

Commit in lcsim/sandbox/NickSinev/Examples on MAIN 1.1
This is stand alone program to plot resolutions read back from fast MC resolution tables

lcsim/sandbox/NickSinev/Examples added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	8 Jun 2010 18:02:45 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+import java.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+import org.lcsim.constants.Constants;
+import hep.aida.ITree;
+import java.util.Random;
+import hep.physics.vec.*;
+import hep.aida.*;
+import java.text.*;
+ *
+ * @author Nick Sinev
+ */
+public class CovMatrixPlot 
+    static int ctc=7;
+    static int ifc=24;
+    static int wtpl=0;
+    static boolean shbns = false;
+     static String fname = "Bruce_finebns_24thmsk_nbc.txt";
+     static String reffnam="Bruce_finebns_nomskl_nbc.txt";
+    static double[][][] cmdiag = new double[5][41][51];
+    static double[] ctbins = new double[41];
+    static double[] pbins = new double[51];
+    static double costhet = 0.; 
+     static String ctstr="_cost89_mstrkb4";
+    static String titstr="cos(theta)=0.89";
+    static int ctbi=19;
+    static double[] refer = new double[51];
+    static String conds = " missing 1st vtx endcap layer";
+    static String msstr=" ";
+    public static void main(String[] args)  throws IOException
+    {
+    switch(ifc)
+    {
+     case 0:
+      msstr="msvtb1";
+      conds="missing 1st vtx bar layer";
+      fname="Bruce_finebns_0thmsk_nbc.txt";
+      break;
+    case 1:
+       msstr="msvtb2";
+      conds="missing 2nd vtx bar layer";
+      fname="Bruce_finebns_1stmsk_nbc.txt";
+      break;
+    case 2:
+       msstr="msvtb3";
+      conds="missing 3rd vtx bar layer";
+      fname="Bruce_finebns_2ndmsk_nbc.txt";
+      break;
+    case 3:
+       msstr="msvtb4";
+      conds="missing 4th vtx bar layer";
+      fname="Bruce_finebns_3rdmsk_nbc.txt";
+      break;
+    case 4:
+       msstr="msvtb5";
+      conds="missing 5th vtx bar layer";
+      fname="Bruce_finebns_4thmsk_nbc.txt";
+      break;
+    case 5:
+       msstr="msvtec1";
+      conds="missing 1st vtx ec layer";
+      fname="Bruce_finebns_5thmsk_nbc.txt";
+      break;
+    case 6:
+       msstr="msvtec2";
+      conds="missing 2nd vtx ec layer";
+      fname="Bruce_finebns_6thmsk_nbc.txt";
+      break;
+    case 7:
+       msstr="msvtec3";
+      conds="missing 3rd vtx ec layer";
+      fname="Bruce_finebns_7thmsk_nbc.txt";
+      break;
+    case 8:
+       msstr="msvtec4";
+      conds="missing 4th vtx ec layer";
+      fname="Bruce_finebns_8thmsk_nbc.txt";
+      break;
+    case 9:
+       msstr="mstrkb1";
+      conds="missing 1st trk bar layer";
+      fname="Bruce_finebns_9thmsk_nbc.txt";
+      break;
+     case 10:
+       msstr="mstrkb2";
+      conds="missing 2nd trk bar layer";
+      fname="Bruce_finebns_10thmsk_nbc.txt";
+      break;
+     case 11:
+       msstr="mstrkb3";
+      conds="missing 3rd trk bar layer";
+      fname="Bruce_finebns_11thmsk_nbc.txt";
+      break;
+      case 12:
+       msstr="mstrkb4";
+      conds="missing 4th trk bar layer";
+      fname="Bruce_finebns_12thmsk_nbc.txt";
+      break;
+      case 13:
+       msstr="mstrkb5";
+      conds="missing last trk bar layer";
+      fname="Bruce_finebns_13thmsk_nbc.txt";
+      break;
+      case 14:
+       msstr="mstrkec1";
+       conds="missing first trk ec layer";
+       fname="Bruce_finebns_14thmsk_nbc.txt";
+       break;
+      case 16:
+       msstr="mstrkec2";
+       conds="missing 2nd trk ec layer";
+       fname="Bruce_finebns_16thmsk_nbc.txt";
+       break;
+      case 18:
+       msstr="mstrkec3";
+       conds="missing 3rd trk ec layer";
+       fname="Bruce_finebns_18thmsk_nbc.txt";
+       break;
+      case 20:
+       msstr="mstrkec4";
+      conds="missing last trk EC layer";
+      fname="Bruce_finebns_20thmsk_nbc.txt";
+      break;
+      case 22:
+       msstr="mstrkfwd1";
+       conds="missing first fwd dsk";
+       fname="Bruce_finebns_22ndmsk_nbc.txt";
+      break;
+      case 23:
+       msstr="mstrkfwd2";
+       conds="missing second fwd dsk";
+       fname="Bruce_finebns_23rdmsk_nbc.txt";
+      break;
+      case 24:
+       msstr="mstrkfwd3";
+       conds="missing third fwd dsk";
+       fname="Bruce_finebns_24thmsk_nbc.txt";
+      break;
+  default:
+      System.out.println("undefined value for input file choise!");
+      return;
+    }
+    switch(ctc)
+    {
+     case 0:
+      ctstr="_cost00_"+msstr;
+      titstr="cos(theta)=0.0";
+      ctbi=0;
+      costhet=0.;
+      break;
+     case 1:
+      ctstr="_cost50_"+msstr;
+      titstr="cos(theta)=0.5";
+      ctbi=6;
+      costhet=0.5;
+      break;
+     case 2:
+      ctstr="_cost75_"+msstr;
+      titstr="cos(theta)=0.75";
+      ctbi=12;
+      costhet=0.749;
+      break;
+     case 3:
+      ctstr="_cost80_"+msstr;
+      titstr="cos(theta)=0.8";
+      ctbi=14;
+      costhet=0.8;
+      break;
+     case 4:
+      ctstr="_cost89_"+msstr;
+      titstr="cos(theta)=0.89";
+      ctbi=19;
+      costhet=0.89;
+      break;
+     case 5:
+      ctstr="_cost95_"+msstr;
+      titstr="cos(theta)=0.95";
+      ctbi=26;
+      costhet=0.95;
+      break;
+     case 6:
+      ctstr="_cost97_"+msstr;
+      titstr="cos(theta)=0.972";
+      ctbi=31;
+      costhet=0.972;
+      break;
+     case 7:
+      ctstr="_cost99_"+msstr;
+      titstr="cos(theta)=0.986";
+      ctbi=37;
+      costhet=0.986;
+      break;
+   default:
+      System.out.println("undefined value for cos theta choise!");
+     return;
+    }
+     /*
+     * Now we are going to read file, and can continue only if it was successful
+     */
+     double sinth = Math.sqrt(1.-costhet*costhet);
+    for(wtpl=0;  wtpl<5;  wtpl++)
+   { 
+     boolean file_found = readCovMatrixDiag(reffnam);
+     if(!file_found)
+     {  
+      System.out.println("Could not find "+reffnam);
+      return;
+     }
+     if((wtpl==0) && (shbns))
+    { 
+     for(int i=0; i<41; i++)
+       System.out.println("bin "+i+" cos theta: "+ctbins[i]);
+    }
+     for(int i=0; i<51; i++)
+     {
+      refer[i]=cmdiag[wtpl][ctbi][i];
+     }
+     file_found=readCovMatrixDiag(fname);
+     if(!file_found)
+     {  
+      System.out.println("Could not find "+fname);
+      return;
+     }
+      /*
+     *   now work with AIDA
+     */
+     AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+     ITree tree = aida.tree();
+     IAnalysisFactory af = IAnalysisFactory.create();
+     IHistogramFactory hf = af.createHistogramFactory(tree);
+     IDataPointSetFactory dpsf = af.createDataPointSetFactory(tree);
+     /*
+     *  The best way to plot trace is to use DataPointSet object.
+     */
+      String reftitp = "d0";
+      if(wtpl==1) reftitp="phi0";
+      if(wtpl==2) reftitp="rel_omega";
+      if(wtpl==3) reftitp="z0";
+      if(wtpl==4) reftitp="Tan_Lam";
+      String yaxlbl = "dD0 (microns) ";
+      if(wtpl==1) yaxlbl="dphi0 ";
+      if(wtpl==2) yaxlbl="dPt/Pt ";
+      if(wtpl==3) yaxlbl="dz0 (microns) ";
+      if(wtpl==4) yaxlbl="dTl ";
+      String reftitb = " resolution vs full momentum, cos theta = ";
+      String reftit = reftitp+reftitb+costhet;     
+      IDataPointSet dpsr = dpsf.create("all layers working",reftit,2);
+      IDataPointSet dpsm = dpsf.create(conds,reftitp+reftitb+conds,2);
+      double Pt=10.0;
+      double omega = (5.*Constants.fieldConversion)/Pt;
+//     double curad=1./omega;
+//     System.out.println("Got curvature radius: "+curad+" for Pt= "+Pt+" omega is "+omega); 
+     int ntry = 51;
+     int j=0;
+     double maxv=0.;
+     double minv=100000.;
+     double val=0.;
+     for(int tr=0; tr<ntry; tr++)
+     {
+        double fmom = pbins[j];
+        Pt = fmom*sinth;
+        omega = (5.*Constants.fieldConversion)/Pt;
+        dpsr.addPoint();
+        dpsr.point(j).coordinate(0).setValue(pbins[j]);
+        if(wtpl==0) val=10000.*Math.sqrt(refer[j]);
+        if(wtpl==1) val=Math.sqrt(refer[j]);
+        if(wtpl==2) val=0.1*Math.sqrt(refer[j])/omega;
+        if(wtpl==3) val=10000.*Math.sqrt(refer[j]);
+        if(wtpl==4) val=Math.sqrt(refer[j]);
+        dpsr.point(j).coordinate(1).setValue(val);
+        if(val > maxv) maxv=val;
+        if(val < minv) minv=val;
+        dpsm.addPoint();
+        dpsm.point(j).coordinate(0).setValue( pbins[j]);
+        if(wtpl==0) val=10000.*Math.sqrt(cmdiag[0][ctbi][j]) ;  // cm to micron conversion
+        if(wtpl==1) val=Math.sqrt(cmdiag[1][ctbi][j]) ; 
+        if(wtpl==2) val= 0.1*Math.sqrt(cmdiag[2][ctbi][j] )/omega;  
+        if(wtpl==3) val= 10000.*Math.sqrt(cmdiag[3][ctbi][j] );  
+        if(wtpl==4) val= Math.sqrt(cmdiag[4][ctbi][j] );  
+        dpsm.point(j).coordinate(1).setValue(val );
+//       if(j==30) System.out.println("For fmom= "+fmom+" Pt= "+Pt+" omega= "+omega+" cov.matr. el "+cmdiag[2][ctbi][j]+" plot value "+val);
+        if(val > maxv) maxv=val;
+        if(val < minv) minv=val;
+       j++;
+      } 
+ /*
+*   Now set up plotting
+    IPlotterFactory pf = af.createPlotterFactory();
+    IPlotter plotter = pf.create("Plot");
+//    plotter.createRegions(1,1);
+    IPlotterRegion reg0 = plotter.region(0);
+    reg0.setXLimits(pbins[0],pbins[50]);
+    reg0.setYLimits(minv,maxv);
+//   System.out.println("Setting min y value: "+minv+" and max: "+maxv);
+    IPlotterStyle rstyle =;
+     ILegendBoxStyle legst = rstyle.legendBoxStyle();
+     legst.setVisible(true);
+     legst.textStyle().setFontSize(14.);
+     legst.textStyle().setBold(true);
+     rstyle.titleStyle().setVisible(false);
+     rstyle.xAxisStyle().labelStyle().setFontSize(20);
+     rstyle.xAxisStyle().labelStyle().setBold(true);
+     rstyle.xAxisStyle().setLabel("Tracks momentum (GeV/c) "); 
+     rstyle.xAxisStyle().tickLabelStyle().setFontSize(16);
+     rstyle.xAxisStyle().tickLabelStyle().setBold(true);
+     rstyle.xAxisStyle().setScaling("log"); 
+     rstyle.yAxisStyle().labelStyle().setFontSize(20);
+     rstyle.yAxisStyle().labelStyle().setBold(true);
+     rstyle.yAxisStyle().setLabel(yaxlbl); 
+     rstyle.yAxisStyle().tickLabelStyle().setFontSize(16);
+     rstyle.yAxisStyle().tickLabelStyle().setBold(true);
+     rstyle.yAxisStyle().setScaling("log"); 
+    rstyle.statisticsBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
+    rstyle.dataStyle().outlineStyle().setVisible(true);
+    rstyle.dataStyle().outlineStyle().setThickness(4);
+    rstyle.dataStyle().outlineStyle().setColor("Blue");
+     IPlotterStyle style =pf.createPlotterStyle();
+     style.dataStyle().markerStyle().setParameter("size","4");  
+     style.dataStyle().markerStyle().setParameter("shape","1");  
+     style.dataStyle().markerStyle().setParameter("color","blue");
+     rstyle.titleStyle().setVisible(true);
+     style.titleStyle().textStyle().setFontSize(14);
+     style.titleStyle().textStyle().setBold(true);
+    plotter.region(0).plot(dpsr,style);
+     style.dataStyle().outlineStyle().setColor("red");
+     style.dataStyle().markerStyle().setParameter("color","red");
+     plotter.region(0).plot(dpsm,style);
+     plotter.region(0).setTitle(titstr);
+ //    plotter.titleStyle().setVisible(true);
+//    plotter.titleStyle().textStyle().setFontSize(14);
+//    plotter.titleStyle().textStyle().setBold(true);
+//    plotter.writeToFile("C:\\analysis\\LOI\\mlreff_"+reftitp+ctstr+".jpg"); 
+   }
+  }
+   private static boolean  readCovMatrixDiag(String fname) throws IOException
+   {
+     File cache;
+     cache = new File(fname);
+     if(!cache.exists())
+     {
+      String cacheDir = System.getProperty("user.home");
+      File cachedir = new File(cacheDir);
+      if(cachedir == null)
+      {
+       System.out.println("File "+fname+" does not exist, and user home directory is not found!");
+       return false; 
+      }
+      else
+      {
+       File home = new File(cachedir,".cache");
+       cache = new File(home,fname);
+      }
+     }
+     if(cache.exists())
+     {
+      System.out.println("Found file: "+cache.getAbsolutePath());
+      FileInputStream fins = new FileInputStream(cache);
+      BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fins));
+      String rdstr;
+      boolean indiagrd=false;
+     int ind1=0;
+     int ind2=0;
+     int lnmbr=0;
+      int fldst=0;
+      int fldend=0;
+      String fld = null;
+      int nctbns=0;
+      int npbns=0;
+      double[] dvals= new double[4];
+      int ndv=0; 
+      int ctind=0;
+      int pind=0;
+      double ctval=0.;
+      while((rdstr=r.readLine()) != null)
+      {
+       if(rdstr.indexOf("entry") != -1)
+       {
+         fldst = rdstr.indexOf("entry");
+         fldst+=5;
+         fldend=rdstr.indexOf(",");
+         fld = rdstr.substring(fldst,fldend);
+         ind1 = Integer.parseInt(fld.trim());
+         fldst=fldend;
+         fldst++;
+         fld=rdstr.substring(fldst,rdstr.length());
+         ind2 = Integer.parseInt(fld.trim());
+         if(ind1==ind2) indiagrd=true;
+         lnmbr=0;
+         ctind=0;
+         pind=0;
+         rdstr=r.readLine();
+         if(rdstr==null) break;
+       } 
+       if(!indiagrd) continue;
+       if((rdstr.trim()).length()<2) continue;
+       lnmbr++;
+       if(lnmbr==1) 
+       {
+        nctbns=Integer.parseInt(rdstr.trim());
+        if(nctbns != 41) System.out.println("Number of cos theta bins "+nctbns+" != 41");
+       }
+       if(lnmbr==2)
+       { 
+        npbns=Integer.parseInt(rdstr.trim());
+        if(npbns!=51) System.out.println("Number of momentum bins "+npbns+" != 51");
+       }
+       if(lnmbr==3)
+       {
+        ctval=Double.parseDouble(rdstr.trim());
+        ctbins[ctind]=ctval;
+        pind=0;
+       }
+       if(lnmbr>3)
+       {
+        if(pind < npbns)
+        {
+         ndv=getDoublesFromString(rdstr,dvals);
+         if(ndv != 2)  System.out.println("number of double values in string "+ndv+" not equal 2!");
+         if(ndv==2)
+         {
+          pbins[pind]=dvals[0];
+          cmdiag[ind1-1][ctind][pind]=dvals[1];
+          pind++;
+         }
+        }
+        if(pind>=npbns)
+        {
+         ctind++;
+         if(ctind>=nctbns) indiagrd=false;
+         lnmbr=2;
+         continue;
+        }
+       } // end if(lnmbr>3)
+      } // end while
+   return true;
+   } // end if(cashe.exists()
+  return false;
+    private static int getDoublesFromString(String str, double[] buf)
+    {
+     int blen = buf.length;
+     int nv = 0;
+     int inofb =  str.indexOf("}");
+     String clstr =str;
+     if(inofb !=-1) clstr = str.substring(0,inofb);
+     String[] tokens = clstr.split("\\s+");
+     int ntp = tokens.length;
+     for(int i=0; i<ntp; i++)
+     {
+      try
+      {
+       double dval = Double.parseDouble(tokens[i]);
+       if(nv<blen) 
+        buf[nv]=dval;
+       nv++;
+      }
+      catch(NumberFormatException e)
+      {
+      }
+      finally
+      {
+      }
+     }
+     return nv; 
+    }
+    private static int getIntegersFromString(String str, int[] buf)
+    {
+     int blen = buf.length;
+     int nv = 0;
+     int inofb =  str.indexOf("}");
+     String clstr =str;
+     if(inofb !=-1) clstr = str.substring(0,inofb);
+     String[] tokens = clstr.split("\\s+");
+     int ntp = tokens.length;
+     for(int i=0; i<ntp; i++)
+     {
+      try
+      {
+       int ival = Integer.parseInt(tokens[i]);
+       if(nv<blen) 
+        buf[nv]=ival;
+       nv++;
+      }
+      catch(NumberFormatException e)
+      {
+      }
+      finally
+      {
+      }
+     }
+     return nv; 
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
CVSspam 0.2.8