Commit in GeomConverter/src/org/lcsim/geometry/segmentation on MAIN 1.1 1.1 1.1
3 added files
Extend CartesianGrid segmentation classes for neighbor functionality across module borders

GeomConverter/src/org/lcsim/geometry/segmentation added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	18 Nov 2009 12:48:18 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+package org.lcsim.geometry.segmentation;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.jdom.DataConversionException;
+import org.jdom.Element;
+import org.lcsim.detector.IDetectorElement;
+import org.lcsim.detector.IDetectorElementContainer;
+import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.IExpandedIdentifier;
+import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.ExpandedIdentifier;
+import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.IIdentifier;
+import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.IIdentifierHelper;
+import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.Identifier;
+import org.lcsim.detector.solids.Box;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.util.IDDescriptor;
+ * XY Cartesian grid segmentation for overlapping staves.
+ * 
+ * @author cassell
+ */
+public class EcalBarrelCartesianGridXY extends CartesianGridXY
+	private double gridSizeX = 0;
+	private double gridSizeY = 0;
+	private int xIndex = -1;
+	private int yIndex = -1;
+	private int moduleIndex = -1;
+	private int sliceIndex = -1;
+    private int nmodules = 12;
+    private int[] validXplusG;
+    private int[] validXminusG;
+    private int[] validXplusP;
+    private int[] validXminusP;
+    private int validZplus;
+    private int validZminus;
+    private double xc0 = 0.;
+    private double[] yc;
+    private double sinth = 0.;
+    private double costh = 0.;
+    private double tanth = 0.;
+    private double cotth = 0.;
+    private double secth = 0.;
+    private double cscth = 0.;
+    private int nlayers = 0;
+    private int[] activeSlice;
+	public EcalBarrelCartesianGridXY(Element node) throws DataConversionException
+	{
+		super(node);
+		if (node.getAttribute("gridSizeX") != null)
+		{
+			gridSizeX = node.getAttribute("gridSizeX").getDoubleValue();
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			throw new RuntimeException("Missing gridSizeX parameter.");
+		}
+		if (node.getAttribute("gridSizeY") != null)
+		{
+			gridSizeY = node.getAttribute("gridSizeY").getDoubleValue();
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			throw new RuntimeException("Missing gridSizeY parameter.");
+		}
+	}
+	public long[] getNeighbourIDs(int layerRange, int xRange, int yRange)
+	{
+		if (this.getDecoder().getID() == 0)
+			throw new RuntimeException("No current ID is set.");
+		// Get the IdentifierHelper.
+		IIdentifierHelper helper = detector.getDetectorElement().getIdentifierHelper();
+		// Current packed id.
+		IIdentifier currId = new Identifier(this.getDecoder().getID());
+        // Create an ExpandedIdentifier for the current id.
+		IExpandedIdentifier thisId = helper.unpack(currId);
+// Check if we need initialization
+        if(validXplusP == null)
+        {
+            initializeMappings(this.getNumberOfLayers());
+        }
+		// Set values for current id.
+		int currLayer = helper.getValue(currId, layerIndex);
+		int currX = helper.getValue(currId, xIndex);
+		int currY = helper.getValue(currId, yIndex);
+		int currModule = helper.getValue(currId, moduleIndex);
+		// Create a new ExpandedIdenfier from the base Id.
+		ExpandedIdentifier neighborId = new ExpandedIdentifier(thisId);
+        // Find the neighbors within the current module
+        List<Long> nl = getNeighbourIDs(layerRange, xRange, yRange, helper, neighborId, currLayer, currX, currY);
+        // Check for border problems
+        boolean bp1 = false;
+        boolean bp2 = false;
+        // If the layer range includes layer 0 or negative, and the
+        // X bin exceeds the maximum X bin in a "pseudo" geometry
+        // then there is possible neighbors in module +1
+        if( ((currLayer - layerRange) < 1) && ((currX + xRange) > validXplusP[0]) )bp1 = true;
+        // If the X bin can be less than the minimum valid X bin for
+        // the minimum layer then there is possible neighbors in module
+        // -1
+        else if( (currX - xRange) <= validXminusG[Math.min(currLayer+layerRange,nlayers-1)])bp2 = true;
+        // otherwise no border problem and just return the neighbors in
+        // the current module.
+        else
+        {
+            long result[] = new long[nl.size()];
+            int i = 0;
+            for (Long id : nl)
+            {
+                result[i] = id;
+                i++;
+            }
+            return result;
+        }
+        if(bp1)
+        {
+            // Layer range includes l<=0, xbin large enough to overlap
+            // with module m+1. Neighbors in module m already added.
+            // Now find the neighbors in module m+1. The neighbor
+            // volume is a rectangle, so find cells is in module m+1
+            // cotained by the rectangle.
+            //
+            // Convert the corners of the rectangle layer, xbin to
+            // actual coordinates.
+            double lsep = yc[1] - yc[0];
+            // The maximum y coordinate is the layer 0 y coordinate +
+            // half the layer separation.
+            double ycmax = yc[0] + lsep/2.;
+            // The minimum y coordinate is the layer 0 y coordinate -
+            // half the layer separation - the layer separation*# negative
+            // layers.
+            double ycmin = yc[0] - lsep/2. +lsep*(currLayer - layerRange);
+            // The maximum/minimum X coordinate is the maximum/minimum
+            // Xbin+-.5 times the grid size, + x0
+            double xcmax = xc0 + gridSizeX*(currX + xRange + .5);
+            double xcmin = xc0 + gridSizeX*(currX - xRange - .5);
+            // rotate the coordinate system to module +1, and find the layer
+            // range in that module.
+            double minyp = ycmin*costh + xcmin*sinth;
+            double maxyp = ycmax*costh + xcmax*sinth;
+            int minl = 0;
+            int maxl = 0;
+            for(int il=0;il<nlayers;il++)
+            {
+                if(yc[il] < minyp)minl++;
+                if(yc[il] > maxyp)break;
+                maxl++;
+            }
+            // Set the module
+            int neighborModule = (currModule +1)%nmodules;
+			neighborId.setValue(moduleIndex, neighborModule);
+            // Loop over the layer range
+            for(int neighborLayer = minl;neighborLayer<maxl;neighborLayer++)
+            {
+				neighborId.setValue(layerIndex, neighborLayer);
+                // Ugly, need to set the slice bin
+                int iSlice = 2;
+                if(neighborLayer == 0)iSlice = 0;
+				neighborId.setValue(sliceIndex, iSlice);
+                // In this module's coordinate system, calculate the
+                // intersection of y=yc(layer) with the box to find the
+                // X coordinate range inside the box.
+                double xpmax = Math.min(xcmax*secth - yc[neighborLayer]*tanth,
+                        yc[neighborLayer]*cotth - ycmin*cscth);
+                double xpmin = Math.max(xcmin*secth - yc[neighborLayer]*tanth,
+                        yc[neighborLayer]*cotth - ycmax*cscth);
+                // Convert X coordinate to X bin.
+                int xbmin = (int) ((xpmin - xc0 + gridSizeX*.5)/gridSizeX);
+                int xbmax = (int) ((xpmax - xc0 - gridSizeX*.5)/gridSizeX);
+                // Loop over X bins
+                for(int neighborX=xbmin;neighborX <= xbmax;neighborX++)
+                {
+                    neighborId.setValue(xIndex, neighborX);
+                    // Loop over the Z range
+                    for (int iy=-yRange; iy<=yRange; iy++)
+                    {
+                        // Compute y value.
+                        int neighborY = currY + iy;
+                        neighborId.setValue(yIndex, neighborY);
+                        // Add the neighbor
+                        nl.add(helper.pack(neighborId).getValue());
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            long result[] = new long[nl.size()];
+            int i = 0;
+            for (Long id : nl)
+            {
+                result[i] = id;
+                i++;
+            }
+            return result;
+        }
+        // To get here we have overlap with module m-1. Add the
+        // neighbors in module m-1.
+        int neighborModule = (nmodules+currModule -1)%nmodules;
+        neighborId.setValue(moduleIndex, neighborModule);
+        double ycmax = 0.;
+        double ycmin = 0.;
+        // The layer separation depends on where we are
+        if(currLayer - layerRange < 1)
+        {
+            double lsep = yc[1] - yc[0];
+            ycmin = yc[0] + (currLayer - layerRange)*lsep - lsep/2.;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            double lsep = yc[currLayer - layerRange] - yc[currLayer - layerRange - 1];
+            ycmin = yc[currLayer - layerRange] - lsep/2.;
+        }
+        if(currLayer + layerRange > nlayers - 2)
+        {
+            double lsep = yc[nlayers - 1] - yc[nlayers - 2];
+            ycmax = yc[nlayers - 1] + lsep/2.;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            double lsep = yc[currLayer + layerRange + 1] - yc[currLayer + layerRange];
+            ycmax = yc[currLayer + layerRange] + lsep/2.;
+        }
+        // Find the coordinates of the box in module m-1
+        double xcmax = xc0 + gridSizeX*(currX + xRange + .5);
+        double xcmin = xc0 + gridSizeX*(currX - xRange - .5);
+        double minyp = ycmin*costh - xcmax*sinth;
+        double maxyp = ycmax*costh - xcmin*sinth;
+        int minl = 0;
+        int maxl = 0;
+        for(int il=0;il<nlayers;il++)
+        {
+            if(yc[il] < minyp)minl++;
+            if(yc[il] > maxyp)break;
+            maxl++;
+        }
+        // Loop over layer range
+        for(int neighborLayer = minl;neighborLayer<maxl;neighborLayer++)
+        {
+            neighborId.setValue(layerIndex, neighborLayer);
+            int iSlice = 2;
+            if(neighborLayer == 0)iSlice = 0;
+            neighborId.setValue(sliceIndex, iSlice);
+            // Find intersection of y=yc[layer] with box to determine
+            // X range
+            double xpmax = Math.min(xcmax*secth + yc[neighborLayer]*tanth,
+                    -yc[neighborLayer]*cotth + ycmax*cscth);
+            double xpmin = Math.max(xcmin*secth + yc[neighborLayer]*tanth,
+                    -yc[neighborLayer]*cotth + ycmin*cscth);
+            int xbmin = (int) ((xpmin - xc0 + gridSizeX*.5)/gridSizeX);
+            int xbmax = (int) ((xpmax - xc0 - gridSizeX*.5)/gridSizeX);
+            xbmax = Math.min(xbmax,validXplusG[neighborLayer]);
+            // Loop and add neighbors
+            for(int neighborX=xbmin;neighborX <= xbmax;neighborX++)
+            {
+                neighborId.setValue(xIndex, neighborX);
+                for(int neighborY=Math.max(validZminus,currY-yRange);
+                    neighborY<=Math.min(validZplus,currY+yRange);
+                    neighborY++)
+                {
+                    neighborId.setValue(yIndex, neighborY);
+                    nl.add(helper.pack(neighborId).getValue());
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        long result[] = new long[nl.size()];
+        int i = 0;
+        for (Long id : nl)
+        {
+            result[i] = id;
+            i++;
+        }
+        return result;
+    }
+    protected List<Long> getNeighbourIDs(int layerRange, int xRange, int yRange, IIdentifierHelper helper, ExpandedIdentifier neighborId, int currLayer, int currX, int currY)
+    {
+        // Find neighbors within the currect module
+        List<Long> rl = new ArrayList<Long>();
+        for(int neighborLayer=Math.max(0,currLayer-layerRange);
+            neighborLayer<=Math.min(nlayers-1,currLayer+layerRange);
+            neighborLayer++)
+        {
+			neighborId.setValue(layerIndex, neighborLayer);
+            int iSlice = 2;
+            if(neighborLayer == 0)iSlice = 0;
+			neighborId.setValue(sliceIndex, iSlice);
+            for(int neighborX=Math.max(validXminusG[neighborLayer],currX-xRange);
+                neighborX<=Math.min(validXplusG[neighborLayer],currX+xRange);
+                neighborX++)
+            {
+                neighborId.setValue(xIndex, neighborX);
+                for(int neighborY=Math.max(validZminus,currY-yRange);
+                    neighborY<=Math.min(validZplus,currY+yRange);
+                    neighborY++)
+                {
+                    neighborId.setValue(yIndex, neighborY);
+                    rl.add(helper.pack(neighborId).getValue());
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return rl;
+    }
+	public void setupGeomFields(IDDescriptor id)
+	{
+        super.setupGeomFields(id);
+		xIndex = id.indexOf("x");
+		yIndex = id.indexOf("y");
+		moduleIndex = id.indexOf("module");
+		layerIndex = id.indexOf("layer");
+		sliceIndex = id.indexOf("slice");
+	}
+    protected void initializeMappings(int nl)
+    {
+        // Initialize all the needed parameters for the neighbor
+        // finding across borders
+		// Get number of layers.
+		nlayers = nl;
+        // The valid X bins vary by layer
+        validXplusP = new int[this.getNumberOfLayers()];
+        validXminusP = new int[this.getNumberOfLayers()];
+        validXplusG = new int[this.getNumberOfLayers()];
+        validXminusG = new int[this.getNumberOfLayers()];
+        activeSlice = new int[this.getNumberOfLayers()];
+        // Calculate the trig functions needed for the rotations
+        sinth = Math.sin(2.*Math.PI/nmodules);
+        costh = Math.cos(2.*Math.PI/nmodules);
+        tanth = sinth/costh;
+        cotth = costh/sinth;
+        secth = 1./costh;
+        cscth = 1./sinth;
+// Get the helper and identifiers needed to manipulate the id
+		IIdentifierHelper helper = detector.getDetectorElement().getIdentifierHelper();
+        IIdentifier currId = new Identifier(this.getDecoder().getID());
+        IExpandedIdentifier thisId = helper.unpack(currId);
+        ExpandedIdentifier pseudoId = new ExpandedIdentifier(thisId);
+// Set the module and xbin to 0 to find pseudo-lengths and offsets
+        pseudoId.setValue(moduleIndex,0);
+        pseudoId.setValue(xIndex,0);
+        pseudoId.setValue(layerIndex,0);
+        pseudoId.setValue(sliceIndex,0);
+        // Save the current ID
+        long save = this.getDecoder().getID();
+        this.getDecoder().setID(helper.pack(pseudoId).getValue());
+        this.computeGlobalPosition();
+        // xc0 is the global x coordinate or the center of the module
+        xc0 = this.globalPosition[0] - gridSizeX/2.;
+        // yc is the global y coordinate of each layer
+        yc = new double[nlayers];
+        // xhlp is the half length of each layer
+        double[] xhlp = new double[nlayers];
+        for(int i=0;i<nlayers;i++)
+        {
+// Find the half lengths per layer and convert to x index.
+            pseudoId.setValue(layerIndex,i);
+            if(i == 1)pseudoId.setValue(sliceIndex,2);
+            this.getDecoder().setID(helper.pack(pseudoId).getValue());
+            this.computeGlobalPosition();
+            yc[i] = this.globalPosition[1];
+            // Find the box containing this cell
+            IIdentifier geomId = makeGeometryIdentifier(helper.pack(pseudoId).getValue());
+            IDetectorElementContainer deSrch = getSubdetector().getDetectorElement().findDetectorElement(geomId);
+            IDetectorElement de = deSrch.get(0);
+            if (de.getGeometry().getLogicalVolume().getSolid() instanceof Box)
+            {
+                Box sensorBox = (Box)de.getGeometry().getLogicalVolume().getSolid();
+                // Assume the Z extent is the same for all layers
+                if(i == 0)
+                {
+                    double yhl = sensorBox.getYHalfLength();
+                    // Convert half length to valid index
+                    int nvalidy = (int) (yhl/gridSizeY) + 1;
+                    validZplus = nvalidy - 1;
+                    validZminus = -nvalidy;
+                }
+                // Convert X half length to valid X bins
+                double xhl = sensorBox.getXHalfLength();
+                int nvalidx = (int)(xhl/gridSizeX) + 1;
+                validXplusG[i] = nvalidx -1;
+                validXminusG[i] = -nvalidx;
+                // Compute valid X indices contained in a pseudo
+                // geometry of a regular N-gon
+                xhlp[i] = yc[i]*Math.tan(Math.PI/nmodules);
+                validXplusP[i] = (int)((xhlp[i] - xc0)/gridSizeX);
+                validXminusP[i] = -(int)((xhlp[i] + xc0)/gridSizeX) - 1;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                throw new RuntimeException("Don't know how to bounds check solid " + de.getGeometry().getLogicalVolume().getSolid().getName() + ".");
+            }
+        }
+// Put back the cellID
+        this.getDecoder().setID(save);
+        this.computeGlobalPosition();
+    }
+    public int getPseudoLayer()
+    {
+        if(validXplusP == null)
+        {
+            initializeMappings(this.getNumberOfLayers());
+        }
+// Get the helper and identifiers needed to manipulate the id
+		IIdentifierHelper helper = detector.getDetectorElement().getIdentifierHelper();
+        IIdentifier currId = new Identifier(this.getDecoder().getID());
+        IExpandedIdentifier thisId = helper.unpack(currId);
+        int xbin = thisId.getValue(xIndex);
+        int layer = thisId.getValue(layerIndex);
+        if(xbin > validXplusP[layer])
+        {
+            // TODO: - calculate pseudoLayer
+            return layer;
+        }
+        return layer;
+    }

GeomConverter/src/org/lcsim/geometry/segmentation added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	18 Nov 2009 12:48:18 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+package org.lcsim.geometry.segmentation;
+import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector;
+import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.jdom.DataConversionException;
+import org.jdom.Element;
+import org.lcsim.detector.IDetectorElement;
+import org.lcsim.detector.IDetectorElementContainer;
+import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.IExpandedIdentifier;
+import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.ExpandedIdentifier;
+import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.IIdentifier;
+import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.IIdentifierHelper;
+import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.Identifier;
+import org.lcsim.detector.solids.Box;
+import org.lcsim.detector.solids.Inside;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.util.IDDescriptor;
+ * Extend XY Cartesian grid segmentation for neighboring across
+ * module boundaries.
+ * 
+ * @author cassell
+ */
+public class RegularNgonCartesianGridXY extends CartesianGridXY
+	private double gridSizeX = 0;
+	private double gridSizeY = 0;
+    private int nmodules = 12;
+	private int xIndex = -1;
+	private int yIndex = -1;
+	private int moduleIndex = -1;
+    private int[] nvalidx;
+    private boolean[] borderCellIsDuplicate;
+	public RegularNgonCartesianGridXY(Element node) throws DataConversionException
+	{
+		super(node);
+		if (node.getAttribute("gridSizeX") != null)
+		{
+			gridSizeX = node.getAttribute("gridSizeX").getDoubleValue();
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			throw new RuntimeException("Missing gridSizeX parameter.");
+		}
+		if (node.getAttribute("gridSizeY") != null)
+		{
+			gridSizeY = node.getAttribute("gridSizeY").getDoubleValue();
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			throw new RuntimeException("Missing gridSizeY parameter.");
+		}
+	}
+	public long[] getNeighbourIDs(int layerRange, int xRange, int yRange)
+	{
+		if (this.getDecoder().getID() == 0)
+			throw new RuntimeException("No current ID is set.");
+		// Get the IdentifierHelper.
+		IIdentifierHelper helper = detector.getDetectorElement().getIdentifierHelper();
+		// Get number of layers.
+		int nlayers = this.getNumberOfLayers();
+		// Current packed id.
+		IIdentifier currId = new Identifier(this.getDecoder().getID());
+		// Create an ExpandedIdentifier for the current id.
+		IExpandedIdentifier thisId = helper.unpack(currId);
+        // Initialize the border arrays the first time in
+        if (nvalidx == null)
+        {
+            initializeBorders(thisId);
+        }
+		// Set values for current id.
+		int currLayer = helper.getValue(currId, layerIndex);
+		int currX = helper.getValue(currId, xIndex);
+		int currY = helper.getValue(currId, yIndex);
+		int currModule = helper.getValue(currId, moduleIndex);
+		// Create return array.
+		List<Long> neighbors = new ArrayList<Long>();
+		// Create a new ExpandedIdenfier from the base Id.
+		ExpandedIdentifier neighborId = new ExpandedIdentifier(thisId);
+		ExpandedIdentifier dupId = new ExpandedIdentifier(thisId);
+		// Loop over layer range.
+		for (int ilayer=-layerRange; ilayer<=layerRange; ilayer++)
+		{
+            // Compute layer value.
+			int neighborLayer = currLayer + ilayer;
+			if (neighborLayer >= 0 && neighborLayer < nlayers)
+			{
+				neighborId.setValue(layerIndex, neighborLayer);
+                // Loop over X range.
+                for (int ix=-xRange; ix<=xRange; ix++)
+                {
+                    // Need to check border
+                    int neighborX = currX + ix;
+                    int neighborModule = currModule;
+                    int dupX = neighborX;
+                    int dupModule = neighborModule;
+                    boolean dup = false;
+                    if(neighborX < -nvalidx[neighborLayer]+1)
+                    {
+                        if(neighborX == -nvalidx[neighborLayer])
+                        {
+                            if(borderCellIsDuplicate[neighborLayer])
+                            {
+                                dup = true;
+                                dupX = -neighborX -1;
+                                dupModule = (nmodules + neighborModule -1)%nmodules;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            neighborModule = (nmodules + neighborModule -1)%nmodules;
+                            neighborX = 2*nvalidx[neighborLayer] + neighborX;
+                            if(borderCellIsDuplicate[neighborLayer])neighborX--;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else if(neighborX > nvalidx[neighborLayer]-2)
+                    {
+                        if(neighborX == nvalidx[neighborLayer]-1)
+                        {
+                            if(borderCellIsDuplicate[neighborLayer])
+                            {
+                                dup = true;
+                                dupX = -neighborX -1;
+                                dupModule = (neighborModule +1)%nmodules;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            neighborModule = (neighborModule +1)%nmodules;
+                            neighborX = -2*nvalidx[neighborLayer] + neighborX;
+                            if(borderCellIsDuplicate[neighborLayer])neighborX++;
+                        }
+                    }
+					neighborId.setValue(xIndex, neighborX);
+                    // Loop over Y range.
+                    for (int iy=-yRange; iy<=yRange; iy++)
+                    {
+						// Compute y value.
+						int neighborY = currY + iy;
+						// Set the neighbor fields.
+						neighborId.setValue(yIndex, neighborY);
+                        if(neighborModule != currModule)neighborId.setValue(moduleIndex, neighborModule);
+						// Add the neighbor id to the return array.
+						neighbors.add(helper.pack(neighborId).getValue());
+                        // If we have a duplicate cell, add it
+                        if(dup)
+                        {
+                            dupId.setValue(yIndex, neighborY);
+                            dupId.setValue(xIndex, dupX);
+                            dupId.setValue(layerIndex, neighborLayer);
+                            dupId.setValue(moduleIndex, dupModule);
+                            neighbors.add(helper.pack(dupId).getValue());
+                        }
+					}
+				}
+			}
+        }
+		long result[] = new long[neighbors.size()];
+		int i = 0;
+		for (Long id : neighbors)
+		{
+			result[i] = id;
+			i++;
+		}
+		return result;
+	}
+    protected void initializeBorders(IExpandedIdentifier thisId)
+    {
+        // nvalidx is the number of valid xbins in the elements half
+        // length per layer.
+        nvalidx = new int[this.getNumberOfLayers()];
+        // borderCellIsDuplicate - true if we treat the partial cell\
+        // on each side of the boundary as a single cell
+        borderCellIsDuplicate = new boolean[this.getNumberOfLayers()];
+		IIdentifierHelper helper = detector.getDetectorElement().getIdentifierHelper();
+        ExpandedIdentifier testId = new ExpandedIdentifier(thisId);
+        for(int layer=0;layer<this.getNumberOfLayers();layer++)
+        {
+			testId.setValue(layerIndex, layer);
+            IIdentifier geomId = makeGeometryIdentifier(helper.pack(testId).getValue());
+            IDetectorElementContainer deSrch = getSubdetector().getDetectorElement().findDetectorElement(geomId);
+            IDetectorElement de = deSrch.get(0);
+            if (de.getGeometry().getLogicalVolume().getSolid() instanceof Box)
+            {
+                Box sensorBox = (Box)de.getGeometry().getLogicalVolume().getSolid();
+                double xhl = sensorBox.getXHalfLength();
+                nvalidx[layer] = (int)(xhl/gridSizeX) + 1;
+                double bcw = (nvalidx[layer]*gridSizeX - xhl)/gridSizeX;
+                borderCellIsDuplicate[layer] = false;
+                if(bcw < .5)borderCellIsDuplicate[layer] = true;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                throw new RuntimeException("Don't know how to bounds check solid " + de.getGeometry().getLogicalVolume().getSolid().getName() + ".");
+            }
+        }
+    }
+	public void setupGeomFields(IDDescriptor id)
+	{
+        super.setupGeomFields(id);
+        xIndex = id.indexOf("x");
+		yIndex = id.indexOf("y");
+		layerIndex = id.indexOf("layer");
+		moduleIndex = id.indexOf("module");
+	}
\ No newline at end of file

GeomConverter/src/org/lcsim/geometry/segmentation added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	18 Nov 2009 12:48:18 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+package org.lcsim.geometry.segmentation;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.jdom.DataConversionException;
+import org.jdom.Element;
+import org.lcsim.detector.IDetectorElement;
+import org.lcsim.detector.IDetectorElementContainer;
+import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.IExpandedIdentifier;
+import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.ExpandedIdentifier;
+import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.IIdentifier;
+import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.IIdentifierHelper;
+import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.Identifier;
+import org.lcsim.detector.solids.Trd;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.util.IDDescriptor;
+ * XZ Cartesian grid segmentation. 
+ * 
+ * @author  cassell
+ */
+public class RegularNgonCartesianGridXZ extends CartesianGridXZ
+	private double gridSizeX = 0;
+	private double gridSizeZ = 0;
+    private int nmodules = 12;
+	private int xIndex = -1;
+	private int zIndex = -1;
+	private int moduleIndex = -1;
+	private int barrelIndex = -1;
+    private int nzbins = 0;
+    private int zbinmax = 0;
+    private int zbinmin = 0;
+    private int[] nvalidx;
+    private boolean[] borderCellIsDuplicate;
+    private double xhl0 = 0.;
+    private double xslope = 0.;
+    private int ecsign = -1;
+	public RegularNgonCartesianGridXZ(Element node) throws DataConversionException
+	{
+		super(node);
+		if (node.getAttribute("gridSizeX") != null)
+		{
+			gridSizeX = node.getAttribute("gridSizeX").getDoubleValue();
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			throw new RuntimeException("Missing gridSizeX parameter.");
+		}
+		if (node.getAttribute("gridSizeZ") != null)
+		{
+			gridSizeZ = node.getAttribute("gridSizeZ").getDoubleValue();
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			throw new RuntimeException("Missing gridSizeZ parameter.");
+		}
+	}
+	public long[] getNeighbourIDs(int layerRange, int xRange, int zRange)
+	{
+		if (this.getDecoder().getID() == 0)
+			throw new RuntimeException("No current ID is set.");
+		// Get the IdentifierHelper.
+		IIdentifierHelper helper = detector.getDetectorElement().getIdentifierHelper();
+		// Get number of layers.
+		int nlayers = this.getNumberOfLayers();
+		// Current packed id.
+		IIdentifier currId = new Identifier(this.getDecoder().getID());
+		// Create an ExpandedIdentifier for the current id.
+		IExpandedIdentifier thisId = helper.unpack(currId);
+        // Initialize the border arrays the first time in
+        if (nvalidx == null)
+        {
+            initializeBorders(thisId);
+        }
+		// Set values for current id.
+		int currLayer = helper.getValue(currId, layerIndex);
+		int currX = helper.getValue(currId, xIndex);
+		int currZ = helper.getValue(currId, zIndex);
+		int currModule = helper.getValue(currId, moduleIndex);
+		// Create return array.
+		List<Long> neighbors = new ArrayList<Long>();
+        // Create a new ExpandedIdenfier from the base Id.
+        ExpandedIdentifier neighborId = new ExpandedIdentifier(thisId);
+        ExpandedIdentifier dupId = new ExpandedIdentifier(thisId);
+        // Loop over Z range.
+        for (int iz=-zRange; iz<=zRange; iz++)
+        {
+            // Compute y value.
+            int neighborZ = currZ + iz;
+            if(neighborZ >= zbinmin && neighborZ <= zbinmax)
+            {
+                neighborId.setValue(zIndex, neighborZ);
+                int Zindex = neighborZ + nzbins/2;
+                // Loop over X range.
+                for (int ix=-xRange; ix<=xRange; ix++)
+                {
+                    // Need to check border
+                    int neighborX = currX + ix;
+                    int neighborModule = currModule;
+                    int dupX = neighborX;
+                    int dupModule = neighborModule;
+                    boolean dup = false;
+                    if(neighborX < -nvalidx[Zindex]+1)
+                    {
+                        if(neighborX == -nvalidx[Zindex])
+                        {
+                            if(borderCellIsDuplicate[Zindex])
+                            {
+                                dup = true;
+                                dupX = -neighborX -1;
+                                dupModule = (nmodules + neighborModule -ecsign)%nmodules;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            neighborModule = (nmodules + neighborModule -ecsign)%nmodules;
+                            neighborX = 2*nvalidx[Zindex] + neighborX;
+                            if(borderCellIsDuplicate[Zindex])neighborX--;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else if(neighborX > nvalidx[Zindex]-2)
+                    {
+                        if(neighborX == nvalidx[Zindex]-1)
+                        {
+                            if(borderCellIsDuplicate[Zindex])
+                            {
+                                dup = true;
+                                dupX = -neighborX -1;
+                                dupModule = (nmodules + neighborModule +ecsign)%nmodules;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            neighborModule = (nmodules + neighborModule +ecsign)%nmodules;
+                            neighborX = -2*nvalidx[Zindex] + neighborX;
+                            if(borderCellIsDuplicate[Zindex])neighborX++;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    neighborId.setValue(xIndex, neighborX);
+                    // Loop over layer range.
+                    for (int ilayer=-layerRange; ilayer<=layerRange; ilayer++)
+                    {
+                        // Compute layer value.
+                        int neighborLayer = currLayer + ilayer;
+                        if (neighborLayer >= 0 && neighborLayer < nlayers)
+                        {
+                            // Set the neighbor fields.
+                            neighborId.setValue(layerIndex, neighborLayer);
+                            if(neighborModule != currModule)neighborId.setValue(moduleIndex, neighborModule);
+                            // Add the neighbor id to the return array.
+                            neighbors.add(helper.pack(neighborId).getValue());
+                            // If we have a duplicate cell, add it
+                            if(dup)
+                            {
+                                dupId.setValue(zIndex, neighborZ);
+                                dupId.setValue(xIndex, dupX);
+                                dupId.setValue(layerIndex, neighborLayer);
+                                dupId.setValue(moduleIndex, dupModule);
+                                neighbors.add(helper.pack(dupId).getValue());
+                            }
+                        }
+					}
+				}
+			}
+        }
+		long result[] = new long[neighbors.size()];
+		int i = 0;
+		for (Long id : neighbors)
+		{
+			result[i] = id;
+			i++;
+		}
+		return result;
+    }
+    protected void initializeBorders(IExpandedIdentifier thisId)
+    {
+		IIdentifierHelper helper = detector.getDetectorElement().getIdentifierHelper();
+        IIdentifier id = new Identifier(this.getDecoder().getID());
+        ExpandedIdentifier testId = new ExpandedIdentifier(thisId);
+        int barrelVal = helper.getValue(id, barrelIndex);
+        ecsign = 1;
+        if(barrelVal == 2)ecsign = -1;
+        testId.setValue(xIndex, 0);
+        IIdentifier geomId = makeGeometryIdentifier(helper.pack(testId).getValue());
+        IDetectorElementContainer deSrch = getSubdetector().getDetectorElement().findDetectorElement(geomId);
+        IDetectorElement de = deSrch.get(0);
+        if (de.getGeometry().getLogicalVolume().getSolid() instanceof Trd)
+        {
+            Trd sensorTrd = (Trd)de.getGeometry().getLogicalVolume().getSolid();
+            double zhl = sensorTrd.getZHalfLength();
+            double xhl1 = sensorTrd.getXHalfLength1();
+            double xhl2 = sensorTrd.getXHalfLength2();
+            xhl0 = (xhl1+xhl2)/2.;
+            xslope = (xhl2 - xhl0)*gridSizeZ/zhl;
+            nzbins = 2*((int)(zhl/gridSizeZ) + 1);
+            zbinmax = nzbins/2 -1;
+            zbinmin = -nzbins/2;
+            nvalidx = new int[nzbins];
+            borderCellIsDuplicate = new boolean[nzbins];
+            for(int zi=0;zi<nzbins;zi++)
+            {
+                int zbin = zi - nzbins/2;
+                double xhl = xhl0 + xslope*(zbin + .5);
+                nvalidx[zi] = (int)(xhl/gridSizeX) + 1;
+                double bcw = (nvalidx[zi]*gridSizeX - xhl)/gridSizeX;
+                borderCellIsDuplicate[zi] = false;
+                if(bcw < .5)borderCellIsDuplicate[zi] = true;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            throw new RuntimeException("Don't know how to bounds check solid " + de.getGeometry().getLogicalVolume().getSolid().getName() + ".");
+        }
+    }
+	protected void setupGeomFields(IDDescriptor id)
+	{
+        super.setupGeomFields(id);
+		xIndex = id.indexOf("x");
+		zIndex = id.indexOf("z");
+		moduleIndex = id.indexOf("module");
+		layerIndex = id.indexOf("layer");
+		barrelIndex = id.indexOf("barrel");
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
CVSspam 0.2.8