

Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/pfa/cheat on MAIN -> 1.8
handle BaseTrackMC

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/pfa/cheat 1.7 -> 1.8
diff -u -r1.7 -r1.8
---	13 Oct 2007 20:07:00 -0000	1.7
+++	2 Oct 2009 01:06:50 -0000	1.8
@@ -1,224 +1,255 @@
 package org.lcsim.recon.pfa.cheat;
-import java.util.*;
 import hep.physics.particle.Particle;
 import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector;
-import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
 import hep.physics.vec.BasicHepLorentzVector;
+import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
-import org.lcsim.util.*;
-import org.lcsim.event.*;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import org.lcsim.event.CalorimeterHit;
+import org.lcsim.event.Cluster;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
+import org.lcsim.event.ReconstructedParticle;
+import org.lcsim.event.SimCalorimeterHit;
+import org.lcsim.event.Track;
 import org.lcsim.event.base.BaseReconstructedParticle;
+import org.lcsim.event.base.BaseTrackMC;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
- * @version $Id:,v 1.7 2007/10/13 20:07:00 mcharles Exp $
+ * @version $Id:,v 1.8 2009/10/02 01:06:50 jeremy Exp $
 public class PerfectIdentifier extends Driver
-    public PerfectIdentifier() {
-    }
-    public void process(EventHeader event)
-    {
-	List<Cluster> inputClusterList = event.get(Cluster.class, m_inputClusterListName);
-	List<ReconstructedParticle> outputParticleList = new Vector<ReconstructedParticle>();
-	List<MCParticle> mcList = event.get(MCParticle.class, m_mcName);
-	List<Track> trackList = null;
-	if (m_inputTrackListName != null) {
-	    trackList = event.get(Track.class, m_inputTrackListName);
-	}
-	List<Track> outputTrackList = new Vector<Track>();
-	if (trackList != null) {
-	    outputTrackList.addAll(trackList);
-	}
-	for (Cluster clus : inputClusterList) {
-	    // Identify
-	    MCParticle truthID = findTruthID(clus, mcList);
-	    if (truthID == null) {
-		// This is going to cause a null pointer exception shortly
-		// (as soon as we try to compute the truth particle's
-		// energy, momentum, etc). So pre-emptively throw a diagnostic
-		// exception.
-		String printme = new String();
-		printme += ("Warning: truthID==null for cluster with "+clus.getCalorimeterHits().size()+" hits and MC list of "+mcList.size()+" particles named '"+m_mcName+"'.\n");
-		printme += "Probably the MC list is not complete or is not self-consistent.\n";
-		printme += "Here are the contributing particles:\n";
-		Set<MCParticle> contributingParticles  = new HashSet<MCParticle>();
+	public PerfectIdentifier() {
+	}
+	public void process(EventHeader event)
+	{
+		List<Cluster> inputClusterList = event.get(Cluster.class, m_inputClusterListName);
+		List<ReconstructedParticle> outputParticleList = new Vector<ReconstructedParticle>();
+		List<MCParticle> mcList = event.get(MCParticle.class, m_mcName);
+		List<Track> trackList = null;
+		if (m_inputTrackListName != null) {
+			trackList = event.get(Track.class, m_inputTrackListName);
+		}
+		List<Track> outputTrackList = new Vector<Track>();
+		if (trackList != null) {
+			outputTrackList.addAll(trackList);
+		}
+		for (Cluster clus : inputClusterList) {
+			// Identify
+			MCParticle truthID = findTruthID(clus, mcList);
+			if (truthID == null) {
+				// This is going to cause a null pointer exception shortly
+				// (as soon as we try to compute the truth particle's
+				// energy, momentum, etc). So pre-emptively throw a diagnostic
+				// exception.
+				String printme = new String();
+				printme += ("Warning: truthID==null for cluster with "+clus.getCalorimeterHits().size()+" hits and MC list of "+mcList.size()+" particles named '"+m_mcName+"'.\n");
+				printme += "Probably the MC list is not complete or is not self-consistent.\n";
+				printme += "Here are the contributing particles:\n";
+				Set<MCParticle> contributingParticles  = new HashSet<MCParticle>();
+				for (CalorimeterHit hit : clus.getCalorimeterHits()) {
+					SimCalorimeterHit simHit = (SimCalorimeterHit) (hit);
+					int nContributingParticles = simHit.getMCParticleCount();
+					for (int i=0; i<nContributingParticles; i++) {
+						MCParticle part = simHit.getMCParticle(i);
+						contributingParticles.add(part);
+					}
+				}
+				for (MCParticle part : contributingParticles) {
+					List<MCParticle> parentsInList = findParentsInList(part, mcList);
+					printme += "    ";
+					printme += part.getType().getName();
+					printme += " with energy "+part.getEnergy();
+					printme += " with parents in list: { ";
+					for (MCParticle parent : parentsInList) {
+						printme += parent.getType().getName();
+						printme += "(E="+parent.getEnergy()+") ";
+					}
+					printme += " } \n";
+				}
+				throw new NullPointerException(printme);
+			}
+			// Add to output list
+			LocalReconstructedParticle part = new LocalReconstructedParticle();
+			part.addCluster(clus);
+			// Match track(s):
+			if (trackList != null) {
+				// Use supplied track list
+				for (Track currentTrack : trackList) {
+					// From FastMC.
+					if (currentTrack instanceof ReconTrack) 
+					{
+						ReconTrack cheatTrack = (ReconTrack)(currentTrack);
+						Particle cheatTrackParticle = cheatTrack.getMCParticle();
+						if (cheatTrackParticle == truthID) {
+							part.addTrack(currentTrack);
+							outputTrackList.remove(currentTrack);
+						}
+					}
+					// From CheatTrackDriver.  --jeremy
+					else if (currentTrack instanceof BaseTrackMC)
+					{
+						BaseTrackMC cheatTrack = (BaseTrackMC)(currentTrack);
+						Particle cheatTrackParticle = cheatTrack.getMCParticle();
+						if (cheatTrackParticle == truthID) 
+						{
+							part.addTrack(currentTrack);
+							outputTrackList.remove(currentTrack);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Skip track list
+			}
+			// This step has to be done last, since addTrack() now over-writes kinematic info
+			part.setEnergy(truthID.getEnergy());
+			// Set the other particle properties that are needed to render
+			// properly in the event display.
+			part.setMomentum(truthID.getMomentum());
+			part.setReferencePoint(truthID.getOrigin());
+			part.setCharge(truthID.getCharge());
+			// Add to the output list
+			if (!m_requireTrack || part.getTracks().size()>0) {
+				outputParticleList.add(part);
+			}
+		}
+		event.put(m_outputParticleListName, outputParticleList);
+		if (outputTrackList != null && m_outputTrackListName != null) {
+			event.put(m_outputTrackListName, outputTrackList);
+		}
+	}
+	protected MCParticle findTruthID(Cluster clus, List<MCParticle> mcList) {
+		// Find the dominant MC particle in some way.
+		// For now, do something ugly
+		Map<MCParticle, Integer> tmpMap = new HashMap<MCParticle, Integer> ();
 		for (CalorimeterHit hit : clus.getCalorimeterHits()) {
-		    SimCalorimeterHit simHit = (SimCalorimeterHit) (hit);
-		    int nContributingParticles = simHit.getMCParticleCount();
-		    for (int i=0; i<nContributingParticles; i++) {
-			MCParticle part = simHit.getMCParticle(i);
-			contributingParticles.add(part);
-		    }
-		}
-		for (MCParticle part : contributingParticles) {
-		    List<MCParticle> parentsInList = findParentsInList(part, mcList);
-		    printme += "    ";
-		    printme += part.getType().getName();
-		    printme += " with energy "+part.getEnergy();
-		    printme += " with parents in list: { ";
-		    for (MCParticle parent : parentsInList) {
-			printme += parent.getType().getName();
-			printme += "(E="+parent.getEnergy()+") ";
-		    }
-		    printme += " } \n";
-		}
-		throw new NullPointerException(printme);
-	    }
-	    // Add to output list
-	    LocalReconstructedParticle part = new LocalReconstructedParticle();
-	    part.addCluster(clus);
-	    // Match track(s):
-	    if (trackList != null) {
-		// Use supplied track list
-		for (Track currentTrack : trackList) {
-		    if (currentTrack instanceof ReconTrack) {
-			ReconTrack cheatTrack = (ReconTrack)(currentTrack);
-			Particle cheatTrackParticle = cheatTrack.getMCParticle();
-			if (cheatTrackParticle == truthID) {
-			    part.addTrack(currentTrack);
-			    outputTrackList.remove(currentTrack);
-			}
-		    }
-		}
-	    } else {
-		// Skip track list
-	    }
-            // This step has to be done last, since addTrack() now over-writes kinematic info
-	    part.setEnergy(truthID.getEnergy());
-	    // Set the other particle properties that are needed to render
-	    // properly in the event display.
-	    part.setMomentum(truthID.getMomentum());
-	    part.setReferencePoint(truthID.getOrigin());
-	    part.setCharge(truthID.getCharge());
-	    // Add to the output list
-	    if (!m_requireTrack || part.getTracks().size()>0) {
-		outputParticleList.add(part);
-	    }
-	}
-	event.put(m_outputParticleListName, outputParticleList);
-	if (outputTrackList != null && m_outputTrackListName != null) {
-	    event.put(m_outputTrackListName, outputTrackList);
-	}
-    }
-    protected MCParticle findTruthID(Cluster clus, List<MCParticle> mcList) {
-	// Find the dominant MC particle in some way.
-	// For now, do something ugly
-	Map<MCParticle, Integer> tmpMap = new HashMap<MCParticle, Integer> ();
-	for (CalorimeterHit hit : clus.getCalorimeterHits()) {
-	    Set<MCParticle> particles = findMCParticles(hit, mcList);
-	    for (MCParticle part : particles) {
-		Integer oldValue = tmpMap.get(part);
-		if (oldValue==null) {
-		    oldValue = new Integer(0);
-		}
-		Integer newValue = new Integer(oldValue + 1);
-		tmpMap.put(part, newValue);
-	    }
-	}
-	// Which particle contributed the most?
-	int max = 0;
-	MCParticle best = null;
-	for (MCParticle part : tmpMap.keySet()) {
-	    int numHits = tmpMap.get(part).intValue();
-	    if (numHits > max || best==null) {
-		max = numHits;
-		best = part;
-	    }
-	}
-	return best;
-    }
-    // Duplicate code w.r.t. PerfectClusterer
-    protected Set<MCParticle> findMCParticles(CalorimeterHit hit, List<MCParticle> mcList)
-    {
-	if ( ! (hit instanceof SimCalorimeterHit) ) {
-	    throw new AssertionError("Non-simulated hit!");
-	} else {
-	    SimCalorimeterHit simHit = (SimCalorimeterHit) (hit);
-	    Set<MCParticle> contributingParticlesFromList = new HashSet<MCParticle>();
-	    int nContributingParticles = simHit.getMCParticleCount();
-	    for (int i=0; i<nContributingParticles; i++) {
-		MCParticle part = simHit.getMCParticle(i);
-		List<MCParticle> parentsInList = findParentsInList(part, mcList);
-		contributingParticlesFromList.addAll(parentsInList);
-	    }
-	    return contributingParticlesFromList;
-	}
-    }
-    protected List<MCParticle> findParentsInList(MCParticle part, List<MCParticle> mcList) 
-    {
-	List<MCParticle> outputList = new Vector<MCParticle>();
-	if (mcList.contains(part)) {
-	    // Already in there
-	    outputList.add(part);
-	} else {
-	    // Not in there -- recurse up through parents
-	    List<MCParticle> parents = part.getParents();
-	    if (parents.size()==0) {
-		// Ran out of options -- add nothing and return below
-	    } else {
-		for (MCParticle parent : parents) {
-		    List<MCParticle> ancestorsInList = findParentsInList(parent, mcList);
-		    outputList.addAll(ancestorsInList);
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	return outputList;
-    }   
-    public void setInputClusterList(String name) {
-	m_inputClusterListName = name;
-    }
-    public void setOutputParticleList(String name) {
-	m_outputParticleListName = name;
-    }
-    public void setMCParticleList(String name) {
-	m_mcName = name;
-    }
-    public void setInputTrackList(String name) {
-	m_inputTrackListName = name;
-    }
-    public void setOutputTrackList(String name) {
-	m_outputTrackListName = name;
-    }
-    public void requireTrack(boolean b) {
-	m_requireTrack = b;
-    }
-    boolean m_requireTrack = false;
-    String m_inputTrackListName;
-    String m_outputTrackListName;
-    String m_inputClusterListName;
-    String m_outputParticleListName;
-    String m_mcName;
-    // This should be replaced by a central implementation
-    private class LocalReconstructedParticle extends BaseReconstructedParticle
-    {
-	public void setEnergy(double e) {
-        super.set4Vector(new BasicHepLorentzVector(e,_fourVec.v3()));
-	}
-	public void setMomentum(Hep3Vector p3) {
-        super.set4Vector(new BasicHepLorentzVector(_fourVec.t(),p3));
-	}
-	public void setReferencePoint(Hep3Vector p3) {
-        // FIXME this cast may not be intended
-	    _referencePoint = (BasicHep3Vector) p3;
+			Set<MCParticle> particles = findMCParticles(hit, mcList);
+			for (MCParticle part : particles) {
+				Integer oldValue = tmpMap.get(part);
+				if (oldValue==null) {
+					oldValue = new Integer(0);
+				}
+				Integer newValue = new Integer(oldValue + 1);
+				tmpMap.put(part, newValue);
+			}
+		}
+		// Which particle contributed the most?
+		int max = 0;
+		MCParticle best = null;
+		for (MCParticle part : tmpMap.keySet()) {
+			int numHits = tmpMap.get(part).intValue();
+			if (numHits > max || best==null) {
+				max = numHits;
+				best = part;
+			}
+		}
+		return best;
-	public void setCharge(double q) {
-	    _charge = q;
+	// Duplicate code w.r.t. PerfectClusterer
+	protected Set<MCParticle> findMCParticles(CalorimeterHit hit, List<MCParticle> mcList)
+	{
+		if ( ! (hit instanceof SimCalorimeterHit) ) {
+			throw new AssertionError("Non-simulated hit!");
+		} else {
+			SimCalorimeterHit simHit = (SimCalorimeterHit) (hit);
+			Set<MCParticle> contributingParticlesFromList = new HashSet<MCParticle>();
+			int nContributingParticles = simHit.getMCParticleCount();
+			for (int i=0; i<nContributingParticles; i++) {
+				MCParticle part = simHit.getMCParticle(i);
+				List<MCParticle> parentsInList = findParentsInList(part, mcList);
+				contributingParticlesFromList.addAll(parentsInList);
+			}
+			return contributingParticlesFromList;
+		}
+	}
+	protected List<MCParticle> findParentsInList(MCParticle part, List<MCParticle> mcList) 
+	{
+		List<MCParticle> outputList = new Vector<MCParticle>();
+		if (mcList.contains(part)) {
+			// Already in there
+			outputList.add(part);
+		} else {
+			// Not in there -- recurse up through parents
+			List<MCParticle> parents = part.getParents();
+			if (parents.size()==0) {
+				// Ran out of options -- add nothing and return below
+			} else {
+				for (MCParticle parent : parents) {
+					List<MCParticle> ancestorsInList = findParentsInList(parent, mcList);
+					outputList.addAll(ancestorsInList);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return outputList;
+	}   
+	public void setInputClusterList(String name) {
+		m_inputClusterListName = name;
+	}
+	public void setOutputParticleList(String name) {
+		m_outputParticleListName = name;
+	}
+	public void setMCParticleList(String name) {
+		m_mcName = name;
+	}
+	public void setInputTrackList(String name) {
+		m_inputTrackListName = name;
+	}
+	public void setOutputTrackList(String name) {
+		m_outputTrackListName = name;
+	}
+	public void requireTrack(boolean b) {
+		m_requireTrack = b;
+	}
+	public void setRequireTrack(boolean b) 
+	{
+		m_requireTrack = b;
+	}
+	boolean m_requireTrack = false;
+	String m_inputTrackListName;
+	String m_outputTrackListName;
+	String m_inputClusterListName;
+	String m_outputParticleListName;
+	String m_mcName;
+	// This should be replaced by a central implementation
+	private class LocalReconstructedParticle extends BaseReconstructedParticle
+	{
+		public void setEnergy(double e) {
+			super.set4Vector(new BasicHepLorentzVector(e,_fourVec.v3()));
+		}
+		public void setMomentum(Hep3Vector p3) {
+			super.set4Vector(new BasicHepLorentzVector(_fourVec.t(),p3));
+		}
+		public void setReferencePoint(Hep3Vector p3) {
+			// FIXME this cast may not be intended
+			_referencePoint = (BasicHep3Vector) p3;
+		}
+		public void setCharge(double q) {
+			_charge = q;
+		}
-    }
CVSspam 0.2.8