


  since you are an ALICE group I guess that you should follow the 
instructions in the ALICE site:

  For an ALICE site the monitoring comes already pre-configured as far as 
you have a vobox, and you get the storage information of your site from the 
central Monalisa pages.

  Am I misunderstanding anything?


Tariq Mahmoud wrote:
> hallo all,
> we, the german ALICE-groupe, attempt to set up an xrootd-monitoring
> device. I installed the latest version of xrootd and followed the
> instruction on
> /
> I used the perl-skripts and the config files  in the src-directory of
> the installed directory.
> Doing so, I faced some problems. Looking at the error Messages and in
> the perl-code I find that the
>, etc. expect a different
> database than that created by the  creator (, the
> created database is not complete.
> I tried 4 versions (given on
> / ... same problem.
> My question: can any of you provide us with the perl-scripts and config
> files of a working package of the monitoring part of xrootd?