

Commit in lcsim-contrib/src/main/java/org/lcsim/contrib/Partridge/sidloi on MAIN 1.1 1.1
2 added files
Commit test of sidloi with tracking

lcsim-contrib/src/main/java/org/lcsim/contrib/Partridge/sidloi added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	8 Feb 2010 22:26:49 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package org.lcsim.contrib.Partridge.sidloi;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.Partridge.TrackingTest.*;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram1D;
+import hep.aida.IHistogramFactory;
+import hep.physics.jet.EventShape;
+import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector;
+import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
+import hep.physics.vec.VecOp;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.Partridge.TrackingTest.FindableTrack.Ignore;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.event.LCRelation;
+import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
+import org.lcsim.event.RelationalTable;
+import org.lcsim.event.Track;
+import org.lcsim.event.base.BaseRelationalTable;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.seedtracker.SeedStrategy;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.seedtracker.StrategyXMLUtils;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+ *
+ * @author partridge
+ */
+public class LOIEffFake extends Driver {
+    private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+    private EventShape es = new EventShape();
+    private IHistogramFactory hf;
+    private IHistogram1D pTeff1;
+    private IHistogram1D pTeff2;
+    private IHistogram1D thetaeff;
+    private IHistogram1D ctheff;
+    private IHistogram1D ctheff1;
+    private IHistogram1D ctheff2;
+    private IHistogram1D d0eff1;
+    private IHistogram1D d0eff2;
+    private IHistogram1D z0eff1;
+    private IHistogram1D z0eff2;
+    private IHistogram1D thrusteff;
+    private IHistogram1D fakes;
+    private IHistogram1D nfakes;
+    int ntrktot = 0;
+    int nevt = 0;
+    public LOIEffFake() {
+        //  Define the efficiency histograms
+        hf = aida.histogramFactory();
+        pTeff1 = hf.createHistogram1D("Efficiency vs pT", "", 100, 0., 5., "type=efficiency");
+        pTeff2 = hf.createHistogram1D("Efficiency vs pT full", "", 100, 0., 50., "type=efficiency");
+        thetaeff = hf.createHistogram1D("Efficiency vs theta", "", 72, 0., 180., "type=efficiency");
+        ctheff = hf.createHistogram1D("Efficiency vs cos(theta)", "", 200, -1., 1., "type=efficiency");
+        ctheff1 = hf.createHistogram1D("Efficiency vs cos(theta) - pT < 0.5 GeV", "", 200, -1., 1., "type=efficiency");
+        ctheff2 = hf.createHistogram1D("Efficiency vs cos(theta) - pT > 0.5 GeV", "", 200, -1., 1., "type=efficiency");
+        d0eff1 = hf.createHistogram1D("Efficiency vs d0", "", 50, -5., 5., "type=efficiency");
+        d0eff2 = hf.createHistogram1D("Efficiency vs d0 full", "", 24, -12., 12., "type=efficiency");
+        z0eff1 = hf.createHistogram1D("Efficiency vs z0", "", 50, -5., 5., "type=efficiency");
+        z0eff2 = hf.createHistogram1D("Efficiency vs z0 full", "", 24, -12., 12., "type=efficiency");
+        thrusteff = hf.createHistogram1D("Efficiency vs alpha", "", 100, 0., 90., "type=efficiency");
+        fakes = hf.createHistogram1D("Number of mis-matched hits (unnormalized)", "", 10, 0., 10.);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void process(EventHeader event) {
+        //  Increment the event counter
+        nevt++;
+        //  Get the magnetic field
+        Hep3Vector IP = new BasicHep3Vector(0., 0., 0.);
+        double bfield = event.getDetector().getFieldMap().getField(IP).z();
+        //  Get the list of strategies being used
+        String sfile = "autogen_muons_sidloi2.xml";
+//        String sfile = "sATLASFull-SM08.xml";
+        List<SeedStrategy> slist = StrategyXMLUtils.getStrategyListFromResource(
+                StrategyXMLUtils.getDefaultStrategiesPrefix() + sfile);
+        //  Find the minimum pT among the strategies
+        double ptCut = 9999.;
+        for (SeedStrategy s : slist) {
+            if (s.getMinPT() < ptCut) ptCut = s.getMinPT();
+        }
+        //  Get the list of MCParticles
+        List<MCParticle> mclist = event.getMCParticles();
+        //  Create a relational table that maps TrackerHits to MCParticles
+        RelationalTable hittomc = new BaseRelationalTable(RelationalTable.Mode.MANY_TO_MANY, RelationalTable.Weighting.UNWEIGHTED);
+        List<LCRelation> mcrelations = event.get(LCRelation.class, "HelicalTrackMCRelations");
+        for (LCRelation relation : mcrelations) {
+            hittomc.add(relation.getFrom(), relation.getTo());
+        }
+        //  Instantiate the class that determines if a track is "findable"
+        FindableTrack findable = new FindableTrack(event);
+        //  Create a map between tracks and the associated MCParticle
+        List<Track> tracklist = event.getTracks();
+        RelationalTable trktomc = new BaseRelationalTable(RelationalTable.Mode.MANY_TO_MANY, RelationalTable.Weighting.UNWEIGHTED);
+        //  Analyze the tracks in the event
+        for (Track track : tracklist) {
+            //  Increment the total number of tracks
+            ntrktot++;
+            //  Calculate the track pT and cos(theta)
+            Hep3Vector ptrk = new BasicHep3Vector(track.getMomentum());
+            double px = ptrk.x();
+            double py = ptrk.y();
+            double pz = ptrk.z();
+            double pt = Math.sqrt(px * px + py * py);
+            double cth = pz / ptrk.magnitude();
+            double d0 = track.getTrackParameter(HelicalTrackFit.dcaIndex);
+            double z0 = track.getTrackParameter(HelicalTrackFit.z0Index);
+            //  Analyze the hits on the track
+            TrackAnalysis tkanal = new TrackAnalysis(track, hittomc);
+            //  Calculate purity and make appropriate plots
+            int nbad = tkanal.getNBadHits();
+            int nhits = tkanal.getNHits();
+            double purity = tkanal.getPurity();
+            aida.histogram1D("Mis-matched hits for all tracks", 10, 0., 10.).fill(nbad);
+            aida.histogram1D("Mis-matched hits " + nhits + " hit tracks", 10, 0., 10.).fill(nbad);
+            fakes.fill(nbad);
+            //  Make plots for fake, non-fake, and all tracks
+            if (purity < 0.5) {
+                aida.histogram1D("Hits for fake tracks", 20, 0., 20.).fill(nhits);
+                aida.histogram1D("pT for fake tracks", 100, 0., 10.).fill(pt);
+                aida.histogram1D("cos(theta) for fake tracks", 100, -1., 1.).fill(cth);
+                aida.histogram1D("d0 for fake tracks", 50, -10., 10.).fill(d0);
+                aida.histogram1D("z0 for fake tracks", 50, -10., 10.).fill(z0);
+            } else {
+                aida.histogram1D("Hits for non-fake tracks", 20, 0., 20.).fill(nhits);
+                aida.histogram1D("pT for non-fake tracks", 100, 0., 10.).fill(pt);
+                aida.histogram1D("cos(theta) for non-fake tracks", 100, -1., 1.).fill(cth);
+                aida.histogram1D("d0 for non-fake tracks", 50, -10., 10.).fill(d0);
+                aida.histogram1D("z0 for non-fake tracks", 50, -10., 10.).fill(z0);
+            }
+            aida.histogram1D("Hits for all tracks", 20, 0., 20.).fill(nhits);
+            aida.histogram1D("pT for all tracks", 100, 0., 10.).fill(pt);
+            aida.histogram1D("cos(theta) for all tracks", 100, -1., 1.).fill(cth);
+            aida.histogram1D("d0 for all tracks", 50, -10., 10.).fill(d0);
+            aida.histogram1D("z0 for all tracks", 50, -10., 10.).fill(z0);
+            //  Now analyze MC Particles on this track
+            MCParticle mcp = tkanal.getMCParticle();
+            if (mcp != null) {
+                //  Create a map between the tracks found and the assigned MC particle
+                trktomc.add(track, tkanal.getMCParticle());
+                //  Calculate the MC momentum and polar angle
+                Hep3Vector pmc = mcp.getMomentum();
+                double pxmc = pmc.x();
+                double pymc = pmc.y();
+                double ptmc = Math.sqrt(pxmc * pxmc + pymc * pymc);
+                double pxtk = track.getPX();
+                double pytk = track.getPY();
+                double pttk = Math.sqrt(pxtk * pxtk + pytk * pytk);
+                //  Calculate the helix parameters for this MC particle and pulls in pT, d0
+                HelixParamCalculator helix = new HelixParamCalculator(mcp, bfield);
+                double d0tk = track.getTrackParameter(HelicalTrackFit.dcaIndex);
+                double d0mc = helix.getDCA();
+                double d0err = Math.sqrt(track.getErrorMatrix().diagonal(HelicalTrackFit.dcaIndex));
+                double curv = track.getTrackParameter(HelicalTrackFit.curvatureIndex);
+                double curverr = Math.sqrt(track.getErrorMatrix().diagonal(HelicalTrackFit.curvatureIndex));
+                double pterr = pttk * curverr / curv;
+                double d0pull = (d0tk - d0mc) / d0err;
+                double ptpull = (pttk - ptmc) / pterr;
+                //  Plot the pt and d0 pulls for various purity intervals
+                if (nbad == 0) {
+                    aida.histogram2D("pT MC vs pT Reco for 0 Bad Hits",
+                            100, 0., 5., 100, 0., 5.).fill(ptmc, pttk);
+                    aida.histogram2D("d0 MC vs d0 Reco for 0 Bad Hits",
+                            100, -0.2, 0.2, 100, -0.2, 0.2).fill(d0mc, d0tk);
+                    aida.histogram1D("pT Pull for 0 Bad Hits", 100, -10., 10.).fill(ptpull);
+                    aida.histogram1D("d0 pull for 0 Bad Hits", 100, -10., 10.).fill(d0pull);
+                } else if (purity > 0.5) {
+                    aida.histogram2D("pT MC vs pT Reco for 0.5 < purity < 1",
+                            100, 0., 5., 100, 0., 5.).fill(ptmc, pttk);
+                    aida.histogram2D("d0 MC vs d0 Reco for 0.5 < purity < 1",
+                            100, -0.2, 0.2, 100, -0.2, 0.2).fill(d0mc, d0tk);
+                    aida.histogram1D("pT Pull for 0.5 < purity < 1", 100, -10., 10.).fill(ptpull);
+                    aida.histogram1D("d0 pull for 0.5 < purity < 1", 100, -10., 10.).fill(d0pull);
+                } else if (purity < 0.5) {
+                    aida.histogram2D("pT MC vs pT Reco for purity <= 0.5",
+                            100, 0., 5., 100, 0., 5.).fill(ptmc, pttk);
+                    aida.histogram2D("d0 MC vs d0 Reco for purity <= 0.5",
+                            100, -0.2, 0.2, 100, -0.2, 0.2).fill(d0mc, d0tk);
+                    aida.histogram1D("pT Pull for purity <= 0.5", 100, -10., 10.).fill(ptpull);
+                    aida.histogram1D("d0 pull for purity <= 0.5", 100, -10., 10.).fill(d0pull);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        //  Calculate the thrust axis and find it's polar angle
+        Hep3Vector taxis = Thrust(mclist);
+        double cth_thrust = taxis.z() / taxis.magnitude();
+        double thrang = 180. * Math.acos(cth_thrust) / Math.PI;
+        aida.histogram1D("Polar angle of the thrust axis", 90, 0., 180.).fill(thrang);
+        aida.histogram1D("cos(theta) of the thrust axis", 100, -1., 1.).fill(cth_thrust);
+        //  Now loop over all MC Particles
+        for (MCParticle mcp : mclist) {
+            //  Calculate the pT and polar angle of the MC particle
+            Hep3Vector pmc = mcp.getMomentum();
+            double px = pmc.x();
+            double py = pmc.y();
+            double pz = pmc.z();
+            double pt = Math.sqrt(px * px + py * py);
+            double cth = pz / pmc.magnitude();
+            double theta = 180. * Math.acos(cth) / Math.PI;
+            //  Calculate the angle between the MC Particle and the thrust axis
+            double calpha =, taxis) / (pmc.magnitude() * taxis.magnitude());
+            double alpha = 180. * Math.acos(Math.abs(calpha)) / Math.PI;
+            //  Find the number of layers hit by this mc particle
+            int nhits = findable.LayersHit(mcp);
+            //  Calculate the helix parameters for this MC particle
+            HelixParamCalculator helix = new HelixParamCalculator(mcp, bfield);
+            double d0 = helix.getDCA();
+            double z0 = helix.getZ0();
+            //  Calculate the weight for the efficiency plots
+            double wgt = 0.;
+            if (trktomc.allTo(mcp).size() > 0) wgt = 1.;
+            //  Make pT efficiency plot
+            if (findable.isFindable(mcp, slist, Ignore.NoPTCut)) {
+                pTeff1.fill(pt, wgt);
+                pTeff2.fill(pt, wgt);
+            }
+            //  Make angular efficiency plot
+            if (findable.isFindable(mcp, slist)) {
+                thetaeff.fill(theta, wgt);
+                ctheff.fill(cth, wgt);
+                if (pt < 0.5) ctheff1.fill(cth, wgt);
+                else ctheff2.fill(cth, wgt);
+            }
+            //  Make d0 efficiency plot
+            if (findable.isFindable(mcp, slist, Ignore.NoDCACut)) {
+                d0eff1.fill(d0, wgt);
+                d0eff2.fill(d0, wgt);
+            }
+            //  Make z0 efficiency plot
+            if (findable.isFindable(mcp, slist, Ignore.NoZ0Cut)) {
+                z0eff1.fill(z0, wgt);
+                z0eff2.fill(z0, wgt);
+            }
+            //  Make the thrust axis efficiency plot
+            if (findable.isFindable(mcp, slist)) {
+                thrusteff.fill(alpha, wgt);
+            }
+            //
+            //  Select charged MC particles
+            if (mcp.getCharge() == 0) continue;
+            //  Select mcp that fail the final state requirement
+            if (mcp.getGeneratorStatus() != mcp.FINAL_STATE) {
+                aida.histogram1D("Hits for non-final state particles", 20, 0., 20.).fill(nhits);
+                aida.histogram1D("pT for non-final state particles", 100, 0., 10.).fill(pt);
+                aida.histogram1D("cos(theta) for non-final state particles", 100, -1., 1.).fill(cth);
+                aida.histogram1D("d0 for non-final state particles", 100, -100., 100.).fill(d0);
+                aida.histogram1D("z0 for non-final state particles", 100, -100., 100.).fill(z0);
+                aida.histogram1D("alpha for non-final state particles", 90, 0., 90.).fill(alpha);
+                continue;
+            }
+            //  Make plots for the base sample
+            aida.histogram1D("Hits for base MC selection", 20, 0., 20.).fill(nhits);
+            aida.histogram1D("pT for base MC selection", 100, 0., 10.).fill(pt);
+            aida.histogram1D("cos(theta) for base MC selection", 100, -1., 1.).fill(cth);
+            aida.histogram1D("d0 for base MC selection", 100, -100., 100.).fill(d0);
+            aida.histogram1D("z0 for base MC selection", 100, -100., 100.).fill(z0);
+            aida.histogram1D("alpha for base MC selection", 90, 0., 90.).fill(alpha);
+            //  Make plots for findable tracks
+            if (findable.isFindable(mcp, slist)) {
+                aida.histogram1D("Hits for findable tracks", 20, 0., 20.).fill(nhits);
+                aida.histogram1D("pT for findable tracks", 100, 0., 10.).fill(pt);
+                aida.histogram1D("cos(theta) for findable tracks", 100, -1., 1.).fill(cth);
+                aida.histogram1D("d0 for findable tracks", 100, -100., 100.).fill(d0);
+                aida.histogram1D("z0 for findable tracks", 100, -100., 100.).fill(z0);
+                aida.histogram1D("alpha for findable tracks", 90, 0., 90.).fill(alpha);
+                //  Make plots for findable tracks that are not found
+                if (trktomc.allTo(mcp).size() == 0) {
+                    aida.histogram1D("Hits for unfound tracks", 20, 0., 20.).fill(nhits);
+                    aida.histogram1D("pT for unfound tracks", 100, 0., 10.).fill(pt);
+                    aida.histogram1D("cos(theta) for unfound tracks", 100, -1., 1.).fill(cth);
+                    aida.histogram1D("d0 for unfound tracks", 100, -100., 100.).fill(d0);
+                    aida.histogram1D("z0 for unfound tracks", 100, -100., 100.).fill(z0);
+                    aida.histogram1D("alpha for unfound tracks", 90, 0., 90.).fill(alpha);
+                }
+                continue;
+            }
+            //  Create the running list of conditions to ignore
+            List<Ignore> ignores = new ArrayList<Ignore>();
+            //  select mc particles that fail on the z0 cut
+            ignores.add(Ignore.NoZ0Cut);
+            if (findable.isFindable(mcp, slist, ignores)) {
+                aida.histogram1D("Hits for z0 check failures", 20, 0., 20.).fill(nhits);
+                aida.histogram1D("pT for z0 check failures", 100, 0., 10.).fill(pt);
+                aida.histogram1D("cos(theta) for z0 check failures", 100, -1., 1.).fill(cth);
+                aida.histogram1D("d0 for z0 check failures", 100, -100., 100.).fill(d0);
+                aida.histogram1D("z0 for z0 check failures", 100, -100., 100.).fill(z0);
+                aida.histogram1D("alpha for z0 check failures", 90, 0., 90.).fill(alpha);
+                continue;
+            }
+            //  Select mc particles that fail on the d0 cut
+            ignores.add(Ignore.NoDCACut);
+            if (findable.isFindable(mcp, slist, ignores)) {
+                aida.histogram1D("Hits for d0 check failures", 20, 0., 20.).fill(nhits);
+                aida.histogram1D("pT for d0 check failures", 100, 0., 10.).fill(pt);
+                aida.histogram1D("cos(theta) for d0 check failures", 100, -1., 1.).fill(cth);
+                aida.histogram1D("d0 for d0 check failures", 100, -100., 100.).fill(d0);
+                aida.histogram1D("z0 for d0 check failures", 100, -100., 100.).fill(z0);
+                aida.histogram1D("alpha for d0 check failures", 90, 0., 90.).fill(alpha);
+                continue;
+            }
+            //  select mc particles that fail the confirm check
+            ignores.add(Ignore.NoConfirmCheck);
+            if (findable.isFindable(mcp, slist, ignores)) {
+                aida.histogram1D("Hits for confirm check failures", 20, 0., 20.).fill(nhits);
+                aida.histogram1D("pT for confir check failures", 100, 0., 10.).fill(pt);
+                aida.histogram1D("cos(theta) for confirm check failures", 100, -1., 1.).fill(cth);
+                aida.histogram1D("d0 for seed confirm failures", 100, -100., 100.).fill(d0);
+                aida.histogram1D("z0 for seed confirm failures", 100, -100., 100.).fill(z0);
+                aida.histogram1D("alpha for seed confirm failures", 90, 0., 90.).fill(alpha);
+                continue;
+            }
+            //  select mc particles that fail on the seed check
+            ignores.add(Ignore.NoSeedCheck);
+            if (findable.isFindable(mcp, slist, ignores)) {
+                aida.histogram1D("Hits for seed check failures", 20, 0., 20.).fill(nhits);
+                aida.histogram1D("pT for seed check failures", 100, 0., 10.).fill(pt);
+                aida.histogram1D("cos(theta) for seed check failures", 100, -1., 1.).fill(cth);
+                aida.histogram1D("d0 for seed check failures", 100, -100., 100.).fill(d0);
+                aida.histogram1D("z0 for seed check failures", 100, -100., 100.).fill(z0);
+                aida.histogram1D("alpha for seed check failures", 90, 0., 90.).fill(alpha);
+                continue;
+            }
+            //  Select mc particles that fail the number of hit cut
+            ignores.add(Ignore.NoMinHitCut);
+            if (findable.isFindable(mcp, slist, ignores)) {
+                aida.histogram1D("Hits for nhit check failures", 20, 0., 20.).fill(nhits);
+                aida.histogram1D("pT for nhit check failures", 100, 0., 10.).fill(pt);
+                aida.histogram1D("cos(theta) for nhit check failures", 100, -1., 1.).fill(cth);
+                aida.histogram1D("d0 for nhit check failures", 100, -100., 100.).fill(d0);
+                aida.histogram1D("z0 for nhit check failures", 100, -100., 100.).fill(z0);
+                aida.histogram1D("alpha for nhit check failures", 90, 0., 90.).fill(alpha);
+                continue;
+            }
+            //  Select mc particles that fail on the pT cut
+            ignores.add(Ignore.NoPTCut);
+            if (findable.isFindable(mcp, slist, ignores)) {
+                aida.histogram1D("Hits for pT check failures", 20, 0., 20.).fill(nhits);
+                aida.histogram1D("pT for pT check failures", 100, 0., 10.).fill(pt);
+                aida.histogram1D("cos(theta) for pT check failures", 100, -1., 1.).fill(cth);
+                aida.histogram1D("d0 for pT check failures", 100, -100., 100.).fill(d0);
+                aida.histogram1D("z0 for pT check failures", 100, -100., 100.).fill(z0);
+                aida.histogram1D("alpha for pT check failures", 90, 0., 90.).fill(alpha);
+            } else {
+                System.out.println("**** MC Particle is not findable with all ignores set!!");
+            }
+        }
+        //  Make the normalized plot every 100 events
+        if (nevt % 100 == 0) {
+        nfakes = hf.createHistogram1D("Number of mis-matched hits (normalized)", "", 10, 0., 10.);
+            double wgt = 1. / ntrktot;
+            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+                for (int j = 0; j < fakes.binHeight(i); j++) {
+                    nfakes.fill(i, wgt);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+//    @Override
+//    protected void endOfData() {
+        //  Make the normalized fake plot
+//        double wgt = 100. / ntrktot;
+//        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+//            System.out.println(" Entries: " + fakes.binEntries(i) + " for mismatches: " + i);
+//            for (int j = 0; j < fakes.binHeight(i); j++) {
+//                nfakes.fill(i, wgt);
+//            }
+//        }
+//        System.out.println("Normalization: " + nfakes.sumAllBinHeights() + " after ntrk = " + ntrktot);
+//   }
+    private Hep3Vector Thrust(List<MCParticle> mclist) {
+        //  Make a list of final state particle momenta
+        List<Hep3Vector> plist = new ArrayList<Hep3Vector>();
+        if (mclist.size()>2000) return new BasicHep3Vector(0., 0., 1.0);
+        for (MCParticle mcp : mclist) {
+            if (mcp.getGeneratorStatus() == MCParticle.FINAL_STATE)
+                plist.add(mcp.getMomentum());
+        }
+        //  Caclulate the thrust axis
+        es.setEvent(plist);
+        return es.thrustAxis();
+    }
\ No newline at end of file

lcsim-contrib/src/main/java/org/lcsim/contrib/Partridge/sidloi added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	8 Feb 2010 22:26:49 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Created on October 16, 2008, 4:48 PM
+ *
+ */
+package org.lcsim.contrib.Partridge.sidloi;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.seedtracker.trackingdrivers.sidloi2.MainTrackingDriver;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+ *
+ * @author richp
+ */
+public class TrackingTestDriver extends Driver {
+    /** Creates a new instance of TrackingTestDriver */
+    public TrackingTestDriver() {
+        add(new MainTrackingDriver());
+        add(new LOIEffFake());
+    }
CVSspam 0.2.8