

Commit in slicPandora on MAIN
include/SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor.h-1111.2 removed
src/SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor.cpp-4331.2 removed
2 removed files
remove old hard-coded code from Norman

SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor.h removed after 1.2
diff -N SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor.h
--- SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor.h	13 Jan 2010 02:47:00 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
- * File:   SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor.h
- * Author: ngraf
- *
- * Created on December 1, 2009, 5:59 AM
- */
-#include "EVENT/CalorimeterHit.h"
-#include "EVENT/SimCalorimeterHit.h"
-#include "EVENT/CalorimeterHit.h"
-#include "EVENT/Track.h"
-#include "StatusCodes.h"
-#include "Api/PandoraApi.h"
-#include "Objects/CartesianVector.h"
-#include "lcio.h"
-namespace pandora
-    class Pandora;
-using namespace EVENT;
-// namespace pandora {class Pandora;}
-class SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor
-    typedef std::vector<std::string> StringVector;
-    /**
-     *  @brief  Settings class
-     */
-    class Settings
-    {
-    public:
-        std::string m_pandoraSettingsXmlFile; ///< The pandora settings xml file
-        StringVector m_trackCollections; ///< The reconstructed track collections
-        StringVector m_v0VertexCollections; ///< The v0 vertex collections
-        StringVector m_eCalCaloHitCollections; ///< The ecal calorimeter hit collections
-        StringVector m_hCalCaloHitCollections; ///< The hcal calorimeter hit collections
-        StringVector m_mcParticleCollections; ///< The mc particle collections
-        StringVector m_lcCaloHitRelationCollections; ///< The SimCaloHit to CaloHit particle relations
-        StringVector m_lcTrackRelationCollections; ///< The SimTrackerHit to TrackerHit particle relations
-        std::string m_pfoCollectionName; ///< The name of the PFO output collection
-        float m_absorberRadiationLength; ///< The absorber radation length
-        float m_absorberInteractionLength; ///< The absorber interaction length
-        float m_eCalToMip; ///< The calibration from deposited ECal energy to mip
-        float m_hCalToMip; ///< The calibration from deposited HCal energy to mip
-        float m_eCalMipThreshold; ///< Threshold for creating calo hits in the ECal, units mip
-        float m_hCalMipThreshold; ///< Threshold for creating calo hits in the HCal, units mip
-        float m_eCalToEMGeV; ///< The calibration from deposited ECal energy to EM energy
-        float m_hCalToEMGeV; ///< The calibration from deposited HCal energy to EM energy
-        float m_eCalToHadGeV; ///< The calibration from deposited ECal energy to hadronic energy
-        float m_hCalToHadGeV; ///< The calibration from deposited HCal energy to hadronic energy
-        int m_nHitsForHelixFits; ///< The number of hits to be used in helix fits at start/end of tracks
-        int m_useEndTrackHelixForECalProjection; ///< Use end track fit or full track helix for ECal projection
-        int m_useDcaAsReferencePointForProjection; ///< Use DCA as helix reference point for ECal projection
-    };
-    /**
-     *  @brief  Default constructor
-     */
-    SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor(std::string xmlFileName);
-    virtual ~SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor() {;}
-    /**
-     *  @brief  Initialize, called at startup
-     */
-    virtual void init(std::string xmlFileName);
-    StatusCode registerUserAlgorithmFactories();
-    void SetDefaultSubDetectorParameters(PandoraApi::GeometryParameters::SubDetectorParameters &subDetectorParameters) const;
-    void SetEcalEndcapDetectorParameters(PandoraApi::GeometryParameters::SubDetectorParameters &subDetectorParameters) const;
-    void SetHcalBarrelDetectorParameters(PandoraApi::GeometryParameters::SubDetectorParameters &subDetectorParameters) const;
-    void processEvent(lcio::LCEvent* pLCEvent);
-    void processParticleFlowObjects( lcio::LCEvent* pLCEvent);
-    void CreateECalCaloHits(const LCEvent* const pLCEvent);
-private: // methods
-    StatusCode createGeometry();
-    PandoraApi::CaloHit::Parameters getCalHitParameters(CalorimeterHit* const hit) const;
-    void printSimCalorimeterHit(SimCalorimeterHit* hit);
-    void printCalorimeterHit(CalorimeterHit* hit);
-private: // attributes
-    typedef std::vector<CalorimeterHit *> CalorimeterHitVector;
-    typedef std::vector<Track *> TrackVector;
-    pandora::Pandora *m_pPandora; ///< Address of the pandora instance
-    Settings m_settings; ///< The settings for the pandora pfa new processor
-    std::string m_detectorName; ///< The detector name
-    unsigned int m_nRun; ///< The run number
-    unsigned int m_nEvent; ///< The event number
-    CalorimeterHitVector m_calorimeterHitVector; ///< The calorimeter hit vector
-    TrackVector m_trackVector; ///< The track vector
-    // cache the barrel normal vectors
-    std::vector<pandora::CartesianVector*> _normalVectors;

SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor.cpp removed after 1.2
diff -N SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor.cpp
--- SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor.cpp	10 Mar 2010 20:16:14 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-#include "SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor.h"
-#include "EVENT/LCCollection.h"
-#include "EVENT/SimCalorimeterHit.h"
-#include "EVENT/CalorimeterHit.h"
-#include "IMPL/LCCollectionVec.h"
-#include "IMPL/ReconstructedParticleImpl.h"
-#include "IMPL/ClusterImpl.h"
-#include "IMPL/LCFlagImpl.h" 
-#include "PfoConstructionAlgorithm.h"
-#include <cmath>
-using std::cout;
-using std::endl;
-using IMPL::LCCollectionVec;
-using IMPL::ReconstructedParticleImpl;
-using IMPL::ClusterImpl;
-using IMPL::LCFlagImpl;
-SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor::SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor(std::string xmlFileName)
-    std::cout << "SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor" << std::endl;
-    init(xmlFileName);
-void SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor::init(std::string xmlFileName)
-    m_pPandora = new pandora::Pandora();
-    PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, this->createGeometry());
-    PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, this->registerUserAlgorithmFactories());
-    PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraApi::ReadSettings(*m_pPandora, xmlFileName));
-StatusCode SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor::createGeometry()
-    cout << "*****************" << endl << "Creating Geometry" << endl;
-    //    try
-    //    {
-    //        // Insert user code here ...
-    PandoraApi::Geometry::Parameters geometryParameters;
-    //
-    //        const gear::TPCParameters &tpcParameters    = marlin::Global::GEAR->getTPCParameters();
-    //        const gear::PadRowLayout2D &tpcPadLayout    = tpcParameters.getPadLayout();
-    geometryParameters.m_mainTrackerInnerRadius = 12.;
-    geometryParameters.m_mainTrackerOuterRadius = 1264.;
-    geometryParameters.m_mainTrackerZExtent = 1656.;
-    //
-    //        const gear::GearParameters &coilParameters  = marlin::Global::GEAR->getGearParameters("CoilParameters");
-    geometryParameters.m_coilInnerRadius = 2591.;
-    geometryParameters.m_coilOuterRadius = 3000.;
-    geometryParameters.m_coilZExtent = 2933.;
-    geometryParameters.m_bField = 5.0;
-    //
-    geometryParameters.m_nRadLengthsInZGap = 0;
-    geometryParameters.m_nIntLengthsInZGap = 0;
-    geometryParameters.m_nRadLengthsInRadialGap = 0;
-    geometryParameters.m_nIntLengthsInRadialGap = 0;
-    //
-    //   EM Calorimeter Barrel
-    //
-    int nSides = 12;
-    double EcalBarrel_rmin = 1265.;
-    geometryParameters.m_eCalBarrelParameters.m_innerRCoordinate = 1265.;
-    geometryParameters.m_eCalBarrelParameters.m_innerZCoordinate = 1765.;
-    geometryParameters.m_eCalBarrelParameters.m_innerPhiCoordinate = 0.;
-    geometryParameters.m_eCalBarrelParameters.m_innerSymmetryOrder = nSides;
-    // 126.5 + (.032 + .005 + .030 + .033) + ((.25 + .025 + .032 + .005 + .030 + .033) * 20) + ((.5 + .025 + .032 + .005 + .030 + .033) * 10)
-    geometryParameters.m_eCalBarrelParameters.m_outerRCoordinate = 1403.5;
-    geometryParameters.m_eCalBarrelParameters.m_outerZCoordinate = 1765.;
-    geometryParameters.m_eCalBarrelParameters.m_outerPhiCoordinate = 0.;
-    geometryParameters.m_eCalBarrelParameters.m_outerSymmetryOrder = nSides;
-    geometryParameters.m_eCalBarrelParameters.m_nLayers = 31;
-    // layer 0
-    int tLayer = 0;
-    PandoraApi::Geometry::Parameters::LayerParameters layerParameters;
-    layerParameters.m_closestDistanceToIp = EcalBarrel_rmin + .032 / 2.;
-    layerParameters.m_nRadiationLengths = 0.;
-    layerParameters.m_nInteractionLengths = 0.;
-    geometryParameters.m_eCalBarrelParameters.m_layerParametersList.push_back(layerParameters);
-    cout << "layer: " << tLayer++ << " radius " << layerParameters.m_closestDistanceToIp.Get() << endl;
-    // thin absorbers
-    double offset = EcalBarrel_rmin + .032 + .005 + .030 + .033;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
-    {
-        PandoraApi::Geometry::Parameters::LayerParameters layerParameters;
-        offset += 2.5 + .025 + .032 / 2.; // tungsten + air gap + half silicon thickness
-        layerParameters.m_closestDistanceToIp = offset;
-        cout << "layer: " << tLayer++ << " radius " << layerParameters.m_closestDistanceToIp.Get() << endl;
-        offset += .032 / 2. + .005 + .030 + .033; // half silicon thickness + copper + kapton + air gap
-        layerParameters.m_nRadiationLengths = 0.636;
-        layerParameters.m_nInteractionLengths = 0.023;
-        geometryParameters.m_eCalBarrelParameters.m_layerParametersList.push_back(layerParameters);
-    }
-    // thick absorbers
-    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
-    {
-        PandoraApi::Geometry::Parameters::LayerParameters layerParameters;
-        offset += 5.0 + .025 + .032 / 2.; // tungsten + air gap + half silicon thickness
-        layerParameters.m_closestDistanceToIp = offset;
-        cout << "layer: " << tLayer++ << " radius " << layerParameters.m_closestDistanceToIp.Get() << endl;
-        offset += .032 / 2. + .005 + .030 + .033; // half silicon thickness + copper + kapton + air gap
-        layerParameters.m_closestDistanceToIp = offset;
-        layerParameters.m_nRadiationLengths = 1.27;
-        layerParameters.m_nInteractionLengths = 0.046;
-        geometryParameters.m_eCalBarrelParameters.m_layerParametersList.push_back(layerParameters);
-    }
-    cout << "layer list size " << geometryParameters.m_eCalBarrelParameters.m_layerParametersList.size() << endl;
-    // set up the normal vectors by module
-    double pi(std::acos(-1.));
-    double dphi = -2 * pi / nSides;
-    double phi0 = pi / 2.;
-    double phi = phi0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < nSides; ++i)
-    {
-        cout << "Module " << i << " x " << cos(phi) << " y " << sin(phi) << endl;
-        _normalVectors.push_back(new pandora::CartesianVector(cos(phi), sin(phi), 0.));
-        phi += dphi;
-    }
-    //TODO repeat for EM endcap, Had barrel &  Had endcap.
-    SetEcalEndcapDetectorParameters(geometryParameters.m_eCalEndCapParameters);
-    SetHcalBarrelDetectorParameters(geometryParameters.m_hCalBarrelParameters);
-    SetDefaultSubDetectorParameters(geometryParameters.m_hCalEndCapParameters);
-    //        // Non-default values (and those missing from GEAR parameters file)...
-    geometryParameters.m_eCalEndCapParameters.m_innerSymmetryOrder = 12;
-    geometryParameters.m_hCalBarrelParameters.m_outerPhiCoordinate = 0.;
-    geometryParameters.m_hCalBarrelParameters.m_outerSymmetryOrder = 12;
-    //
-    //        // Addition subdetectors
-    //        this->SetAdditionalSubDetectorParameters(geometryParameters);
-    //
-    cout << "done" << endl;
-    PANDORA_RETURN_RESULT_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraApi::Geometry::Create(*m_pPandora, geometryParameters));
-    //    }
-    //    catch (gear::UnknownParameterException &e)
-    //    {
-    //        streamlog_out(ERROR) << "Failed to extract geometry information from gear." << std::endl;
-    //        return STATUS_CODE_FAILURE;
-    //    }
-    //
-    //    return STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS;
-    cout << "returning" << endl;
-void SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor::processEvent(lcio::LCEvent* event)
-    std::cout << "processing event " << event->getEventNumber() << std::endl;
-    CreateECalCaloHits(event);
-    StatusCode stat = PandoraApi::ProcessEvent(*m_pPandora);
-    if (stat == STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS)
-    {
-        cout << "Bingo!" << endl;
-        processParticleFlowObjects(event);
-    }
-    //    PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraApi::ProcessEvent(*m_pPandora));
-    //stat = PandoraApi::Reset(*m_pPandora);
-void SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor::processParticleFlowObjects(lcio::LCEvent* pLCEvent)
-    // first a container for the clusters...
-    LCCollectionVec* clusterVec = new LCCollectionVec(LCIO::CLUSTER);
-    // if we want to point back to the hits we need to set the flag
-    LCFlagImpl clusterFlag(0);
-    clusterFlag.setBit(LCIO::CLBIT_HITS);
-    clusterVec->setFlag(clusterFlag.getFlag());
-    // get the particle flow objects
-    pandora::ParticleFlowObjectList particleFlowObjectList;
-            particleFlowObjectList));
-    LCCollectionVec* pReconstructedParticleCollection = new LCCollectionVec(LCIO::RECONSTRUCTEDPARTICLE);
-    // get particle flow objects and create "reconstructed particles"
-    for (pandora::ParticleFlowObjectList::iterator itPFO = particleFlowObjectList.begin(), itPFOEnd = particleFlowObjectList.end();
-            itPFO != itPFOEnd; ++itPFO)
-    {
-        ReconstructedParticleImpl *pReconstructedParticle = new ReconstructedParticleImpl();
-        pandora::ClusterAddressList clusterAddressList = (*itPFO)->GetClusterAddressList();
-        cout << "Found " << clusterAddressList.size() << " clusters." << endl;
-        pandora::TrackAddressList trackAddressList = (*itPFO)->GetTrackAddressList();
-        // make LCIO clusters
-        for (pandora::ClusterAddressList::iterator itCluster = clusterAddressList.begin(), itClusterEnd = clusterAddressList.end();
-                itCluster != itClusterEnd; ++itCluster)
-        {
-            ClusterImpl *pCluster = new ClusterImpl();
-            double clusterEnergy = 0.;
-            float* clusterPosition;
-            double maxE = 0;
-            for (pandora::CaloHitAddressList::iterator itHit = (*itCluster).begin(), itHitEnd = (*itCluster).end(); itHit != itHitEnd; ++itHit)
-            {
-                clusterEnergy += ((CalorimeterHit*) (*itHit))->getEnergy();
-                if(((CalorimeterHit*) (*itHit))->getEnergy()>maxE)
-                {
-                    maxE = ((CalorimeterHit*) (*itHit))->getEnergy();
-                    //avert your gaze...
-                    clusterPosition = const_cast<float*>(((CalorimeterHit*) (*itHit))->getPosition());
-                }
-                pCluster->addHit((CalorimeterHit*) (*itHit), 1.0); // transform from Uid (=void*) to a CalorimeterHit*
-            }
-            pCluster->setEnergy(clusterEnergy);
-            pCluster->setPosition(clusterPosition);
-            cout << "Cluster contains " << pCluster->getCalorimeterHits().size() << " hits" << endl;
-            // add this cluster to the collection
-            clusterVec->addElement(pCluster);
-            pReconstructedParticle->addCluster(pCluster);
-        }
-        // add tracks
-        for (pandora::TrackAddressList::iterator itTrack = trackAddressList.begin(), itTrackEnd = trackAddressList.end(); itTrack != itTrackEnd;
-                ++itTrack)
-        {
-            pReconstructedParticle->addTrack((Track*) (*itTrack));
-        }
-        float momentum[3] = {(*itPFO)->GetMomentum().GetX(), (*itPFO)->GetMomentum().GetY(), (*itPFO)->GetMomentum().GetZ()};
-        pReconstructedParticle->setMomentum(momentum);
-        pReconstructedParticle->setEnergy((*itPFO)->GetEnergy());
-        pReconstructedParticle->setMass((*itPFO)->GetMass());
-        pReconstructedParticle->setCharge((*itPFO)->GetCharge());
-        pReconstructedParticle->setType((*itPFO)->GetParticleId());
-        pReconstructedParticleCollection->addElement(pReconstructedParticle);
-    }
-    // add the list of clusters to the event
-    pLCEvent->addCollection(clusterVec, "SomeClusters");
-            cout << "end of loop over pandora outpout" << endl;
-    pLCEvent->addCollection(pReconstructedParticleCollection, "PandoraPFOCollection");
-    cout << "added pfo objects to event" << endl;
-PandoraApi::CaloHit::Parameters SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor::getCalHitParameters(CalorimeterHit * const hit) const
-    unsigned int layer = ((hit->getCellID0() >> 13) & 0x7f);
-    int module = ((hit->getCellID0() >> 9) & 0xF);
-    const float* pos(hit->getPosition());
-    PandoraApi::CaloHit::Parameters params;
-    //        pandora::InputCartesianVector   m_positionVector;           ///< Position vector of center of calorimeter cell, units mm
-    params.m_positionVector = pandora::CartesianVector(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
-    //        pandora::InputCartesianVector   m_normalVector;             ///< Unit normal to sampling layer, pointing outwards from the origin
-    params.m_normalVector = *(;
-    //        pandora::InputFloat             m_cellSizeU;                ///< Dimension of cell (up in ENDCAP, along beam in BARREL), units mm
-    params.m_cellSizeU = 3.5;
-    //        pandora::InputFloat             m_cellSizeV;                ///< Dimension of cell (perpendicular to u and thickness), units mm
-    params.m_cellSizeV = 3.5;
-    //        pandora::InputFloat             m_cellThickness;            ///< Thickness of cell, units mm
-    params.m_cellThickness = .32; // TODO check that this is meant to be the readout thickness.
-    //        pandora::InputFloat             m_nRadiationLengths;        ///< Absorber material in front of cell, units radiation lengths
-    params.m_nRadiationLengths = (layer < 21 ? 0.636 : 1.27);
-    //        pandora::InputFloat             m_nInteractionLengths;      ///< Absorber material in front of cell, units interaction lengths
-    params.m_nInteractionLengths = (layer < 21 ? 0.023 : 0.046);
-    //        pandora::InputFloat             m_time;                     ///< Time of (earliest) energy deposition in this cell, units ns
-    params.m_time = hit->getTime();
-    //        pandora::InputFloat             m_inputEnergy;              ///< Corrected energy of calorimeter cell in user framework, units GeV
-    params.m_inputEnergy = hit->getEnergy(); //TODO apply sampling fraction
-    //        pandora::InputFloat             m_mipEquivalentEnergy;      ///< The calibrated mip equivalent energy, units mip
-    params.m_mipEquivalentEnergy = 1.0; //TODO calibrate to muon signal
-    //        pandora::InputFloat             m_electromagneticEnergy;    ///< The calibrated electromagnetic energy measure, units GeV
-    params.m_electromagneticEnergy = hit->getEnergy();
-    //        pandora::InputFloat             m_hadronicEnergy;           ///< The calibrated hadronic energy measure, units GeV
-    params.m_hadronicEnergy = hit->getEnergy();
-    //        pandora::InputBool              m_isDigital;                ///< Whether cell should be treated as digital
-    params.m_isDigital = false;
-    //        pandora::InputHitType           m_hitType;                  ///< The type of calorimeter hit
-    params.m_hitType = pandora::ECAL;
-    //        pandora::InputDetectorRegion    m_detectorRegion;           ///< Region of the detector in which the calo hit is located
-    params.m_detectorRegion = pandora::BARREL;
-    //        pandora::InputUInt              m_layer;                    ///< The subdetector readout layer number
-    params.m_layer = layer;
-    //        pandora::InputAddress           m_pParentAddress;           ///< Address of the parent calo hit in the user framework
-    params.m_pParentAddress = hit; //TODO make sure this doesn't break anything since it is SimCalorimeterHit, not CalorimeterHit
-    return params;
-void SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor::CreateECalCaloHits(const LCEvent * const pLCEvent)
-    std::string collectionToFetch = "CalorimeterHits";
-    //    std::string collectionToFetch = "EcalBarrelHits";
-    const LCCollection *pCaloHitCollection = pLCEvent->getCollection(collectionToFetch);
-    int nHits = pCaloHitCollection->getNumberOfElements();
-    std::cout << collectionToFetch << " contains " << nHits << " hits" << std::endl;
-    for (int i = 0; i < pCaloHitCollection->getNumberOfElements(); ++i)
-    {
-        CalorimeterHit *pCaloHit = dynamic_cast<CalorimeterHit*> (pCaloHitCollection->getElementAt(i));
-        //           m_calorimeterHitVector.push_back(pCaloHit);
-        //printSimCalorimeterHit(pCaloHit);
-        //printCalorimeterHit(pCaloHit);
-        PandoraApi::CaloHit::Parameters caloHitParameters = getCalHitParameters(pCaloHit);
-        //std::cout << "hit layer " << caloHitParameters.m_layer.Get() << std::endl;
-        PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraApi::CaloHit::Create(*m_pPandora, caloHitParameters));
-    }
-void SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor::printSimCalorimeterHit(SimCalorimeterHit* hit)
-    cout << endl;
-    cout << "    ID0    " << hit->getCellID0() << endl;
-    cout << "    ID1    " << hit->getCellID1() << endl;
-    cout << "    Energy " << hit->getEnergy() << endl;
-    const float* pos(hit->getPosition());
-    cout << "    Pos    " << pos[0] << " " << pos[1] << " " << pos[2] << endl;
-    cout << "    Time   " << hit->getTimeCont(0) << endl;
-    cout << "    Layer  " << ((hit->getCellID0() >> 13) & 0x7f) << endl;
-    cout << "    Module " << ((hit->getCellID0() >> 9) & 0xF) << endl;
-void SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor::printCalorimeterHit(CalorimeterHit* hit)
-    cout << endl;
-    cout << "    ID0    " << hit->getCellID0() << endl;
-    cout << "    ID1    " << hit->getCellID1() << endl;
-    cout << "    Energy " << hit->getEnergy() << endl;
-    const float* pos(hit->getPosition());
-    cout << "    Pos    " << pos[0] << " " << pos[1] << " " << pos[2] << endl;
-    cout << "    Time   " << hit->getTime() << endl;
-    cout << "    Layer  " << ((hit->getCellID0() >> 13) & 0x7f) << endl;
-    cout << "    Module " << ((hit->getCellID0() >> 9) & 0xF) << endl;
-void SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor::SetDefaultSubDetectorParameters(PandoraApi::GeometryParameters::SubDetectorParameters &subDetectorParameters) const
-    int nLayers = 1;
-    subDetectorParameters.m_innerRCoordinate = 0.;
-    subDetectorParameters.m_innerZCoordinate = 0.;
-    subDetectorParameters.m_innerPhiCoordinate = 0.;
-    subDetectorParameters.m_innerSymmetryOrder = 0;
-    subDetectorParameters.m_outerRCoordinate = 0.;
-    subDetectorParameters.m_outerZCoordinate = 0.;
-    subDetectorParameters.m_outerPhiCoordinate = 0.;
-    subDetectorParameters.m_outerSymmetryOrder = 0;
-    subDetectorParameters.m_nLayers = nLayers;
-    for (int i = 0; i < nLayers; ++i)
-    {
-        PandoraApi::Geometry::Parameters::LayerParameters layerParameters;
-        layerParameters.m_closestDistanceToIp = 0.;
-        layerParameters.m_nRadiationLengths = 0.;
-        layerParameters.m_nInteractionLengths = 0.;
-        subDetectorParameters.m_layerParametersList.push_back(layerParameters);
-    }
-void SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor::SetEcalEndcapDetectorParameters(PandoraApi::GeometryParameters::SubDetectorParameters &subDetectorParameters) const
-    int nLayers = 1;
-    subDetectorParameters.m_innerRCoordinate = 0.;
-    subDetectorParameters.m_innerZCoordinate = 1657.0;
-    subDetectorParameters.m_innerPhiCoordinate = 0.;
-    subDetectorParameters.m_innerSymmetryOrder = 0;
-    subDetectorParameters.m_outerRCoordinate = 0.;
-    subDetectorParameters.m_outerZCoordinate = 0.;
-    subDetectorParameters.m_outerPhiCoordinate = 0.;
-    subDetectorParameters.m_outerSymmetryOrder = 0;
-    subDetectorParameters.m_nLayers = nLayers;
-    for (int i = 0; i < nLayers; ++i)
-    {
-        PandoraApi::Geometry::Parameters::LayerParameters layerParameters;
-        layerParameters.m_closestDistanceToIp = 0.;
-        layerParameters.m_nRadiationLengths = 0.;
-        layerParameters.m_nInteractionLengths = 0.;
-        subDetectorParameters.m_layerParametersList.push_back(layerParameters);
-    }
-void SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor::SetHcalBarrelDetectorParameters(PandoraApi::GeometryParameters::SubDetectorParameters &subDetectorParameters) const
-    int nLayers = 40;
-    subDetectorParameters.m_innerRCoordinate = 1419.0;
-    subDetectorParameters.m_innerZCoordinate = 3018.0;
-    subDetectorParameters.m_innerPhiCoordinate = 0.;
-    subDetectorParameters.m_innerSymmetryOrder = 12;
-    subDetectorParameters.m_outerRCoordinate = 2495.0; //40*(18.9+1.1+1.2+1.1+3.0+1.6)+1419
-    subDetectorParameters.m_outerZCoordinate = 3018.0;
-    subDetectorParameters.m_outerPhiCoordinate = 0.;
-    subDetectorParameters.m_outerSymmetryOrder = 12;
-    subDetectorParameters.m_nLayers = nLayers;
-    double layerThickness = 18.9 + 1.1 + 1.2 + 1.1 + 3.0 + 1.6; // 26.9 Steel+glass+gas+glass+g10+air
-    double offset = 1419.0 + 18.9 + 1.1 + 1.2 / 2.; // rmin + steel + glass + half gas thickness
-    for (int i = 0; i < nLayers; ++i)
-    {
-        PandoraApi::Geometry::Parameters::LayerParameters layerParameters;
-        layerParameters.m_closestDistanceToIp = offset;
-        offset += layerThickness;
-        layerParameters.m_nRadiationLengths = 1.0; //TODO fix this
-        layerParameters.m_nInteractionLengths = 1.0; //TODO fix this
-        subDetectorParameters.m_layerParametersList.push_back(layerParameters);
-    }
-StatusCode SlicPandoraPFANewProcessor::registerUserAlgorithmFactories()
-    pandora::AlgorithmFactory* pfac = new PfoConstructionAlgorithm::Factory();
-    PandoraApi::RegisterAlgorithmFactory(*m_pPandora, "PFO_Construction", pfac);
CVSspam 0.2.8