

Attendees: Richard, Booker, Lance, Wei


All Thors are put in use. Vacated data from wain015 (a thumper) to inspect
its fan/light problem; NFS server hosting grid home and ATLAS releases (for
grid jobs only) has a bad raid controller. Replaced the controller and moved
grid home and releases to a temporary NFS server. Permanent replacement


SCCS is installing CPU nodes from 2009 order at Forsythe site. Will need to
identify CPU and storage for FY2010. Should we go with Sun again, or check
with some other vendors? Not possible for ATLAS to go alone. Would like to
know what other SLAC groups are buying, especially LCLS. ATLAS may need the
hardware online ~ June.

Network Monitoring:

Networking group is discussing with LBNL and others on perfSonar
installation at SLAC, a requirement from US ATLAS. Looking at separating the
services that need web-100 kernel (NDT, etc.) from others that only need
regular redhat kernel.


Xrootd people now have a regular phone meeting with OSG people at the first
Tuesday morning every month.

There isn't much HPSS setup for ATLAS. Need to push through.

Wei Yang  |  [log in to unmask]  |  650-926-3338(O)