

Hi Everyone,

We'll meet this week at the usual time of 1 PM Eastern for our LQS weekly 
meeting, Thursday, Sept. 17.  Dial-in is 510-665-5437, passcode 7336.

We'll take round-table reports, then discuss a paper that Peter suggested:

"Early-warning signals for critical transitions". Nature 461, 08227 (2009)

The abstract states:

  "Complex dynamical systems, ranging from ecosystems to financial markets 
  and the climate, can have tipping points at which a sudden shift to a 
  contrasting dynamical regime may occur. Although predicting such critical 
  points before they are reached is extremely difficult, work in different 
  scientific fields is now suggesting the existence of generic early-warning 
  signals that may indicate for a wide class of systems if a critical 
  threshold is approaching."

The meeting website is
Looking forward to talking with you tomorrow.
Thanks much,