluster>) event.get("TrackMipMap");
+        Map<Track, SpacePoint> trilmap = (Map<Track, SpacePoint>) event.get("TrackILPosMap");
+        // Make a new map linking ILSP clusters to tracks
+        Map<Track, BasicCluster> trclmap = new HashMap<Track, BasicCluster>();
+        Map<BasicCluster, Track> cltrmap = new HashMap<BasicCluster, Track>();
+        //  loop over all clusters, determining pointing properties
+        for (BasicCluster clus : clusters)
+        {
+            int clindex = 0;
+            //  first, make sure this cluster has enough hits, if not, put in 
+            //  nopoint list must be at least 4 hits 
+            if (clus.getCalorimeterHits().size()>3)
+            {
+                //  continue with analysis, get this cluster's position, Ith, Iph
+                //  make into vector of x,y,z
+                double[] clpos = clus.getPosition();
+                double clrxyz = Math.sqrt(clpos[0]*clpos[0]+clpos[1]*clpos[1]+clpos[2]*clpos[2]);
+                double thdir = clus.getITheta();
+                if (thdir<0) thdir+=Math.PI;
+                double phdir = clus.getIPhi();
+                if (phdir<0) phdir+=2*Math.PI;
+                double[] clvec = new double[3];
+                clvec[0] = clrxyz*Math.sin(thdir)*Math.cos(phdir);
+                clvec[1] = clrxyz*Math.sin(thdir)*Math.sin(phdir);
+                clvec[2] = clrxyz*Math.cos(thdir);
+                aida.cloud1D("Cluster ITheta").fill(thdir);  // should be 0 to pi
+                aida.cloud1D("Cluster IPhi").fill(phdir);  // should be 0 to 2pi
+                //  also get IP direction vector using cluster position
+                double IPph = Math.atan2(clpos[1],clpos[0]);
+                if (IPph<0) IPph+=2*Math.PI;
+                double ccr = Math.sqrt(clpos[0]*clpos[0]+clpos[1]*clpos[1]);
+                double IPth = Math.atan(ccr/clpos[2]);
+                if (IPth<0) IPth+=Math.PI;
+                aida.cloud1D("IP dir Theta").fill(IPth);
+                aida.cloud1D("IP dir Phi").fill(IPph);
+                double[] ipvec = new double[3];
+                ipvec[0] = clpos[0];
+                ipvec[1] = clpos[1];
+                ipvec[2] = clpos[2];
+                double dth = Math.abs(thdir-IPth);
+                aida.cloud1D("Diff Ith IPth").fill(dth);
+                double dph = Math.abs(phdir-IPph);
+                if (dph>Math.PI) dph = 2*Math.PI-dph;
+                aida.cloud1D("Diff Iph IPph").fill(dph);
+                aida.cloud2D("Diff theta phi").fill(dph,dth);
+                double dthph = Math.sqrt(dth*dth+dph*dph);
+                aida.cloud1D("Diff dthph").fill(dthph);
+                double magcl = Math.sqrt(clvec[0]*clvec[0]+clvec[1]*clvec[1]+clvec[2]*clvec[2]);
+                double magip = Math.sqrt(ipvec[0]*ipvec[0]+ipvec[1]*ipvec[1]+ipvec[2]*ipvec[2]);
+                //  check with ILSPs, keeping best match to track
+//                double bestdis = 999.;
+                double bestdis = 0.;
+                for (Track itr : trilmap.keySet())
+                {
+                    //  get associated IL coordinates from IL map
+                    SpacePoint trIL = trilmap.get(itr);
+                    double trilx = trIL.x();
+                    double delx = trilx-clpos[0];
+                    double trily = trIL.y();
+                    double dely = trily-clpos[1];
+                    double delr = Math.sqrt(delx*delx+dely*dely);
+                    double trilz = trIL.z();
+                    double delz = trilz-clpos[2];
+//                    double trxyzil = trIL.rxyz();  // rxyz of track spacepoint at IL
+                    //  get theta-phi of IL SP 
+                    double trilth = Math.atan(trIL.rxy()/trIL.z());
+                    if (trilth<0) trilth+=Math.PI;
+                    double trilph = Math.atan2(trIL.y(),trIL.x());
+                    if (trilph<0) trilph+=2*Math.PI;
+                    //  check if cluster close to this IL in theta-phi
+                    double dist = 999;
+                    double dccth = Math.abs(trilth-IPth);
+                    double dccph = Math.abs(trilph-IPph);
+                    if (dccph>Math.PI) dccph = 2*Math.PI-dccph;
+                    dist = Math.sqrt(dccth*dccth+dccph*dccph);
+                    if (dist>_mindILSP) continue;
+//                    double trtheta = trIL.theta();  // track theta at IL
+//                    double trphi = trIL.phi();  //  track phi at IL
+                    double clilth = Math.atan(delr/delz);
+                    if (clilth<0) clilth+=Math.PI;
+                    aida.cloud1D("Cl IL Theta").fill(clilth);
+                    double clilph = Math.atan2(-dely,-delx);
+                    if (clilph<0) clilph+=2.*Math.PI;
+                    aida.cloud1D("Cl IL Phi").fill(clilph);
+                    //  now get difference between cluster I and IL
+                    double dilth = Math.abs(thdir-clilth);
+                    aida.cloud1D("Diff Ith ILSPth").fill(dilth);
+                    double dilph = Math.abs(phdir-clilph);
+                    if (dilph>Math.PI) dilph = 2*Math.PI-dilph;
+                    aida.cloud1D("Diff Iph ILSPph").fill(dilph); 
+                    aida.cloud2D("Cl IPhi vs ILSPPhi").fill(clilph,phdir);
+                    double[] ilvec = new double[3];
+//                    ilvec[0] = clrxyz*Math.sin(clilth)*Math.cos(clilph);
+//                    ilvec[1] = clrxyz*Math.sin(clilth)*Math.sin(clilph);
+//                    ilvec[2] = clrxyz*Math.cos(clilth);
+                    ilvec[0] = delx;
+                    ilvec[1] = dely;
+                    ilvec[2] = delz;
+                    double magil = Math.sqrt(ilvec[0]*ilvec[0]+ilvec[1]*ilvec[1]+ilvec[2]*ilvec[2]);
+                    //  dot products
+                    Hep3Vector cl3v = new BasicHep3Vector(clvec);
+                    Hep3Vector il3v = new BasicHep3Vector(ilvec);
+                    Hep3Vector ip3v = new BasicHep3Vector(ipvec);
+                    double dotiil =, il3v);
+                    double dotiip =, ip3v);
+                    double cosiil = Math.abs(dotiil/(magcl*magil));
+                    double cosiip = Math.abs(dotiip/(magcl*magip));
+                    aida.cloud1D("CosDel of IclIL vectors").fill(cosiil);
+                    aida.cloud1D("CosDel of IclIP vectors").fill(cosiip);
+                    aida.cloud1D("Diff cdil cdip").fill(cosiil-cosiip);
+                    aida.cloud2D("Diff ILSP theta phi").fill(dilph,dilth);
+                    double dilthph = Math.sqrt(dilth*dilth+dilph*dilph);
+                    aida.cloud1D("Diff dilthph").fill(dilthph);
+                    aida.cloud1D("Diff IP IL").fill(dthph-dilthph);
+                    aida.cloud2D("IP vs IL diff").fill(dilthph,dthph);
+                    aida.cloud2D("DiffIIL vs CosDel for all clus").fill(cosiil,dilthph);
+//                    if (dilthph<dthph && dilthph<bestdis)  // points at ILSP more than IP
+                    if (cosiil>cosiip && cosiil>bestdis)
+                    {
+                        aida.cloud1D("Diff I and IL for ILSP Clus").fill(dilthph);
+                        aida.cloud1D("CosDel for ILSP Clus").fill(cosiil);
+                        aida.cloud2D("DiffIIL vs CosDel for ILSP clus").fill(cosiil,dilthph);
+//                        bestdis = dilthph;
+                        bestdis = cosiil;
+                        cltrmap.put(clus, itr);
+                        clindex++;
+//                        ILSPclus.add(clus);
+//                        trclmap.put(itr, clus);
+                    }
+//                    if (dilthph<dthph) break;
+                }  // end of track loop
+                if (clindex>0)
+                {
+                    ILSPclus.add(clus);
+                }
+//                System.out.println(" AfterTr Cl Index " + clindex);
+//                if (clindex>0) continue;
+                if (clindex==0 && dthph<_mindIP) clindex--;
+            }
+            //  check index, sort clusters
+//            System.out.println(" Cl Index " + clindex);
+            if (clindex==0) NPclus.add(clus);
+//            if (clindex>0) ILSPclus.add(clus);
+            if (clindex<0) IPclus.add(clus);
+        }  // end of cluster loop
+        //  have clusters defined into 3 classes - pointing to the interaction layer
+        //  spacepoint, pointing to the IP, non-pointing
+        event.put("TrackILSPMap",trclmap);
+        event.put("ClusILSPMap",cltrmap);
+//        if (NPclus.size()>0) event.put("NPClusters",NPclus);
+        event.put("NPClusters",NPclus);
+        aida.cloud1D("Number of NoPoint Clus").fill(NPclus.size());
+//        if (IPclus.size()>0) event.put("IPClusters",IPclus);
+        event.put("IPClusters",IPclus);
+        aida.cloud1D("Number of IPPoint Clus").fill(IPclus.size());
+//        if (ILSPclus.size()>0) event.put("ILSPClusters",ILSPclus);
+        event.put("ILSPClusters",ILSPclus);
+        aida.cloud1D("Number of ILSPPoint Clus").fill(ILSPclus.size());
+        //  check the IP pointing clusters - divide into close/far from track using
+        //  distance measure
+        List<BasicCluster> IPtrclus = new ArrayList<BasicCluster>();  // matched to tracks
+        List<BasicCluster> IPphclus = new ArrayList<BasicCluster>(); // not matched to tracks
+        for (BasicCluster ipcl : IPclus)
+        {
+            int ipclind = 0;
+            double[] clpos = ipcl.getPosition();
+            double clph = Math.atan2(clpos[1],clpos[0]);
+            if (clph<0) clph+=2*Math.PI;
+            double ccr = Math.sqrt(clpos[0]*clpos[0]+clpos[1]*clpos[1]);
+            double clth = Math.atan(ccr/clpos[2]);
+            if (clth<0) clth+=Math.PI;
+            //  compare with extrapolated track position
+            for (Track itr : trilmap.keySet())
+            {
+                //  get associated IL coordinates from IL map
+                SpacePoint trIL = trilmap.get(itr);
+                double trilth = Math.atan(trIL.rxy()/trIL.z());
+                if (trilth<0) trilth+=Math.PI;
+                double trilph = Math.atan2(trIL.y(),trIL.x());
+                if (trilph<0) trilph+=2*Math.PI;
+                //  check if cluster close to this IL in theta-phi
+                double dist = 999;
+                double dccth = Math.abs(trilth-clth);
+                double dccph = Math.abs(trilph-clph);
+                if (dccph>Math.PI) dccph = 2*Math.PI-dccph;
+                dist = Math.sqrt(dccth*dccth+dccph*dccph);
+                if (dist<_mindcl)  // best combination is 0.07 for ZZ in SiD01
+                {
+                    ipclind++;
+                }
+            }  // end of track loop
+            //  put cluster in proper list
+            if (ipclind>0) IPtrclus.add(ipcl);
+            if (ipclind==0) IPphclus.add(ipcl);
+        }  // end of cluster loop
+        //  now have 2 classes of IP pointing clusters - those that are photon-like
+        //  and those that are track-like as determined only by distance to closest track
+//        if (IPtrclus.size()>0) event.put("IPTrackClusters",IPtrclus);
+        event.put("IPTrackClusters",IPtrclus);
+        aida.cloud1D("Number of IPPoint Track Clus").fill(IPtrclus.size());
+//        if (IPphclus.size()>0) event.put("IPPhoClusters",IPphclus);
+        event.put("IPPhoClusters",IPphclus);
+        aida.cloud1D("Number of IPPoint Pho Clus").fill(IPphclus.size());
+        //  check pointing of IP and NP clusters to ILSP clusters - try to
+        //  link fragments of charged hadrons
+        List<BasicCluster> NPILclus = new ArrayList<BasicCluster>(); // NP clusters pointing to ILSP clusters
+        for (BasicCluster npc : NPclus)
+        {
+            int iclilpt = 0;
+            double distclil = 999.;
+            //  get this cluster's pointing directions and positions
+            double[] clpos = npc.getPosition();
+//            Hep3Vector npcl = new BasicHep3Vector(clpos);
+            double thdir = npc.getITheta();
+            if (thdir<0) thdir+=Math.PI;
+            double phdir = npc.getIPhi();
+            if (phdir<0) phdir+=2*Math.PI;
+            aida.cloud1D("NPCluster ITheta").fill(thdir);  // should be 0 to pi
+            aida.cloud1D("NPCluster IPhi").fill(phdir);  // should be 0 to 2pi
+            //  get x,y,z for local pointing
+            double npclrxyz = Math.sqrt(clpos[0]*clpos[0]+clpos[1]*clpos[1]+clpos[2]*clpos[2]);            
+            double[] nppvec = new double[3];
+            nppvec[0] = npclrxyz*Math.sin(thdir)*Math.cos(phdir);
+            nppvec[1] = npclrxyz*Math.sin(thdir)*Math.sin(phdir);
+            nppvec[2] = npclrxyz*Math.cos(thdir);
+            Hep3Vector npp = new BasicHep3Vector(nppvec);
+            double magnpp = Math.sqrt(nppvec[0]*nppvec[0]+nppvec[1]*nppvec[1]+nppvec[2]*nppvec[2]);
+            //  get vector of cluster position
+            double[] npclvec = new double[3];
+            npclvec[0] = clpos[0];
+            npclvec[1] = clpos[1];
+            npclvec[2] = clpos[2];
+            Hep3Vector npcl = new BasicHep3Vector(npclvec);
+            double magnpcl = Math.sqrt(npclvec[0]*npclvec[0]+npclvec[1]*npclvec[1]+npclvec[2]*npclvec[2]);
+            //  now get ILSP clusters to compare to
+            for (BasicCluster ilspc : ILSPclus)
+            {
+                //  get this cluster's position
+                double[] ilclpos = ilspc.getPosition();
+//                Hep3Vector ilspcl = new BasicHep3Vector(ilclpos);
+                //  calculate Itheta and Iphi for the clus-clus direction
+                double delx = ilclpos[0]-npclvec[0];
+                double dely = ilclpos[1]-npclvec[1];
+                double delz = ilclpos[2]-npclvec[2];
+                double[] npilvec = new double[3];
+                npilvec[0] = delx;
+                npilvec[1] = dely;
+                npilvec[2] = delz;
+                Hep3Vector npil = new BasicHep3Vector(npilvec);
+                double magnpi = Math.sqrt(npilvec[0]*npilvec[0]+npilvec[1]*npilvec[1]+npilvec[2]*npilvec[2]);
+                double Iclph = Math.atan2(dely,delx);
+                if (Iclph<0) Iclph+=2*Math.PI;
+                double ccr = Math.sqrt(delx*delx+dely*dely);
+                double Iclth = Math.atan(ccr/delz);
+                if (Iclth<0) Iclth+=Math.PI;
+                //  calculate distance in x,y between clusters
+                double dclxyz = Math.sqrt(delx*delx+dely*dely+delz*delz);
+                aida.cloud1D("Distance in xyz between NP and ILSP clusters").fill(dclxyz);
+                //  calculate difference between clus pointing and clus-clus direction
+                double dilth = Math.abs(thdir-Iclth);
+                aida.cloud1D("Diff Iclth ILSPth").fill(dilth);
+                double dilph = Math.abs(phdir-Iclph);
+                if (dilph>Math.PI) dilph = 2*Math.PI-dilph;
+                aida.cloud1D("Diff Iclph ILSPph").fill(dilph);
+                aida.cloud2D("Diff IclILSP theta phi").fill(dilph,dilth);
+                double dilthph = Math.sqrt(dilth*dilth+dilph*dilph);
+                aida.cloud1D("Diff diclilthph").fill(dilthph);
+                //  compare dot product of cluster pointing to npil direction
+                double cpdot =, npil);
+                double cthcp = Math.abs(cpdot/(magnpp*magnpi));
+                double ccdot =, npcl);
+                double cthcc = Math.abs(ccdot/(magnpp*magnpcl));
+                aida.cloud1D("CosDel np IL").fill(cthcc);
+//                if (dclxyz<300. && dilth<1.5 && dilth<distclil)
+                if (cthcp>cthcc)
+                {
+                    //  this might be a fragment of a charged hadron
+                    distclil = dilth;
+                    iclilpt++;
+                }
+            }  //  end of ILSP cluster loop
+            if (iclilpt>0) NPILclus.add(npc);
+        }
+        event.put("NPILClusters",NPILclus);
+        //  check purity of ILSP clusters - should be linked to charged particles
+        int nhev = 0;
+        int nchev = 0;
+        int nphev = 0;
+        int nnhev = 0;
+        for (BasicCluster icl : ILSPclus)
+        {
+            int numchhits = 0;
+            int numphhits = 0;
+            int numnhhits = 0;
+            int nclhits = icl.getCalorimeterHits().size();
+            nhev += icl.getCalorimeterHits().size();
+            for (CalorimeterHit chit : icl.getCalorimeterHits())
+            {
+                SimCalorimeterHit schit = (SimCalorimeterHit) chit;
+                double hitch = Math.abs(schit.getMCParticle(0).getCharge());
+                double hitm = schit.getMCParticle(0).getMass();
+                if (hitch>0) numchhits++;
+                if (hitch==0 && hitm==0) numphhits++;
+                if (hitch==0 && hitm>0) numnhhits++;
+                if (hitch>0) nchev++;
+                if (hitch==0 && hitm==0) nphev++;
+                if (hitch==0 && hitm>0) nnhev++;
+            }
+            double dnh = nclhits;
+            double dch = numchhits;
+            double dph = numphhits;
+            double dnuh = numnhhits;
+            aida.cloud1D("MC Purity for ILSP Clusters").fill(dch/dnh);
+            aida.cloud1D("Pho cont to ILSP").fill(dph/dnh);
+            aida.cloud1D("NH cont to ILSP").fill(dnuh/dnh);
+        }
+        double dnhev = nhev;
+        double dnchev = nchev;
+        double dnphev = nphev;
+        double dnnhev = nnhev;
+        aida.cloud1D("MC Purity for ILSP Clus per event").fill(dnchev/dnhev);
+        aida.cloud1D("Pho cont to ILSP per event").fill(dnphev/dnhev);
+        aida.cloud1D("NH cont to ILSP per event").fill(dnnhev/dnhev);
+        //  now check the IP-pointing clusters - divided into the 2 classes 
+        //  first, the photon-like class
+        int nhev2 = 0;
+        int nchev2 = 0;
+        int nphev2 = 0;
+        int nnhev2 = 0;
+        for (BasicCluster icl : IPphclus)
+        {
+            int numchhits = 0;
+            int numphhits = 0;
+            int numnhhits = 0;
+            int nclhits = icl.getCalorimeterHits().size();
+            nhev2 += icl.getCalorimeterHits().size();
+            for (CalorimeterHit chit : icl.getCalorimeterHits())
+            {
+                SimCalorimeterHit schit = (SimCalorimeterHit) chit;
+                double hitch = Math.abs(schit.getMCParticle(0).getCharge());
+                double hitm = schit.getMCParticle(0).getMass();
+                if (hitch>0) numchhits++;
+                if (hitch==0 && hitm==0) numphhits++;
+                if (hitch==0 && hitm>0) numnhhits++;
+                if (hitch>0) nchev2++;
+                if (hitch==0 && hitm==0) nphev2++;
+                if (hitch==0 && hitm>0) nnhev2++;
+            }
+            double dnh = nclhits;
+            double dch = numchhits;
+            double dph = numphhits;
+            double dnuh = numnhhits;
+            aida.cloud1D("MC Pho Purity for IPPho Clusters").fill(dph/dnh);
+            aida.cloud1D("NH cont to IPPho Clusters").fill(dnuh/dnh);
+            aida.cloud1D("MC Pho+NH Purity for IPPho Clusters").fill((dph+dnuh)/dnh);            
+            aida.cloud1D("ChH cont to IPPho CLusters").fill(dch/dnh);
+        }
+        double dnhev2 = nhev2;
+        double dnchev2 = nchev2;
+        double dnphev2 = nphev2;
+        double dnnhev2 = nnhev2;
+        aida.cloud1D("MC Pho Purity for IPPho Clus per event").fill(dnphev2/dnhev2);
+        aida.cloud1D("NH cont to IPPho per event").fill(dnnhev2/dnhev2);
+        aida.cloud1D("MC Pho+NH Purity for IPPho Clus per event").fill((dnphev2+dnnhev2)/dnhev2);
+        aida.cloud1D("ChH cont to IPPho per event").fill(dnchev2/dnhev2);
+        //  now check purity of IPTrack Clusters
+        int nhev4 = 0;
+        int nchev4 = 0;
+        int nphev4 = 0;
+        int nnhev4 = 0;
+        for (BasicCluster icl : IPtrclus)
+        {
+            int numchhits = 0;
+            int numphhits = 0;
+            int numnhhits = 0;
+            int nclhits = icl.getCalorimeterHits().size();
+            nhev4 += icl.getCalorimeterHits().size();
+            for (CalorimeterHit chit : icl.getCalorimeterHits())
+            {
+                SimCalorimeterHit schit = (SimCalorimeterHit) chit;
+                double hitch = Math.abs(schit.getMCParticle(0).getCharge());
+                double hitm = schit.getMCParticle(0).getMass();
+                if (hitch>0) numchhits++;
+                if (hitch==0 && hitm==0) numphhits++;
+                if (hitch==0 && hitm>0) numnhhits++;
+                if (hitch>0) nchev4++;
+                if (hitch==0 && hitm==0) nphev4++;
+                if (hitch==0 && hitm>0) nnhev4++;
+            }
+            double dnh = nclhits;
+            double dch = numchhits;
+            double dph = numphhits;
+            double dnuh = numnhhits;
+            aida.cloud1D("Pho cont to IPTr Clusters").fill(dph/dnh);
+            aida.cloud1D("NH cont to IPTr Clusters").fill(dnuh/dnh);            
+            aida.cloud1D("MC ChH Purity for IPTr CLusters").fill(dch/dnh);
+        }
+        double dnhev4 = nhev4;
+        double dnchev4 = nchev4;
+        double dnphev4 = nphev4;
+        double dnnhev4 = nnhev4;
+        aida.cloud1D("Pho cont to IPTr Clus per event").fill(dnphev4/dnhev4);
+        aida.cloud1D("NH cont to IPTr Clus per event").fill(dnnhev4/dnhev4);
+        aida.cloud1D("MC ChH Purity for IPTr per event").fill(dnchev4/dnhev4);
+        //  now check remaining Non-Pointing clusters - are these neutral hadrons?
+        int nhev3 = 0;
+        int nchev3 = 0;
+        int nphev3 = 0;
+        int nnhev3 = 0;
+        for (BasicCluster icl : NPclus)
+        {
+            int numchhits = 0;
+            int numphhits = 0;
+            int numnhhits = 0;
+            int nclhits = icl.getCalorimeterHits().size();
+            nhev3 += icl.getCalorimeterHits().size();
+            for (CalorimeterHit chit : icl.getCalorimeterHits())
+            {
+                SimCalorimeterHit schit = (SimCalorimeterHit) chit;
+                double hitch = Math.abs(schit.getMCParticle(0).getCharge());
+                double hitm = schit.getMCParticle(0).getMass();
+                if (hitch>0) numchhits++;
+                if (hitch==0 && hitm==0) numphhits++;
+                if (hitch==0 && hitm>0) numnhhits++;
+                if (hitch>0) nchev3++;
+                if (hitch==0 && hitm==0) nphev3++;
+                if (hitch==0 && hitm>0) nnhev3++;
+            }
+            double dnh = nclhits;
+            double dch = numchhits;
+            double dph = numphhits;
+            double dnuh = numnhhits;
+            aida.cloud1D("MC NH Purity for NP Clusters").fill(dnuh/dnh);
+            aida.cloud1D("ChH cont to NP Clusters").fill(dch/dnh);
+            aida.cloud1D("Pho cont to NP Clusters").fill(dph/dnh);
+        }
+        double dnhev3 = nhev3;
+        double dnchev3 = nchev3;
+        double dnphev3 = nphev3;
+        double dnnhev3 = nnhev3;
+        aida.cloud1D("MC NH Purity for NP Clus per event").fill(dnnhev3/dnhev3);
+        aida.cloud1D("ChH cont to NP Clus per event").fill(dnchev3/dnhev3);
+        aida.cloud1D("Pho cont to NP Clus per event").fill(dnphev3/dnhev3);
+    }
+    public void setInputClusterName(String name)
+    {
+        _clustername = name;
+    }
+    public void setOutputClusterLists(String[] outclnames)
+    {
+        _oclnames = outclnames;
+    }
CVSspam 0.2.8