[wan@dsl-stork tmp]$ xrootd -d /tmp 100305 15:12:42 001 Scalla is starting. . . Copr. 2007 Stanford University, xrd version 20091028-1003 ++++++ xrootd [log in to unmask] initialization started. Config maximum number of connections restricted to 1024 100305 15:12:42 001 XrdConfig: sendfile enabled. 100305 15:12:42 31546 XrdXeq: Buffer Manager reshaper thread started 100305 15:12:42 31546 XrdXeq: Time scheduler thread started 100305 15:12:42 001 XrdSched: scheduling underused thread monitor in 780 seconds 100305 15:12:42 31546 XrdXeq: Worker thread started 100305 15:12:42 31546 XrdXeq: Worker thread started 100305 15:12:42 001 XrdSched: Starting with 2 workers 100305 15:12:42 001 XrdLink: Allocating 16 link objects at a time 100305 15:12:42 001 XrdPoll: Starting poller 0 100305 15:12:42 31546 XrdXeq: Poller thread started 100305 15:12:42 001 XrdPoll: Starting poller 1 100305 15:12:42 31546 XrdXeq: Poller thread started 100305 15:12:42 001 XrdPoll: Starting poller 2 100305 15:12:42 31546 XrdXeq: Poller thread started 100305 15:12:42 001 XrdProtocol: getting port from protocol xrootd 100305 15:12:42 001 XrdConfig: LCL port 1094 wsz=87380 (87380) 100305 15:12:42 001 XrdProtocol: getting protocol object xrootd Copr. 2007 Stanford University, xrootd version 2.9.0 build 20091028-1003 ++++++ xrootd protocol initialization started. Config exporting /tmp 100305 15:12:42 001 XrootdAioReq: Max aio/req=8; aio/srv=4096; Quantum=131072 100305 15:12:42 001 XrootdAioReq: Adding 30 aioreq objects. 100305 15:12:42 001 XrootdAio: Adding 24 aio objects; 4096 pending. Config warning: 'xrootd.seclib' not specified; strong authentication disabled! Config warning: 'xrootd.fslib' not specified; using native file system. Copr. 2007 Stanford University/SLAC sfs (Standard File System) v 9.0n 100305 15:12:42 001 XrdSched: scheduling xrootd protocol anchor in 3600 seconds Config warning: 'xrootd.prepare logdir' not specified; prepare tracking disabled. 100305 15:12:42 31546 XrdXeq: Admin traffic thread started ------ xrootd protocol initialization completed. ------ xrootd [log in to unmask]:1094 initialization completed. 100305 15:15:15 001 XrdInet: Accepted connection from [log in to unmask] 100305 15:15:15 31546 XrdSched: running ?:17@dsl-condor inq=0 100305 15:15:15 31546 XrdProtocol: matched protocol xrootd 100305 15:15:15 31546 ?:17@dsl-condor XrdPoll: FD 17 attached to poller 0; num=1 100305 15:15:15 31546 ?:17@dsl-condor XrootdProtocol: 0100 req=3007 dlen=0 100305 15:15:15 31546 anon.16178:17@dsl-condor XrootdResponse: 0100 sending 16 data bytes; status=0 100305 15:15:15 31546 XrootdXeq: anon.16178:17@dsl-condor login 100305 15:15:15 31546 anon.16178:17@dsl-condor XrootdProtocol: 0100 req=3027 dlen=4 100305 15:15:15 31546 anon.16178:17@dsl-condor XrootdProtocol: 0100 locate /tmp 100305 15:15:15 31546 anon.16178:17@dsl-condor XrootdProtocol: 0100 rc=-1 locate /tmp 100305 15:15:15 31546 anon.16178:17@dsl-condor XrootdResponse: 0100 sending err 3005: Operation not supported. 100305 15:15:18 31546 anon.16178:17@dsl-condor XrootdProtocol: 0100 request timeout; read 0 of 24 bytes 100305 15:15:18 31546 XrdPoll: Poller 0 enabled anon.16178:17@dsl-condor