

Hi Wen,

Something is really going wrong with your data servers. For instance, c109 
is quite happy from midnight to 7:23am. Then it dropped the connection. Then 
reconnected 7:24:03 and was again happy 12:37:20 but here it reported that's 
it's xrootd died but then the cmsd promptly killed its connection afterward. 
This appears as if someone restarted the xrootd followed by the cmsd on 
c109. This continued like this until 12:43:00 (i.e., connect, suspend, die, 
repeat). All your servers, in fact, started doing this at 12:36:41 to 
12:42:51 causing a massive swap of servers. New servers were added and old 
ones reconnecting were redirected to the supervisor. However, it would 
appear that those machines could not connect there as they kept comming back 
to the atlas-bkp1. I can't tell you anything about what was happening on 
higgs07. As far as I can tell it was happily connected to the redirector 
cmsd. The reason is that y=there is no log for higgs07 on the web site for 
12/17 starting at midnight. Perhaps you can put one there.


1) Are you *absolutely* sure that *all* your (data, etc) servers are running 
the corrected cmsd?

2) Please provide the higgs07 log for 12/17.

3) Please provide logs for a sampling of data servers say c0109, c094, 
higgs15, and higgs13 between 1/17 12:00:00 to 15:44.

I have never seen a situation like yours so something is very wrong here. In 
the mean time I will add more debugging information to the redirector and 
supervisor and let you know when that is available.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "wen guan" <[log in to unmask]>
To: "Fabrizio Furano" <[log in to unmask]>
Cc: "Andrew Hanushevsky" <[log in to unmask]>; <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: xrootd with more than 65 machines

Hi Fabrizio,

    This is the xrdcp debug message.
             ClientHeader.header.dlen = 41
=================== END CLIENT HEADER DUMPING ===================

091217 16:47:54 15961 Xrd: WriteRaw: Writing 24 bytes to physical connection
091217 16:47:54 15961 Xrd: WriteRaw: Writing to substreamid 0
091217 16:47:54 15961 Xrd: WriteRaw: Writing 41 bytes to physical connection
091217 16:47:54 15961 Xrd: WriteRaw: Writing to substreamid 0
091217 16:47:54 15961 Xrd: ReadPartialAnswer: Reading a
XrdClientMessage from the server []...
091217 16:47:54 15961 Xrd: XrdClientMessage::ReadRaw:  sid: 1, IsAttn:
0, substreamid: 0
091217 16:47:54 15961 Xrd: XrdClientMessage::ReadRaw: Reading data (4
bytes) from substream 0
091217 16:47:54 15961 Xrd: ReadRaw: Reading from
091217 16:47:54 15961 Xrd: BuildMessage:  posting id 1
091217 16:47:54 15961 Xrd: XrdClientMessage::ReadRaw: Reading header (8 
091217 16:47:54 15961 Xrd: ReadRaw: Reading from

      ServerHeader.streamid = 0x01 0x00
        ServerHeader.status = kXR_wait (4005)
          ServerHeader.dlen = 4
========== END DUMPING SERVER HEADER ===========

091217 16:47:54 15961 Xrd: ReadPartialAnswer: Server
[] answered [kXR_wait] (4005)
091217 16:47:54 15961 Xrd: CheckErrorStatus: Server
[] requested 10 seconds of wait
091217 16:48:04 15961 Xrd: DumpPhyConn: Phyconn entry,
[log in to unmask]:1094', LogCnt=1 Valid
091217 16:48:04 15961 Xrd: SendGenCommand: Sending command Open

================= DUMPING CLIENT REQUEST HEADER =================
                ClientHeader.streamid = 0x01 0x00
               ClientHeader.requestid = kXR_open (3010)
      = 0x00 0x00
   = 0x40 0x04
  = 0 repeated 12 times
             ClientHeader.header.dlen = 41
=================== END CLIENT HEADER DUMPING ===================

091217 16:48:04 15961 Xrd: WriteRaw: Writing 24 bytes to physical connection
091217 16:48:04 15961 Xrd: WriteRaw: Writing to substreamid 0
091217 16:48:04 15961 Xrd: WriteRaw: Writing 41 bytes to physical connection
091217 16:48:04 15961 Xrd: WriteRaw: Writing to substreamid 0
091217 16:48:04 15961 Xrd: ReadPartialAnswer: Reading a
XrdClientMessage from the server []...
091217 16:48:04 15961 Xrd: XrdClientMessage::ReadRaw:  sid: 1, IsAttn:
0, substreamid: 0
091217 16:48:04 15961 Xrd: XrdClientMessage::ReadRaw: Reading data (4
bytes) from substream 0
091217 16:48:04 15961 Xrd: ReadRaw: Reading from
091217 16:48:04 15961 Xrd: BuildMessage:  posting id 1
091217 16:48:04 15961 Xrd: XrdClientMessage::ReadRaw: Reading header (8 
091217 16:48:04 15961 Xrd: ReadRaw: Reading from

      ServerHeader.streamid = 0x01 0x00
        ServerHeader.status = kXR_wait (4005)
          ServerHeader.dlen = 4
========== END DUMPING SERVER HEADER ===========

091217 16:48:04 15961 Xrd: ReadPartialAnswer: Server
[] answered [kXR_wait] (4005)
091217 16:48:04 15961 Xrd: CheckErrorStatus: Server
[] requested 10 seconds of wait
091217 16:48:14 15961 Xrd: SendGenCommand: Sending command Open

================= DUMPING CLIENT REQUEST HEADER =================
                ClientHeader.streamid = 0x01 0x00
               ClientHeader.requestid = kXR_open (3010)
      = 0x00 0x00
   = 0x40 0x04
  = 0 repeated 12 times
             ClientHeader.header.dlen = 41
=================== END CLIENT HEADER DUMPING ===================

091217 16:48:14 15961 Xrd: WriteRaw: Writing 24 bytes to physical connection
091217 16:48:14 15961 Xrd: WriteRaw: Writing to substreamid 0
091217 16:48:14 15961 Xrd: WriteRaw: Writing 41 bytes to physical connection
091217 16:48:14 15961 Xrd: WriteRaw: Writing to substreamid 0
091217 16:48:14 15961 Xrd: ReadPartialAnswer: Reading a
XrdClientMessage from the server []...
091217 16:48:14 15961 Xrd: XrdClientMessage::ReadRaw:  sid: 1, IsAttn:
0, substreamid: 0
091217 16:48:14 15961 Xrd: XrdClientMessage::ReadRaw: Reading data (4
bytes) from substream 0
091217 16:48:14 15961 Xrd: ReadRaw: Reading from
091217 16:48:14 15961 Xrd: BuildMessage:  posting id 1
091217 16:48:14 15961 Xrd: XrdClientMessage::ReadRaw: Reading header (8 
091217 16:48:14 15961 Xrd: ReadRaw: Reading from

      ServerHeader.streamid = 0x01 0x00
        ServerHeader.status = kXR_wait (4005)
          ServerHeader.dlen = 4
========== END DUMPING SERVER HEADER ===========

091217 16:48:14 15961 Xrd: ReadPartialAnswer: Server
[] answered [kXR_wait] (4005)
091217 16:48:14 15961 Xrd: SendGenCommand: Max time limit elapsed for
request  kXR_open. Aborting command.
Last server error 10000 ('')
Error accessing path/file for


On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 11:27 PM, Fabrizio Furano <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hi Wen,
> I see that you are getting error 10000, which means "generic error before
> any interaction". Could you please run the same command with debug level 3
> and post the log with the same kind of issue? Something like
> xrdcp -d 3 ....
> Most likely this time the problem is different. I may be wrong here, but a
> possible reason for that error is that the servers require authentication
> and xrdcp does not find some library in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
> Fabrizio
> wen guan ha scritto:
>> Hi Andy,
>> I put new logs in web.
>> It still doesn't work. I cannot copy files in and out.
>> It seems xrootd daemon at atlas-bkp1 hasn't talked with cmsd.
>> Normally if xrootd daemont tries to copy a file, in the cms.log I
>> should see "do_Select: filename". But in this cms.log, there is
>> nothing from atlas-bkp1.
>> (*)
>> [root@atlas-bkp1 ~]# xrdcp
>> root://
>> /tmp/
>> Last server error 10000 ('')
>> Error accessing path/file for
>> root://
>> [root@atlas-bkp1 ~]# xrdcp /bin/mv
>> root://
>> 133
>> Wen
>> On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 10:54 PM, Andrew Hanushevsky <[log in to unmask]>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Wen,
>>> I reviewed the log file. Other than the odd redirect of c131 at 17:47:25
>>> which I can't comment on because its logs on the web site do not overlap
>>> with the manager or supervisor. Unless all the logs include the full 
>>> time
>>> in
>>> question I can't say much of anything. Can you provide me with inclusive
>>> logs?
>>> atlas-bkp1 cms: 17:20:57 to 17:42:19 xrd: 17:20:57 to 17:40:57
>>> higgs07 cms & xrd 17:22:33 to 17:42:33
>>> c131 cms & xrd 17:31:57 to 17:47:28
>>> That said, it certainly looks like things were working and files were
>>> being
>>> accessed and discovered on all the machines. You even werw able to open
>>> /atlas/xrootd/users/wguan/test/test98123313
>>> through not
>>> /atlas/xrootd/users/wguan/test/test123131The other issue is that you did
>>> not
>>> specify a stable adminpath and the adminpath defaults to /tmp. If you
>>> have a
>>> "cleanup" script that runs periodically for /tmp then eventually your
>>> cluster will go catonic as important (but not often used) files are
>>> deleted
>>> by that script. Could you please find a stable home for the adminpath?
>>> I reran my tests here and things worked as expected. I will ramp up some
>>> more tests. So, what is your status today?
>>> Andy
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "wen guan" <[log in to unmask]>
>>> To: "Andrew Hanushevsky" <[log in to unmask]>
>>> Cc: <[log in to unmask]>
>>> Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 5:05 AM
>>> Subject: Re: xrootd with more than 65 machines
>>> Hi Andy,
>>> Yes. I am using the file download from
>>> which compiled yesterday. I
>>> just now compiled it again and compare it with one I compiled
>>> yesterday. they are the same(same md5sum).
>>> Wen
>>> On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 2:09 AM, Andrew Hanushevsky <[log in to unmask]>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Wen,
>>>> If c131 cannot connect then either c131 does not have the new cms or
>>>> atlas-bkp1 does not have the new cms as that would be what would happen
>>>> if
>>>> either were true. Looking at the log on c131 it would appear that
>>>> atlas-bkp1
>>>> is still using the old cmsd as the response data length is wrong. Could
>>>> you
>>>> verify please.
>>>> Andy
>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "wen guan" <[log in to unmask]>
>>>> To: "Andrew Hanushevsky" <[log in to unmask]>
>>>> Cc: <[log in to unmask]>
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 3:58 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: xrootd with more than 65 machines
>>>> Hi Andy,
>>>> I tried it. But there are still some problem. I put the logs in
>>>> In my test, c131 is the 65 nodes to be added the the manager.
>>>> and I can copy the file to the pool through manager. But I cannot
>>>> copy a file out which is in c131.
>>>> In c131's cms.log, I see "Manager:
>>>> manager.0:[log in to unmask] removed; redirected" again and
>>>> again. and I cannot see any thing about c131 in higgs07's
>>>> log(supervisor). Does it mean manager tries to redirect it to higgs07,
>>>> but c131 hasn't try to connect higgs07. It only tries to connect
>>>> manager again.
>>>> (*)
>>>> [root@c131 ~]# xrdcp /bin/mv
>>>> root://atlas-bkp1//atlas/xrootd/users/wguan/test/test9812331
>>>> Last server error 10000 ('')
>>>> Error accessing path/file for
>>>> root://atlas-bkp1//atlas/xrootd/users/wguan/test/test9812331
>>>> [root@c131 ~]# xrdcp /bin/mv
>>>> root://
>>>> [xrootd] Total 0.06 MB |====================| 100.00 % [3.1 MB/s]
>>>> [root@c131 ~]# xrdcp /bin/mv
>>>> root://
>>>> [xrootd] Total 0.06 MB |====================| 100.00 % [inf MB/s]
>>>> [root@c131 ~]# ls /atlas/xrootd/users/wguan/test/
>>>> test123131
>>>> [root@c131 ~]# xrdcp
>>>> root://
>>>> /tmp/
>>>> Last server error 3011 ('No servers are available to read the file.')
>>>> Error accessing path/file for
>>>> root://
>>>> [root@c131 ~]# ls /atlas/xrootd/users/wguan/test/test123131
>>>> /atlas/xrootd/users/wguan/test/test123131
>>>> [root@c131 ~]# xrdcp
>>>> root://
>>>> /tmp/
>>>> Last server error 3011 ('No servers are available to read the file.')
>>>> Error accessing path/file for
>>>> root://
>>>> [root@c131 ~]# xrdcp /bin/mv
>>>> root://
>>>> [xrootd] Total 0.06 MB |====================| 100.00 % [inf MB/s]
>>>> [root@c131 ~]# xrdcp
>>>> root://
>>>> /tmp/
>>>> Last server error 3011 ('No servers are available to read the file.')
>>>> Error accessing path/file for
>>>> root://
>>>> [root@c131 ~]# xrdcp
>>>> root://
>>>> /tmp/
>>>> Last server error 3011 ('No servers are available to read the file.')
>>>> Error accessing path/file for
>>>> root://
>>>> [root@c131 ~]# xrdcp
>>>> root://
>>>> /tmp/
>>>> Last server error 3011 ('No servers are available to read the file.')
>>>> Error accessing path/file for
>>>> root://
>>>> [root@c131 ~]# tail -f /var/log/xrootd/cms.log
>>>> 091216 17:45:52 3103 manager.0:[log in to unmask] XrdLink:
>>>> Setting ref to 2+-1 post=0
>>>> 091216 17:45:55 3103 Pander trying to connect to lvl 0
>>>> 091216 17:45:55 3103 XrdInet: Connected to
>>>> 091216 17:45:55 3103 Add to manager config; id=0
>>>> 091216 17:45:55 3103 ManTree: Now connected to 3 root node(s)
>>>> 091216 17:45:55 3103 Protocol: Logged into
>>>> 091216 17:45:55 3103 Dispatch manager.0:[log in to unmask] for
>>>> try
>>>> dlen=3
>>>> 091216 17:45:55 3103 manager.0:[log in to unmask] do_Try:
>>>> 091216 17:45:55 3103 Remove completed manager
>>>> 0.95
>>>> 091216 17:45:55 3103 Manager: manager.0:[log in to unmask]
>>>> removed; redirected
>>>> 091216 17:46:04 3103 Pander trying to connect to lvl 0
>>>> 091216 17:46:04 3103 XrdInet: Connected to
>>>> 091216 17:46:04 3103 Add to manager config; id=0
>>>> 091216 17:46:04 3103 ManTree: Now connected to 3 root node(s)
>>>> 091216 17:46:04 3103 Protocol: Logged into
>>>> 091216 17:46:04 3103 Dispatch manager.0:[log in to unmask] for
>>>> try
>>>> dlen=3
>>>> 091216 17:46:04 3103 Protocol: No buffers to serve
>>>> 091216 17:46:04 3103 Remove completed manager
>>>> 0.96
>>>> 091216 17:46:04 3103 Manager: manager.0:[log in to unmask]
>>>> removed; insufficient buffers
>>>> 091216 17:46:11 3103 Dispatch manager.0:[log in to unmask] for
>>>> state dlen=169
>>>> 091216 17:46:11 3103 manager.0:[log in to unmask] XrdLink:
>>>> Setting ref to 1+1 post=0
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Wen
>>>> On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 12:10 AM, wen guan <[log in to unmask]>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Andy,
>>>>>> OK, I understand. As for stalling, too many nodes were deemed to be 
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> trouble for the manager to allow service resumption.
>>>>>> Please make sure that all of the nodes in the cluster receive the new
>>>>>> cmsd
>>>>>> as they will drop off with the old one and you'll see the same kind 
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> activity. Perhaps the best way to know that you suceeded in putting
>>>>>> everything in sync is to start with 63 data nodes plus one 
>>>>>> supervisor.
>>>>>> Once
>>>>>> all connections are established; adding an additional server should
>>>>>> simply
>>>>>> send it to the supervisor.
>>>>> I will do it.
>>>>> you said start 63 data server and one supervisor. Does it mean the
>>>>> supervisor is managed using the same policy? If I there are 64
>>>>> dataservers which are connected before the supervisor, will the
>>>>> supervisor be dropped? Is the supervisor has high priority to be
>>>>> added to the manager? I mean, if there are already 64 dataservers and
>>>>> a supervisor comes in, will the supervisor be accepted and a datasever
>>>>> be redirected to the supervisor?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Wen
>>>>>> Hi Andrew,
>>>>>> But when I tried to xrdcp a file to it, it doesn't response. In
>>>>>> atlas-bkp1-xrd.log.20091213, it always prints "stalling client for 10
>>>>>> sec". But in cms.log, I can find any message about the file.
>>>>>>> I don't see why you say it doesn't work. With the debugging level 
>>>>>>> set
>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>> high the noise may make it look like something is going wrong but
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> isn't
>>>>>>> necessarily the case.
>>>>>>> 1) The 'too many subscribers' is correct. The manager was simply
>>>>>>> redirecting
>>>>>>> them because there were already 64 servers. However, in your case 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> supervisor wasn't started until almost 30 minutes after everyone 
>>>>>>> else
>>>>>>> (i.e.,
>>>>>>> 10:42 AM). Why was that? I'm not suprised about the flurry of
>>>>>>> messages
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> a critical component missing for 30 minutes.
>>>>>> Because the manager is 64bit machine but supervisor is 32 bit 
>>>>>> machine.
>>>>>> Then I have to recompile the it. At that time, I was interrupted by
>>>>>> something else.
>>>>>>> 2) Once the supervisor started, it started accepting the redirected
>>>>>>> servers.
>>>>>>> 3) Then 10 seconds (10:42:10) later the supervisor was restarted. 
>>>>>>> So,
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> would cause a flurry of activity to occur as there is no backup
>>>>>>> supervisor
>>>>>>> to take over.
>>>>>>> 4) This happened again at 10:42:34 AM then again at 10:48:49. Is the
>>>>>>> supervisor crashing? Is there a core file?
>>>>>>> 5) At 11:11 AM the manager restarted. Again, is there a core file
>>>>>>> here
>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>> was this a manual action?
>>>>>>> During the course of all of this. All nodes connected were operating
>>>>>>> propely
>>>>>>> and files were being located.
>>>>>>> So, the two big questions are:
>>>>>>> a) Why was the supervisor not started until 30 minutes after the
>>>>>>> system
>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>> started?
>>>>>>> b) Is there an explanation of the restarts? If this was a crash then
>>>>>>> we
>>>>>>> need
>>>>>>> a core file to figure out what happened.
>>>>>> It's not a crash. There are some reasons that I restarted some
>>>>>> daemons.
>>>>>> (1)I thought if a dataserver tried many times to connect to a
>>>>>> redirector but failed, the dataserver would not try to connect a
>>>>>> redirector again. The supervisor was missing for long time. So maybe
>>>>>> some dataservers would not try to connect to atlas-bkp1 again. To
>>>>>> reactive these dataservers, I restarted any servers.
>>>>>> (2)When I tried to xrdcp, it was hanging for long time. I thought
>>>>>> maybe manager was affected by some others things. then I restarte
>>>>>> manager to see whether a restart can make this xrdcp work.
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Wen
>>>>>>> Andy
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "wen guan"
>>>>>>> <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>>> To: "Andrew Hanushevsky" <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>>> Cc: <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 9:38 AM
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: xrootd with more than 65 machines
>>>>>>> Hi Andrew,
>>>>>>> It still doesn't work.
>>>>>>> The log file is in The name is 
>>>>>>> *.20091216
>>>>>>> The manager complains there are too many subscribers and the removes
>>>>>>> nodes.
>>>>>>> (*)
>>>>>>> Add server.10040:[log in to unmask] redirected; too many
>>>>>>> subscribers.
>>>>>>> Wen
>>>>>>> On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 4:25 AM, Andrew Hanushevsky
>>>>>>> <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Wen,
>>>>>>>> It will be easier for me to retroft as the changes were pretty
>>>>>>>> minor.
>>>>>>>> Please
>>>>>>>> lift the new file from
>>>>>>>> Andy
>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "wen guan"
>>>>>>>> <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>>>> To: "Andrew Hanushevsky" <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>>>> Cc: <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 5:12 PM
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: xrootd with more than 65 machines
>>>>>>>> Hi Andy,
>>>>>>>> I can switch to 20091104-1102. Then you don't need to patch
>>>>>>>> another version. How can I download v20091104-1102?
>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>> Wen
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 12:52 AM, Andrew Hanushevsky
>>>>>>>> <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Wen,
>>>>>>>>> Ah yes, I see that now. The file I gave you is based on
>>>>>>>>> v20091104-1102.
>>>>>>>>> Let
>>>>>>>>> me see if I can retrofit the patch for you.
>>>>>>>>> Andy
>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "wen guan"
>>>>>>>>> <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>>>>> To: "Andrew Hanushevsky" <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>>>>> Cc: <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 1:04 PM
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: xrootd with more than 65 machines
>>>>>>>>> Hi Andy,
>>>>>>>>> Which xrootd version are you using? XrdCmsConfig.hh is different.
>>>>>>>>> XrdCmsConfig.hh is downloaded from
>>>>>>>>> [root@c121 xrootd]# md5sum src/XrdCms/
>>>>>>>>> 6fb3ae40fe4e10bdd4d372818a341f2c src/XrdCms/
>>>>>>>>> [root@c121 xrootd]# md5sum src/XrdCms/XrdCmsConfig.hh
>>>>>>>>> 7d57753847d9448186c718f98e963cbe src/XrdCms/XrdCmsConfig.hh
>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>> Wen
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 10:50 PM, Andrew Hanushevsky
>>>>>>>>> <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Wen,
>>>>>>>>>> Just compiled on Linux and it was clean. Something is really 
>>>>>>>>>> wrong
>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>> source files, specifically
>>>>>>>>>> The MD5 checksums on the relevant files are:
>>>>>>>>>> MD5 ( = 6fb3ae40fe4e10bdd4d372818a341f2c
>>>>>>>>>> MD5 (XrdCmsConfig.hh) = 4a7d655582a7cd43b098947d0676924b
>>>>>>>>>> Andy
>>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "wen guan"
>>>>>>>>>> <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>>>>>> To: "Andrew Hanushevsky" <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>>>>>> Cc: <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 4:24 AM
>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: xrootd with more than 65 machines
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Andy,
>>>>>>>>>> No problem. Thanks for the fix. But it cannot be compiled. The
>>>>>>>>>> version I am using is
>>>>>>>>>> Making cms component...
>>>>>>>>>> Compiling
>>>>>>>>>> In member function `const char*
>>>>>>>>>> XrdCmsNode::do_Chmod(XrdCmsRRData&)':
>>>>>>>>>> error: `fsExec' was not declared in this scope
>>>>>>>>>> warning: unused variable 'fsExec'
>>>>>>>>>> error: 'class XrdCmsConfig' has no member 
>>>>>>>>>> named
>>>>>>>>>> 'ossFS'
>>>>>>>>>> error: `fsFail' was not declared in this scope
>>>>>>>>>> warning: unused variable 'fsFail'
>>>>>>>>>> In member function `const char*
>>>>>>>>>> XrdCmsNode::do_Mkdir(XrdCmsRRData&)':
>>>>>>>>>> error: `fsExec' was not declared in this scope
>>>>>>>>>> warning: unused variable 'fsExec'
>>>>>>>>>> error: 'class XrdCmsConfig' has no member 
>>>>>>>>>> named
>>>>>>>>>> 'ossFS'
>>>>>>>>>> error: `fsFail' was not declared in this scope
>>>>>>>>>> warning: unused variable 'fsFail'
>>>>>>>>>> In member function `const char*
>>>>>>>>>> XrdCmsNode::do_Mkpath(XrdCmsRRData&)':
>>>>>>>>>> error: `fsExec' was not declared in this scope
>>>>>>>>>> warning: unused variable 'fsExec'
>>>>>>>>>> error: 'class XrdCmsConfig' has no member 
>>>>>>>>>> named
>>>>>>>>>> 'ossFS'
>>>>>>>>>> error: `fsFail' was not declared in this scope
>>>>>>>>>> warning: unused variable 'fsFail'
>>>>>>>>>> In member function `const char*
>>>>>>>>>> XrdCmsNode::do_Mv(XrdCmsRRData&)':
>>>>>>>>>> error: `fsExec' was not declared in this scope
>>>>>>>>>> warning: unused variable 'fsExec'
>>>>>>>>>> error: 'class XrdCmsConfig' has no member 
>>>>>>>>>> named
>>>>>>>>>> 'ossFS'
>>>>>>>>>> error: `fsFail' was not declared in this scope
>>>>>>>>>> warning: unused variable 'fsFail'
>>>>>>>>>> In member function `const char*
>>>>>>>>>> XrdCmsNode::do_Rm(XrdCmsRRData&)':
>>>>>>>>>> error: `fsExec' was not declared in this scope
>>>>>>>>>> warning: unused variable 'fsExec'
>>>>>>>>>> error: 'class XrdCmsConfig' has no member 
>>>>>>>>>> named
>>>>>>>>>> 'ossFS'
>>>>>>>>>> error: `fsFail' was not declared in this scope
>>>>>>>>>> warning: unused variable 'fsFail'
>>>>>>>>>> In member function `const char*
>>>>>>>>>> XrdCmsNode::do_Rmdir(XrdCmsRRData&)':
>>>>>>>>>> error: `fsExec' was not declared in this scope
>>>>>>>>>> warning: unused variable 'fsExec'
>>>>>>>>>> error: 'class XrdCmsConfig' has no member 
>>>>>>>>>> named
>>>>>>>>>> 'ossFS'
>>>>>>>>>> error: `fsFail' was not declared in this scope
>>>>>>>>>> warning: unused variable 'fsFail'
>>>>>>>>>> In member function `const char*
>>>>>>>>>> XrdCmsNode::do_Trunc(XrdCmsRRData&)':
>>>>>>>>>> error: `fsExec' was not declared in this 
>>>>>>>>>> scope
>>>>>>>>>> warning: unused variable 'fsExec'
>>>>>>>>>> error: 'class XrdCmsConfig' has no member
>>>>>>>>>> named
>>>>>>>>>> 'ossFS'
>>>>>>>>>> error: `fsFail' was not declared in this 
>>>>>>>>>> scope
>>>>>>>>>> warning: unused variable 'fsFail'
>>>>>>>>>> At global scope:
>>>>>>>>>> error: no `int 
>>>>>>>>>> XrdCmsNode::fsExec(XrdOucProg*,
>>>>>>>>>> char*, char*)' member function declared in class `XrdCmsNode'
>>>>>>>>>> In member function `int
>>>>>>>>>> XrdCmsNode::fsExec(XrdOucProg*,
>>>>>>>>>> char*, char*)':
>>>>>>>>>> error: `fsL2PFail1' was not declared in this
>>>>>>>>>> scope
>>>>>>>>>> warning: unused variable 'fsL2PFail1'
>>>>>>>>>> error: `fsL2PFail2' was not declared in this
>>>>>>>>>> scope
>>>>>>>>>> warning: unused variable 'fsL2PFail2'
>>>>>>>>>> At global scope:
>>>>>>>>>> error: no `const char*
>>>>>>>>>> XrdCmsNode::fsFail(const
>>>>>>>>>> char*, const char*, const char*, int)' member function declared 
>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>> class `XrdCmsNode'
>>>>>>>>>> In member function `const char*
>>>>>>>>>> XrdCmsNode::fsFail(const char*, const char*, const char*, int)':
>>>>>>>>>> error: `fsL2PFail1' was not declared in this
>>>>>>>>>> scope
>>>>>>>>>> warning: unused variable 'fsL2PFail1'
>>>>>>>>>> error: `fsL2PFail2' was not declared in this
>>>>>>>>>> scope
>>>>>>>>>> warning: unused variable 'fsL2PFail2'
>>>>>>>>>> In static member function `static int
>>>>>>>>>> XrdCmsNode::isOnline(char*, int)':
>>>>>>>>>> error: 'class XrdCmsConfig' has no member
>>>>>>>>>> named
>>>>>>>>>> 'ossFS'
>>>>>>>>>> make[4]: *** [../../obj/XrdCmsNode.o] Error 1
>>>>>>>>>> make[3]: *** [Linuxall] Error 2
>>>>>>>>>> make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
>>>>>>>>>> make[1]: *** [XrdCms] Error 2
>>>>>>>>>> make: *** [all] Error 2
>>>>>>>>>> Wen
>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 2:08 AM, Andrew Hanushevsky
>>>>>>>>>> <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Wen,
>>>>>>>>>>> I have developed a permanent fix. You will find the source files
>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>> There are three files:
>>>>>>>>>>> Please do a source replacement and recompile. Unfortunately, the
>>>>>>>>>>> cmsd
>>>>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>>>> need to be replaced on each node regardless of role. My 
>>>>>>>>>>> apologies
>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> disruption. Please let me know how it goes.
>>>>>>>>>>> Andy
>>>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "wen guan"
>>>>>>>>>>> <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>>>>>>> To: "Andrew Hanushevsky" <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>>>>>>> Cc: <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2009 7:04 AM
>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: xrootd with more than 65 machines
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Andrew,
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>> I used the new cmsd at atlas-bkp1 manager. But it's still
>>>>>>>>>>> dropping
>>>>>>>>>>> nodes. And in supervisor's log, I cannot find any dataserver to
>>>>>>>>>>> register to it.
>>>>>>>>>>> The new logs are in*.20091213.
>>>>>>>>>>> The manager is patched at 091213 08:38:15.
>>>>>>>>>>> Wen
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 1:52 AM, Andrew Hanushevsky
>>>>>>>>>>> <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Wen
>>>>>>>>>>>> You will find the source replacement at:
>>>>>>>>>>>> It's and it replaces
>>>>>>>>>>>> xrootd/src/XrdCms/
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm stepping out for a couple of hours but will be back to see
>>>>>>>>>>>> how
>>>>>>>>>>>> things
>>>>>>>>>>>> went. Sorry for the issues :-(
>>>>>>>>>>>> Andy
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 13 Dec 2009, wen guan wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Andrew,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I prefer a source replacement. Then I can compile it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can do one of two things here:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1) Supply a source replacement and then you would recompile,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2) Give me the uname -a of where the cmsd will run and I'll
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> supply
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> binary
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> replacement for you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Your choice.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Andy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 13 Dec 2009, wen guan wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Andrew
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The problem is found. Great. Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Where can I find the patched cmsd?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 11:36 PM, Andrew Hanushevsky
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Wen,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I found the problem. Looks like a regression from way back
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> missing flag on the redirect. This will require a patched
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cmsd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only to replace the redirector's cmsd as this only affects
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> redirector.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How would you like to proceed?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Andy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 12 Dec 2009, wen guan wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Andrew,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It doesn't work. atlas-bkp1 manager still dropping nodes
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> again.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In supervisor, I still haven't seen any dataserver
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> registered.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> said
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "I updated the ntp" because you said "the log timestamp do
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> overlap".
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 9:33 PM, Andrew Hanushevsky
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Wen,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you mean that everything is now working? It could be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> removed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> xrd.timeout directive. That really could cause problems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> delays,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that is normal when the redirector thinks something is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> going
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrong.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> strategy is to delay clients until it can get back to a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stable
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> configuration. This usually prevents jobs from crashing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> during
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stressful
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> periods.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Andy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 12 Dec 2009, wen guan wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Andrew,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I restarted it to do supervisor test. Also because 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> xrootd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> manager
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> frequently doesn't response. (*) is the cms.log, the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> select
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> delayed again and again. When do a restart, all things
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fine.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> am trying to find a clue about it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (*)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091212 00:00:19 21318 slot3.14949:[log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do_Select:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wc
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /atlas/xrootd/users/fang/MC8.108004.PythiaPhotonJet4.7TeV.e444_s479_r635_dmp81_tid001090/LOG/dig.001090._000066.log.2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091212 00:00:19 21318 Select seeking
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /atlas/xrootd/users/fang/MC8.108004.PythiaPhotonJet4.7TeV.e444_s479_r635_dmp81_tid001090/LOG/dig.001090._000066.log.2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091212 00:00:19 21318 UnkFile rc=1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> path=/atlas/xrootd/users/fang/MC8.108004.PythiaPhotonJet4.7TeV.e444_s479_r635_dmp81_tid001090/LOG/dig.001090._000066.log.2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091212 00:00:19 21318 slot3.14949:[log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do_Select:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> delay 5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /atlas/xrootd/users/fang/MC8.108004.PythiaPhotonJet4.7TeV.e444_s479_r635_dmp81_tid001090/LOG/dig.001090._000066.log.2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091212 00:00:19 21318 XrdLink: Setting link ref to 2+-1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> post=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091212 00:00:19 21318 Dispatch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> redirector.21313:14@atlas-bkp2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> select dlen=166
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091212 00:00:19 21318 XrdLink: Setting link ref to 1+1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> post=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091212 00:00:19 21318 XrdSched: running redirector inq=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There is no core file. I copied a new copies of the logs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> link
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> below.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 3:16 AM, Andrew Hanushevsky
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Wen,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I see in the server log that it is restarting often.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Could
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> take
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> look
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the c193 to see if you have any core files? Also
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> please
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sure
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> core files are enabled as Linux defaults the size to 0.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> step
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> here
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is to find out why your servers are restarting.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Andy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 12 Dec 2009, wen guan wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Andrew,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the logs can be found here. From the log you can see
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> atlas-bkp1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> manager are dropping nodes again and again which tries
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 11:41 PM, Andrew Hanushevsky
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Wen, Could you start everything up and provide me 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pointer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> manager log file, supervisor log file, and one data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> logfile
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which cover the same time-frame (from start to some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> point
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> think
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> things are working or not). That way I can see what 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> happening.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> At
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> moment I only see two "bad" things in the config 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1) Only is designated as a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> manager
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> claim,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> via
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the all.manager directive, that there are three (bkp2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bkp3).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> While
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should work, the log file will be dense with error
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> messages.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> correct
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this to be consistent and make it easier to see real
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> errors.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is not a problem for me. Because this config is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dataserver. In manager, I updated the if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> atlas-bkp2 or something. This is a history problem. at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> atlas-bkp1 is used. atlas-bkp2 and atlas-bkp3 are 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> added
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> later.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2) Please use not (for historical
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reasons
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> latter
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> still accepted and over-rides the former, but that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> soon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> end),
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> please use only one (the config file uses both
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> directives).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yes. I should remove this line. in fact is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cfg
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> too.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The xrootd has an internal mechanism to connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> servers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> supervisors
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> allow for maximum reliability. You cannot change that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> algorithm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no need to do so. You should *never* tell anyone to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> directly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> supervisor. If you do, you will likely get 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unreachable
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nodes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As for dropping data servers, it would appear to me,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> given
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> flurry
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> such activity, that something either crashed or was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> restarted.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> why
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would be good to see the complete log of each one of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> entities.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Andy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 11 Dec 2009, wen guan wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Andrew,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I read the document. and write a config
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I used my conf, I can see manager is dispatch 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> supervisor. But I cannot see any dataserver tries to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> supervisor. At the same time, in the manager's log, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> see
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dataserver are Dropped.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How does xrootd decide which dataserver will connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> supervisor?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should I specify some dataservers to connect the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> supervisor?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (*) supervisor log
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 15:07:00 30028 Dispatch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> manager.0:20@atlas-bkp2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> state
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dlen=42
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 15:07:00 30028 manager.0:20@atlas-bkp2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do_State:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /atlas/xrootd/users/wguan/test/test131141
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 15:07:00 30028 manager.0:20@atlas-bkp2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do_StateFWD:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Path
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> find
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> failed for state
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /atlas/xrootd/users/wguan/test/test131141
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (*)manager log
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:24 15661 Admit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TSpace=5587GB
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NumFS=1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FSpace=5693644MB MinFR=57218MB Util=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:24 15661 Admit 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adding
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> path:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> w
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /atlas
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:24 15661
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.10585:[log in to unmask]:1094
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do_Space: 5696231MB free; 0% util
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:24 15661 Protocol:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.10585:[log in to unmask]:1094 logged in.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:24 001 XrdInet: Accepted connection 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:24 15661 XrdSched: running
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ?:[log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inq=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:24 15661 XrdProtocol: matched protocol
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cmsd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:24 15661 ?:[log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XrdPoll:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FD
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 79
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attached
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to poller 2; num=22
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:24 15661 Add
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.21739:[log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bumps
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.15905:[log in to unmask]:1094 #63
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:24 15661 Update Counts Parm1=-1 Parm2=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:24 15661 Drop_Node:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.15905:[log in to unmask]:1094 dropped.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:24 15661 Add Shoved
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.21739:[log in to unmask]:1094 to cluster;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> id=63.78;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> num=64;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> min=51
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:24 15661 Update Counts Parm1=1 Parm2=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:24 15661 Admit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TSpace=5587GB
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NumFS=1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FSpace=5721854MB MinFR=57218MB Util=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:24 15661 Admit 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adding
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> path:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> w
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /atlas
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:24 15661
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.21739:[log in to unmask]:1094
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do_Space: 5721854MB free; 0% util
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:24 15661 Protocol:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.21739:[log in to unmask]:1094 logged in.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:24 15661 XrdLink: Unable to recieve 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>; connection reset by peer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:24 15661 Update Counts Parm1=-1 Parm2=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:24 15661 XrdSched: scheduling drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 60
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seconds
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:24 15661 Remove_Node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.21739:[log in to unmask]:1094 node 63.78
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:24 15661 Protocol:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.21739:[log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> logged
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:24 15661
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.21739:[log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XrdPoll:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FD
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 79 detached from poller 2; num=21
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Dispatch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.24718:[log in to unmask]:1094
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for status dlen=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.24718:[log in to unmask]:1094
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do_Status:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suspend
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Update Counts Parm1=-1 Parm2=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Node:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> service
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suspended
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 XrdLink: No RecvAll() data 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FD=16
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Update Counts Parm1=0 Parm2=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Remove_Node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.24718:[log in to unmask]:1094 node 0.3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Protocol:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.21656:[log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> logged
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.21656:[log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XrdPoll:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FD
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 16 detached from poller 2; num=20
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 XrdLink: No RecvAll() data 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FD=21
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Update Counts Parm1=-1 Parm2=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Remove_Node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.17065:[log in to unmask]:1094 node 1.4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Protocol:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.7978:[log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> logged
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.7978:[log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XrdPoll:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FD
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 21
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> detached from poller 1; num=21
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 State: Status changed to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suspended
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Send status to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> redirector.15656:14@atlas-bkp2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Dispatch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.12937:[log in to unmask]:1094
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for status dlen=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.12937:[log in to unmask]:1094
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do_Status:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suspend
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Update Counts Parm1=-1 Parm2=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Node:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> service
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suspended
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 XrdLink: No RecvAll() data 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FD=19
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Update Counts Parm1=0 Parm2=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Remove_Node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.12937:[log in to unmask]:1094 node 7.10
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Protocol:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.26620:[log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> logged
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.26620:[log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XrdPoll:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FD
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 19 detached from poller 2; num=19
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Dispatch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.10842:[log in to unmask]:1094
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for status dlen=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.10842:[log in to unmask]:1094
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do_Status:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suspend
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Update Counts Parm1=-1 Parm2=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Node:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> service
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suspended
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 XrdLink: No RecvAll() data 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FD=15
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Update Counts Parm1=0 Parm2=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Remove_Node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.10842:[log in to unmask]:1094 node 9.12
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Protocol:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.11901:[log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> logged
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.11901:[log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XrdPoll:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FD
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 15 detached from poller 1; num=20
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Dispatch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.5535:[log in to unmask]:1094
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for status dlen=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.5535:[log in to unmask]:1094
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do_Status:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suspend
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Update Counts Parm1=-1 Parm2=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Node:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> service
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suspended
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 XrdLink: No RecvAll() data 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FD=17
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Update Counts Parm1=0 Parm2=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Remove_Node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.5535:[log in to unmask]:1094 node 5.8
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Protocol:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.13984:[log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> logged
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.13984:[log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XrdPoll:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FD
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 17 detached from poller 0; num=21
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Dispatch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.23711:[log in to unmask]:1094
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for status dlen=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.23711:[log in to unmask]:1094
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do_Status:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suspend
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Update Counts Parm1=-1 Parm2=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Node:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> service
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suspended
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 XrdLink: No RecvAll() data 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FD=22
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Update Counts Parm1=0 Parm2=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Remove_Node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.23711:[log in to unmask]:1094 node 8.11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Protocol:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.27735:[log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> logged
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.27735:[log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XrdPoll:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FD
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 22 detached from poller 2; num=18
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 XrdLink: No RecvAll() data 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FD=20
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Update Counts Parm1=-1 Parm2=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Remove_Node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.4131:[log in to unmask]:1094 node 3.6
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Protocol:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.26787:[log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> logged
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.26787:[log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XrdPoll:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FD
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 20 detached from poller 0; num=20
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Dispatch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.10585:[log in to unmask]:1094
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for status dlen=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.10585:[log in to unmask]:1094
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do_Status:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suspend
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Update Counts Parm1=-1 Parm2=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Node:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> service
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suspended
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 XrdLink: No RecvAll() data 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FD=23
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Update Counts Parm1=0 Parm2=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Remove_Node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.10585:[log in to unmask]:1094 node 6.9
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Protocol:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.8524:[log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> logged
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.8524:[log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XrdPoll:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FD
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 23
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> detached from poller 0; num=19
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Dispatch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.20264:[log in to unmask]:1094
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for status dlen=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.20264:[log in to unmask]:1094
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do_Status:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suspend
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Update Counts Parm1=-1 Parm2=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Node:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> service
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suspended
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 XrdLink: No RecvAll() data 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FD=18
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Update Counts Parm1=0 Parm2=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Remove_Node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.20264:[log in to unmask]:1094 node 4.7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Protocol:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.14636:[log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> logged
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.14636:[log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XrdPoll:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FD
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 18 detached from poller 1; num=19
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Dispatch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.1656:[log in to unmask]:1094
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for status dlen=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.1656:[log in to unmask]:1094
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do_Status:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suspend
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Update Counts Parm1=-1 Parm2=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Node:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> service
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suspended
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 XrdLink: No RecvAll() data 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FD=24
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Update Counts Parm1=0 Parm2=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Remove_Node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.1656:[log in to unmask]:1094 node 2.5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661 Protocol:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.7849:[log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> logged
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:13:27 15661
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.7849:[log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XrdPoll:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FD
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 24
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> detached from poller 1; num=18
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:14 15661 XrdSched: running drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inq=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:14 15661 XrdSched: running drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inq=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:14 15661 XrdSched: running drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inq=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:14 15661 XrdSched: running drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inq=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:14 15661 XrdSched: running drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inq=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:14 15661 XrdSched: running drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inq=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:14 15661 XrdSched: running drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inq=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:14 15661 XrdSched: running drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inq=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:14 15661 XrdSched: running drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inq=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:14 15661 XrdSched: running drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inq=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:14 15661 XrdSched: scheduling drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seconds
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:14 15661 XrdSched: scheduling drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seconds
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:14 15661 XrdSched: scheduling drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seconds
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:14 15661 XrdSched: scheduling drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seconds
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:14 15661 XrdSched: scheduling drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seconds
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:14 15661 XrdSched: scheduling drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seconds
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:14 15661 XrdSched: scheduling drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seconds
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:14 15661 XrdSched: scheduling drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seconds
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:14 15661 XrdSched: scheduling drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seconds
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:14 15661 XrdSched: scheduling drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seconds
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:24 15661 XrdSched: running drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inq=1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:24 15661 XrdSched: running drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inq=1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:24 15661 Drop_Node 63.66 cancelled.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:24 15661 XrdSched: running drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inq=1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:24 15661 Drop_Node 63.68 cancelled.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:24 15661 XrdSched: running drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inq=1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:24 15661 Drop_Node 63.69 cancelled.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:24 15661 Drop_Node 63.67 cancelled.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:24 15661 XrdSched: running drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inq=1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:24 15661 Drop_Node 63.70 cancelled.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:24 15661 XrdSched: running drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inq=1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:24 15661 Drop_Node 63.71 cancelled.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:24 15661 XrdSched: running drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inq=1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:24 15661 Drop_Node 63.72 cancelled.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:24 15661 XrdSched: running drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inq=1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:24 15661 Drop_Node 63.73 cancelled.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:24 15661 XrdSched: running drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inq=1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:24 15661 Drop_Node 63.74 cancelled.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:24 15661 XrdSched: running drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inq=1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:24 15661 Drop_Node 63.75 cancelled.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:24 15661 XrdSched: running drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inq=1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:24 15661 Drop_Node 63.76 cancelled.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:24 15661 XrdSched: Now have 68 workers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:24 15661 XrdSched: running drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inq=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:24 15661 Drop_Node 63.77 cancelled.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 091211 04:14:24 15661 XrdSched: running drop node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inq=0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Andrew Hanushevsky
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Wen,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To go past 64 data servers you will need to setup
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> supervisors.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This does not logically change the current
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> configuration
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to configure one or more *new* servers (or at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> least
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> xrootd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> processes)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whose role is supervisor. We'd like them to run in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> separate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> machines
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reliability purposes, but they could run on the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> manager
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> node
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> long
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give each one a unique instance name (i.e., -n
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> option).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The front part of the cmsd reference explains how 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Andy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 11 Dec 2009, wen guan wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Andrew,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is there any change to configure xrootd with more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 65
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> machines? I used the configure below but it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Should
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> configure some machines' manager to be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> supvervisor?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wen