

Hi Wen,

XrdCnsd in this version has know problem of losing events. The work around is the use an old version that is known to work for you.  If recover the lost event/shadow files, use can do the following with the XrdCns in 20091028-1003 (yet, the bugging one):

XrdCnsd -R /path cns_host:port

the /path should be your all.export or its subdirs.

As far as I can tell, only xrootdfs uses CNS. If this is true for you, you can also tell xrootdfs not to use CNS so that you don't have this issue at all

Wei Yang  |  [log in to unmask]  |  650-926-3338(O)

On Feb 26, 2010, at 7:58 AM, wen guan wrote:

> Hi Andrew,
>    After upgrade to SL5, our xrootd failed to create losts of shadow
> files in cns server. It caused lost of problem.   Could you help find
> the problem?
> (*) config
> if
>      all.role manager
>      #
>      # 3way forward: redirect the client to the CNS, and forward mv
> rm rmdir and
>      #               trunc to the data servers.
>      #
>      ofs.forward 3way mv rm rmdir trunc
> else
>      all.role server
>      ofs.notify closew create mkdir | /opt/xrootd/bin/XrdCnsd   -l
> /tmp/log/xrootd/cnsd.log root://
>      #
>      # please keep the following two lines unchanged.
>      #
>      ofs.notifymsg create $TID create $FMODE $LFN?$CGI
>      ofs.notifymsg closew $TID closew $LFN $FSIZE
> fi
> (*)xrootd version
> Wen