

Commit in lcsim/sandbox/NickSinev/Examples on MAIN 1.1
This is the driver to generate resolution tables for fast MC.

lcsim/sandbox/NickSinev/Examples added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	8 Jun 2010 18:01:22 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.event.*;
+import org.lcsim.event.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.event.base.*;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.Detector;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.NickSinev.tracking.wmfitter.*;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.NickSinev.tracking.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.NickSinev.ztracking.*;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.NickSinev.event.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.constants.Constants;
+import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
+import hep.physics.vec.VecOp;
+import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector;
+import hep.physics.matrix.*;
+import java.text.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+import Jama.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.cache.*;
+public class FastMC_tgen extends Driver
+   private boolean masklayer = false;
+   private int maskedlayer = 24;
+   private String ofnam="Bruce_finebns_nomskl_nbc.txt"; 
+   int firstev = 0;
+   int lastev=1;
+   double[] curMom = new double[51];
+   double mstep1 = 1.0838;
+   double mstep2 = 1.2589254;
+   double mmin = 0.2;
+   double[] curCT = {.000, .109, .206,  .292, .369, .438, .499, .553, .602, .645,
+                     .684, .718, .749,  .776, .800, .822, .842, .859, .874, .888,
+                     .900, .911, .921,  .929, .937, .944, .950, .955, .960, .965,
+                     .968, .972, .975,  .978, .980, .982, .984, .986, .987, .989, .990 };
+   double[][][] table; 
+   double curlam = 0.05;
+   boolean real = true;
+   double minPt = 0.1;
+   double maxPt =500.;
+   double curTl = 0.;  
+   private boolean incair = false;
+   private boolean doeloss = true;
+   private boolean inccor = true;                 //*****************CORRELATIONS*********
+   private boolean IPconstrained = false;
+   private boolean incBP = true;
+   private boolean planarfit = false;
+   private boolean equalwts = false;
+   private double vtxbrphires = 0.0035;
+   private double vtxbzres = 0.0035;
+   private double vtxecrpres = 0.0035;
+   private double vtxecrres = 0.0035;
+   private double trkbrpres = 0.007;
+   private double trkbzres = 100.;
+   private double trkecrpres = 0.007;
+   private double trkecrres = 0.035;
+   private double trkfrpres = 0.007;
+   private double trkfrres = 0.007; 
+   private SLDFitTrack  fitter = new SLDFitTrack();
+   private CircleFitter ciftr = new CircleFitter();
+   private DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("   ###0.000");
+   private DecimalFormat dfd = new DecimalFormat(".0000E00;-.0000E00");
+   private SmearTrackerHits smTh = SmearTrackerHits.getInstance();
+   private TrackingCheaterSmHits cheat = new TrackingCheaterSmHits();
+   private WeightMatrix  Wm = null;
+   private WMTrackPropagator  trkPr= null;
+   private int evnum = 0;
+   double rsmax = 1500.;
+   double dphi = 0.;
+   int nall = 0;
+   int ttn = 0;
+   int ngdft = 0;
+   int nalspe = 0;
+   double field = 5.*Constants.fieldConversion;
+   String dnam = " "; 
+   int nctbns = 0;
+   int nmombns=0;
+   double[][] conversionFromMmToCm = { { 0.01, 0.1,  1.,   0.01,  0.1},
+                                       { 0.1,  1.00, 10.,  0.1,   1. },
+                                       { 1.,   10.0, 100., 1.,    10.},
+                                       { 0.01, 0.1,  1.,   0.01,  0.1},
+                                       { 0.1,  1.0,  10.,  0.1,   1. } };
+   int[][] pind = { { 0,  1,  3,  6, 10},
+                    { 1,  2,  4,  7, 11},
+                    { 3,  4,  5,  8, 12},
+                    { 6,  7,  8,  9, 13},
+                    {10, 11, 12, 13, 14}};
+   public FastMC_tgen()
+   {
+    curMom[0]=mmin;
+    for(int i=0; i<50; i++)
+    {
+      if(i<20) curMom[i+1]=curMom[i]*mstep1;
+     else curMom[i+1]=curMom[i]*mstep2;
+    }
+     nctbns = curCT.length;
+     nmombns = curMom.length;
+     table = new double[15][nctbns][nmombns];
+     smTh.setVtxBarrRPResolution(vtxbrphires);
+     smTh.setVtxBarrZResolution(vtxbzres);
+     smTh.setVtxECRPResolution(vtxecrpres);
+     smTh.setVtxECRResolution(vtxecrres);
+     smTh.setTrkBarrRPResolution(trkbrpres);
+     smTh.setTrkBarrZResolution(trkbzres);
+     smTh.setTrkECRPResolution(trkecrpres);
+     smTh.setTrkECRResolution(trkecrres);
+     cheat.useChargedOnly = true;
+     smTh.setDoSmear(true);                
+     Wm = fitter.getWeightMatrixObject(); 
+     add(smTh);
+     add(cheat);
+     for(int k=0; k<nctbns; k++)
+     {
+      for(int m=0; m<nmombns; m++)
+      {
+       for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
+       {
+        for(int j=0; j<=i; j++)
+        {
+         int ind = pind[i][j];
+         if(i==j) table[ind][k][m] = 1.;
+         else table[ind][k][m] = 0.;
+        }
+       }
+      }
+     }
+    }   
+    public void process(EventHeader event)
+    { //1
+     if((evnum > firstev-1)&&(evnum<lastev))
+     { //2
+      super.process(event);
+      if(evnum == 0)
+      { //3
+       Detector det = event.getDetector();
+       dnam = det.getName();
+       trkPr = fitter.getTrackPropagator();
+       trkPr.setIncludeBeamPipe(incBP);
+       fitter.setPlanarFit(planarfit);
+       fitter.setConstrainedFit(IPconstrained);
+       fitter.setIncludeAir(incair);
+       fitter.setDoELoss(doeloss);
+       fitter.setIncludeCorrelations(inccor); 
+       fitter.setDetector(det);
+       fitter.setDoHist(false);
+       Wm.setEqualWeights(equalwts);    
+       Wm.setDebugLevel(0);
+       if(masklayer) Wm.maskLayer(maskedlayer);
+       Wm.setDoHist(false);
+      } //2
+      List<CheatedBaseTrack> tracks = null;
+      try
+      {  //3
+       tracks = event.get(CheatedBaseTrack.class,"CheatedBaseTracks");
+      } //2
+      catch(Exception trnotf)
+      { //3
+       System.out.println("No CheatedBaseTracks in the event ! \n");
+      } //2
+      finally
+      { //3
+      } //2
+      if(tracks != null)
+      {//3
+       int nprts = tracks.size();
+       System.out.println("Tracking cheater has found "+nprts+"BaseTracks  in event "+evnum);
+       int tn = 0;
+       double[] ortpar=new double[5]; 
+       double[] mcpar=new double[5]; 
+       for (CheatedBaseTrack track : tracks )
+       {//4
+        double[] opar = track.getTrackParameters();
+        for(int i=0; i<5; i++) mcpar[i]=opar[i];
+        MCParticle  mcp = track.getMCParticle();
+        if(mcp != null)
+        {//5
+         Hep3Vector pm = mcp.getMomentum();
+         double mPt = Math.sqrt(pm.x()*pm.x()+pm.y()*pm.y());
+         for(int m=0; m<nmombns; m++)
+         {//6
+          System.out.println("Simulating tracks with total momentum: "+curMom[m]);
+          for(int k=0; k<nctbns; k++)
+          {//7
+           System.out.print(" .");
+           for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
+           {//8
+            ortpar[i]=mcpar[i];
+           }//7
+           double curPt = curMom[m]*Math.sqrt(1.-curCT[k]*curCT[k]);
+           curTl=curCT[k]/Math.sqrt(1.-curCT[k]*curCT[k])+0.01;
+           double omsc = mPt/curPt;
+           ortpar[2]=Math.abs(mcpar[2])*omsc; 
+           ortpar[4]=curTl;
+           track.setTrackParameters(ortpar,5.);
+           fitter.setTrack(track);
+           fitter.simulateFit(mcp);
+           int ndf = track.getNDF();
+           boolean badFit = false;
+           if(track.fitSuccess())
+           {//8
+            SymmetricMatrix trcovm = track.getErrorMatrix();
+            for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
+            {//9
+             for(int j=0; j<=i; j++)
+             {//10
+              double e = trcovm.e(j,i);
+              e*=conversionFromMmToCm[j][i];
+              trcovm.setElement(j,i,e);
+              int ind = pind[i][j];
+              table[ind][k][m]=e; 
+             } //9
+            } //8
+           } //7
+          } //6
+          System.out.println(); 
+         } //5 
+        } //4
+        tn++;
+       } //3
+      } //2
+     } //1
+     evnum++;
+     if(evnum == lastev) writeTable(ofnam);
+    } //0
+    private void writeTable(String fnam)
+    {
+     String cacheDir = System.getProperty("user.home");
+     File cachedir = new File(cacheDir);
+     if(cachedir == null)
+     {
+      System.out.println("CovMatrix is unable to find user home directory!"); 
+     }
+     else
+     {
+      File home = new File(cachedir,".cache");
+      File cache = new File(home,fnam);
+      try
+      { 
+       cache.createNewFile();
+       FileWriter ofw = new FileWriter(cache);
+       int ind = 0;
+       for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
+       {
+        for(int j=0; j<=i; j++)
+        {
+         ind = pind[i][j];
+         int inf = i+1;
+         int jnf = j+1;
+         ofw.write("Cov matrix entry    "+inf+" ,    "+jnf+" \r\n \r\n");
+         ofw.write("  "+nctbns+" \r\n");
+         ofw.write("  "+nmombns+" \r\n");
+         for(int k=0; k<nctbns; k++)
+         {
+          ofw.write(" "+df.format(curCT[k])+" \r\n");
+          for(int m=0; m<nmombns; m++)
+          {
+           double val=curMom[m];
+           if(val<10.)                    ofw.write("      "+df.format(val)+" "+dfd.format(table[ind][k][m])+" \r\n");
+           if((val<100.) && (val>=10.))   ofw.write("     "+df.format(val)+" "+dfd.format(table[ind][k][m])+" \r\n");
+           if((val<1000.) && (val>=100.)) ofw.write("    "+df.format(val)+" "+dfd.format(table[ind][k][m])+" \r\n");
+           if(val>=1000.)                 ofw.write("   "+df.format(val)+" "+dfd.format(table[ind][k][m])+" \r\n");
+          } 
+          if(k != (nctbns-1))ofw.write("\r\n"); 
+         }
+         ofw.write("  end\r\n\r\n");
+        }
+       }
+       ofw.write("\r\n");
+       ofw.flush();
+       ofw.close();
+       System.out.println("Output file has been written\n");
+      }
+      catch(IOException e)
+      {
+       System.out.println("IOException caught: "+e.getMessage());
+      }
+      finally
+      {
+      }
+     }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
CVSspam 0.2.8