

ATLAS SCCS Planning, November 25, 2009

    9:00 AM, SCCS Conf Rm A,
      to call in +1 510 665 5437, press 1, 3935#

WT2 2009 hardware install
 Of the 10 SUN Thors purchased 5 are in service now increasing
 WT2 disk space to 420 TB (260 existing + 160 new) with ~240 TB
 free. The total will become 580 TB when the rest comes online
 early next year.
 SCCS is negotiating with Campus facility (Forsythe) to install 
 new machines being added to the SLAC batch queues. The ATLAS 
 portion is 35 units of 8-core machines. When these come online 
 early next year the total CPU core count will increase from 
 600 to 880.    
SLC5/RHEL5 migration of WT2
  >1100 CPU cores are running in 64-bit RHEL5, meeting any
  SLC4 or SLC5 jobs submitted to WT2 from the GRID.
  BABAR batch jobs have moved on to RHEL5 as well, so the full
  conversion to RHEL5 is expected next year. US-ATLAS mandate
  of WT2 conversion is met; this item is checked off.

WT2 operations

  Running smoothly; NTR.

  Wei reports that large MC production is about to start. 
  It will require 100 TB in Dec-Jan, and 100 TB in Spring.
  Disk space burden could be lightened by half from sharing
  with SWT2 which also runs XROOTD.
ATLAS/SCCS planning meeting changes

  Andy Haas will take over various ATLAS duties at SLAC from
  Peter who is leaving ATLAS. He will start chairing this
  meeting in Jan, 2010.  
  As some people have time conflicts with the current time
  (Wed. 9:00 AM PST), a new time slot is being considered. 
  General consensus appears to have it in the afternoon,
  as most other ATLAS meetings are in the mornings.  
Next meeting: Dec. 9, 2009 at time TBA