

Dear all,
We are restarting the West-coast ATLAS forum next week, Wed. Nov. 4th, at the regular time of 12:00 noon Pacific time (9:00pm CERN). 

Our speaker will be (one of) Dr. Toro/Essig/Schuster (SLAC), summarizing the recent "Dark Forces" workshop at SLAC, 
and its implications for ATLAS (lepton-jets, etc.):

Info on how to connect via phone, and meeting locations are on the agenda page.
[I'll work on setting up EVO as well (at SLAC and CERN), and will send around another announcement, if I succeed.]
/Note that we'll now meet in the Ballam room at SLAC, since Cypress is under construction./

The forum is returning under new management, with an esteemed panel of west-coast representatives from experiment and theory, 
who will be selecting our speakers / topics:
Andy Haas (SLAC), Jason Nielsen (UC SC), David Strom (Oregon), Gordon Watts(UW), 
Michael Peskin / Jay Wacker (SLAC), Tim Tait (UC Irvine), Graham Kribs (Oregon)
Thanks to them all for agreeing to help organize.

We plan to meet *every other Wednesday* from Nov. 4 onwards.
The forum meeting is open to all ATLAS collaborators and theorists are also very welcome! 

Anyone wishing to receive the announcements and participate in these meetings, can subscribe directly by sending 
a mail to [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> with the body text: subscribe atlas-forum-l <your email address>.
(I won't cc atlas-department-l or any individuals in the future...)

See you there!
Cheers, Andy.

Dr. Andy Haas
Panofsky Fellow, SLAC, ATLAS