

Commit in LCDetectors/detectors/sidloi3 on MAIN 1.1
working copy of cal-calib conditions

LCDetectors/detectors/sidloi3 added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	6 May 2010 20:55:35 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# sid02_scint
+# 090113 ngraf
+ECalLayering = 0, 1, 21
+# does the first EM sensitive layer sample a shower? (0=no, 1=yes)
+IsFirstEmLayerSampling = 0.
+# determined from single muons
+# values are RAW energy
+ECalMip_MPV = 9.6E-5
+ECalMip_sig = 1.2E-5
+# Cut at values less than MPV-3*sigma
+ECalMip_Cut = 6.0E-5  
+HCalLayering = 0
+# determined from single muons
+# values are RAW energy
+HCalMip_MPV = 8.5E-4
+HCalMip_sig = 8.1E-5
+# Cut at values less than MPV-3*sigma
+#HCalMip_Cut = 6.0E-4
+HCalMip_Cut = 0.
+# cut at times greater than this
+timeCut = 100.
+PhotonFitParameters = gamma_em1b_0, gamma_em1b_1, gamma_em1e_0, gamma_em1e_1, gamma_em2b_0, gamma_em2b_1, gamma_em2e_0, gamma_em2e_1, gamma_hadb_0, gamma_hadb_1, gamma_hade_0, gamma_hade_1
+gamma_em1b_0 = 0.0190497
+gamma_em1b_1 = 0.00120177
+gamma_em1e_0 = 0.0189073
+gamma_em1e_1 = -0.00201487
+gamma_em2b_0 = 0.00778524
+gamma_em2b_1 = -0.00110072
+gamma_em2e_0 = 0.00753019
+gamma_em2e_1 = 0.000822489
+gamma_hadb_0 = 0.0414947
+gamma_hadb_1 = 0.00347415
+gamma_hade_0 = 0.0705389
+gamma_hade_1 = -0.0419223
+NeutralHadronFitParameters = neutralHadron_em1b_0, neutralHadron_em1b_1, neutralHadron_em1e_0, neutralHadron_em1e_1, neutralHadron_em2b_0, neutralHadron_em2b_1, neutralHadron_em2e_0, neutralHadron_em2e_1, neutralHadron_hadb_0, neutralHadron_hadb_1, neutralHadron_hade_0, neutralHadron_hade_1
+neutralHadron_em1b_0 = 0.0173349
+neutralHadron_em1b_1 = 0.00153095
+neutralHadron_em1e_0 = 0.0269877
+neutralHadron_em1e_1 = -0.0126375
+neutralHadron_em2b_0 = 0.00894534
+neutralHadron_em2b_1 = -0.000188045
+neutralHadron_em2e_0 = 0.0163708
+neutralHadron_em2e_1 = -0.00854284
+neutralHadron_hadb_0 = 0.038105
+neutralHadron_hadb_1 = 0.000840245
+neutralHadron_hade_0 = 0.0691185
+neutralHadron_hade_1 = -0.0391286
+# These are the simulation output list of SimCalorimeterHits
+BaseHitCollectionNames = EcalBarrelHits, EcalEndcapHits, LumiCalHits, HcalBarrelHits, HcalEndcapHits
+EMCalorimeterCollections = EcalBarrelHits, EcalEndcapHits, LumiCalHits
+HadCalorimeterCollections = HcalBarrelHits, HcalEndcapHits
+HadCalorimeterMaxLayer = 39
+# This collection has had the time and mip cuts applied
+ProcessedHitsCollectionName = ProcessedCalHits
CVSspam 0.2.8