

Dear Linear Collider Colleagues,

  As you are probably aware, the American Linear Collider
Physics Group (ALCPG) will be hosting its next meeting
in Albuquerque from September 29 - October 3, 2009.
If you plan to come, please register right away:

  We are soliciting abstracts for the Interaction and Forward
Region and Backgrounds parallel sessions on Wednesday, Thursday,
and Friday, September 30 - October 2. We have been allocated
up to four parallel sessions of 1.5-2 hours each, so there should
be plenty of time for talks.

  To receive full consideration and priority on time
  allotment please submit your abstract by the end of
        the day on Friday, September 11, 2009

To submit your abstract, please send the following
to Bruce Schumm (email: [log in to unmask]; please
do NOT do a "Reply All" to this message as that will
send email to a large number of colleagues!):

  Email Address
  Requested Time
  Short Abstract

Also, please forward this call for abstracts to anyone that might be
interested in the Interaction and Forward Region and Backgrounds
working group.

Again, the abstracts are due on the 11th of September.
Looking forward to seeing you in Albuquerque!


  Tom Markiewicz	[log in to unmask]
  Takashi Maruyama	[log in to unmask]
  Bruce Schumm		[log in to unmask]

(the Interaction and Forward Region and Backgrounds Working Group conveners)